VanSpallsHalton Green candidateis Burlington teacherBy Christina Commissotion.nofrills.caMETROLAND WESTAs I go around andMEDIA GROUPspeak to people, its all ages,not just the 20-somethings,The candidate for but seniors too, that areHaltons federal Green open to our platform, saidParty says the partys blend Remigio.of Conservative and Liberal They realize werepolicies offer the best of inheriting this planet forboth worlds.our grandchildren and weTheyre really fiscally have to think about whatConservative, but socially kind of legacy we are leav-and environmentally ing for them. theyre Liberal, said Judi While the political new-Judi RemigioRemigio, who was officially comer said shes alreadynamed Haltons Green can-been invited to several localdidate Sunday.debates, shes disappointedIn some ways, the The Burlington resident to see party leader ElizabethGreen Party is perceived as said the Green Party's plat-May excluded from theidealist in its vision, but all $form, which she describes televised leader debate. 70its ducks are in a row and evas economically, ecologi-The public wants toaall its policies are based on s3 cally and socially strong, hear what all the majorsound, scientific research.resonates with her.parties have to say. Remigio, 45, said the *Im an idealist, and Remigios originallyGreens policies on curbing thats a good thing. Where from Essex County andthe release of fossil fuels 77would we be if we held our-moved to Burlington inand removing tax breaks selves back and didnt shoot 2003.Coca-Cola sofor businesses that do pol-ft drinks24 x selected varietiesfor the stars? asked the Shes a teacher at Haltonlute will sit well with 355 mL* Prices not available at all locations.5mother of two.Waldorf School.See back page for details.Haltons diverse popula-$ 10 evas7 87Delissio Rising Crust or International pizza5selected varieties, frozen960 g - 1.85 kg$ ver o evas4 97Village chicken wings2selected varieties, frozen454 g1395 Abbeywood Drive, OakvilleStore Hours:ABBEYWOOD DR.Mon-Sun - 8am to 9pm7 days a weekNORTH SERVICE RD. OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, April 7, 2011 4TTHIRD LINE