NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS All claims against the Estate of William Frank Mullen, late of 1003-2263 Marine Drive, Oak- v i l le, On, deceased who died on March 31/2011, must be filed with the undersigned personal rep. on or before September 30th, 2011: thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims then fi led. Dated July27/2011 Laraine Anne Hughes 99 Melbourne St. Hamilton ON. L8P 2A5 416-573-4720 *MONEY* *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just kids stuff! Excellent daytime opportunity in Oakville for service- minded, conscientious adults. Part-time- Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vehicle. If interested, contact Bob @ (905) 637-8795. 50th Wedding Anniversary David & Barbara Dowdle August 12, 1961 Congratulations David and Barbara! Best wishes and many years of happiness. Love from all the family WRIGHT, Kevin July 7, 1934 - August 10, 2011 It is with great sadness that we announce the pass ing of Kevin on Wednesday August 10, 2011 at the age of 77, with his family by his side. Beloved husband of Karin, loving father of Kevin Jr., Tamara, Paul , Joanne and Sara J a n e . P r o u d P a p p y t o J a c o b , Julia, Joseph, Jacqueline, Dylan and Kai . He i s surv ived by h i s d e v o t e d s i s t e r , P a t r i c i a , b r o t h e r ' s P a t r i c k , R o r y (F lorence) , numerous nephews, n iece s and h i s loya l a s s i s tant Wendy; he was predeceased by h i s son Kev in J r. , father Duke and mother Iris. He will be sadly m i s s e d b y a l l w h o k n e w a n d l o v e d h i m . F r i e n d s w i l l b e r e c e i v e d a t O a k v i e w F u n e r a l Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville on Friday from 2-4 p.m. & 7-9 p.m. A mass of Christ ian Burial wil l be celebrated at St. D o m i n i c ' s R o m a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h , 2 4 1 5 R e b e c c a S t . , Oakville on Saturday August 13, 2011 at 10 a.m. A Private family interment will follow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made t o t h e H e a r t & S t r o k e F o u n d a t i o n o r C a n a d i a n D i a b e t e s A s s o c i a t i o n . The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. Joan Grogan October 10th, 1931 - August 11th, 2010 You were the sun that warmed our hearts, now, the brightest star in the night sky. We love you and miss you. Husband Michael and family; Gerry, Cathy, Kevin, Tim,. Chris, Tom, Marilena, Emily, Maggie, Charles, Gessica and Michaela lAnniversaries lObituaries w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R F ri d ay , A u g u st 1 2, 2 01 1 3 0 OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 13 8am-1pm 2222 Hillmount Dr. Tons of items, baby, household, HE cloths for men, ladies, Furn + more!! OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 13 9am - 1 pm 40 Osborne Cres. Trimline Treadmill, coffee & end tables, stand-up Danby AC unit, air hockey game, & much more. OAKVILLE Massive Garage Sale Sat. & Sun Aug. 13 & 14 9am-2pm 1026 Speers Rd. Unit 8 All proceeds to benefi ts the Filarmonica Lira Bom Jesus Something for everyone - Come & browse! ReStore Home Dr 25% OFF Thurs. Aug 11 to Sat. Aug 13 1800 Appleby Line Suite 10 905-637-4446 x 229 AT THESE 3 LOCATIONS: MISSISSAUGA (ERIN MILLS) 2933 Eglinton Ave. W. 905-820-9965 MISSISSAUGA (HEARTLAND) 800 Boyer Blvd. 905-812-5543 MISSISSAUGA NORTH 3115 Argentia Rd. 905-824-1865 Doing it righ t for the month of August GARAGE SALE 50% *Save up to on a wide selection of products available in store** *discount off regular price **selection may vary from one store to another OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 13 9am-Noon 2469 Wooden Hill Circle Garden tools, sports memorabilia, some power tools, patio furniture, framed pictures, misc. OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE! Sat. Aug 13 8am 465 Sandlewood Road Greeting Cards, Gift Bags, Coca Cola Collectibles, No early birds please. OAKVILLE MOVING/ GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 13 7:30am 1030 Friars Court Kid's toys, books, misc. household items, furniture, pictures OAKVILLE GARAGE/ MOVING SALE Fri Aug 12 8am-4pm Sat Aug 13 8am-Noon 183 Reynolds St OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 13 9am-1pm 2272 Mowat Avenue Unit 43 wicker furniture, collector teddy bears, household goods, etc. OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday Aug 13 8am-1pm 1353 Kensington Park Road Camera equipment and golf equipment OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday August 13 9am-1pm 2272 Mowat Avenue Unit 39 Great assortment of items!! OAKVILLE Multi Family GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 13 7am- 2pm 165 Speyside Dr household goods, electriconics books toys furniture piano and more! OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat Aug 13 8am-4pm 1364 Bishopstoke Way Sofa, loveseat, cher- ry dining set & more!! OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat Aug 13 Sun Aug 14 7am - 1pm 611 Trudale Crt Lots of good stuff, tools, new snowblow- er and lot's more OAKVILLE Hi-Rise Condo Community Garage Sale Sat Aug. 13 8am-1pm 2263 Marine Drive (corner of Marine & East Street) OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat. Aug. 13 8am-3pm 180 Sandwell Dr. Dresser, bedside tables, shelving units, dishes, picnic table, CD's, video games & more OAKVILLE Moving Sale Sat. Aug 13 9am-1pm 142 Maplegrove Dr. Furniture, books, golf clubs, housewares, bikes, appliances, kid's stuff, clothes. Everything must Go OAKVILLE GARAGE GIVE AWAY Sat. Aug 13 9am - Noon 583 Patricia Drive Household goods, furniture, decorative hobby rubber stamps & much more! OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 13 8am - 11am 528/517 Doverwood Drive Furniture, decorative & kids items, small appliances & more. OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 13 8am - 11am 2089 Peak Place Designer clothes, bikes, drum kits, cos- tumes & much more! OAKVILLE Garage Sale Sat. Aug. 13 7am - Noon 2219 Dunvegan Ave. Antique wood furni- ture, kid's toys, kid's books, electronics & much more Oakville Multi-family GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 13 8am-11am 2139 Oakpoint Rd 4 FAMILES PARTICIPATING Rain or shine OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat Aug 13 8am-12pm 1447 Cooper Crt Furniture, TV's, household items, clothing sports and more!! JOSHUA CREEK MOVING SALE Sat. Aug 13 8am - Noon 1220 Kestell Boulevard (Corner of North Ridge Trail) Rain Date: Sunday Aug. 14th OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat Aug 13th 8am-12pm 238 Elton Park Road SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! OAKVILLE YARD SALE Sat. Aug. 13 9am-1pm 15 & 17 Onslow Crt. Kid's toys and gear, household items, outdoor furniture. lLifetimes / Milestones In Me oriam yourclassifi community notices lLifetimes / Milestones Publ c Notices SELL 905.632.4440 arage sales S a y Y o u S a w th e a d in th e O a k vi ll e B ea ve r. C la ss if ie d s G et R es u lt s!