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Oakville Beaver, 25 Feb 2011, p. 25

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Doctor champions women in war and at homeBy Angela BlackburnWar zones may be the toughest place to make change happenOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFso of course, thats where Nutt is focussed.Its definitely harder. Because of the situation, you often findDr. Samantha Nutt is in her late thirties, has a young son, is you take two steps forward and one step back, said Nutt.married to Ontarios new minister of Citizenship and Immigration There are various places from which one can initiate and is widely considered one of Canadas most influential change.women.On the ground, War Child Canada is there to help immedi-I dont know about that, I think Im just the most obnox-ately, instigate future change and see it through.ious, laughed Nutt in a recent telephone interview withThe Outside of the war zone, other people from across the globeOakville Beaver.can lend a voice, contribute and be aware.The eloquent Nutt said shes not sure she even fits her own Its generational change that will have the greatest impactdefinition of a person of influence someone wielding power and while that can occur through a number of means, educationthrough financial means or academic knowledge as an expert.is at the top of the list, according to Nutt.I just fight for what I believe in, she said.With education comes opportunity for employment, equity,While far from being obnoxious, Nutt does get the job done.protection and that has a direct positive result in reducing childShe may not be who youd at first picture to be the most deaths.violent of war zones across the globe defending and champi-Politically, change to reduce or eliminate the small armsoning women and children.trade is needed as these weapons are used widely in warHowever, she is a recipient of the Order of Ontario recognized zones, are readily accessible and are used to threaten, torturefor such work. She is also co-founder of War Child Canada with and intimidate women, said Nutt.her husband, fellow humanitarian Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario's Support for political change, such as support for the elimina-Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.tion of the small arms trade is one way to help.A native of Scarborough, who grew up in the 1970s, Nutt is a Awareness abroad and here at home is needed, too. doctor with more than 15 years of experience working in war Nutt said resource extraction such as coal in the Democraticzones.Congo Republic, which is directly connected to rape, abuse andNutt has travelled to some of the worlds most violent flash-exploitation in that country is also directly connected to thepoints including Iraq, Afghanistan, The Democratic Republic of resources use in electronics such as cell phones and videoCongo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Burundi, northern games so popular here at home.Uganda, Ethiopia and the Thai-Burmese border. It is incumbent on us as consumers to push for ethicalSince the beginning of her career, Nutt has focused on provid-corporate practices, said Nutt.ing assistance to war-affected women and children.A third way to help make change is by donating to causes.She has done so while working with several non-governmen-Immediate donations are effective, however it is ongoingtal organizations, the United Nations and now her own War Child donation that will facilitate long-term, structural change thatCanada.will make a lasting difference, said Nutt.Nutt, who is also on staff at Women's College Hospital in And never forget that while it may appear to be much betterToronto and is an assistant professor in Family and Community at home than it is in many places abroad for women and chil-Dr. Samantha NuttMedicine with the University of Toronto, will speak to the dren, Nutt said, There is work to be done here.Oakville edition of the 2011 International Womens Day annual Tickets to the March 3 local International Womens Day din-Her personal road to making a difference on a global scale dinner and fundraiser on Thursday, March 3.ner event cost $48. WHAM began for her as a child of the 70s. Nutt said her mom was defi-(Women of Halton Action Movement) and Zonta of All proceeds go to Sexual Assault and Violence Interventionnitely a feminist and that had an impact on me.Oakville commemorate this day with this event that includes a Services of Halton (SAVIS) and to Canadians in Support of She entered medical school with an entrenched interest in dinner, speaker, entertainment, silent auction, sale of Afghan Afghan Women (CSAW).women and children and while at first considering a career in goods and book sale.The event will be held at the Oakville Conference & Banquetobstetrics, opted instead for community medicine and took her Nutt is a recipient of Canada's Top 40 under 40 Award (Globe Centre located at 2515 Wyecroft Rd. Parking is free.skills into the field where women and children most needed help and Mail), was designated by Time Magazine as one of Canada's The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with a cash bar, Afghan market, war zones.Five Leading Activists, profiled as a Canadian leader by CBC the book sale, 50/50 draw. Entertainmnet, dinner and speakerAccording to Nutt, women are disproportionately affected by News, a Canadian success story by CTV National News and made follows at 6:45 p.m.war and rape is widely used as a weapon of war.Maclean's Twelve Canadians Making a Difference list.For tickets and information, call SAVIS at 905-825-3622.Mother says teen has been very, very braveContinued from page 24day despite it. I go to school every day and try to pretend its notcalling 905-845-8346.there. Its still really difficult, said Brooklyn.For those who simply wish to donate, its possible to do so Rebecca said shed like to establish a foundation that sup-Shes been a very, very brave little girl, or I should say youngthrough Paypal at www.theilcfoundation.org. All proceeds will ports children here accessing appropriate pain managementwoman. Shes been through so much, said Rebecca.support the cause.programs and raising awareness of the need for the same.The sad thing is, why couldnt our healthcare system helpHolmes will be available from 1-3 p.m. while the event will Taking medication that can lead to addiction and being bed-her? asked Rebecca. Why couldnt it help a child get her lifealso feature clown Jeannie the Jelly Bean painting faces and ridden isnt much of an option, according to Rebecca.back? Its ridiculous.tattoos for kids. Brooklyn is walking and back to school. There is no price tagIn an effort to raise awareness of EDS Type 3, a genetic condi-There will be various displays, a band, a 50/50 draw, door on that, said Rebecca, who added, her family had discussed sell-tion that is a connective tissue disorder, which Rebecca explainedprizes, food tastings and more.ing their home to access help for their daughter.leads to pain, dislocations of body joints and heart and bloodA comedian will perform at 3 p.m. and there will be a silent You do what you have to. We would have sold our house,pressure-related symptoms, and to help pay for Brooklyns painauction featuring items from snowboards and spa certificates to weve definitely discussed that, said Rebecca.management program, the fundraiser will be held at Philthya private concert with the Tom Barlow Band.Should it be necessary, they would do so, she said, but doesntMcNastys, 379 Speers Rd., on Feb. 27 from 1-5 p.m.The rock cover band Liquid Courage will be on stage at 4 believe her family or others should have to face that decision.There will be live music, a silent auction and celebrity guestsp.m. while an after show and fundraising jam night will get Its been really tough, said Brooklyn. Its been a very bigsuch as Holmes. underway at 5 p.m.change. Youre up on your feet even though the pain is almostTickets cost $20 (children under 14 get in free) and can beRebecca said the staff at her work, the Oakville Laser Clinic, the same.purchased at the Oakville Laser Clinic, 2427 Trafalgar Rd. or byare behind the fundraiser.I try to ignore it (the pain) and keep pushing through the25 Friday, February 25, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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