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Oakville Beaver, 13 Mar 2002, C2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 13, 2002 N O B O D Y K N O W S MORE A B O U T GLASS ROOMS TH A N FOUR SEASONS SUNROOM S Women With Wings aims to help others soar to success Sheri S tew art believes en trep re neurs can 't sta rt too young o r too early in life. As ihe founder o f Women With Wings, she is determined to establish high school scholarship programs for young achievers. She indicates, "T hat's when the seeds of entrepreneurship should first be planted, at the high school level. I am also working toward providing scholar ship and loan programs for aspiring entrepreneurs. Presently. I am actively seeking corporate sponsorship for both these initiatives." As well as working toward attracting corporate sponsorship, Stewart has part nered with Cathy Banducci. owner of Blueprint Beauty & Aromatherapy Spa & Shoppe, in Burlington. She has created the unique, essential oils soap, aptly named and packaged as the `Scents of Success.' Stewart and Banducci will market this product as a fundraiser. All pro ceeds will be earmarked for the loan program. Stewart wishes to acknowledge all contributions toward making her dream of the loan program, become a reality. Stewart is careful to explain. Women With Wings is not just another women's network - men are invited to our meet ings, as well. "Although initially, our organization was established as a women's network, a few guys expressed interest in attend ing. "Rather than turning them away, we opened the doors and welcomed men. "The concept appears to be working and a sprinkling of men do attend our regular meetings." She laughs, when she says, "I'm sure they appreciate the sensitive side of our organization. Although, at the same time most are open and willing to share ideas and assist in the growth of our membership." According to Stewart, "during the group's start-up phase, the focus was primarily on networking and assisting entrepreneurs to build their client base. This segment of the meeting format remains much the same. "Inevitably, I have found that every group experiences growing pains and ours was no exception. "Originally, chapters were estab lished in Burlington, Oakville and in Mississauga. These groups evolved and grew. The format has been changed to centralize the three groups." Currently, Women With Wings hosts monthly dinner meetings, the next one is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19 at 5:30 p.m., to be held at Otello's Banquet Hall, 2273 Royal Windsor Dr.. at Ford Drive. All regularly scheduled meetings will now be held every third Tuesday of the month (from 5:30 - 9 p.m.) at Otello's. % W ITH ONE POSSIBLE EXCEPTION H IG H P ER FO R M A N C E " M C " G LA SS 4129 Harvest Road Unit G 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -3 1 6 0 ; " OVER 3 0 0 INDEPENDENTLY O W N ED & OPERATED FRANCHISE LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE W M ~ m i ® FOUR SEASONS . 11 S U N R O O M S O u t d o o r f.i r i m / . . . I n d o o r s PLEASE C A L L F O R A FREE IN H O M E C O N S U L T A T IO N G A T IN E A U P A R I S FREE Laser Eye Contour Cream (value $98) when you purchase Laser Day and Night Cream Sheri S tew art, right, founder of W omen W ith W ings netw ork, is all smiles with C athy Banducci, ow ner of B lueprint Beauty & A rom atherapy Spa & Shoppe in B urlington. Banducci has created essential oils soap, packaged as the `Scents of Success,' a product to be used as a fun d raiser for the netw ork's loan program initiatives. F A C F o o ^ fn w 8< B O D Y anV purchase over $100 of Gatineau products, just mention this ad. $ 25off Enter our lucky draw to win a Gift Basket worth over $400 of Gatineau products, plus a complimentary "Health Day at the Spa". O ffe r ends A p ril 30/02 1 7 3 7 - A L A K E S H O R E R D ., W . M IS S IS S A U G A 905-855-8998 An invitation is open for women and venue for retail outlets, corporations, men from the Halton/Peel area and small businesses such as health and well extending into the GTA. ness centres and various other companies Some of the long range plans for the and targets entrepreneurs. Who's Who group include: implementing work guide is widely distributed to restaurants, shops. coaching ses hotels, and various com sions and organizing panies in the surround unde shows, plus the " I enjoy being an entre ing area. This corporate introduction of a and community guide is preneur and it's reward Halton/Peel Business currently scheduled to ing working with the Membership Directory be on line, in the spring. entrepreneurial sector." and a cookbook, com Businesses, (both large · Sheri Stewart prised of recipes col and small) will be able lected from business to visit the W ho's Who women across Canada on line at which includes their recipes for success. http://www.whoswhoonline.biz. "I enjoy being an entrepreneur and Stewart, an entrepreneur, heads up an Oakville based company called Kre- it's rewarding working with the entre aftiv Publishing. Her company publish preneurial sector." Although she readily admits, "of es the Who's Who: A Corporate and Community Guide , profiling course, being an entrepreneur 1 have Mississauga and Burlington businesses. learned to