Sales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesHome RenovationsFollow us onMike's Drywall The Advertising Department of the Hamilton & RenovationsSpectator currently has a full time opening for anLicensed & InsuredyCertifi ed TradesmanComplete Interiors, AccountPOSITIONVACANCYFrame, Board, Tape, If interested, apply to Plaster, Insulation, Account Executive Human Resources Paint, Trim, DoorsExecutive30 Years ExperienceTheAdvertisingdepartmenDepartment bytcurrentlyhasafulltimeopeningFree EstimateforamotivatedanddynamicAccountExecutiveintheRetailWednesdaymyhaltonads, 905-515-5505This individual will report to the Director, advertising area.April 20th, 2011.Advertising Sales.Ourgoalisto findanexceptionallydriven,resultsoriented andexperiencedsalesprofessionalwithaprovenrecordof Applicants must be self-starters and exceptionally The Hamiltonachievement. goal-oriented as the focus of this position is on SpectatorReportingtotheAdvertisingManager,thesuccessfuldeveloping new revenue opportunities.Human Resources candidatewillbeahighlyorganizedandmotivatedgarage salesDepartmentThe successful candidate will:professionalwithsuperiorcustomersalesandserviceskills44 Frid Streetandhavetheabilitytoworkcooperativelyinafastpaced Have proven sales results in hunting newteamenvironment.StrongverbalandwrittencommunicationHamilton, Ontariobusiness MISSISSAUGAS/E OAKVILLEOAKVILLEskillsarerequiredforpresentations,negotiationsand L8N 3G3Be comfortable making cold sales callsMOVINGpGARAGE GARAGEroblemresolution.TheabilitytoofferourclientscreativeFax: (905) 526-9211Be a motivated professional with superior advertisingsolutionsisessential,asistheinitiativetomakeSALESALESALEcustomer sales and service skillsemail: coldcallsandseekoutnewbusinessrelationships.AsaSat. April 16Sat Apr 16Sat. April 16provenseSpecJobs-Advertising@lfstarter,youwillbuilduponexistingaccountsand Be able to work cooperatively in a team 9am - inesspartnershipsandopportunities.Apost Sun Apr 1710am - Noonenvironmentsecondaryeducationinbusinessorotherrelated fieldwould Sun. April 1710am-4pmDevelop strong business relationships with65 & 68We thank you for your interest be a de finite asset.but only those candidates adve9am - 1pmrtisers to build business opportunities2001Birkbank Dr.Thispositionoffersanexcitingaccountreceiving an interview will be listwithgreatearning Have the ability to provide clients with creative3190RAIN OR SHINEBlacksmith contacted. No phone callspotential and a competitive total compensation package.Furniture: leather advertising solutionsor agencies, please.O'Hagan DrLanecouch, love seat,If interested please apply in writing byApril 15, 2011 to: Be well organized and able to meet daily Mississauga Rd & Good qualityFor more inbedrooms & desksformation onDundas Streetfurniture for sale and deadlinesAttn:Advertising DirectorMetroland Media Group, viewBeautiful couch, some paintings.ouHave excellent communication andr Metroland Informationdresser, stereo cabi-jmckie@hamiltonnews.comSerious buyers at http://www.metroland.presentation skillsnet, lamps, pictures, 905-815-7571Hamilton Community Newscom/page/Videoshousewares, almost Possess strong interpersonal skills for 333Arvin Avenuenew ladies bike, lawn presentations, negotiations, and problem Sfurniture, etc!toney Creek, OntarioresolutionL8E 2M6March 29, 2011Health Care/Restaurants/Teaching General Contracting, CAREEROPPORTUNITYMedicalHospitalityOpportunitiesExcavatingAdvertisingRepresentative:NewspaperAdvertisingSalesDENTAL HYGIENIST re-COOK POSITION, P/T. LOOKING FOR Taekwondo quired for Oakville practice. Must be available for call Instructor. 4th Dan and up, TheCambridgeTimeshasanexcellentopportunityforanindividual3 Days/week (incl. 2 even-ins and every other week-preferably speaks Korean.MAN WITH experiencedinprintadvertisingsaings) No Saturdays. Email end. Food safe handlers Experience is a must. Com-lesorsimilar/relatedcommissionsalescapacityresume required. Red Seal Cook pletion of college program will take priority. is an asset. Please fax Digging patios,Fax resume 905-335-3699 or email resumes to: holes,or email: mountnemo 905-855-7896,Cold-callingnewornon-servDENTAL RECEPTIONIST icedbusinessesinCambridge&relatedareasnursinghome@cogeco.netinfo@omaccanada.comwalkways, driveways,Experienced. Proffient in Creativethinkingstyleandanabilitytoproblem-solvefoundations, grading,Dentrix and Abledent. HELP WANTED- Cook for STOP