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Oakville Beaver, 5 Jun 2002, "Update", D3

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y Jun e 5, 2002 - D 3 HARMONIC WINNERS: The 31member Circle of Harmony Chorus recently won first place in the Small Chorus Division in a regional compe tition in Syracuse, New York against 16 teams from southern Ontario and New York State. In addition, they placed fifth overall scoring higher than many larger choruses. Circle of Harmony Chorus is the Oakville Chapter of Sweet Adelines International, an organization dedi cated to women's barbershop singing. Directed by Carol Shields, the chorus practices Wednesday evenings at Palermo United Church at 7:30 p.m. < I7 te Secret is out/ Athena has graduated top in her class for both hairstyling and esthetics. As an award winning stylist at regional, provincial and national levels, Athena is a valuable asset to not only Sagio I lairstylists, but to the beauty industry itself. m * ^ * O A K V I L L E * Community Photographer's art exhibit opens June 15 at Gairloch Gardens In photographic form, witness how Lynne Cohen has dramatically captured lifestyles of the modem North American world. In a compelling social commentary. Cohen's work begs one to question the reality of one's life versus his or her own dreams and aspirations. The exhibit, titled. "No Man's Spirit Awards H ave you Experienced . . . Colours by Athena? SAGIO HAIRSTYLISTS 300 R A N D A L L S T R E E T O A K V IL L E ____ The Town o f Oakville thrives because o f the very special contributions o f community champions W e invite you to help us recognize a n d celebrate th e leadership an d c o m m itm e n t o f o u r c o m m u n ity c h a m p io n s at o u r first an n u al C o m m u n ity S pirit Awards. T h ese aw ards will h o n o u r those individuals, organizations, businesses an d g roups w h o are help in g to create a n eig h b o u rh o o d o r c o m m u n ity w here people feel a sense o f b elong ing an d responsibility to each o th er, an d are active p articip an ts in its developm ent! (905) 845-5321 Date: Thursday, Ju n e 13, 2002 Location: O tello 's B anquet Hall. O akville Time: 5:30 pm - C a sh Bar 6:15 pm Dinner R OT A RY CL UB Of OA ft V 111 I <l u / u / a t y c c /tftu \ y , 2 0 0 2 The Community Spirit Awards are presentedfo r achievement in the following categories: Volunteer Award sponsored by the new Oakville Branch o f Clarica Senior Award sponsored by Seniors Helping Seniors Athlete!Sports Team Achievement Award sponsored by Oakville Today Heritage and Histoty Award sponsored by Invidiata Homes Arts Award sponsored by Dan Cooper o f Royal LePage Youth Award sponsored by the Community Foundation o f Oakville Community connections Award sponsored by Paradiso Restaurant To reserve your dinner tickets, a t $25 per person, co n ta ct; Louise Veres a t 905-845-6601 ext. 3154 The Abbey G rill 12:00 n o o n - 4 :0 0 p .m . on the grounds o f Land": The Photographs o f Lynne Cohen, will be on display from June 15 until Aug. 25 at Gairloch Gardens, and from June 22 until Aug. 25 at Centennial Square. The official opening will take place on Thursday. June 20 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Centennial Square, followed by a reception at Gairloch Gardens at 8:30 p.m. Cohen has stated that her photo graphs are " pictures permeated with sadness and humour" and that she would like them to " reveal a struggle between reality and illusion, between the authentic and the simulated". Her photographs emphasize the communi cation of knowledge and the reflection of the self inherent in the interiors one creates and inhabits. These interiors allow one to see how his or her hopes and dreams are incorporated into his or her environment, but simultaneously, how these environments contradict one's desires by shaping the way in which one lives. To illustrate these points, for exam ple. Cohen's recent work involves spas that resemble laboratories and empty corporate spaces, revealing a sense of alienation, isolation and deception. Cohen will speak about her work on Sunday, June 23 at 2:30 p.m. at Oakville Galleries at Gairloch Gardens, which is located at 1306 Lakeshore Rd. E.. (2 km east of downtown Oakville). The gallery is open 1-5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square is located at 120 Navy St. in downtown Oakville, and is open 12-9 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday. 12-5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. The exhibit has been organized by the National Gallery of Canada and admission to the Galleries is free. For more information please call 905-844-4402 or visit www.oakvillegalleries.com. A p p leb y C ollege 540 lakeshore Road West, Oakville S o u th o f Q F W . W a t o f D o rv a l (r a in o r s h in e ) r i c k c t s A v a i la b le - 9 0 5 - 2 7 0 - 6 6 3 6 E x t . 