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Oakville Beaver, 5 Jun 2002, "Classified", C4

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C 4- The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y June 5, 2002 T h e Oakville B eaver LA -Z-B O Y Sofas. Chairs and Sectionals of Uncompromising Quality and Style, An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabncs. Imagine. Genuine La-Z Boy at prices that will Delight you! S o fas for L ess! Starting From \ R n n Q Q l l £1 J W W TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am · 5:00pm IPTI houses tor sale C lassified n z ii apartments & flats for rent B u r lin g to n P o w e r C e n tre · Q K W & B ra n t St. · 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 auctions, sales auctions, sales · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 BURLIN GTO N- Detached home, 3*1-bedrooms. 2.5bath. newly renovated basement, hardwood floors. $207,000 Call 905SI 5-5436. Agents welcome FA BU LO U S Open concept, detached home, approx. 2300sq.ft. on deep lot many up-grades. Off of West Oak Trails. Oakville Visit our home at http-y/home.cogoco. ca/-dapostotopoulo&<ourhom e/pagei htm or call 905-8274233 Aslong $329,900 O A K V IL L E Basem en t apartment, separate e n trance. parking. utilities, ca ble Non smokers, no pets Cali (9051 842-0322 T W O - B E D R O O M S Bur hngton $82Sper month ail inclusive basem ent apartment $750 Close to all amenities. Available July 1 Call (905)631-1826 B U R L IN G T O N . 383 St Paul Street 1-bedroom. $729/mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking For ap pointment. 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson B R O N T E on the Lake Breathtaking views. Freshly decorated 1-bedroom available June 15th Hard wood. ceram ics, window coverings, pool, tennis, un derground parking Call to view: 905-827-9169. Sir Richard Tower, www.on ttm.com BU R LIN G T O N Downtown Spacious. 2-bedroom apt Clean quiet building. Avail able Ju ly 1st. S820/mo. 905-336-6690 BURLIN GTO N. 2-bedroom apartment. $935/mo. in cludes stove, fridge, park ing, utilities, laundry Avail able July/1 st Call Don. 905-645-4128 S P A C IO U S 1,243 B e d rooms Freshly painted, bright Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846. Nooo-8pm_________________ N E W LY renovated, freshly painted! 142 Bedrooms available July/ Aug. 1363 Lakeshore. Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431. 7-days. 9am5pm. (Ring Apt #101) FULL/ Part-time All ages, close to Dr. Charles Best School Palmer/Guelph Ln area References/receipts. 336-9495 _____________ THE Halton Child Care Providers Association off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents Burlington 331-9372. SUMMER-TIME/ After school care 12-yrs expononce. Large fenced yard Weekly outings Receipts. Fisher Avenue 905-336-6080 MOVING. RCA big screen TV. $600.. Dufferin pool table 4 accessories, excel lent condition. $1350.. pia no. $1500 . Forest Green couch, oxceilent condition. $200. Whirlpool fridge, white. 5-yrs. $500 ; Hotpoint stove. $350 . gas lawnmower. $50. 905-3328148 MOVING: Stove. Hotpomt 4yrs old. $375/0b0 Gibbson fridge. $275/obo Mi crowave (w/ turn table). $5Q/obo 905-633-7986 M OVING sale including marble top diningroom table, antique sofa, spin ning wheel. T V stand, etc. 905-827-7386____________ M OVING Sale- 10-Piece teak dining room set. $1500. 3-Teak end tables $50/ea Small teak cabinet. $75. bedroom suite. $300 Sofa 4love seat. $250 Sofa bed. $75 Refrigera tor. $300 Much more 905332-8271 MOVING- Washer dryer, indge. stove, excellent con dition. will separate 905335-2059 N EED a Computer Don't Have Cash? The Original IBM PC. just $t a day no money down' The Buck a Day Company, call 1-800772-8617. www bucka day com NOMA Dynamark 20 inch cut gas lawn mower 3 75hp ` Bnggs 4 Stratton' adjustable wheels, excel lent condition $125. Heavy Duty metal fertilizer spreader Excellent condi tion $45 00 905-335-4605 O A K Dmmg suite. Oak bedroom lurniture enter tainment unit. 416-3278150 daytime. 416-6986318 Evenings. ______ OAK office furniture desk, cabinet, credenza. priced individually or all 3/$500. Complementary pieces available. 