To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: Fax 905-632-8165CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS:Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm.Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm.OAKVILLE BeaverclassifiedsAD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will ForCirculation inquiries, please callaccept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication.905-845-9742 Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday.Homes for SaleHomes for SaleApartments for Apartments for Townhouses for Townhouses for Articles for SaleVansRentRentRentRent**A1 MATTRESS Facto-Its better in Burlingtonry direct, delivery available. All sizes in-One bedrooms Selling yourcluding custom Split $980/month starting from boxsprings, Orthopedic CumberlandVillageMinutestoGO&QEW20yr sets starting Magnificentviewofthelake&mountainGeneral Help$240. 30yr tight-top home privately?3-bdrmTownhomeIndoorpool&saunaNewlyrenovatedsuitessets starting $340. De-On-siteSecurityRentincludesallutilities&cableluxe no-flip Pillowtop from$1100/mo.IndividualClimateControl(Heating&A/C) WHEEL CHAIR VAN &'Crown' series, Euro-Advertise a photo & descriptionExceptionalValue!!!2002 DODGE RAM 1500 Close to Burlington Mall,Schools & Transittop sets from $390. LICENSEDCALL CENTREvan. Automatic, 120,000 Enjoy New Waterbeds, Futons, 4appls.Eat-inKitchenBasementParkingof your home inBurlington Square thekm, very good condition. TRAILERDebt CollectorsEnd-of-line/ discontin-Peace of MindHolds one or 2 wheel-F/T,Perm.No exp.760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave.3270 Prospect Streetued items available. MECHANICchairs, plus 4 other seats. 905-847-2020; Req.Must have905-639-4677BurlingtonAfternoon shift.Rear electric lift, raised 905-681-9496www.mcarthurproperties.comgood phone roof, adapted by Creative For medium sized 905632-2601Carriage. Asking $13,000.manner. transport fl eet in Please call Irene QEW & Erin MillsAPPLIANCES FOR Sale, andMilton. Excellent 905-304-3489washer, dryer, fridge, Competitive Wages2418 GLENWOOD SCHOOL DRIVEwages & benefi ts.stove, also Maytag washer hr@contactre 3 bdrm townhomes Easy access to QEW& dryer set. Will separate. Please apply to: source.comVehicles Wanted/289-337-1328 Minutes to Burlington Mall & Big Box StoresF:905-855-0603WreckingACTIVERef#101 TRANSPORT INC Steps from schools, parks & playground*CARPET HARDWOOD, ***ALWAYS CASH*** 363 Bronte StreetFor details call905-632-4440 4 Floor Plans to choose fromLaminate, Stone/ Tiles, $200. (Average) Paid MiltonBeat Any Quote! Paint-for usable and scrap ve-Starting from $1050/month HOMEWORKERS ing/ Renovations. Free hicles. Free pickup. 905-878-7047NEEDED!! Full & Part-time (905) 637-9725Estimates. Burlington Also Free dead battery For more info call905-639-8583positions available- Will Showroom pick-up. 905-320-3287 | www.caprent.com1 & 3 bedroom apartments also availableTrain. Online Data Entry, 905-320-8381 pedder@Typing Work, Email Read-rogers.blackberry.netNannies/ Live In/ BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTSing, Homemailers, Assem-ROUNDTREECARPETS- I have several CLASSIFIEDE-MAILOutbling Products. Hurry, *CASH PAID- GUELPH LINE/ Wood- MANOR1000 yds. Of new Stain-Spots Go Fast!!Furnished$250.00++ for any ward. 1 & 2 bedrooms master & 100% nylon car-TOWNHOMESWANTED: LIVE-IN Care-www.TopOntarioJobs.comApartmentsComplete vehicles driv-available immediately/ April pet. Will do living-room & giver for two boys in Bur-Across from en in/ $200++ for vehi-from $795/mo. utilities hall for $389. Includes lington area. Call Herson cles picked up. Good included. Clean, quiet Burlington Mallcarpet, pad & installation LANDSCAPE COMPANY 905-315-9461.used cars & trucks building. Burlington. (25 yards) Steve, requires snowplow opera-3 Bdrms $995/mowanted $0-$20,000. 