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Oakville Beaver, 10 Feb 2011, p. 31

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General HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpGeneral HelpOffice/Health Care/Technical/Skilled AdministrationMedicalTradesCLASSIFIEDE-MAILRECEPTIONIST WANTED DENTAL ASSISTANT/ Re-for casual part-time work in ceptionist- Certifi ed Dental/ HVAC Mechanic Want to run your an Audiology clinic. Please Assistant/ Receptionist re-4th or 5th Year apply in person at 11-1960 quired for Burlington dental Apprentice orAppleby Line or email re-practice. Some evenings own business sume to lhebert@montcal-and weekends are re-JourneymanDISTRICT SERVICE maudiology.comquired. Fax resume to: Minimum G2only 3 days 905-637-6048REPRESENTATIVECommercial &Small Industrial supply The Burlington Post currently has a temporary Industrial experience company, Oakville, re-Restaurants/a week?INTERNET!full-time (6-month contract) opportuqnuiirteys full-time "Assistant to Hospitalityrequiredthe Owner" to operate the available for a District Service Representative. Email resume:office. Duties include Cus-EXPERIENCED PREP Per-In this role you will be responsible for ensuring sunmechinc@tomer Service, computer son, part-time leading to that all deliveries and distribution products are entry, sourcing/ purchas-yahoo.cafull-time, duties incl food Technical/SkilledLook no further......completed in a timely manner by woriknign gproducts. Required prep, dishwashing. Mon-Fri, TradesFax: 905-631-9412qualifi cations: Dynamic, loy-closely with the carrier force. Further respon-Oakville. Email resumeal, trustworthy individual info@plumcatering.casibilities include recruiting new adult and youth w/excellent verbal/ written NEW MECHANICScarriers and addressing and resolving custom-kills. Quickbooks an as-ORCHARD CARRIERS NEEDEDKFC/ TACO Bell. Hiring set. Email resume: er concerns in a professional and timely man-REQUIREDFull & Part-Time. New in mgj27@cogeco.caner. A reliable vehicle is a necessity.Burlington Mall. Email:FOR OUR BRAND NEW FACILITY TO DELIVER THEktoperation@hotmail.com Applicants must have 310S licence If you are an enthusiastic and energetic indi-or 647-283-9017Health Care/and/or 310T. vidual who is a self-starter with strong commu-MedicalWe offer benefi ts & no shift work.nication, organizational, computer and problem STONEHOUSE RESTAU-RANT now hiring experi-Welcoming re-submission & new Applicantssolving skills, we welcome your resume for re-enced Front Of House view.4150 Harvester RBdu.rlington, ON. L7L 0C1 and Kitchen Staff. Send resume to: applyrestaurant Fax: 905-333-3866 All interested candidates should forward their All Ages Welcome!@gmail.comayoung@attridge.comP/T Attendants/ resume no later than February 18th, 2011 to:PSWSTONEY'S NOW hiring Kim Mossman, Circulation ManagerSales OpportunitiesSales OpportunitiesIn Oakville Experienced Full and Routes available on the following streets:kmossman@miltoncanadianchampion.comPart-Time Servers. Outreach ProgramGood wages. Fax re-Must be able to work sume: 905-849-5984, Langford Rd., Whitehorn Dr., Dryden Ave., days, evngs, wkndsemail:WEEKEND SERVICE ADVISOR /stoneys@bellnet.caDuties: Assist adults OFFICE PERSON325 Kerr St., Oakville.Prescott Pl., Valley High Dr., Duchess Crt., with physical disabil-Required Immediatelyities in activities of WAIT STAFF & Kitchen Empire Cres., Braeswood, Seton Cres., Busy truck & trailer shop requires someone daily living.Staff Wait Staff & Kitchen Experienced Outside Salesthat can multi task- answer telephones- order Salary Range: Staff needed for catering Executive position available in the security Ridgewell Rd., Autumn Harvest Way, parts- initiate & process work orders- greet Certifi ed $14.52company. Experience is a equipment industry. Generous base and must. Full time, Part time, customers and deal with mechanics. We offer Please submit and Seasonal Positrons commission.Stonehaven Dr., Greer Dr. & Bird Blvd. benefi ts, RRSPs and a very competitive wage.resumes to: available. Will start work Please go tow ww.VDTSI.com to learn Jo Ann LangleyMid March. Please contact Please fax your resume to 905-878o-r4 489 Forestvale, Four Seasons, Coral, Cold-more about the company. If interested apply Tara Wood: Email: ta-Fax: 905-845-0957email msquires@trucktownservice.comthrough