905-332-3592 PIANO- Wagoner upright, excellent condition Stoveconcept III design, best off er, lyr old 905-257-9399 S H E R M A G 9-pce boy S bedroom set Natural fmish. Mint condition $1600 905823-8999_________________ SO FA . $900 Table glass marble rod iron bakers rack/ chairs. $1600. Pool table 8x4. $2500 2-wingback chairs. $200 ea 905335-8987__________________ S P A S ..S P A S . S P A S . . Broken partnership forces sale Over 30 spas still in wrapper. Must be sold at cost or below 416-7279599 S P A S .. Spas Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas stilt in wrapp er. Must be sold al cost or below 905-567-9459 T E A C H E R S desk $20 student desk $10 . set of 4 plastic ch airs $15../set. portable electric heater $20 .set of 4 stools $12 . one H auser lawn lounge $20 . m icrow ave stand $10 , one deluxe workmate $25 . one deluxe hedge trimmer electric $25. (905) 337-9651 T R E K bicycle trailer/ .Jog ger 1 or 2 senter asking $350 Great condition. 905469-0664_________________ TW IN bed/ box spring 4 mattress. $275 Large Oak table. $85 Like new 905632-1259__________________ W A S H E R 4 dryer- Whirl pool. white, only 4yrs old. immaculate condition, a steal 9 $400 pair 905631-7257__________________ W H IR L P O O L Gold sideby-side fridge with water and ice dispenser, fridgidare stove. G E washer, brand new big dog cage, girls twin daybed. twin size boys car-bed. teak dinette/ 6chairs (elmwood). 905336-1580 or leave m es sage ___________________ W IC K ER furniture set. nat ural wicker coffee table, loveseat. chair All cushions included. (Green floral fabnc). Almost new $500/obo 905-338-2672_____________ | ( f l I l f articles wanted cars for a 1995 BU IC K Regal, white 3 8L. 4-dr. P W PM PDL. theft protection. 135.000km $9000 Phono (905)8273222 1965 M G B 31,000 original miles. BR G . exceilont-condition.wirc-wheols. o ver drive. all original $14,900. Call 416-720-3435 leave message 1993 Acura Integra white. 2-dr. auto. air. roof. power options maintained. S4500 681-2230 GS. sun Woll 905- Come See the Difference! 511 G u e lp h Line. B u rlin g to n C o m fo rta b le 1 & 2 B ed ro o m S uites fro m o n ly $951 Vmo. Sunken livingrooms, w indows in kitchens, breakfast nooks. 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 comem e w ... PROFESSIONAL U'CTION (iROt P i IlM P O R T V N T O IT S T W IM M . \l C H O N N O T IC E I EVEBYnflNG Ml NT » : SOLD KH.VKJH JN\ OF COOT i m \i>s · u g n m n o v s · c o \ s i <;\m e \ tc · ·MSHOU) RRVTIS ·M W . »X)\| StT T T >·(XXlf1T1BIB * ·KnnoN a m ·u w ; room * in · t r m m · ·J E I H l f l l t · ElfCTliOMCS · flllffO S · PHNVN RlUS · ·SKHTS MkMORUUUA W HIE(TK)N * M U H i m i J J J n * C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 P ro s p e ct St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M a ll Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited IM M A C U LA T E 3-bedroom townhouse for rent! includes fridge/stove, dishwasher washer/ dryer and 1.5 baths backs on to school located on Glen Ashton between Trafalgar and 6thline 1375/mo* utilities Non smoking 1-905- 643-0957 3-BEDROOM. July 4 midJuly. S995/mo. Utilities ex tra 1 parking space includ ed. 3000- 3014 Centennial Dr . Burlington. 905-319-1869 N EW Renovations- Avail able Aug. 15th 3-bedrooms. Includes 1 parking, $950 ./ mo.* utilities. North Bu r lington 905-319-9104 BR O N T E Harbour area, views of lake Executive 3bdrm. 4-bath, no-smokmg, no pets. Immediate $1850/ mo CaH 905-465-3011 ·Esnrc axKs & vons ·o u m k o h i cloob * t bbo t ia m p si 11juloeuc Sjk ·UiUbe«Wb(kt^»ilhnobiM> T\p«tmium>k| P U B L IC A U C T IO N FRIDA) II M " \I "PM (PREVIE! &PM) OAKVILLE CONFERENCE CENTRE 251S WYECROFT ROAD, OAKY1LLE | (Southeast corner of QE1 it Bronte Rd. Exit 11 1 South) | W E specialize m Condo minium Sa les & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real E s tate Ltd.. Realtor. (905)333-4347 Great Livin' Downtown! Convenient location near GO Stn EEE1 shared accommodation S A L E or Lease- Ancaster industrial Condo units near #2 Hwy 403 4 Link, newer industrial park. Units from 1.500 sq.ft. -50.000 sq ft will build to suit. Louie Buordolone. Solos Rep or Madeline Agro. Assoc Broker. 905-549-3527 Star R.E. Ltd., Realtor · Gorgeous views ' Indoor p o o ls saunas · A ll 2 bedrooms w ith 2 fu ll boths 1Newly renovated spacious suites IBn IBr*Oen -2Bn from _______ 900 LO O KIN G for someone to share 2 bedroom a p a rt ment (close to Lakeshore O akville) $450/month smokers welcome Imme diate Call (905)815-9399 S H A R E beautiful new ex ecutive condo. All fully fur nished. Bedroom with own private bathroom. All amenities and utilities in cluded. kitchen, laundry, parking, cable T V.. own phone and service s Smoking O.K. Immediate $625./per month. Walkers Line/ Upper Middle Rd Can (905)332-9193 Robert BU R LO A K / Lakeshoreshare townhouse. own bath, underground parking, pool fitness centre Nonsmoker. $550 Ju ly 1st. 416-483-5108 BU R L O A K . Luxury town house to share with re sponsible young profes sional A/C. parkung. laun dry. $450/mo. inclusive 905-681-6262. after 6pm CH A RM IN G Burlington bungalow, full use of facili ties. pool. a/c.. fireplace, parking. $550/mo.