905-632-4265.905-633-8192 musts have experience 4 Bdrms $1035/moHOME AWAY Child Care AvailableOakville's Only Licensed petdeals.caemail resume to Auto Recycler 702 795 Dynes RoadFROM HOMEPRIME DOWNTOWN Bur-Bronte Rd, Oakville (just $000,000- 4 slevel spide split in Headonlington. Upgraded suites Tel: 905-639-1748DRUMSET FOR sale- Rare-South of QEW). MOT le-DAYCARE AVAILABLE Forest.3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec1&2 bedrooms. New BURLINGTONly used! Ludwig drumset, EBEST Rental Valuegal transfers. Careersin West Burlington, MONASTERY BAKERY wwindows. Modernized ele-oom with gas fireplaceL.New ceramics inblack- excellent condition, TOWERS905-827-8015.IN BURLINGTON!6:30am- 5:30pm. Hot Pnow hiring for the following vators. Scenic views. 478 purchase price was $700, kitchen.Hardwood floors in living room &din-meals, lovely and educa-Full-time positions. Cashier, MAmelin PropertyPearl, 477 Elizabeth; moving sale, $300 or best FURNISHED ing room.Large professionally landscaped,Ational environment. Police CASH PAIDRECRUITER FULL-TIME for Scrap Deli Clerk, Hot Station, ex-905-634-9374, Managementoffer. 416-707-4241S1,2, BDRMSpool-size lot.New roof in Check, CPR. Patty Cars and T(3-10yrs experience). Base rucks. Same 03, windowsperienced Bread Baker, 905-632-1643905-632-4638.Day Pick Up.salary +commission. Fax resume 905-847-1567 replaced 04.Hi-efficiency gEas furnace.BURLINGTON. 3-BDRM,HOT TUB (Spa) Covers 905-639-8583Z905-693-5355Flexible hours, occasional or email to: Master bedroom witfinished basement, 2 car Ih full ensuite.NeutralNEWLY RENOVATED, best price, Best quality. All EXPERIENCED, LOVING travel within Canada, skilled corporatesuites.catonyp@monasterybakery. Sparking, a/c, backyard, Oakville Bachelor, decor throughout.Open House this Sundashapes & colours. Call ydaycare in my smoke-free trades staffing company comnear Burlington Mall, 996 $899/mo. includes utilities, 1-866-585-0056 home, River Oaks. Refer-atlooking for exp'd recruiters 000 Main St.,Burlington.PRIVATEBrenda Cres. Unit #4. parking, laundry, premium Houses www.thecoverguy.cafor Rentences and receipts to join growing team. SALE.Call 000-000-0000 for more details.$1150/mo. plus utilities. cable service & internet. Experi-SHIPPING/ RECEIVING/ April.1st 905-336-7187Available Immediately MOVING!- OAKence w/ placing skilled executive Warehouse: Successful na-905-582-5868BURLINGTON- LAKE-trades people an asset (but desk w/credenza, Natuzzi tional distributor of state-of-STUNNING RIVER Oaks Tutoringnot required). Send re-SHORE/ Guelph Line. 2-the-art medical/ surgical leather loveseat, La-Z-Boy Semi for sale- 3-bdrms, 4 OAKVILLE- 200 Queen BURLINGTON- UPSCALE sume/salary expectations: bedrooms. 1.5 baths, fin-reclining loveseat, tables, products requires an indi-bathrooms gleaming hard-Apartments for Mary Drive. 1 bedroom 2 bedroom, 2 bath-hr@tdtcrews.comished basement. contemporary double vidual for full-time shipping, wood in main level, ravine penthouse with a beautiful rooms, S.S. appliances, Rent1-905-466-2432.beds, dresser, mens receiving and warehouse lot, fi nished walk out nanny view, $1300/mo. Immedi-granite counters, wash-armoire, basketball net, duties. Experience re-suite, 1000s in upgrades. SOURCING ANALYST- ate. 905-844-1934. BURLINGTON ORCHARD er/ dryer, E-fireplace, 2 BEDROOM Basement quired. Good technical lawnmower, BRIO train set A must see! Please call Dir-Contract Wolseley Canada SUMMIT