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Oakville Beaver, 18 Feb 2011, p. 7

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KAIROS not only targeted agencyLocal member says many international aid groups affectedBy Dominik Kurekon a document that had recommended funding. OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFThen this week she said, The not was inserted at my direction.Youre invited to a Wine Dinner at The Glenerin Inn After it was publicly revealed that International Its very disappointing indeed that such a CJoin us, and Shawnna Brown of The Wine & Travel Company ooperation Minister Bev Oda doctored a docu-high-level person in the government has handled for a fun evening highlighting the Wines of Australia.ment to cut funding to KAIROS, a local member this whole business with such a lack of integrity. of the group says the organization is not the only Those actions have then been supported by the one affected.Prime Minister and the Leader of the House, 00Thursday February 24, 2011per person$99Mervyn Russell, a member of the Mississauga/said Russell, who has been a member of KAIROS (Tax & Gratuity Extra)Cocktails at 6:45 pm - Dinner at 7:30 pmOakville chapter of the faith-based group, said for the past four years.KAIROS is just one of many groups affected in Russell worries about other organizations. In Dinnersuch a way.a recent KAIROS meeting, members met with Tasmanian Pumpkin (Squash) Soup delicately spiced and garnished with macadamia nutsWhat were seeing is a pattern by the govern-those of another similar agency.2009 Chardonnay, Wooshed, Victoriament to defund any organization whose views Representatives from the Canadian Catholic ****dont totally coincide with those of the govern-Organization for Development and Peace were Barrier Reef Shrimp dressed in a spicy sauce along side ment, he said.telling us that their bridging funding has not a mango, kiwi, papaya salad with cilantro dressing Earlier this week, it was revealed Oda had the been granted, Russell said. They are very anx-2009 Sauvignon Blanc, Lillpilly Estates, Riverina word not inserted into a government docu-ious if in actual fact they are going to be defund-****ment that ended KAIROS funding.ed by CIDA, which would be a far bigger issue in Australian Rack of Lamb w/rosemary, mustard crusted and drizzled in Alpine pepper jusKAIROS is a faith-based ecumenical joint a way than KAIROS."2007 Shiraz, Hyland, Penley Estate, Coonawaraventure of 11 Canadian churches and organiza-He listed other organizations that have been Wine Spectator Rating: 90 points, IWC Rating: 89 pointstions that promotes democratic human develop-defunded recently. They are: the Canadian ****ment and ecological sustainability in some of the Council for International Cooperation, the Hunter Valley Fruit trifle fresh fruit alongside delicate white cake and creme fraicheworlds poorest countries. In 2009, Ottawa decid-Canadian Institute for the Advancement of NV, Sparkling, Premium Cuvee, Jansz, Tasmaniaed to cut the $7 million in funding for four years Women, the Child Care Advocacy Association of Robert Parker rating: 89 points, James Halliday rating: 93 points to the organization through the governments Canada, the Court Challenges Program of Canadian International Development Agency. Canada, the Native Womens Association of THE GLENERIN INNKAIROS, in various guises and names, had been Canada, Oxfam and Planned Parenthood.receiving funding through CIDA for 36 years."This is a delegitimization, as far as the gov-1695 The Collegeway Free Parking & Wi-FiOver the last year, Oda and her staff have ernment is concerned, of all these organizations Serving Breakfast, (Dundas & Mississauga Rd.) stated that CIDA determined KAIROS to not from civil society, which do not exactly agree Mississauga, Ontario L5L 3S7Lunch & Dinner Dailymeet its funding criteria. In December Oda said with the government line. This is part of Mr. 905.828.6103 Sunday Brunchshe did not know who had written the word not (Stephen) Harpers agenda of complete control.www.glenerininn.com U glenerin@glenerininn.com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riday, February 18, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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