«- utilities Quiet professional 905639-3200 JEWELLERY I Urge sdcctton of ladies 4 gents 10-14 la. Rold diamond I land genuine stone rinps Earrings, bracelets, designer! I watches, pearls, pendants, sailing silver etc. " CO LLECTIBLES Inftim glass lamps. Safeunu Porcelain collection. Royal I llh iv collector plates, wildlife sculptures, floor lamps. [ clocks. tWcor accent items, floor vases, hand made modd I lshipv (2) cahirxtv caned sJorajy trunks. Murano I'Jouns. I rollecior showcases. Limoges, cast iron tois. fountains, die I leas* collection, iron planters, garden accents. Liurvl 4 I lltanh. Wildlife sculptures. Ueaihenancs. limoge eggs etc. | BURLINGTON SQUARE 1460 Ghent Ave. at 760 Brant St. ST U D E N T wotcome' 2-3 evenings/ week for 2 girls.. Mainway/ W alker's area. Drivers license preferred Good wage 289-888-3157 (local) 905 6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 utilities included O F F IC E space (1350 sq.ft.) for lease, great Oak ville location, steps to GO station. Q E W . new Home Depot Plaza $15/sq.ft. gross (all included). Ideal for medical/ professional tenants. Please call 905616-5586._________________ DOW NTOWN Oakville. Church Street, office space available immediately. $500 & up 416-420-3952 Of 905-842-9275 I professional M ONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee (905) 631 [ ^ 1 m ortgago loans C A L L R ED W O O D 1-800328-7887 1-yr 4 55. 5-yr 6 15. ARM 1.49 Also equity mortgage program s, re gardless of incom e or credit. N EED a mortgage fast? Below bank rate 1st and 2nd. New. Renewal. R esi dential or Commercial Mortgages Past poor cred it. bankrupt, self-employed. Equity financing. Quick ap proval Call 416-410-0629 or 1-877-305-3727 (7 days/ wk.) Guaranteed financing. Public Notice W e h a v e th e a p a rtm e n t y o u 're lo o k in g fo r ! H O M E C A R E for the el derly 4 disabled Caring, reliable, experienced 4 bondable caregiver with references available imme diately for Oakville live-m position Please contact Di ane 416-283-3823 A C T IV E young, reliable senior available for dnving. shopping, house-silting Flexible hours Please con tact Stella (905)693-1366 FIRNTITRE I Hand made desks, consoles, mirrors, hall tables, salon I chairs, occasional tables, dining tatoi- 4 chairs, china I Jcabinels. oak dining table & duirs. wnity & stool, tables. I French commodes Consoles, trunks, dressers, tables. I accent items, selection of iron accents, ijutlt stands, ferns I tables ua.\hNUnd. tilt wine tables, leather sifa set. dining I I room suite*. Quilt stand, marble top consoles, chiming I (grandfather clocks, pine tables, sleigh beds, bedroom | . armoires G E N E R U ITEM S limited edition an of The Group of Seven, accent and I decor art I'ort. Stereos, cordless phones, framed sports I I memorabilia, water fountains V>v»X grand fo\er mirrors. I land various accent si/es. all from I tab with museum I frames. Cast iron accents. Bobb\ Ott collector frame. [ hockey |crse\s. sticks. VJ Casson sengraphs with estate I |seal (last known works of artist) IJectronics and more Mam more items, too numerous to mention \<) BLYFRS m s OR PRFMIt MS ARRIVE FARIi VKRY LIMITED SEATING Terms Cash, Vba. MC. Interac as per posted 4 announced, additions 4 deletions apply Information call 905-»T7-2424 w w w .p ro a u ctio n .co m lor mailing list 2&3 Bdrm s · June & Ju ly 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 D a y A p p ro v a ls I *M a n a g e d b y G re e n w in P ro p e rty QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 4X8 air hockey game Works great' $75 905-336-3661 A P P R O X IM A T E L Y 80ft chain link fencing, heavy duty, white vinyl coated $50 905-333-1499 A R T IS T Paasche air-gun complete S45. Hamilton Beach grill, like new $40 905-632-7363_____________ G O LF clubs custom made graphite 3-pw $100 only 2 summers old 905-681-7444 R E C L IN IN G chair, blue, good condition. S85. Call 905-681-1201 3-BEDROOMS $999 /mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Tycourt Apts & Townhouses 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr.. Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW W alk to GO 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. 905-639-9212 O A K V IL L E . Se e 4 fall in love! Large cosy town house Ideal for empty nesters/ busy profession als Non-smokers $1650/ mo. negotiable. 905-6597046 O A K V IL L E - 2.344 Be d room townhouses available immediately through Aug/ 1st. 4 appliancos. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336 B E A U T IF U L 4-bedroom. S/E Burlington. Finished basement garage. C/A. 1 1/2 baths July 1st $1595 mo 905-549-9992 BURLIN GTO N: 2-bedroom maisonette. July/1st Near Guelph Lino/ QEW No pots. 1-car parking 905-335-0636 after 3pm $1600/M0beautifully maintained 4 upgraded ex ecutive townhome in prime Roseland Call Michael O'Sullivan. Royal LePag e 905-634-7786______________ GUELPH Une/ Upper Middle 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. SSOO'mo *utilit>os. first/ last Available June/ Ju ly 905336-7901. 9anv6pm Only SO UTH Burlington- spot less executive. 2-bdrm, 2.5 baths, gas fireplace. 5-appliances. C/A. patio Aug.1st $1395/mo.* 905632-5303._________________ BU R L IN G T O N Luxury townhouses. 3-bedrooms. $1175/mo. 4-bedrooms. $1275/mo. Familyroom, basement, yard. Utilities extra, parking S40. 905639-0950 APARTMENTS 1-Bedroom. July, from $825 Some with fireplace. Incl. 4 or 5 appliances. Call today to view: 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 0 0 1 Huge 1 & 2 Bdrms From $865/mo. Avail. Immediately » Corner Suites Avail > Gleaming parquel flooring i Over-size balconies > Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... E-mail: tycourt@sympatico.ca for info Rental Bonus l im it e d t im e o f f e r E X E C U T IV E lakeside cottage tor rent 4-bed rooms and a bunkie located on Tilden Lake Features wrap around deck. Jacuzzi tub. satellite TV. great fish ing $1300/week Pictures available on request. Call Derrick on weekdays after 5:30 1-519-622-9567 MUSKOKA.2-bedroom 2-pullout couches lakefront cottage. Exceptional v ew Available July and August. $1000/wk Call Bob 905331-8312. I cottages for rent/buy 10 ft upright Viking Freez er $290 or best offer Call (905)849-0079____________ BIR O C A G E. large, unique, like new Includes perches feeders, toys $75. Phone 905-275-4045 B E A U T IF U L contempo rary wrought iron {fining set. bevelled glass top. 4 chairs cream leather upholstery, pristine condition. 40x60. $750 905-637-1737 BED . All-New King. Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still m plastic Cost $1700. Sacrifice. $650 905-304-5573. BE D R O O M set 8-pce. cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser. mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Nevor opened, in box es Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500 905-567-9459 BE D R O O M set. 8pce cherrywood Bed. chest, tridresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened In box es Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2,800 416-748-3993 BED S, New. Double. $220; Queen. $240 Complete w/frame. Futons. Free Debvery. Refurbished VCRs. 17-25* colour TVs. portable CD players. 905-681-9496 BE D - Queen, orthopedic pillowtop mattress, boxspring. headboard/ foot board, frame. New. in plas tic Cost $1275, sell $550 Will deliver 905-971 -3315. BE D - Ultramatic single. 39x80, remote, massage unit, excellent condition $1000. Call 905-681-0752 C A R P E T . I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster 4 100% nylon car pet. Will do llvlngroom 4 hall for $349 Includes car pet. pad 4 installation (30 yards) Steve. (905)639-2902 C R EA M sofa Like new! Purchased at Ridpaths. Ex cellent condition $600 Call 905-815-1366 DINING RO O M 14pce cherrywood 92* double pedestal 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000 Sacrifice $5,000. 416-7460995______________________ D INING RO O M . 14-pce, cherrywood. 92" double pedestal 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000 Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459 ____________ E LE C T R O N IC Bed. head 4 feet raise Remote in cluded. Bed has wheels, lyrnew $500 905-336-1358 FIN E furniture Ethan Allen 3 cushion 78* chesterfield, square antique oak com mode, 24 inch glass top ta bles, also 72*x66* Chinese panel screen and gate legged table.Call (905)8445182 F O R sale 12 framed sketches by Harry Howard of olde Oakville scenes. 12 inchesx15 inches S 100/firm (905)845-9270____________ FR ID G E- Kenmore. 7 yrs old. white, like new, $400/ obo. Top Flite driver, titani um head, graphite. $50 905-637-0264_____________ F R ID G E S . Stoves. W ash ers. Dryers Like new. Spotless Under warranty. 905-549-1911 HOT Tub Spa. All selfcontained. all options, w/ cover, 2002 model, new. still in wrapper, cost $10,250, sacrifice $6,000 905-304-7775 JU N G LE Gym. $200 Stove $100 Dryer, $50. Elevated bed with ladder. S100 Portable sewing machine $100. 905-333-0851 KITCHEN set. dining room set. 5-piece living room set. loveseat. 2-chairs, end/cof fee tables Call (905)4699339 M A Y T A G W a sh e r K e n more D ryer $350., solid pine custom made desk $325., solid pine custom made dry sink $350.. navy couch with pattern $200. 