TUTORING -In-www.taylorgroupproperties.caCommunity- 2 storey, ap-roof top & back yard Apartment Gorgeous Newly +table, TV w/stand. ability, computer skills an resh Krishna, is seeking an individual to dividualized programs prox 1600sq.ft. 3 bed-patio, garage. Prime lo-renovated in West Oakville. Excellent condition. asset. Forward resume: fi ll one year maternity leave support the Ontario cur-rooms, 1.5 baths, A/C, cation- Guelph/ Main-New Kitchen, Large Rec 416-939-0851 Oakville5024 South Service Rd, $419,000/obo OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed-contract who will be re-riculum. -Qualified wood deck, garage, 5 ap-way, $1650/mo. plus Burlington, L7L5Y7. Fax: @416-819-4373room,Laundry,Close to Public room townhouses available sponsible for a combina-teachers target your pliances, close to schools, utilities. 905-335-5041.Transit, Parks and schools. 905-632-7938immediately, appliances, PUB TABLE, 42" round, tion of Sourcing, Pricing child's unique learning all amenities and highway Parking for two cars. Available Hopedale Mall Area. Mortgages/ Loanswalnut, 18" leaf, 4 match-and Product Management style. -Flexible schedul-access. Available February Immediately. $850 month-Lakeshore Management ing pub-chairs, 1 y.o. Mint tasks. Must have expert Ex-ing and payment options 1. $1600/mo. plus utilities. WORKERS FOR snow re-Utilities incl. 905-334-3400905-876-3336.EAST MOUNTAIN, 100 Condition $625. cel skills. Email: with no contracts to 416-990-1827.moval and property mainte-FREE YOURSELF from Leggett Crescent, Newly sign. -Free academic 1, 2 & 3-Bedroom nance needed immediately. debt Money for any pur-renovated 3 and 4 bed-OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLEFax @ 905-315-3640 CARLISLE VILLAGE 4 assessment. Location: Oakville from $875. 190 Valid Drivers Licence and pose! Debt consolidation room townhouses. Rent Rent! Large 1 & 2 bed-bedrooms 3 sizable out Summit Learning Cen-WEIDER MULTI-GYM. Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Drivers Abstract required. 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, starts at $1,005. Includes rooms, hardwood, suites buildings. Suit home bus or tre, 760 Brant St, Suite Great Complete work-out Pine: 905-337-0910, 1265 Days and nights are man-credit lines & loans up to cable, hot water tank ren-with balcony. Appliances, hobbyist. Opt. to buy. 424, Burlington gym, almost new, 6-Line 905-842-8960. CLASSIFIEDE-MAILdatory. Send resume to: 90% LTV. Self employed, tal. Units available immedi-laundry, quiet, clean, near Mar.1st, $2150 +utilities. 905-631-7506www$250.obo. classified@haltonsearch.commortgage or tax arrears.ately. First month and transit/ schools/ shops. 905-627-3738Don't pay for 1yr program!$500 maintenance deposit 905-339-3245.1-BDRM APT. for rent. INTERNET:Articles Wanted#10171 Ontario-wide Fi-required. Open house Feb. OAKVILLE LARGE 3-bed-DogsDowntown Oakville. www.burlingtonpost.comnancial Corp. Call 12th & 13th for units 112 Careersroom, 3 bathroom, bunga-Call Jamie 905-330-1835.WATERDOWN CENTRAL 1-888-307-7799& 118; 1-3pm. Call www.oakvillebeaver.comlow Rebecca/ location, walk everywhere www.ontario-widefinan-W905-385-7819; illowbrook. Garage, 5 ap-1-BEDROOM, WALK-1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; GOLDEN RETRIEVER, 2 cial.comwinkleigh@quickclic.netpliances. $1500/mo $ Best Cash Paid $OUT basement apartment 75 John 905-690-4454; y.o. male $400; German +utilities. March.1st. We make housecallsin Oakville. $850/mo. inclu-50 John 905-689-1647; $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI-Shepherd, 1.5 y.o. female. FINANCIAL PLANNER905-464-3344 after 