RRSPSeDomestic Help lf-starterwithloadsofinitiativewhoneedsminimaldirectionPlease fax resume concrete/dirt removal, Thai Cuisine. Minimum 3 905-849-0565AvailableHyears experience as a cook gravel and delivery.ighenergyandapositiveattitudeContributionsfor Thai food. $15/hr Fax Other Services Avail.ExcellentverbalandwrittenskillsEUROPEAN PROFES-resume to: 905-631-1916.FULL-TIME ASSISTANT 905-334-4028Receive 4 times greaterLSIONAL cleaning lady iterateincomputerskillsincludingMicrosoftWord,Excelfor Burlington optometry PLUCKERS WING & Crab available Monday - Friday. Drivenforsuccessclinic. Position involves pa-income tax refundsShack, looking for servers, New vacuum. Reasonable tient care/ front desk re-Excellentorganizationalskillsbartenders & kitchen staff. Landscaping, Lawn rates. Call investing in a fully nanced, ception. Hours include 2-Please apply with resume Care, Suppliesevenings, some Saturdays. 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Organized, de-ic. Apply in person 1.800.264.4873Moving & Storagetail oriented. Good rates, Entrylevelaccountlistw/resume to Chef PERMANENT PART-TIME references, free estimates. Chris; Servers apply to Dental Assistant required BonusOpportunitiesCall Sofia: 905-278-0915 Kevin. 478 Dundas St. for a growing dental offi ce Benefitspackageandpensionplanor 416-857-8544.W., Oakville.WHEN DECIDING on a in Oakville email resume: moving company, you may thedentista@yahoo.caPostSecondaryEducationanassetbutnotapre-requisite.PROFESSIONAL CLEAN-decide to see if the compa-Part-time ING Services in business ny is bonded, insured and InterestedcandidatesareaskedtoemailtheirresumesbyApril22,2011.PHARMACY TECHNI-Opportunitiesfor over 15yrs. Call for ref-certified. The Better Busi-TedAndersonCIANerences and a free esti- (F/T, P/T) in Ham-ness Bureau and/or the Ca-mate today! ilton. Experienced. No CASH PAID Daily- 3rd Regnadian Association of ionalAdvertisingManagerparty fundraising group 905-580-6975.evenings, Fax resume Movers may also provide CambridgeTimes,ForeverYoung,needs people to help to: 905-544-4686 more information on a CityParentandSpecialtyPublicationsSPARKLING CLEAN fundraise for Habitat for company.Humanity Halton. Call: house by Elizabeth. 475ThompsonDrivePHARMACY TECHNI-905-617-8363Professional house clean-Cambridge,OntarioN1T2K7CIAN experienced required ing. Excellent references. Waste Removaltanderson@cambridgetimes.cafor Pharmacy in Oakville. Weekly/ bi-weekly. Friday Teaching Fulltime/ part-time. Expe-opening available. Weappreciatetheinterestofallapplicants;Opportunitiesrience in Kroll preferred. 905-545-3280.1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. howeveronlythoseselectedforaninterviewwillbecontactedExcellent communication ECE PRESCHOOLCheap. Fast Service. All Teach-skills. Please fax resume YGeneral Contracting,ourHometownNewspaperer- Pearson Co-op Nurseryloading/ cleanup. Free Esti- to 905-257-6390.ExcavatingSchool seeks a FT ECEmates. John, CAMBRIDGETIMESwith a min. of 2yrs work ex-905-310-5865 (local)revae BRN REQUIRED part-time Eperience to cover mater-GENERAL CONTRACTING- LILVKcasual for evenings, alter-nity leave for the 2011-12 AFences, decks, home reno-Onate weekends. Competi-school year. Co-op and vations. 905-844-6118, tive wage & benefit Quality First would be an 905-510-4045.Part-Time package. Mount Nemo CLASSIFIEDE-MAILasset. Forward cover letter Christian Nursing Home. and resume. Send resume Teaching TaHome RenovationsHome RenovationsHome Renovationsilor Fax resume 905-335-3699 to: Opportunitiesor email: mountnemo hiring@pearsonco-op.comWanted! This individual should have a Veterinary Helppassion for SERVING othersREGISTERED , be able to produce high quality work ECESand enjoy being part of a team.FT RECEPTIONIST need-ed at Burlington Animal Come Play & Learn with Us!INTERNET!Send your resume or contact:Hospital. Must have excep-Childcare CentresM iinlt on & Burlingtontional client service skills Tracy Austinare seekinRge gistered ECEs.and ability to remain calm Phone 905-634-2371Advancement Opportunities, Paid Professionaland compassionate in Email - stressful situations. Previ-Development & Competitive Benefi tsous exp. in a veterinary TA54@mooresclothing.comclinic would be an asset.Apply at: Apply to avccareers@* Position available immediatelyor Fax: OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 13, 2011 22SayYouSawtheadintheOakville Beaver.ClassifiedsGetResults!