A Test Site for Vita

Oakville Beaver, 19 Aug 2011, p. 32

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Lease a d Fn inan ic ng t ra es offer de on th 20e 11 I S250 and ES3 50 a tre h le owest rates f to he year t do ta e. C o lmp et Le exus P i r fce 2or 011 IS250 RWD Sf x A ma lnua tra insm ssio /20n 11 E S350 Sf x S /2011 RX 350 Sfx A i $s 34 9, 85/$44,735/$49 1, 35. Complete L ex Pus rice i ncl du es fr i he g t/PDI($1 950, ),EHFTir ($es 29),EHFFilte ($rs 1),A/CTa ($1x 00), dan OMVIC F ee ($5). Taxes, license, registration (if applicable) and insurance are extra. $2,000 Cash Purchase Incentive available on 2011 IS250 models; $3,000 Cash Purchase Incentive available on all 2011 ES350 and RX350 models. Lexus Canada Cash Purchase Incentives may not be combined with special lease and finance rates offered through Lexus Financial Services as part of a lo w ra te i nterest program. All adv ertised lease an d fin ance rat es a re s pecial r ates Ca. sh P urchase Incentive of fers tak e pl ace at t he t ime of d elivery. See you r Le xus dealer f or w hether t ax a pplies b efore or aft er t he a pplication o f Ca sh P urchase Incentives i n yo ur j urisdiction. *Le ase and finance o ffers ar e pr ovided t hrough L exus Fin ancial S ervices, on approved cre dit to q ualified retail c ustomers 1. .8% l ease/financing ra te a vailable on all new Lexus 20 11 I S250/IS350 m odels 0. 8%. lease/financing r ate available on all new Lex us 2 011 ES350 mo dels 2. .8% l ease/financing ra te a vailable on all new Lexus 20 11 R X350 mod els. *Re presentative lea se e xample b ased on a 20 11 I S250 RWD Sfx A man ual transmission/2011 RX 350 Sfx A on a 48/ 48 month te rm a t 1. 8%/2 8%a. nnual ra te a nd C omplete Lexus Pr ice of $ 34 9, 85/$49 1, 35. Monthly payment is $ 298/$468 wit h $7 400, /$9,767 downpayment or e quivalent tr ade in, $0 s ecurity deposit and first mon thly pay ment due at lease in ception; Tot al l ease obl igation is $ 23 6, 49/$34 1, 81. Taxes l, icense, registration (if app licable) and ins urance a re e xtra; 96 000, /96,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. **Representative finance example includes taxes and is based on a 2011 IS250 RWD Sfx A manual transmission/2011 RX350 Sfx A on a 48/48 month term at 1.8%/2.8% annual rate and Complete Lexus Price of $34,985/$49,135 (excluding taxes); Monthly payment is $854/$1,224. Cost of borrowing is $ 1 47, 0/$3 232, for a t otal obl igation of $ 41 0, 03/$58 7, 55. License, reg istration (i f ap plicable) an d in surance are extra ^. Lease an d pu rchase A PRs include the forgone Cash Pur chase In centive as a cos t of bor rowing. Lexus De alers ar e fr ee t o se t th eir own prices. Limited time off ers only app ly t o re tail cus tomers a t pa rticipating Lexus de alers M. ay r equire f actory o rder. Offers a re s ubject t o ch ange wit hout not ice. Off ers expire a t mo nths en d un less ext ended or rev ised. Se e Le xus of O akville for complete det ails. LEXUSOFOAKVILLE Lexusofoakville.ca RX LEASE OR FINANCE FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS 2.3%***DOWN PAYMENT $9,795* SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVEDMTH LEASE FOR $458 * $ 4,000 $ 49,135 $ 45,135 CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE CASH PURCHASE PRICE COMPLETE LEXUS PRICE TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS AND FINANCE APR IS 6.11%^ 6.08%^ OR IS 2011 IS 250 $ 2,000 $ 34,985 $ 32,985 CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE CASH PURCHASE PRICE COMPLETE LEXUS PRICE TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS AND FINANCE APR IS 4.43%^ 4.40%^ $288 * DOWN PAYMENT $7,495* SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED MTH LEASE FOR 1.8%*** LEASE OR FINANCE FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS OR ES 2011 ES 350 $ 3,000 $ 44,235 $ 41,235 CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE CASH PURCHASE PRICE COMPLETE LEXUS PRICE TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS AND FINANCE APR IS 4.85%^ 4.88%^ DOWN PAYMENT $9,675* SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED MTH LEASE FOR $418 * FOR UP TO 36 MONTHS 0.8%*** OR w w w .in si de H A LT O N .c om O A K V IL LE B EA V ER F rid ay , A ug us t 1 9, 2 01 1 3 2

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