5pm.sive. non-smoking, www.livehere.caDATEAll shots, neutered/spayed. Debts Mortgages to Jewellery, Coins, Available Immediately. GEORGIAN COURT Es-95% No income, Bad credit Others available for adop-INVESTMENT ADVISORGold, Silver, 416-540-1219tates- 611 Surrey lane. OK! Better Option MorTownhouses for tion. 905-847-2020t-Are you a CFP with both investment (IIROC) Furnishedlarge bright 2&3 bed town-gage #10969 RentPaintings, and insurance licenses looking for a new BURLINGTON- 3020 Apartmentshouses w/full basement 1-800-282-1169 Diamonds, China, Glencrest Road. 2 bed-and utilities included. Carswww.mortgageontario.comopportunity to advance your career and grow 3-BEDROOMS CENTEN-Crystal, Silver, rooms, available March/ 905-632-8547 NIAL Drive, family com-your business? Perhaps you manage a small BusinessApril. Starting from www.realstar.caFigurines, Royal plex, 1 parking, book of business and also have the time to $979/mo. Upscale quiet Opportunities$1100/mo. + hydro/ heat.1980 OLDSMOBILE 98 Doulton, Swarovski, building, close to major WWWassist a very successful fi nancial planner with .TRAVELSUITES.CAApril.1. 905-319-1869Regency, 145,km. Garage Art, Antiques ARE YOU Looking for a shopping. 905-632-0129.Bronte Harbour Club kept. Very good condition. his busy practice. NEW 3 bedrooms, 2.5 Change? Learn to operateCollectibles, etc. New Large Renovated 1-BRAND NEW 2 bedroom, Runs great! Many new baths, brick townhouse, a Mini-Office Outlet from BURLINGTON- SPA-bedroom, 6 appliances,We have a passion for passive investing and 2 storey townhouse with Estate Specialists, parts. $1100 hardwood, stainless steel home. Free evaluation. CIOUS 1 & 2-bedrooms. indoor pool, 24/7 gym, finished basement, hard-905-632-5790 are looking for a like-minded associate to join appliances, granite. Top Cash. Across from Sobey's Pow-Special from wood floors. Upper Middle 3rd Line/ Dundas. our firm located just west of Toronto. For the Call John/ Patti Great Centre. Easy access $1195.+* Unfurnished.;and William O'Connell, Mill-$1890/mo. plus utilities. right individual this could be the career highways/ minutes to GO/ Furnished Corporate croft. 2 parking spots. 905-331-2477416-300-1468.!debus. From $700/mo. plus tIndustrial/Residences! Daily, $1600/mo. plus utilities. nopportunity of a lifetime. In addition to sending wplutilities. 905-336-9842.Weeklye, Monthly! Busi-Commercial for SalAvailable March 1. Call Lisa eHus your resume please also include a personal ness, Family, Travel 905-334-2955.Sessay outlining the way you manage your AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE-FACING BURLINGTON SOUTH WESTWANTED: OLD Burlington~ Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Townhouse 3-bedroom,Telephones (30's-60's), LYMall. Large 1&2 bdrm BURLINGTON- LARGE current business, why you are looking to make . 3100sq.ft. Commer-Laundry, Pets O.K.; Help wantedsuites. Brand new kitchen. 3 bedrooms, immediate. 3bathrooms, garage, walk-and pay phones, & old !cial space in plaza. From.... $49.95*/night! a change and why you believe passive 650 Plains Road East,Seniors discount. Hydro Appliances, hardwoodfriendly-recycled telephone out, $1350/mo plus Page Us @ Pinvesting is in the best interest of your clients.equip., Highest cash prices Burlington. Mrincl. Call Dan floors, quiet park like utilities Available . Singh, 905-681-7355905-793-5599;905-639-8009 or Don setting. 905-681-0070.paid, will pick up. Call March/1st Contact us at: cfp.opportunity@gmail.com647-280-2704.905-681-8115wwwDave 416-420-8705.rentaltownhouses.ca905-693-8525 ext.224.29 Wednesday, February 9, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER