11 · Wednesday, July 25, 2012 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com i it ta all ll s started tarted w when he n m my yb baby aby s stopped topped b breathing... reathing... S She he w was as o only n ly t three hree w weeks eeks o old ld w when hen L Lexie exie s suddenly u d d e n ly s stopped topped b breathing reathing i nm ya rm s . W ithin s econds, m yb eautiful, h ealthy b aby t u rn e d b lue a nd in my arms. Within seconds, my beautiful, healthy baby turned blue and Iw as f rantic. O nce s he w as i nt he e m e rg e n c y d epartment, t he d octors was frantic. Once she was in the emergency department, the doctors a nd n u r se s t ook o ver a nd d ia g n ose d L exie w ith a r espirator y v ir u s . S he and nurses took over and diagnosed Lexie with respiratory virus. She w as i nt he h ospital fo raw eek w ith m onitors a nd o xygen d evices h e lpin g was in the hospital for week with monitors and oxygen devices helping h er b reathe, b ut t oday s he i sah ealthy a nd p roud b ig s ister t oh er b rother her breathe, but today she is healthy and proud big sister to her brother L ia m t hanks t ot he l ife-saving e q u i p m e nt i no ur h ospital. Liam thanks to the life-saving equipment in our hospital. Lemon Love Pho tography Lexie and Liam Evans in Erchless Park, Oakville Each and every year, our hospital needs hundreds of pieces of new equipment that will improve the lives of all of us here in Oakville. Every piece is critical and every piece needs to be funded by our community. It all starts here with your help. Please give generously. OakvilleHospitalFoundation.com Brigitte Elise Photography Brigitte Elise Photography it all started when my lungs stopped working... Todd Sullivan at 5 Drive-In, Oakville Linda Busch and her husband Dan at Lakeside Park, Oakville it all started when I heard the "C" word... Nothing had prepared me to hear the word cancer. Last November, after weeks of unbearable stomach pain, I had an emergency CT scan at my hospital here in Oakville. That test and a follow-up biopsy confirmed that I had lymphoma and needed immediate chemotherapy treatment outside of our community. Overnight I went from being the caregiver to my family to the one that needed their support, like helping me get to my medical appointments. Today, I am cancer-free and ready for this new stage in my life's journey. The feeling of not being able to breathe is one I will never forget. After being rushed to my hospital here in Oakville I was quickly diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. The disease shut down my kidneys and put me in a coma for 15 days and in the Intensive Care Unit for two months. If it wasn't for the life-saving equipment in our hospital, I would not be here today. Please call 905 338 4642 to make a difference by donating to the Oakville Hospital Foundation. Charitable Registration #: 13145-3490 RR0001