www.newoakvillehospital.com OTMH has served our community well for 60 years We can no longer expand our services at the current location Healthcare is continually evolving We have been provided with the rare opportunity to build a new hospital for Oakville to improve how we deliver healthcare in the future Financial support is needed from the Town of Oakville to make the New Oakville Hospital a reality Caring Today, Growing For Tomorrow 1 of infection and enhance patient privacy and comfort Expanded capacity in all areas including a larger diagnostic imaging department with three CT Scanners and two MRIs New cancer clinic to provide patient assessment, counseling and chemotherapy administration A healing environment focused on patient and family centred care including amenities to support family involvement Space for future expansion to accommodate population growth, advancements in healthcare, and education and training space to ensure leading-edge care is available in Oakville today, tomorrow and the future 2 3 4 5 5 Great Reasons to Support the New Oakville Hospital The Facts: w w w .o a k v il le b e a v e r. co m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R W ed n es d ay , F eb ru ar y 10 , 2 01 0 2