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Oakville Beaver, 20 Jan 2011, p. 13

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Virus preventionfact or fiction?(NC)Modern medicine hasn'tphagocytes, the cells that eat upThis particular ginseng extractD levels were 36 percent more like-al population. Megadoses have alsofound a cure for the common cold,bacteria. Additional research alsocontains compounds that increasely to catch upper respiratory infec-been shown to cause kidneybut that doesn't stop the rest of usshows that omega-3 increases air-disease-fighting white blood cellstions. An optimum level of the vita-stones, upset stomach, and evenfrom trying. flow and protects the lungs fromand interleukins, important pro-min will produce cathelicidin, ainternal bleeding in children.Avoiding getting sick in the firstinfections. Capsules should con-teins for the immune system.protein with virus-killing qualities.ZINCplace is better still, and everyonetain at least 1 gram of EPA andECHINACEAA growing number of studies sug-Consensus: conflictinghas their own secret remedy. HereDHA fish oil to be effective.Consensus: hypegest an intake of at least 1,000 IUResearch continues, but resultsare some of the most commonCOLD-FXWhile this herb has the poten-every day, which is most easilyare underwhelming. Zinc is credit-remedies, and the scientific con-Consensus: credibletial to shorten the duration andachieved with a dietary supplement.ed with slowing the spread ofsensus on how well they work.In a clinical trial published inseverity of symptoms, the quality ofVITAMIN Cgerms in the nose and throat.OMEGA-3the Canadian Medical Associationthe extract can vary. Be sure to readConsensus: hypeSome reports show that taking aConsensus: credibleJournal, participants who took twothe labels so you know what youA diet rich in vitamin C is essen-30-mg zinc supplement at the veryThe fatty acids of a daily omega-daily capsules of Cold-FX caughtare taking. Side effects have includ-tial to good health, but loading upstart of a cold will shorten it by3 supplement deliver immune-for-25% fewer respiratory infections ased wheezing, rash, and diarrhea.on supplements for extra protec-about half a day. On the othertifying properties, according to thea group taking a placebo. WhenVITAMIN Dtion isn't recommended. A 2007hand, more than 50-mg per dayInstitute of Human Nutrition andparticipants did get sick, theirConsensus: crediblereview of 30 studies found no evi-can suppress your immune systemSchool of Medicine in Britain.symptoms were 31% less severeA recent Harvard study showeddence that vitamin C supplemen-and block the absorption of otherOmega-3 increases the activity ofand they were sick for 1/3 less time.that people with the lowest vitamintation prevents colds in the gener-essential minerals.Flu season peaks in the New YearHow your digestive tract can help you stay(NC)All the excitement about Wash your hands: More oftenhealthy through cold and flu seasonavoiding getting sick usually startsthan you think you need to, and foraround Thanksgiving and fades by thelonger, too. Just a reminder'nough(ARA) - Most people think of fre-optimal condition.creates an inhospitable environ-New Year. Maybe the reason the flusaid.quent hand washing and avoidingThis comes down to a battle ofment for the "bad" bacteria andseason peaks after the holidays is that Clean and disinfect: Think abouttouching the eyes, nose and mouth"good" versus "bad" bacteria.pathogens that can make you sick.everyone lets their guard down. Stayall the things you touch, and the lastwhen it comes to trying to stayWhile everyone has both types ofThe bottom line is that you wantvigilant with these tips to stay healthytime you cleaned them. Your steeringhealthy during cold and flu season.bacteria in their digestive tract, byto feed the good bacteria to keepall the way until the snow melts.wheel, your cellphone, light switches,However, many don't realize theshifting the balance in favor ofthe bad bacteria that can compro- Get your flu shot: If you think it'sremote controls All these are greatmajor role the digestive systemmore "good" bacteria than "bad"mise your health at bay.too late, think again. Flu season canplaces for germs to pass from personplays in boosting immune healthbacteria, you can help keep yourKeeping immune systemslast all the way into May, so it's still ato person.and helping people feel their bestimmune system strong. One waystrong during the winter monthsgood idea to get vaccinated if you did- Stay home: Your mother taughtduring the cold winter months.to do this is to consume foodswhen cold and flu viruses are ram-n't roll up your sleeve in the fall.you to share, but when you're sick, beYou may be surprised to learnenhanced with prebiotics. A prebi-pant is particularly important. Take Cold-FX: More than tenselfish. Keep your germs to yourself,that approximately 80 per cent ofotic is a non-digestible ingredientFrequent hand washing and get-clinical trials show that people takingrest and recover, and get back on youryour immune system is actuallythat serves as food for the "good"ting a flu shot is a good first step,Cold-FX get significantly fewer coldsfeet more quickly. You'll be more pro-housed in your digestive tract. Asbacteria, also known as probiotics,but just as important is feedingand flu than people using other sup-ductive than those people who soldiera result, keeping your immunewhich are also found in yogurtsthe good bacteria in the digestiveplements, or nothing at all, to staythrough it, and you'll make a positivesystem strong means taking stepsand other dairy products. Keepingtract, which helps to continuallyhealthy through the season.impression on your boss.to ensure your digestive tract is in"good for you" bacteria well fedsupport immune health.Gold Award Winner for Best Dentist in Oakville!13 Thursday, January 20, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com

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