2 2 1 P r ic e - $ 7 5 . 0 0 e a c h - $ 5 0 . 0 0 T a x R e c e ip t Proceeds to help O akville Trafalgar M em orial Hospital Jo h n Black Life Support Room f / t c 0 a # t& i 0 / '" Harvest Kitchen La Costa Restaurant M exicali Rosa's Mid-Knight Catering Montford Mediterranean Cuisine Alternatives Market Appleby College Aristicats Casual Dining & lounge Chocolaterie Bernard Callebout English Bay Fish Bones Oyster Bar & G rille M ye Japanese Restaurant Outback Steakhouse Paradiso Restaurant Red CKillie Seafood House The Rude Native Bistro Enjoy A Da M a n 's A p y h n t u r e *l) jo / t . \ ( t r w -- Platinum - $5,000+ Budds Imported Con Sleemon Brewring & Malting Co. lid . Bronze - $500+ Air Canoda CosmoRail Inc Spedrum Mutual Fund Voltes & Pettinoto (Barristers S Solicitors Sandra Zulouf Opthclmtis Inc Supporters + Appleby College Complete Party Rental Dtror and M a e D m Oatrnle Beovtr the loam of O o tn te Porks S Recreation Pepsi Wave 94.7 fm Gold - $2,500+ Matamy Homes Silver - $1,000+ Gurvey & Berry Revive those sore muscles w ith a full body massage, a stress recovery facial and thermal hear mineralizing hack treatm ent (21/2 hours) $168. Sponsor: //fe O akville Beaver F A T H E R 'S DAY · J U N E 16 G ive the G ift of 1lealth & Relaxation! B a c k a n d N e c k M a s s a g e plus a pedicure w ith paraffin (11/2 hours). Special $79.99 (reg. $89). G ift Certificates from $10 to $500. FREE Men's Health Seminar Dr. Richard Casey, m d HOT STONE THERAPY , f r c s (o *10 OFF a one hour treatment. This unique combination of massiige that stone therapy promotes deep relaxation and wellness. *Oi\e special per customer. I! Urologist, Director, Fe/Male Health Centre Dr. Aliya Khan, M D , FRCS(C), FACP Metabolic Bone Disease Specialist, Director, Oakville Bone Centre, Associate Professor of Medicine, McMaster University QEP art show June 10 The artistic talent and creativity of senior students in the O AC Art Course at Queen Elizabeth Park Secondary School are being showcased for their community in the O AC Student Art Exhibition on June 10. Over 100 pieces of original artwork will be on display. Some w ill be for sale. Many of these young artists have already been accepted for continuing fine arts training in universities and community colleges across the province and are destined for future fame. ft can be 6 -2 0 slim m e ic * 7 / 5 inches and still losing. Down over 2 dress sizes. The Body Wrap is definitely helping me to achieve m y goal o f a slimmer btxly." - Norma Ruhenstein Wednesday, June 12 7:00-9:00 p.m. 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall, Oakville " After losing fifteen inches and three inches o ff my waist in one wrap, I took this product seriously. I had more energy and fe lt terrific fo r weeks. It works!" - Brian Crawford Imagine a fast. safe, and all-natural treatment that melts I aw ay inches from thighs, stomach, hips and waistline, removes cellulite, and flushes a lifelong accumulation o f | health-threatening toxins out o f the body. To reserve a seat, call 905 338-4379 - Introducing the amazing Body Wrap by < \uditenlij t Mender A s seen on "Entertainment Tonight" and "Extra" W EIGHT LOSS SEMINAR It diets don't work, what do you do? Join us tor our hack to basics healthy weight loss seminar. Learn the facts that are essential for for your success. FREE Made possible through an educational grantfrom: Organon Canada Ltd., Merck Frosst, Canada W ith appreciation to H alton Pharmacy and Starbucks Coffee - Oakville Suddenly Slender Special 3 Slender Wraps $299 2 Slender Wraps & 2 Cellulite or Toning Wraps $339 Call to register S a t Ju n e 15th 10am & Wed. Ju n e 19th 7pm the N orth A rm -rtcaS n * »st ,'iv a rd c c ! N o w s im j x t m ummm 905-845-9742 F o r s u b s c r i p t io n i n f o p l e a s e c a ll: www.blairlancaster.com U PPER LEVEL, BU RLIN G TO N MALL (905) 632-2271 Blair Lancaster Spa Halton Healthcare www.haltonhealthcare.com

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