our careers section.raw057@hotmail.comEmail: jlangley@ stream, Middlesmoor, Barlow Cres, Bader marchofdimes.caINSIDE SALES- LYM is Office/Teaching seeking a young, energet-Cres., Royal Dr., Clover Rd., Rexway.AdministrationRetail OpportunitiesOpportunitiesic, motivated Sales Execu-DENTAL ASSISTANT- tive. Must have clear EXPERIENCED TAX Pre-HANDYMAN MATTERS Level 2 with at least one CHILDCARE CENTRE confident telephone voice Call Circulation @ 905-632-0588 to sign up!parer, for small Oakville Bonded Insured, Base-RAyear experience. The posi-TTLE AND Stroll- seeking Full-Time ECE or and be able to multi-task. home-based accounting ments, Bathrooms, Reno-tion is full time. Must be Part Time & Full Time ECA and Supply Staff. Must Base + Commission SHIPPING/ RECEIVING/practice. Approx 6 hrs/wk vations, Kitchen, very motivated & cheerful Sales. North Burlington & possess strong program jobs@lightyearmedia.comWarehouse: Successful na-start, send resume with Carpentry, Remodels, with digital xray and dentix South Oakville Baby Bou-planning, be loving/ fun pay expectations to tional distributor of state-of-Tile, Painting, all handyman skills. Pay commensurate tique. Knowledge of baby natured and creative/ pa-KITCHEN DESIGNER- t1taxprep@gmail.comthe-art medical/ surgical work. 905-332-6446, with experience & skills. products and customer tient. Excellent wages. Reputable Retail Chain look-products requires an indi-905-825-5110Send resume to: dentistin service an asset. Flexible Please call Ashley at ing for Self Motivated, FULL TIME Administrator- vidual for full-time shipping, burlington@gmail.comhours. Willing to work 905-333-6522 or email: experienced Kitchen De-Full time Admin required for DAVE'S A Handyman. receiving and warehouse weekends. Future manage-ashley@monkeybizz.casigner/ Sales Person for busy Physiotherapy clinic in Tiling, Plumbing, Paint-duties. Experience re-ment opportunities. Send kitchen/ cabinetry for Burlington. Strong or-ing, Framing, Crown quired. Good technical resume to: jobs@ MEDICAL LAB Tech/As-Burlington/ Oakville/ Miss. ganization, drive for re-Moulding, Doors, Base-ability, computer skills an rattleandstroll.casistant required for Oakville areas. Knowledge of sults, time management boards, Flooring etc. asset. Forward resume: Medical Clinic. Part-time, 20/20 asset.required.- Hours: Mon Specializing in Bath-5024 South Service Rd, some evenings & alternate 416-200-6607 for inter-7:30-3, Tues 8-6:30, Wed rooms. 905-335-8835Burlington, L7L5Y7. Fax: OfficeSaturdays. Duties include /views. Salary plus bonuses11:30-7, Thurs 8-2, Fri 905-632-7938injections and admin work. Administration7:30-1:30. Please send re-Enthusiastic and motivatedDomestic Helpsume to: individuals should apply by BeapartofourIN-PAPERJOBCOMPANYNAMEWORKWORKERS FORACHIEVERS! FASTEST snow re-dsdjobs@gmail.comAvailableemail to pam@healthsense moval and propergrowing logistics company ty mainte-FAIRsupplementandletusputyour&LOGOmedical.ca or fax to nance needed immediatelyseeks talented outside . LEGAL SECRETARY- 1 OR 2 European Cleaning 905.632.4440emp905-825-0239loymentopportunitiesintotheValid Drivers Licence andcorporate Sales Reps. Experienced in Microsoft Ladies, Spring Cleaning Mike's Drywall CompanyPROFILE:Drivers Abstract required.Training provided, Manage- handsofhouseholdsinBurlingtonWord, Teranet, Wills ,Specialist, references, Bur-& RenovationsDays and nights are man-ment potential. Email: and Estates, Part-Time, lington, Oakville, Flambo-(INCLUDING:CompaynProduc/tOakville,MiltonandFlamborough.datoryadam@nexgensecurity.ca . Send resume to: Burlington. attorneycard@ OAKWOOD RETIREMENT rough. 905-510-9313 Licensed & InsuredServices,YearsintChoemmuntyi,enzo.mcl@gmail.com yahoo.comUrsulaCertifi ed TradesmanCOMMUNITIES INC.WCompaynBenefitse.t)chynotgiveusyourcompanysComplete Interiors, AFFORDABLE CLEANING The Village of Tansley Woods Long Term Care profilealongwiththeaddress,faxYourCompanyProfileHere!Frame, Board, Tape, service. Honest, reliable. ONE COMPANYand future Retirement Community are recruit-information,phonenumberandalistPlaster, Insulation, We will clean your home, EmploymentOPPORTUNITIES:ing for the following positions:apartment, office. 10% off Paint, Trim, Doorsofjobopportunitiesyouhavetooffer.for seniors or first clean-YourCompany30 Years ExperienceWound/ Infection Control Nurseing. 