Two hopefuls eye Halton's federal Liberal jobLaurin-Bowie hails from Oakville, Mowbray from Miltonon early childhood care.By Christina CommissoMy entire career has been about effect-METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUPing change in government. My life in the community with my kids and my husband With an election looming, two candi-has connected me to issues that are impor-dates have come forward in hopes of repre-tant to seniors and children. When I looked senting the Halton federal it, I thought I cant turn away from this Oakville resident Connie Laurin-Bowie,opportunity. I need to take responsibility executive director of a non-profit organiza-for the change that I want to see and its tion, and former rural Milton councillortime to stand up, she said.Jan Mowbray have thrown their hats intoIn 2009, she ran for the Oakville federal the ring to represent north Burlington andLiberal nomination, which she lost to Oakville and Milton at Parliament Hill.Oakville councillor Max Khan. Going for the nomination was so far off Shes currently executive director of my radar. I had to take a step back whenInclusion International, a non-profit orga-people began asking me to run after (for-nization that represents people with intel-mer Liberal candidate) Deborah Gillislectual disabilities and their families before stepped aside, said Mowbray, who repre-agencies including the United Nations and sented rural Milton as a local councillorthe World Bank.from 2003 to 2010.Laurin-Bowie has been green-lit to run After consultation with many people IJan MowbrayConnie Laurin-Bowieas a candidate by the Liberals. trust and respect, I said yes. It is a hugeMowbray and Laurin-Bowie are the step, but I feel it is the right one.only individuals who have expressed inter-The long-time Miltonian has yet to beBoth are long-time local Liberals with for tax relief for families who have disabledest in the position after Gillis resigned as green-lit by the Liberal Party, but shestrong local support.children and for extending maternity tothe Halton Liberal candidate in January.hopes to have her nomination packageSavage said a nomination date has yet to one year while working for the provincialThe Halton Federal Liberal Association submitted by this set, but he expects a few more candi-and federal proud to have two excellent candidates Laurin-Bowie is no stranger to politics.dates to put their names forward before the She also helped negotiate an inclusivefor consideration, said association presi-The mother of two successfully advocatednomination meeting.approach to federal/provincial agreementdent Steve Savage. ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKERCLEARANCE ALEon ALLdiscontinuedstyles &coloursPost-Game InterviewINGEBORGS WAREHOUSELargest selection in the GTAEvery year, over 60,000 boys and girls play Timbits Hockey, where they learn the skills of thegame, and share moments with family and friends. Tim Hortons is proud to support the over 7501681 FINFAR COURT, MISSISSAUGAboys and girls who play Timbits Hockey in Oakville.Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11 to 4The first goal is having fun.(905) 823-7415 Tim Hortons, OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 11, 2011 8 ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKER ARA SALAMANDER ? ROHDE MEPHISTO BIRKENSTOCK RIEKER ARA SALAMANDER ?