2 cubic ft Toshiba Microwave $35. (905)257-3716 1 Outdoor Parking $1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Burlington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905* 639*8583 www ontim.com email: blowers® cogeco.net 2000 G M C Sonom a pick up. take over lease $365 per month Lease expires September 2003. only 16k used on 60k. Excellent condition call (905)8459270 EM trucks for salo 905-631-0033 Bachelor fr ~ $709* 1-Bdnns: SS69* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake vie* Tel: (905) 845-9502 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court Available July 1st 1-Bedroom, $740 LAKESH O RE/ Maple. Burlington 2-bedroom. Im mediate from $925./mo. parking Heat/ hydro in cluded Beautiful lakefront view Indoor pool Bus stops at door Near Mapleview 4 hospital. Great highway access. 905-6325258 V E R Y large 243 Be d room Suites available in well- maintained Oakville buildings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to Q EW 4 403 905-844-2646 or 905-8450987 1998 Invader- 15ft shadow bowndeer with 9950HP OB 4cyde. Complete with trail er 4 cock pit cover, fish Imder. anchor Like new Cost $17,570. Se ll lor $10,000 905-639-0290 OFFICE ADM IN. DIPLOMA · Computerized · ' (2% prompt pay. disc.) D O W NTO W N Oakvillo. Steps to shops & buses 2bedroom. July 1st Parking. $1200/mo inclusive 905842-5815 & ____________ BRO N TE 1-bedroom apartment on Lakeshore above storo. 1 car parking only $850/mo. includes heat 905-632-9744 E M P R E S S '. Dynes Rd . Burlington 1-bedroom, July 1st. S950/mo. includes fndge, stove, washer, dryer, cable, pool, parking, all utilities. 24-hr. security. Sandra. 905-338-7482 G E O R G IA N Apartments 1.243 Bedrooms June/ July/ Aug. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra (No pets) Burlington. 905-6390456. M F 9am-4pm. 6 308pm L A R G E 1-bedroom + den in building near lake (Bronte) Immediate 905827-0153._________________ BURLINGTON. Brant area 1-bedroom apartment avail able July. 1st Heat, hydro, a/c, cable, parking Mature single non-smoker. No pets. $650/mo 905-639-5398 1-BEDROOM in 6-plex on North Service Rd.. near Oakville Place. Call 905338-3480. evenings_________ NORTH Burlington1.5bedrooms, ground level. B ay window, c/a. parking. No pets. S800/mo. utilities included. 905-844-2427 OLD Oakville Beautifully maintained, very clean, quiet building downtown Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985. 2-bed room from $1250./mo No lease 905-845-8254 (leave message) O LD Oakville Century home. Walk to GO. 2-bed room apartment, main floor $1095/mo inclusive. Quiet single, professional. Non smoking person preferred July/1st Mike 416-719-6175 W E S T Oakville- 2-bed room basement, separate entrance. Laundry, park ing. non-smoking/ pets. Suites 1-2 persons. Alter 6pm $900 Inclusive. 905849-1380 ON E bedroom basement Central Burlington core. Appliances. C/A. parking. Ju ly . $525/month. 905637-0223 after 6pm O A K V IL L E - Near down town. bright 2-bedroom, large rooms, renovated with hardwood floors, quiet building, across from park S800/mo. Jun e/July 1st 905-277-4728 O A K V ILL E - Newly reno vated 3-bedroom base ment apartment, pnvate en trance. utilitios incl.. ensuite, laundry, cable, parking. June 1st. 905-465-0947 O A K V IL L E . Q E W / Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ mo.*; 3-bedroom from $1049/mo.* W ell main tained building. Nellie. (905)339-2028 ('included 2 % prompt payment dis count) ______________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lington 143 bedroom apartments available Ju ly 1st. From $795/mo. 905632-0129 Includes utilHies Parking Available Call 905-690-1896 C EN T RA LLY localBO, well- maintained, spacious 142 bedroom suites July/ Aug Must see to appreci ate 3055 Glencrest Road. Bufnflton. 905-637-3021 · H O U SE - LIK E" Living in Low-rise Townhome/ Apts' 243 Bdrms. 1-floor 4 2* storey designs. Ground floor units w/walk-out to landscape patio! Freshly painted, refinished hard wood. new appliances- All for you1 Tyandaga Terrace. 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr 905336-0016, 1440 Tyandaga Pk D r . 905-336-0015 DO W NTOW N Burlington. 1275 Elgin Street. 1,243 bedrooms. July/Aug Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained 4 quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highnse living Call 905-637-0321______________ W w M furnished rentals B U R L IN G T O N Futmshed 2-bedroom large, attractive apartments avail able Ju n e ls t Heat/ hydro included. From $1077/mo. No pets. 905-632-0961 FOUND- Bike ' Norco* In the Bronte area 905-8473313_____________________ FO UND Black and white cat 'K erns and N Servico Road* we call ' Patty* call 905-637-7325 FOUND Orange female cat Cumborland/Rexway area 'Ginger* Call 6377325 FOUND- childs tent 335-8752 905- 1999 Honda Civic S E . 