oakville public library oakville, ontario L6J 2Z4 416-845-3405 MICROFILM REEL NO. TH.OOl · ··· ACCESS TO OAKVILLE HISTORY PROJECT INVENTORY OF MICROFILM HOLDINGS OF THE OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY RECORD GROUP 6 SERIES A. (RG 6) TWEEDSMUIR HISTORY HORNBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SECTION I Sub 6. HISTORICAL RECORDS - cont'd. ANNIVERSARIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS - Cont'd. - 60th Anniversary Luncheon June 16, 1968 "Menu & Program " " "Program & Greetings Photo, present/past members at 60th Ann. Luncheon 60th Anniversary Guest Register Congratulatory card and letter on 60th Anniversary from Larne Women's Institute, Ireland Repeat of above, showing greeting on back of card Candle lighting ceremony 60th Ann. News-photo Repeat news photo - Invitation 60th Ann. Guest Speaker Mrs. M. French 60th Ann. News article June 26/1968 "Down Memory Lane" theme for Inst. 60th Ann. 70th Ann. photo & written account 70th Ann. photo cutting cake-officers Poor photo Photos District Annual at Hornby 1925, Hornby W.I. 1949 Mrs. Brownridge, 1st President Photo taken at residence of Guy Bussell 1949 names Photo of members Aug. 67. Details of ladies 75th Anniversary Historical Review Sept. 9/76 photo of head table 75th Ann. Inside of programme, photo as above 75th Ann. Continuation of program - List of Halton Branches - organization dates as above - List of Halton Branches - organization dates as above - District Presidents 1901-1976 - District Secretary-Treasurers 1901-1972 Provincial Board Members, Area Pres. Area Secretary - Mrs. Percy Merry cuts 75th Anniversary cake