www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, September 27, 2012 · 38 community notices $109. July 3, 2011, must be in my hands by October 31, 2012, after which date the estate will be distributed. CLARK V. CRAIG Barrister and Solicitor Unit 1, 3345 Harvester Road Burlington, Ontario L7N 3P2 Solicitor for the Estate garage, yard & moving sales OAKVILLE Say You Saw the ad in the Oakville Beaver. Classifieds Get Results! GARAGE Legal Noti/ ce Services / Milestones Milestones l Lifetimes l Lifetimes SALE! Sat. Sept. 29 PROFESSIONAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8am-12pm AND OTHERS 1083 DENTAL CLEANING Selby Claims against the estate of JACK JOSEPH SWANSTON, late of Avenue t h e To w n o f O a k v i l l e , w h o d i e d o n JUDY DENTAL HYGIENE CARE 5198 NEW ST BURLINGTON (between Burloak and Appleby) (Corner of Winston Rd & Selby Ave) Lots& lots of stuff! FEATURE ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE/MOVING SALE IN OUR FRIDAY FEATURE Booking deadline: WED 5PM t forma e l p Includes 3 Garage Sale Signs sam Judy Ganis RDH, since 1997 (905)599-4867 info@jdhc.ca/www.jdhc.ca *$30 set up fee for new clients Upcoming/ Ev ents Milestones l Lifetimes UNIVERSITY OF Toronto School of Continuing Studies presents a 9-lecture series in Oakville. Leading experts address an eclectic range of topics. Wednesdays at noon, October 3 to December 5 for $146. Registration: www.learn.utoronto.ca or by phone: 416-978-2400. Course code 1665-041. for only To book your classified ad call $38.75 +HST per day 905.632.4440 Get Results 905.632.4440 To book your our ad or for more information contact Carriers Wa nte d /l Milestones Lifetimes / Milestones l Lifetimes *MONEY* *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just kid's stuff! Excellent daytime opportunity in Oakville for serviceminded, conscientious adults. Part-time- Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vehicle. If interested, contact Bob @ (905) 637-8795. 905.632.4440 Your next job is closer than you think! Notice / Milestones l Lifetimes IS CALLING YOU! Check us out on www.facebook.com/ oakvillebeaverclassifieds Facebook at: Oakville Beaver Classifieds We are currently hiring Carriers to deliver on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Earn money and win cool prizes, all while delivering North America's #1 community newspaper! The following streets are available: Brookhaven, Liverpool, Liptay, Littondale, Trawden Way, Baronwood, Gladacres, Baccaro, Cheverie, Bennington Gt, Pinehurst, Castle, Chanwood, Bluestream, Darlington, Bayshire, Green Orchard, Hedgerow, Nichols, Shaftsbury, Butterfly Ln, Sunset, Solingate, Yarmouth, Tennyson, Vickery Call us today to find out how easy it is to get started on your own route. Check out our weekly Special Features! Like us on Facebook and leave a comment and you will be entered to win a Local Dining Gift Card! Whether you're looking for work close to home or need to hire the best talent in your community..... LocalWork.ca is operated by Metroland Media and is suppor ted by over 100 local newspapers and community websites. Circulation 905-631-6095