89K. $12,500. Contact Zia. 905-634-4854. 905-6392119. cell 905-876-5362 1991 Buick LeSab re Ltd 3 8 litre engine. 320k. as is. $500 Call 905-339-0684 1995 Oldsmobilo Cutlass Supreme convertible- col lectors addition, low km's. E-tested. certified, excellent condition, fully loaded, well maintained 4 lady driven Asking Sl2.900/obo 905337-0267. SEPTEMBER 2002 Financial Assistance May be Available Beautiful Lakelront 5348 Lakeshore 1&3 Bedroom Suites From $975/mo Available June/July. Quiet building. New appliances Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking Halton Business Institute 905-637-3415 Remodelled 1-Bedroom June 15th Call Now 905 905-639-3301 O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities 199 Queen Mary Bachelor. June. $780/mo.. 1-bedroom. July. $925/mo.. 2-bedroom. June/ July/ Aug.. $l040/mo.. 3-bed room. June. $1225/mo. ( parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 142Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From $845./mo 905-844-5474 O A K V IL L E - 2bdrm.. near Q E W Parking. FP . a/c. 5 appliances, hardwood, ce ramics. $l250/mo» Avail able Immediately (905)2578739 Dow ntownOakville: 3bedroom bright spacious basement apartment. 5 appliances, separate en trance. 2-car parking. $1200/mo. Ju ly ls t 905849-8259 O A K V ILLE: 392 Pine Ave at Cornwall & Trafalgar Renovated, large suites W alk to Everything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429. Ext.231 75 Stewart 1-bedroom. $825./mo . 2-bedroom. $925/mo. (parking* $35./ mo.) Available Ju ly Near downtown Oakville/ Q E W Well-maintained. clean building. 905-844-4294 2-BEDROOM apartments 110 South Foster Park. Oakville. Includes eve ry thing. Immediate 905849-8411 10am-8pm BU R L IN G T O N downtown bright basement apartment No pets/1smoking. Parking Includes utilities. $550/mo June 1st 905-681-3731 L A R G E Attractive 2-bed room available immediate ly/ July Heat/ hydro includ ed From $795/mo.+ park ing. No pets. Burlington 905-632-0961 DO W NTOW N Oakville Large bright 2-bedroom, 5 appliances. C/A. fireplace. $1350/mo. Available July 1st Call Tom. 905-8429275 or 416-420-3952 O A K V ILLE- Brand new 2bedroom basement apart ment, separate entrance. Avail. Ju ly - 1st $900/includes utilities. 416-5322035 or 905-829-5320 142 Bedroom Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall Call the ' Princess". 905-639-8009 or `Regency* 905-681-8115 D E L U X E , large 3-bed room penthouse with lake view and fireplace. $1150/ mo. All utilities included Burlington 905-639-5761 1.243 Bedroom Apart ments from $875/mo. In door pool QEW, Trafalgar area 905-844-1106 H EA RT ot Bronte 50 East St.. close to lake/ Bronte Harbour 1-bedroom. June, from S975/mo.; 2-bedroom. Jun e/July $1,155. (park ing) 905-825-0816 FOUND- ln|ured calico/ tabby Lome St (Burl) We call Lorna Call 905-6377325 ___________________ FOUNDOrange and white cat. Prospect and Brant area W e call *Demi* Call 637- 7325 FOUND- Set of keys in Pinedale/ Appleby Ln area 905-639-0433 FOUND: Black cat. Derry Rd. W e call Millie. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Black DSH cat in the Guelph 1 Mountainside area We call Dee Please call 905-637-7325__________ FOUND: dark brown cat in the Q EW Guelph Une area W e call Lucky Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: gray/ white de clawed. very friendly fe male cat. Appleby/ Upper Middle, Ju n elst. Call 905331-8924._________________ FOUND: large silver circu lar earring, last week Sobey's Plaza (Burlington) CaH 905-335-0143. FOUND: Set of keys on pink coil holder. Call to identify. 905-659-0667 LOST- Cockatiel (cinna mon) in R iver Oaks area. Call 905-849-4363 or Oak ville Humane Society 905845-1551______________ LOSTKnottmgham/ Mountainside/ Guelph LN Burlington Black/white fe male cat. 1yr Short hair. Very small and gentle White face with black nose/ chin $100 reward. 905* 336-9415 home. 416-7930120 pager _______ LOST ·Large bunch of keys Plam s/Fairview St Pager 905-312-7265 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWN HOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ E l careers professionals EH careers professionals 6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 O rO rO P R IM E Downtown Bu r lington, Upgraded 1.243 Bedroom Apartments Scenic views Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl. 905-632-1643 BU R L IN G T O N Mall 2bedroom basement fire place. 