live with challenge. You leam The Oakville version of Who' s Who is fast, about `staying power' and how to now in the works, to be published and dis survive, one step at a time." tributed this spring. Each guide features a For information regarding Women circulation of 10,000 and a maximum of With Wings or Kre-aitivPublishing con three listings, per service category. tact Sheri Stewart at: 905-829-9711, or eIt offers an affordable advertising mail womenwithwings@hotmail.com. TO M O RRO W TO D AY A N D Ron Rousseoux is a well known Independent Rnancid - Tax - Retirement - lifestyle and Estate Planner located in Burlington. Ron's background includes Cost Accounting, Credit Management, Ministry of Revenue, 14 years at Revenue Canada, Private Industry and he has operated his own business since 1992. Ron was also the technical advisor to the best selling book, "Sudden Wealth" written by Jack Lumsden. Ron's approach to Financial Planning is one of using value and common sense. His experience with Revenue Canada and studying some of the best investors in the world has taught him that the Value Approach will always reward his clients. Diversification Adventurers sought to teach Wanted: adventure seekers to teach English in Belarus. Group leader Henry Ligas, who took a group of volunteer instructors to Przytok, Poland, last year, is looking for 15 adults who would enjoy teaching English to for eign exchange students in July. "You don't have to be a teacher," said Ligas, a retired businessman who headed a 12-member team. "We teach in the morning and the after noons are spent playing sports and doing crafts. The catch is, everything we do with students must be done in English." Three weeks of English lessons are followed by a one-week bus excursion. Those interested in teaching English to teenagers in Belarus are invited to attend a meeting at the Burlington Art Centre at 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, on Sunday, March 17 from 2 - 4 p.m. Last year, a group of students pro duced a yearbook of their program, in English dubbed the Przytok Times. More than 1.000 students aged 14 to 18 participate in this exchange. They hail from Poland, Hungary, Germany, Romania and Belarus. Most have already received some English instruction. The students live in `camps' of about 100 students each. The host country will provide about 15 matching hosts to work in tandem with the 15 English instructors. The volunteers instructors, who will be asked to pay their own air fare to Belarus, will be living in dorms. All food and accommodations will be provided by the host country. The dead line to register is March 31. The exchange program has been pro viding English instruction to exchange students in Eastern Europe since 1994. To date it has organized 66 summer school and has sent 750 instructors to eight countries. About 8,500 students from 32 countries have learned English. For information, contact Ligas at 905-827-1248 or e-mail hwligas@sympatico.ca. FINANCIAL ·TAX · ESTATE · LIFESTYLE · RETIREMENT SEMINARS RON ROUSSEAUX Voted Best Financial is a must to ensure that his clients" capital is preserved and income needs met. Ron's Planner approach is that a written plan is used so that we know where you are going. The Need Is There And Such We WILL Be Running Our First Saturday Morning Seminar · March 23,2002 The Topics Are Very Important To You - -» - -> -» -> -+ Critical Illness Insurance - W hat Is It - When do I need it? Long Term Care Insurance - What Is It · When do I need it? Power of Attorney- W hat Is It and How Can I Control The Trustee? Alter Ego Trust · W hy Would I Want One? Reverse Mortgage - W hat Are They - Can I M ake The Insterest Deductible? Income Funds As An Alternative To A GIC - A Bond (Be Careful) Systematic Withdrawal Plans W hy Do They W ork So Well? (Caution) rin Mills Lodge is the perfect choice... "We looked around at 5 or 6 other places with our son and daughter and know that Erin Mills Lodge has been a perfect choice. Grace and I feel Erin Mills meets our needs for the present and future so that we can continue to enjoy our life together. The staff here is terrific, from the housekeeper to administration and to the Nursing Department. Our family loves having us closer to them and really enjoy coming here to have a meal with us in the family dining room." Bob and Grace Ferguson · In d e p e n d e n t L iv in g · A ssiste d L iv in g · P e rso n a l C a re · L ic e n se d N u rs in g H o m e Call to arrange fo r a Personal Tour and see how gracious retirement Hiring can be. SEM INAR DATE Saturday, March 23, 2002 from 10:30am - 12:30pm Burlington Art Centre, (Fireside Lounge) 1333 LAKESHORE RD., BURLINGTON No, your name will not be placed onto a mailing list and no, you will not receive telephone coDs afterwards and yes, handouts will be provided. Refreshments will be served. To reserve your seat, call Kim at 9 0 5 "3 3 6 "9 9 4 1 e-mail: ron@todaytomorrow.<om · Web Site: www.todaytomorrow.com Spon so re d By ^Vqrca ' <jip ' TO D A Y AND T O M O R R O W F IN A N C IA L SE R V IC ES License through G P C apitol Corp. in c . 2132 Dundas Street, West, Mississauga ON L5K 2K7 Phone(905) 823-6700 · Fax (905) 823-2410 www.chartwellcare.com.eml

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