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Oakville Beaver, 5 Jun 2002, A2

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A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y Jun e 5, 2002 M em bership Services D esk R e-O pening on M onday June 10, 2002 in New YMCA Membership Centre (410 Rebecca Street) Advance M embership Sales and Camp Registration Available Open Mon day-Friday 9:00 AM - 7:00 P\1 Saturday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Jamie Smith · Special to the Oakville Beaver W E W IL L N EV ER FO R G ET : Members of Branch 4X6 of the The Royal Canadian Legion Bronte remembered the fallen during a I)-I)ay parade and service held Sunday. A veteran and a sea cadet stand silently during the memorial services held at Legion Mem orial Park on I.akeshore Road. The legion is currently looking for new members -- especially volunteers to assist w ith charitable proj ects. For more information call the Bronte Legion at `>05-827-4722. Y YMCA of Oakville We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. 410 R eb ecca S tre e t (th ree blocks w est of D orval Drive) Telephone 905-845-3417 e-mail cu sto m erservice@ o ak ville.ym ca.ca Nosal pushes government to limit pesticide use (Continued from page 1) cent never do in their garden and 71 per cent don't on patios or walkways. However, it is noted in the survey that while these people say they never have, they admit they may have hired lawn care companies to do it instead. So the problem may lie with landscape companies. According to 79 per cent of the respondents in the survey, using alternatives to pesticides on their grass was never discussed by their lawn maintenance companies. Those professionals who claim a local ban would ruin their business need only to look to similar companies in Halifax and Quebec where such bylaws are already in effect. Earl Keeping is the owner and operator of A+A Lawn Care Ltd. in Halifax. Throughout the six-year-old company's existence, pesticides have never been used to maintain his customers' lawns. Alternatively, Keeping fertilizes and spreads lime twice a year, and avoids cutting grass too short. Keeping's reasons for using environmentally-sound lawn care practices are largely person al -- his wife is like Donna Anderson. She suffers immense ly from chemical sprays. " If 1use pesticides. 1am shut ting my wife down." he said. Where pest control becomes too large to be controlled by alternatives Keeping reports the problem to his customers and lets them administer the chemi cals if they choose. " I don't want to get involved in using chemi cals. for my wife's sake and potential lawsuits.'* In Halifax there arc already about six such lawn care opera tors who don't use pesticides. By next year, in April 2003. they will be ahead of their competi tors who do, as the city is impos ing a full ban on pesticide use. In the bigger picture Haiton's Medical Officer of Health has recommended residents, retail ers, builders, landscapers. and the federal and provincial gov ernment get on board to limit use of pesticides. Nosal and the municipal review committee have pro posed all parties begin using alternative methods toward weed and pest control, and while sales are out of the local legislative domain, still his report encourages retailers begin selling pesticides 'behind-thecounter'. The report also asks local councils to enact bylaws which would either impose a full ban. or restrict use during certain days, times and months. In order to ensure the issue is never swept under the carpet. Halton Region approved a rec ommendation which asks future municipal councils regularly revisit the use of pesticides in each Halton community, hoping that political leadership w ill decrease public reliance on the chemicals. ^ C to r v \ e ' 't o S o iia ta PR E-O W N ED V EH IC LES 2000 FORD F150XLT 2000 B la c k ,a u to m a tic ,A M / P M C Os te r e o , 6c y lin d e r ,A B S b ra k e s ,4 7 ,5 0 0 k m . S tk .# 2 S 3 0 1 A FORD FOCUS ZX3 23,990 2001 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR B k x k ,4 * 4 ,a irc o n d , le a th e r ,A M / fM c a s s .,/ (D ., lo a d e d ,9 1 0 0 k m . # f2 7 9 5 i13,900 W h ite ,a irc o n d ., A M / F M (0 , m a n u a l Iro n s .5 3 ,3 8 7 k m . lk .* * 1 4 4 7 5 2002 FORD EXPLORER X15 R u n n in gb o a r d s ,A M / F M C O .a lla yw h e e ls , ro o fr o d e . 1 4 ,5 8 5 k m . S *.#0870 ONE DAY SALE! OPEN 9-5 PM Don't miss the best weight loss special of the year! · This special will not be repeated or extended! · Lose all your weight for one flat rate! · No pre-packaged foods or shots! · 100% safe, easy and affordable! · Excludes cost of products. Sil,! *31,987 W h ite ,s u nro o f ,a irc o n d ., A M / F M s te r e o .5 8 ,9 5 0 k m . S tk .# P 2 7 9 2 G r e y ,o t u o ,c o n v e r H b le , 2 1 ,9 0 8 k m . S lk »A 0 8 7 4 2001 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1999 PONTIAC GRAND AM S 25,B89 2000 *15,950 G r e e n ,a llo yw h e e ls , le a t h e r , A M / F M s t e r e oc o s s .,a irc o n d 5 4 ,2 4 6 k m .S t k .# 1 4 5 5 LINCOLN LS P e w t e i/ B e ig e ,s u nr o o f , le a t h e r c o n d .. A M / F M s t e r e oc a s s e t t e , a llo yw h e e ls .S 0 ,S 6 1 k m . S t k* 8 1 4 6 5 1999MERCURY1 GRAND MARQUIS LS *32,995 2002 '22,890 G re e n ,A B S ,a ir ,a u to ,6 c y i. till, (Dp la y e r ,2 5 ,4 8 9 k m S tk . -A0 8 7 3 ESCAPE G r e e n ,V 6 ,a u t o m a t ic ,4 x 4 , le a t h e rm o o nr o o f ,2 0 ,4 0 0 k m . S t k .# * 1 4 7 6 2001 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE *29,900 *25,489 Vehicles are plus taxes and license. 9 Come in and experience th e difference Oak-Land makes. £ )A K -L A N D FORD LINCOLN 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville a tt h e q .lw . * L IN C O L N £ " A picture is worth a thousand words... Since joining Herbal Magic six months ago, my life has become more positive and enjoyable! I never thought that I could do this, and here I am at 60 lbs. lighter! Seeing is believing, book an appointment with us and seefor yourselfthe achievable results. C arrie - H erbal M agic O akville W eight M an ag em en t H ealth C ounselor Carrie lost 60 lbs., 70" $2R u l j . t 905-844-3273 w w w .o a k la n d fo r d lin c o ln .c a * I W o i g h i M n n n g o m c n l n m i N u t r i t i o n a l C 'c n i r c s .,. 6th A n n u a l s h i ° TM H Classic Run/W alk BSbAi RESERVE AN APPOINTED TIME NOW! LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE 1395 A b b e y w o o d Rd., Pilgrims Way Plaza 3 8 0 D undas St. E Unit 9 C .assic S u n d a y, J u n e 16 - 9 :0 0 a .m . 3 km Fam ily W alk & 5 km Run T h is y e a r th e fu n d s ra is e d w ill be f o r th e M a te rn a l C h ild U n it. T h e e v e n t is h e ld a t W a lla c e p a rk . P r e - r e g is t r a t io n B a r b e q u e o n S a tu r d a y , J u n e 8 a t O a k -L a n d F o rd L in c o ln Oak-Land Ford Lincoln - Presenting Sponsor 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -4 5 3 2 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -2 4 0 4 Call today for your FREE one-on-one consultation. Excludes product. Based on full program. www.herbalmagicsystems.com J

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