OT Lunch Buddies pick up provincial awardBy Dominik Kurekfrom school administrators. Lunch BuddiesOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFhave their own clubhouse in the school andEschlboeck plans to hang up the award in theA group of 35 high school students has beenroom.recognized with a volunteerism award for itsWe did some research recently and lookedwork with a group of developmentally chal-up some quotes of June Callwood and the kidslenged students at lunchtime.found one and we had one plaqued and its nowOakville Trafalgar High Schools Lunchhanging in the room, Eschlboeck said.Buddies Club received the June CallwoodThe Lunch Buddies also have another pro-Outstanding Achievement Award forgram. They have designed reusable lunch bagsVolunteerism. The award is presented by thefrom recycled cotton that they will be selling toOntario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigrationthe students at a low price, to help the schooland handed out annually to 20 individuals andhave litter-less lunches. This will also help thegroups.school keep its eco-certification.Were all kind of shocked and surprised andThe club received two grants for a total of excited. Last year we had a smaller group of kids$3,000 from the TD Friends of the Environmentand they all received a SEAC (Special EducationFoundation and Metros Green Apple SchoolAdvisory Council) award, said education assis-Program.SUBMITTED PHOTOtant Karen Eschlboeck, who founded theWe thought if we had our Lunch BuddiesON THE JOB IN THE LUNCHROOM: Lunch Buddies, from left, Candice Palmer, Zackgroup.logo on there, we could be part of doing that forShaban, The Honorable Dr. Eric Hoskins (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Karen Eschlboeck,They already knew they were special, butthe environment, the education assistant said.Jon Snow and Claire Davies.they cant even imagine someone from the gov-But the program does more than just help thewho would spend time with two OT studentstime with them until the next class period ernment is going to recognize them for some-environment; it is also another activity for thewho have Down syndrome at lunchtime andbegins.thing that they have fun doing.two students with Down syndrome to do.eventually the group grew to its current 35.Lunch-time supervision is lunch-time The award is named after the late Callwood, aThey help us sell the bags and they help usThe Lunch Buddies students have a rota-supervision, but then you have something thats Canadian journalist, author and social activistwhen were setting up the table in the hall attional schedule that they made for themselvesmeaningful to everybody, where theyre actually who passed away in 2007. The awards are handedschool at lunch time, Eschlboeck said.and between five to 10 students are available at aspending time with peers and playing games and out to those who make an exceptional contribu-Everything the Lunch Buddies do, thesetime to spend time with the two students withdoing things normal teenagers do, Eschlboeck tion to volunteerism in Ontario.kids do as well. Well take them to footballspecial needs.said. Thats a completely different program and This years awards were handed out ongames, or the drama night, or music night or toThe pair arrives at OT at lunchtime, comingthats what this is.Friday, April 15 in Toronto.lunch-time activities like battle of the bands.from a regional program at a different school.Eschlboeck nominated the group for the The Lunch Buddies Club was formed lastFor more information on the club, visit www.The Lunch Buddies pick them up and spendaward and received several letters of reference year by Eschlboeck. It began with a few studentslunchbuddiesclub.com.OVER 3.50%5 YEARSTHE TIME FOR A SECOND HONEYMOON GIC.GREAT RATES FOUND OVER HERE. WHY LOOK 2.80%3 YEARSELSEWHERE TO REACH THE KIDS ARE ALL GROWNYOUR DREAMS.UP AND MOVED OUT GIC.Getting great rates shouldn't always mean impersonal service. OVER Coming to FirstOntario means 2.45%2 YEARSnot just having some of the best THE WINTER BLAHS WE'RE savings rates but having genuine GOING SOUTH GIC.people who understand your needs. To book your Service Chat, call 1 800 616 8878 or visit OVER ThinkFirstNow.com.2.10%1 YEARAnd ask about our NO FEE* THE PICK UP AND GO Chequing with unlimited WEEKEND AWAY GIC. transactions.E-SAVINGSWHERE YOU PUT YOUR 2.00%ACCOUNTMONEY DOES MATTER. THE FUN TOYS FOR ME SAVINGS ACCOUNT.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 22, 2011 8Rates as at April 20, 2011 and subject to change without notice. *Some conditions apply.