Letters to the editorOakville Transit needs improvements Glen Abbey poor choiceI read in your newspaper that Oakville Transit ispassengers off. I am almost the last one to get off at River considering a fare increase. I have no alternative butGlen. Then, why call 190 an Express?to express my views publicly as sending e-mails toAny changes to the schedule or route will just not for skateboard parkpoliticians will not result in meaningful dialogue.take place as a couple of passengers excluded from the With poor service, poor promotion and runningroute will start complaining to their politicians who will Our Ward 4 representatives inordinate amount of tax dollars,most of the time below capacity, there is no justifica-then grease the wheels of management to please their sure know how to put a spin on i.e. establish it in West Oak, movetion for a fare increase and it is not good enough to sayconstituents who will then vote for them. A vicious cir-things.it temporarily for suspect reason;that compared to other municipalities in Ontario, ourcle indeed.There are no good reasons for establish it in an entirely inappro-fares and taxes are the lowest. Other municipalitiesSo, there are 'management' issues to be fixed and the locating the skateboard site in priate area at an estimated cost of have their own issues and they may be inefficient sotaxpayers and the ratepayers cannot just subsidize inef-Glen Abbey.$100,000.that doesn't mean that Oakville has to be inefficient.ficient service. Not only that, but, when passengers like We wonder why the residents ? We could rebut every lameI was taking the 5:19 p.m. express from Torontome recommend a change, they do not get as much as an in the vicinity of the alternate site excuse put forward at the informa-Union and on disembarking the GO train (which nowacknowledgment from the councillors or the manage-(Glen Abbey) should be subjected tion spin session, but we trusttakes more time than before thanks to GO), Oakvillement unless you hound them. They are just not inter-to the goings on as opposed to the Ward 4 Councillors RogerTransit 190 River Oaks Express waited for the passen-ested once elected or appointed.Arbourview Drive residents (West Lapworth and Allan Elgar willgers and would take off almost immediately. Now, theNo wonder then that many of the passengers like me Oaks site).reconsider.GO has increased the travel time and boasts that it willhave resorted to cars to travel to the GO Transit 'reserved' Having viewed the West Oaks We propose these alternatives:be on time. parking lots, which are expanding at a phenomenal rate, site, it was much further away (0.5 ? The site should be open forPassengers usually have to wait at the bay for 10are selling like hot cakes. Even with ever-increasing gas km) from Arbourview Drive than activity to be seen and not sur-minutes before 190 arrives. The 190 (or so called 190prices, people prefer to drive and this should mean some-the proposed Glen Abbey site is to rounded by shrubbery and hiddenExpress) leaves the Oakville Station bay after all thething to the management and councillors, or are they a higher population.away.buses have departed and then lazes through the grid-buying time for an uprising?Regarding the proposed Glen ? The site must be at least 0.5locked Trafalgar and then stops at stops at close inter-Nadir Rabadi, OakvilleAbbey site.km away from any residential areavals (some off them across from traffic signals) to let? There are numerous apart-using the unsuccessful ArbourviewYou are cordially invited to the ments with a higher population site as the template.much closer to the site than were The new sports complex onSerious budget cuts neededat the West Oak Trails site. I pre-Fourth Line and Dundas. If all the GRANDTheGet Seriouseditorial inThe Oakville Beaver,sume their votes do not count.persons using the complex can getFeb. 11 issue contained timely and appropriate? Using Arbourview Drive as there, so should the skateboard-OPENINGadvice to the Town Council and was solidly endorsedthe criteria, residents will be affect-ers, plus this is where the newof the new by Janice Wright in herMisleading budget infor-ed north of Upper Middle Road to young families will be locating mationletter. Heatherwood; west to Postmaster not Glen Abbey.CANADIAN How nice to see the truth behind the budgetDrive; south to Schoolmaster and The park east of Trafalgar onMARTIAL Mapleridchair's smokescreen bragging on the paltry 3.14ge; east to Pilgrims Way Cornwall. Every bus in Oakvilleper cent proposed tax increase and masking theand Willow Terrace.comes within a block of this park,ARTS CENTREactual 7.1 per cent (or 7.6 per cent) figure. ? The site should be in an thus solving the transportation19TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011 How nice also to have the issue so well explainedexposed location open to public concern.Festivities start at 3pm, by the ex-regional councillor, who surely knows theview to discourage bad behavior, Provide only the existing nodemo and ribbon cutting with truth of the matter and who goes on to expose thenot hidden away behind a plaza problem Iroquois Ridge site inMAYOR ROB BURTON at 4pm, cynicism of the reductions proposed within thewhere bad behavior will be encour-order to save tax dollars.followed by catering by Pasquales. suggested 7.6 per cent increase. aged by being out of sight.We respectfully ask our coun-Her suggestion seems very logical, that council? The proposed site is very cilors, Lapworth and Elgar, toTime: 3-6pmshould consider examples in a list of cost-cuttingclose to the baseball diamond remove the alternate site fromAddress: 282 Church St., Oakvillemeasures seen in other municipalities budgets andwhere young children play orga-consideration, and, if need be, findParking: Parking Garage Next Door I would like to add to her list with a couple of items:nized baseball and the proposed a more appropriate site.Think about putting Stop or Yield signs at T junc-area is also used for summer camp For those individuals who doTODAY ONLYtions instead of adding yet more traffic lights andactivities. Do the parents and the not believe that this issue concernsget some small buses to limit the observable wasteTown want to subject these chil-them, we seem to have a group of Church St.25% Offof huge, almost empty buses passing my house atdren to the alcohol consumption, councillors who are not actingregistration or Lakeshore Rd.register 1 and get all hours. drug abuse and foul language pur-responsibly. Contact your council-the 2nd person inCouncil, get serious about budget cuts; the restported to have caused the neces-lors and voice your displeasure.the same family sity for the relocation.Mrof us are forced to.. and Mrs. P. Metcalfe,HALF PRICE!Donald J. Pedley, Oakville? This entire fiasco has cost an OakvillePassataStrainedNOW OPEN IN OAKVILLE!TomatoesNEW BELLAVITANO AssortedJarFlavoured$99CheesesthUntil Feb. 27, 2011th6Until Feb. 27,201199Olive OilBottle$99thUntil Feb. 27,20113$00$002501 Prince Michael Dr (at Dundas St.) (905) 257-9200 2112914 pieces pieceswww.palmapasta.com Family Size CannelloniLarge CannelloniValid until February 27th, 2011Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 7 pm, Saturday 9 am - 6 pm , Sunday 10 am - 4 pmValid until February 27th, 2011Not to be combined with any other offers.Not to be combined with any other offers.4HE )TALIAN &OOD 3HOPTrafalgar Rd.WWW PALMAPASTA COM7 Wednesday, February 16, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com