dentistoakville.com905-842-6030MECHANICAL SERVICESAUTOPRO OAKVILLE2212 Wyecroft Road, Oakville905-469-2442Relay for Lifeautoprooakville.mechanicnet.comSNA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 2010ONTARIOS TOP NEWSPAPER - 2005-2008Living40 Pages $1.00(plus tax)A member ofFRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2011 Metroland Media Group Ltd. Vol. 49 No. 66USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIESWiFi stays in public schoolsBy Dominik KurekOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFStudents in Halton public schoolswill continue to get access to wirelessconnectivity (WiFi).With a full table, all but one trusteeat the Halton District School Board,voted Wednesday, June 1 against amotion brought forward by MiltonPHOTOS BY ANDREW COLLINS / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVERtrustee Nancy MacNeill to cease theTOTALLY ENGULFED:Oakville firefighters extinguish the flames from a van they found totally engulfed by fire upon arrival. At the time, firefighters did boards operation of WiFi in its facili-not know if anyone was in the burning vehicle.ties.I would never say WiFi is harmfulbecause I dont know that thats true,Police searching for driver of burning vanMacNeill, who voted in favour of therecommendation, said at the meeting.Halton police are searching for the driverthey got there they looked right away. It was However, she added there are studiesof a van that was consumed by fire after hit-fully involved.that suggest WiFi can be harmful, andting a tree in the area of Regional Route 25After extinguishing the fire Oakville fire-that it has become so mainstream(Bronte Road) and Lower Baseline, earlyfighters determined there was no one inside.because it is convenient to use.Thursday morning.Halton police attempted to track the driv-The possibility of harm is tooPolice were called to the scene around 1er with a canine unit; however, the canine great a risk for convenience, shea.m. where they found the van fully engulfedwas sprayed by a skunk and could not flames.tinue the search.MacNeill also pointed to a reportThe fire was so severe police were unableHalton Police Public Affairs Officer Dave released a day before the meeting, onto see whether anyone was still inside.Cross said the owner of the vehicle has been Tuesday, May 31, in which the WorldThis urgency was communicated to theidentified, but whoever was driving the van Health Organization (WHO) placedOakville Fire Department, who were called tothat night has not.MISSING: Oakville firefighters discover no one cell phones in its 2b classification,the scene almost immediately. Efforts are being made to locate the was in burning van.meaning there is some level of risk forWhen the call came in it was unknown if driver to ensure his safety, said Cross.causing cancer. Because WiFi worksFire Department.anyone was trapped inside, said MichaelThe van had not been reported stolen, said That was relayed to the crew, so when Harrison, fire prevention officer, OakvilleCross.See Trustees page 7 HOME AUTO LIFE BUSINESS AVIATIONTHE MAGNES GROUP INC.1540 Cornwall Rd., Suite #100, Oakville, ON L6J 7W5 Tel: 905-845-9793 Fax: 905-845-9149 www.magnesgroup.comEND INSURANCE CONFUSION. For informed decisions that you can feel good about, contact us!