With heartMillers shoe and boot sale for OTMHThe Millers Shoe and Boot Sale at the Net proceeds from the sale will go to theOakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH)hospital.next Monday and Tuesday, March 14 and 15, will The OTMH Footcare and Orthotic Centrebenefit the hospital.partners with Millers to provide patients withMillers, a large supplier in Hamilton that has proper fitting shoes.been in business 85 years, will hold a clearance Millers carries a wide array of name brandsale in the Auditorium of the hospital that's and designer shoes and boots. located at 327 Reynolds St.For more information about the sale orThe sale will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the hospital's footcare clinic, call 905-338-Monday, March 14 and from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4669 or visit www.OakvilleHospitalFootcare.on Tuesday, March 15.ca.Our Family, Our Food healthy eatingOur Family Our Food: Empowerment Sandra Saville, RD of Saville Nutritionthrough the love of food is a free public edu-Consulting, Rosanne Longo of Longoscation seminar presented by Halton Family Charitable Foundation, and JuliaHealthcare Services on Monday, April 11.Hanna of Julias and Ritorno Ristorantes andYou have no doubt heard about and seen Kids Culinary Community. the evidence of increased childhood obesity This seminar will be held at the Haltonin our society and its associated problems as Regional Centre in Oakville with displayswell as concerns about it for the future. from 6:30 7 p.m. Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq To learn more about how your family canrecently issued the statement, If we are learn to love food, bring your kids with yougoing to sustain healthcare in the long-term to attend this free seminar.in Canada, we need to put some energy into The Halton Regional Centre is located atchildhood obesity and start dealing with pre-1151 Bronte Rd.ventable illnesses. Displays and refreshments will be avail-JON BORGSTROM / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVERFind out on April 11 at 7 p.m. about what able from 6:30 p.m. and the seminar willFOR A CAUSE:The Wine Ladies Georgia and Susanne held a wine tasting dinner at Cucci is happening in the local community to help commence at 7 p.m. Modern Italian Cuisine in Bronte and a silent auction in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation children maintain a healthy weight and good Call 905-878-2383, ext. 4379 or e-mailof Ontario. Here Georgia, Debra Bell and Susanne ham it up while showing off the boots provided nutrition habits. healthpromotion@haltonhealthcare.on.ca toby Debra's company, dlb accessories, one of the many sponsors for the silent auction.The presentation will be delivered by register and for information.Register your team today! June 3-4, 2011, 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m., Appleby College Gather 10-15 friends, family members or co-workers, create a team or join an existing one! To get more information come out to our Kick-Off night! thMarch 30, 2011, 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.Oakville Town Hall - 1225 Trafalgar Road - Trafalgar RoomRemember Sponsor Fight Back SponsorTim Hortons Restaurant Owners of Oakville GTAGTA Region Region Print SponsorRadTV Sponsor io Sponsor Supporting Sponsors Supporting Sponsorswww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, March 10, 2011 20