647-880-9145OpporFree EstimatetunitiesHere!YouradwillbeplacedinourspecialThis RN leads by example in developing and 905-515-5505COMPANYADDRESSsectionwitheditorialcontenttoassistmonitoring improvements to nursing care. The PHONENUMBERpeoplewithtipsandarticlesonhowtosuccessful candidate will be an excellent SPECIALIZING IN fram-E-MAILFAXLUBLINK HIRINGFAIRSing, drywall and taping. getteacher/presenter and creative problem-solver. thejobthatisrightforthem!CONTACTNAMEALINA'S CLEANING No job too small! Experience in skin/wound care is essenSetiravicl.e s, who has time to Saturday, Feb. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at17 years experience, clean? Experienced, Euro-The individual needs to possess knowledge in basements, additions, pean team will take care of hardwood floor refinish-infection control practices and provide educa-your home & leave it spark-ing, finish carpentry, tional opportunities and information on current ling. Fully insured, trained SIZE:(3x5)or(6x2.5)BackPageAvailableAskfordetailsceramics etc. Call Gary ladies, all supplies. Halton. surveillance measures. Current CNO registra-COST:BurlingtonandOakville$599Add416-566-0492 or Alina 905-689-5696 lv msgWorkopolistion required. BONUS:AddMiltonandFlamboroughfor$249905-878-0410.foronly$125Spotcolorfrom$50andProcesscolourfrom$150CallfordetailsEUROPEAN PROFES-Director of Environmental Services ActonOakvilleHalton HillsSIONAL cleaning lady ForDEADLINE:Feb 23,2011PUBLISHINGDATE:Feb 25, 2011The DES is responsible for managing the available Monday - Friday. Laundry, Housekeeping, and Maintenance SundNew vacuum. Reasonable ay, Feb. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. atCall:905.632.4440Fax:905.632.8165E-mail:classified@haltonsearch.comDeparrates. Call 905-601-5656.tments, as well as troubleshooting FASTany problems that can occur with the physi-service,RELIABLE AND experi-$$*cal plant and its systems. The successful MAKE BETWEEN 800 AND 1,200 EACH MONTH.enced cleaning lady candidate will have strong interpersonal available. Flexible days/ skills, organizational plus good working hours. Burlington/ Oakville. MFAXiltonGod rates. 905-465-0254knowledge of and demonstrated hands-on your Wexperience with mechanical systems.ork for the best boss Were hiring for:General Contracting,classified ads.The successful candidate must have a pEoxscta-vatingGolf Hospitality Culinary TurfIf you cant afford to be tied up on in the world. Yourself.secondary degree or diploma, knowledge of the phone, save time. Use the GENERAL CONTRACTING- Burlington Post,Pevidence based practices and practices re-lease bring your resume and meet members of our As an independent distributorFences, decks, home reno-Oakville Beaver and , you will deliver lated to housekeeping, maintenance and Milton Champion News mvations. 905-844-6118, anagement team. Business casual dress code in effect.The Hamilton Spectator and the Tfax line. oronto Star in laundry. Candidate must have two years 905-510-4045. Indicate ad size, classification and experience in a management or supervisory Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. Want to know more? the days and newspapers you Moving & Storagecapacity.would like it to run in. We will take Visit www.clublink.cait from there!ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS!Interested persons may reply in writing to:If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 WHEN DECIDING on a The Village of Tansley Woodstoday!moving company, you may For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 Attn: Jo-Anna Gurd, General Managerdecide to see if the compa-FAX:or simply fill out the online application form at Fax: (905) 336-7143ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi-632-8165wwwE-mail: jgurd@oakwoodretirement.com.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator ness Bureau and/or the Ca-representative will contact you.We thank all interested candidates. nadian Association of ClassifiedsMovers may also provide However, only those selected for an interview more information on a *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week.will be contacted.WORKcompany.141631 Thursday, February 10, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com

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