4 appliances park ing. $695/mo 905-6325690 Albert McDonagh ltd. Realtor ______________ BU R LIN G T O N near Lake 1-bedroom apartment. 4umt building S695/mo * utilities Suit single nonsmoker. Aug.1st. No pets. References. 905-637-2325 142 Bedroom apartment availableS Immediately/ July/ Aug. from S825./mo Conveniently located Woodward/ Guelph Line. Burlington 905-632-4265 A LO E R SH O T (west Bu r lington) newly renovated studio with full kitchen. $625/+ hydro. 905-6338547._____________________ · 2-BEDRO O M S $850 mo. (Utilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-9pm. Mon.-Sat 905-639-5761___ BURLIN G TO N - Central. 2-bedroom. New hard wood. No pets, $685/mo. hydro, includes parking Ju ly ls t 905-388-5236; 905-634-7088._____________ B U R LIN G T O N . 2-bdrm Clean, quiet, well-main tained. Excellent central lo cation Parking. $775/mo. hydro. July/ August (No dogs) (905)664-2659. (9^)572-7631 BR O N T E Harbour, S p a cious 2-bedroom suites available. Heat/ hydro in cluded. From $1235/mo. Call Shari. 905-825-9616. 9am-6pm__________________ O A K V IL L E S East cot tage setting Immaculate main floor 3-bedroom bun galow C/A $1260/mo in cludes appliances Imme diate 905-630-9350 CANADIAN A. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available Imme diate/ June/ July. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5488.___________ 297 Queens Ave . Oak ville- 2 & 3 bedroom apart ments available June. Starting O $995/mo. 905842-8338 2-BEDROOM basement apartment. $950/mo inclu sive. First/ last Available Julylst. New/ Appleby Line 905-633-7131 after 6pm G LO B A L A LL O C A TIO N FIN A N C IA L G R O U P wants to expand into your area we tire seeking: M UTUAL FUND M ANAGERS & REPRESENTATIVES and/or LEVEL II LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS w e offer: A b o v e a v e ra g e custom d e sig n e d com m ission pa yo uts. O w n y o u r o w n b o o k o f business. N o "no n -co m p e titio n "cla u se O p p o rtu n ity to w o rk sm arter - not harder. A d m in istra tive support 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmf GEO RG IAN Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington. Large 243 bedroom town houses. full basements Call 905-632-8547 BR O W N STO N ES. 2bedrooms. fireplace, 4 ap pliances garage. $1150/ mo. August 1st 905-333* 5506. Ext.71 B U R L IN G T O N executive Ravine lot. 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths. 6 appliances, fire place. patio, balconies, in door pool w/sauna 4 whirl pool, garage Available July/1 st $1600* utilities 905-332-6877 BURLINGTON Downtown. 1 bedroom *solanum. parking, cable, 5 appliances c/air. pool, tennis, secunty, $1100/ mo inclusive 905-637-0131 FO R Rent- 2-bedroom, ground floor condo in Glen Abbey. Underground park ing, lots of storage 905337-1754_________________ I l L ] houses tor rent BU R LIN G T O N - Immacu late 3-bedroom, finished basement w/walkout. fire place, C/A. garage, large fenced yard backing onto park, no pets $1455/mo.+ 905-639-4917.___________ BU R LIN G T O N - Semi. 3bedroom. 2.5- bath, big fenced yard, ceramic. 5-ap pliances. $1500 utilities No pets Call 905-6380500 REN T to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit 4 earnings verifica tion. Contact Ja y Nelllgan. Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickciic.net O A K V IL L E : 4-bedroom, large familyroom, finished basement, double garage. 3 baths, 5 appliances. Im mediate $1900/mo. Tom. 905-616-9028_____________ BRA N T/ PlainsWell maintained semi-detached 2 storey corner lot house 3-bdrm +den, 3 appliances, private backyard, garage Utilities included (no base ment). $l200/mo. August 1st (416)503-0882_________ CENTRAL Oakville 3bedroom bungalow, main floor Laundry, parking, no smoking/ pets, garage Suites 1-2 persons $1400 inclusive. After 6pm. 905849-1380 ___ L O V E L Y 3-Bedroom. 4 appliances. hardwood. June 15th- July 1 st. South Burlington. S1200. Active Management. 905-3335506. Ext 73______________ O A K V IL L E detached 2storey. 3-bedrooms. 2-1/2 baths, finished basement. 2 car garage. Near highways 4 transportation. Aug. 1st $1.850./mo.+ utilities. 905330-1992 $$$$$ W A N T ED All- Jew ellery. China, Silver, Crystal, sewing machines... Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Moorcroft, Quilts. Glass, collecti bles. estates John/Tracy. 905-331 -2477_____________ UR G EN T ! Searching for a video tape of City Pulse 24 11pm News broadcast from Tuesday May 28/02. R e ward 905-845-3127 I pets, supplies F R E E to loving homesAdorable kittens with per sonality looking to perk up your life! 905-631-7014 For m ore inform ation please call Bill Harris (Toll free) 1-866-456-1234: e-m ail:billhar@cgocable.net w ww.info@globalal.com BURLOAK PLACE MAISONETTES On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! (1 parking space only) (905) Bookkeeper/ Accountants Permanent or Part-Time - Interested? We are a high-tech accounting and financial service organization based in Mississauga serving clients in the West End and Greater Toronto Area. We are expanding and require permanent and part-time staff to attend at our clients' offices as well as our own facility. If you are a senior bookkeeper or accounting student experienced with Simply Accounting, M.Y.O.B., Quickbooks, etc.. have a car, and really enjoy helping clients meet their goals, please apply to: Box 4609, The From $1150/mo+ 633-7150 Wi l l l l l cars for sale 1998 Mustang V6 fullyloaded. black, standard, moon roof. 95.000km. snow tires included $14,000 obo 905-637-9699_____________ 1994 Volkswagen Jetta125K. white. Auto. 4cyl. Asking S6300 905-6322191 2000 Toyota Sienna van, 52K. like new. loaded. Only $25,995. Call 905-8286907 after 6pm____________ 1989 Chevrolet Caprice station wagon, one owner, $500 as is. Call 905-6896283 from 9-5 1994 Ford Explorer, 4x4, needs transmission. As is. Best offer Call 905-3390489 After 5pm 1992 Ford Taurus- 4dr sedan Uncertified $1675 Call 905-844-3670 1992 VW Passat standard Black w/gray leather. Sun roof, loaded Rebuilt to brand newl Cert./e-test 176K. $5800 obo 905829-2171 1999 Dodge Caravan, only 63K, 4-dr, one owner Great family vehicle. $15,900 obo 905-8291851 2002 Nissan Sentra SE-R Lease to take over. $289/ mo Black, 3000K . CD. Spoiler, Sun roof 9053331274 B U R LO A K / Lakeshorefurnished room. Share kitchen/ bath. Suit male non-smoker Parking. S550/mo. inclusive. 905631-5884 evgs.___________ C L E A N furnished rooms near Oakville Place/Sheridan College, on bus route. Laundry, kitchen, parking facilities. From:$310. Ken (905)842-0789 F U R N IS H E D bedroom, share bath. Kitchen privi leges Utilities included Pool, hot tub $110./wkly. East Oakville. Non-smoker (905)829-5995 O L D E Oakville furnished room. 2 closets, shared bath and kitchen, separate entrance. T V . parking, la dies preferred $109./wkly. C all H eather (905)3387492 shared accommodation W H IT E Oaks area- large room in furnished house share kitchen, laundry. Parking, professional, nonsmoker preferred. No pets Immediate $650/mo inclu sive 905-845-4064 B U R L IN G T O N Mall area two bedrooms available immediately. All amenities included Starting $500/ mo. ea Inclusive 905-3338867 E X P E R IE N C E D / Certi fied Filipina nannies avail able. Sa la ry minimum $800 net Call Serv-Fil Infl 416-615-1649 _____________ LIVE-IN night nanny re quired for evening/ over night care of infant. Light housekeeping Experience and references required. 905-337-3055 NANNY Care-giver- recent E C E graduate. C P R 4first aid trained 905-842-9705 FU LL Time live-in nanny tor 2 children, non smoker, flu ent in English. Monday Frid ay, some w eekends and evenings, light house keeping. Call (905)8421814 LIVE-OUT Nanny required, full time for 2 children ages 3 1/2 and 1. in South East Oakville. Car required, EC E first aid 4 C P R training pre ferred P le a se call (905) 844-2777 Mississauga News. 3145 Wolfedale Rd.. Mississauga. On L5C 3A9 ATTENTION MOMS We are a progressive, professional firm of Chartered Accountants located in Mississauga serving clients in the Greater Toronto Area. We need your help in providing our clientele with ongoing financial, tax and business support to ensure their continued prosperity. We offer flexible arrangements, a unique com pensation approach and an extremely friendly work environment. If you're a graduate CA. GCA or CMA with experience in public accounting, but only require a permanent part-time per diem situation, we may be able to help each other. Please apply to: B ox 4608, T h e M is s is s a u g a N e w s , 3145 W o lfe d a le R d., M is s is s a u g a , O n L 5 C 3 A 9 NEW LYRenovatedfor rent 1 ,2 4 3 bdrm apart ments. Close to all ameni ties S t 050 to $1275 /mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im mediate occupancy 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670 O A K V ILL E - South C en tral. 243bedroom in triplex building All amenities, laundry, parking, imme diate $925/mo ^electricity. 905-845-9088 E X P E R IE N C E D daycare full-time available. Lunch es/ snacks, fenced yard, TLC, mfants-2years. Nonsmoker. references. 905319-9604 before 9pm.

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