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Oakville Beaver, 14 Jul 2011, p. 14

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Dog goes home before passing awaymy petBy Dominik KurekOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFA 15-year-old dog, who survived an ordeal my vetin the woods after getting lost, was reunited with his owners before he died.Its a bittersweet endingThanks so much for your front-page coverage, it helped Dr. Gesa Kohn-Gouldthe little guy find his way home. I fostered Veterinarian & Ownerhim until his owners were found and he was myanimalhospital.caa tough little guy, Brenda Dushko, manag-er, fund development for the Oakville & Milton Humane Society, told The Oakville Beaver Wednesday.Traveling With Your PetBam Bam, a small Pomeranian dog, was ummer time is here at last! Many of us will discovered by a humane society officer in the Sbe taking time off work for family vacations. conservation area on the border of Oakville Naturally, most of us will want to include our and Milton in late June.furry family members in vacation plans.At the time, the starved dog was described Start the trip off right by making sure your petas having large areas of fur missing, over-KDV DOO WKH QHFHVVDU\ YDFFLQHV DQG FHUWLDWHV grown nails and severe dental disease.SUBMITTED PHOTOKHDUWZRUP DQG D SUHYHQWLRQ DQG DQ\ After Bam Bams story appeared in the SUHVFULEHG PHGLFDWLRQV $Q LGHQWLDWLRQ FROODU Beaver, its owners went to the shelter where POM CHI FINDS WAY HOME:Bam Bam was found lost and emaciated in a localwith your pet s name, address and phone they found the pet who recognized them conservation area in late June. A recent story in The Oakville Beaver led to Bam Bam beingnumber is a necessity.and began wagging his tail for the first time reunited with his owners however the ordeal proved too much for the 15-year-old dog who diedsince going into the care of the humane If you are taking your pet on a road trip, a pet shortly after going home.society.carrier or safety harness will keep them safeHoweverof his life, he was surrounded by people who The organization has a full-time staff , the more than 15-year-old dog in the event of sudden stops or changes indirections. Never leave your pets in a parkedwas in such loved him, said Johanne Golder, executive person dedicated to lost and found. poor condition from his ordeal vehicle, even with the windows open as they director of the humane society, in a press In 2010, the humane society reunitedthat he passed away a few days after return-can overheat in minutes, causing heatstrokerelease.more than 500 pets with their owners. ing home.or death. Bring along your pet s regular food The humane society reminds residents If you lose a pet, call 905-845-1551, ext.We are happy we were able to help the to prevent tummy upset. Medications areto contact them in case of a lost pet. 26 where a report can be taken.little guy find his family and that, at the end DYDLODEOH DW \RXU YHWHULQDULDQ?V RIH LI \RXU SHWexperiences car-sickness.Pets traveling by air are normally placed in the DENTURESbaggage compartment, although some airlines tallow pets in the cabin as long as they are small agrtintaSHQRXJK WR XQGHU WKH VHDW %RRNLQJ GLUHFW WhenyoureconsideringyourbestmoveinJKWV DW QRQ SHDN KRXUV ZLOO KHOS WR PLQLPL]Hretirementrentalresidences,considerthis:$\RXU SHW?V WLPH RQ WKH SODQH 3URSHUO\ VL]HG $clearly marked carriers are important to keep atDelmanorwedneverexpect379579ea.your pet comfortable. Sedatives are available, youtomovewithoutincludinghowever they should be used with caution905-815-8208since they can interfere with your pet s abilityyourbestfriend.Weknowhesto regulate internal temperature and can affectLIMITED TIME OFFERpartofthefamilyandfamilysblood pressure in some circumstances.Enjoy the summer and have a safe and happyalwayswelcomeatDelmanor.vacation!myanimalhospital.caDENTAL HYGIENE Askey Animal HospitalEDUCATION 24 Hour Emergency CareIN LESS THAN 2 YEARS!3525 Fairview Street, Burlington Start in September 2011905-634-9088at an Accredited ProgramOrchard Animal HospitalFREEiPad and e-texts for allSeptember 2011 students!2020 Appleby Line, Burlington905-634-4526Speers Road Animal HospitalView our virtual tour and video 1459NottinghillGatetestimonials at 1026 Speers Road, Oakville (905)469-3232(westofDorval,southofUpperMiddle)www.on-dei.com905-844-6786or call Visitdelmanor.comforallourGTAlocations.()1-866-979-ODEI 6334Advertorialwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, July 14, 2011 14

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