Ignatieff rallies the troops during Oakville tour stopBy Kim Arnottbeen carrying across the country,let it roar.SPECIAL TO THE BEAVERasks Canadians whether they are bet-After Khans rundown on theter off now than they were five yearsConservative government, IgnatieffAn enthusiastic crowd of aboutago.stuck to softer topics.200 Liberal supporters was on handFive years ago, we were a pros-Noting the diversity of ages, gen-at the Oakville Power Boat Club onperous country, said Khan. Thisders and races represented in theSaturday night to greet MichaelConservative government has erodedroom, he said, I look at you and I seeIgnatieff, as he made his first Ontarioour prosperity.my country.stop on an 11-day, cross-Canada tour.He also blamed the federal gov-Adding that his father came toThe federal Liberal Party leaderernment for a newly-created budgetCanada from Russia as an impover-spent about an hour mingling withdeficit, rising unemployment rateished immigrant before eventuallypeople and posing for pictures in theand loss of respect from the interna-rising up to represent Canada at therelaxed setting of the club beforetional community.United Nations, Ignatieff emphasizedencouraging the crowd to get behindIn a fiery, energetic style, Khanthe Liberal Partys intent to supportOakville Liberal candidate Max Khan.ended his speech by telling theimmigrants and look to them as aBring Oakville back into the cen-crowd, There is light at the end ofway of building trade bridges aroundDANIEL BOOT / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER tre of the conversation, urgedthe five-year tunnel. A change isthe world.GOOD TIMES: Liberal Party Leader Michael Ignatieff and Oakville LiberalIgnatieff, who said the Liberals needcoming. Can you feel it?Its all about guaranteeing equal-candidate Max Khan share a laugh with a supporter at the Oakville Power Boatto win Oakville and sweep the GTA inIgnatieff began his speech byity of opportunity through education,Club Saturday night.the next federal election. Dont letthanking Brown, who held the feder-so no one is left out of the bright cir-the likelihood of an imminent feder-accountable for its decisions.those guys say theyre coming in. Itsal Oakville seat for the Liberals for 15cle of Canadian hope, he said. al election.Introduced by former Oakvillenot the blue tide thats coming in, itsyears. The riding is currently held byThe event attracted many notableWe have absolutely no interest inLiberal MP Bonnie Brown, Khan wasthe red tide thats coming in.Conservative MP Terence Young.local Liberals, including Oakvilletriggering an election, said Khan,given the task of outlining the stateHowever, neither Ignatieff norShe spoke for Oakville. SheMPP Kevin Flynn, Mayor Robwho added that the Liberals wontof the country after five years underKhan, who has been sitting in thespoke for Canada and were all grate-Burton and Town Councillors Alanshirk away from their duty to ensurethe Stephen Harper government.wings as the Oakville ridings Liberalful for your public service, he said.Johnston, Tom Adams and Rogerthe federal government is heldThe theme, which Ignatieff hascandidate since Sept. 2009, played upAnd now weve got a new voice andLapworth.With over 20 years experience, Universal is the driving school for you!MINISTRYINSPECTEDUNIVERSAL DRIVER ED.& APPROVEDBURLINGTON500,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer Disease right now.BeginnerSpecialCompassionate support and practical knowledge DriverLIMJanuaryis AIlzheimer Awareness Month and with moreTED SEATS LEFTare crucial to your journey, well-being and success than 500,000 Canadians living with Alzheimer DiseaseEducation$Offas a caregiver.COURSES CONSIST OF:it is astonishing to realize howlittle people know of the Offer expiresCourse35One on One private lessons+ No HSTThe Caregivers Compass Dementia program aims to Disease and the programs that are available to help them.January 31, 2011understand your caregiving challenges and address Eligiblefor road test in 8 months as opposed to 1 yearVisit our website to learn about:them in and out of your home.MTO certificate recognized by thes Workshops 3 weeks Tues/Thurs Evenings 6-9pm Jan. 18-Feb. 3 & Feb. 15-Mar 3&OR MOREinsuranceindustry INFORMATION ABOUT #AREGIVERS #OMPASS AND s 3UPPORT GROUPS!CCLAIM (EALTH S MANY OTHER SERVICES PLEASE CALL Gift certifi cates availables (OME 6ISITS 3UPPORTSat 4 weeks 9am-2:30pm Jan. 8-Feb. 5 & Feb. 12-Mar. 51-905-847-9559 or visit us online s -ONTESSORI BASED PROGRAMS FOR DEMENTIAced male and female instructors 4-day Courses Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31ss, 10 hours In-Cartationwww.acclaimhealth.ca/caregiverscompassRegister online: www.udsonline.ca484 GUELPH LINE, BURLINGTONOFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY9AM - 7PM. 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