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Oakville Beaver, 17 Dec 2010, p. 44

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The Oakville peewee AE Rangers recently earned their sec- ond tournament championship in less than a month, winning the Burlington Bulldogs MD Tournament. Oakville defeated the Waterloo Timberwolves 4-1, Stratford Warriors 5-1 and Burlington Bulldogs 3-1 in round-robin play, edged the Sarnia Sting 2-1 in over- time in the semifinals and then downed the Bulldogs 3-1 in the gold-medal contest. Rangers captain Jack Modzelewski scored the game-win- ner against Sarnia on a penalty shot after being tripped on a break- away. The teams had been playing 3-on-3 at the time. Braden Pauley and Malik Wocker provided strong goaltend- ing for the Rangers throughout the tournament, allowing only one goal per game. Other members of the Rangers are Luke Dickson, Eric Hansen, Christian Tremblay, Liam Keery, Kevin Power, Adam Lefebrve, Matthew Damery, Jacob Zedor, Jared Schultz, Joe Baldin, Jake Dickson, Bradley Byers, Jack Copeland and Jay Stanbury. Nelson Pavao, Brent Scarrow and Rob Stanbury coach the Rangers, Steve Schutz is the train- er and Linda Hansen is the manag- er. The Rangers also won a title in Lake Placid last month. OVER 60,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS $1,990 INSTALLED INS ONLY * Gas Furnaceas nac 95.5% EFF. 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Da ted a t Oakv i l l e t h i s 17 th day o f December, 2010. Marler Law Firm 102 Lakeshore Road East. Oakville, ON L6J 6N2 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee, Glenn J. Cooper OAKVILLE CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE SALE Sat Dec 18th 12pm to 4pm 2234 Munns Ave 10% of sale is going to Oakvile & Milton Humane Society KYLE, Kathryn Jane (Kap) I t is with profound sadness that the family of Kathryn Jane Kyle announce her sudden pass ing on Wednesday, D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 a t t h e S t . Ca tha r ines Genera l Hosp i t a l i n he r 4 5 t h y e a r. B e l o v e d w i f e o f M a r k H u f f m a n . C h e r i s h e d d a u g h t e r o f Helen Ann (Roland) Laf lamme, Mike Sr. (Janet) Kyle and daughter-in-law of Glen and Carol Huffman. Dear sister of Sandra (Pauline) Kyle, Mike (Kim) K y l e a n d s i s t e r - i n - l a w o f S c o t t (Sandie) Huffman and Dave (Cristina) Huffman. Loving aunt of Emily-Ann and Lauryn Kyle and Jeremy, Jessica, E than , Logan , and Dy l an Hu f fman . Friends are invited to visit the family at the H.L. Cudney Funera l Home, 241 West Main Street, Welland on Friday, December 17th from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The f une ra l s e r v i ce , conduc t ed by Pastor Donna Totten, wi l l be held in t h e C u d n e y C h a p e l o n S a t u r d a y, December 18th at 11:00 a.m. followed by interment in Pleasantview Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations t o t h e A r t h r i t i s S o c i e t y w o u l d b e apprec i a t ed by the f am i l y. On l i ne c o n d o l e n c e s a v a i l a b l e a t www.cudneyfuneralhome.com. SIMMONS, Mabel Passed away peace fu l l y a t Oakv i l l e Tr a f a l g a r M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l o n Sunday December 12th, 2010 with her f ami l y by he r s ide . Mabe l was the beloved wife of the late Henry (2006) and the devoted mother o f the la te Don (1971), Gordon and his wife Pat a n d B a r b a r a . M a b e l w i l l b e s a d l y missed by her g randch i ld ren Greg , Stacey & Jason ( Jo ) and her great grandchi ldren Natasha, Cody, Parker & Bridget. Mabel was proud to be an employee of Imperial Oi l for over 34 y e a r s . A r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e b e e n entrusted to Oakv iew Funera l Home 905-842-2252. In memory of Mabel donations to OTMH would be great ly a p p r e c i a t e d b y h e r f a m i l y. O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e m a d e a t oakviewfuneral.ca PILLON, Nello Natale Passed away peaceful ly on Saturday, December 11 , 2010 a t t he Joseph Brant Memoria l Hospi ta l in h is 84th year. Nello Pillon, beloved husband of the la te Lu ig ia P i l lon (2005) . Dear father of Renzo and his wife Judy of Burlington. Cherished grandfather of Corrie (Kevin) and Mark. Nello will be sadly missed by his family and friends. V i s i t a t i o n a t S M I T H ' S F U N E R A L H O M E , 1 1 6 7 G u e l p h L i n e ( o n e s t o p l i g h t n o r t h o f Q E W ) , B U R L I N G T O N ( 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 3 3 3 3 ) , o n Monday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m., where F u n e r a l P r a y e r s w i l l b e h e l d o n Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. Interment at Burlington Memorial Gardens. If desired, as an expression of sympathy, donat ions made to the H e a r t & S t r o k e F o u n d a t i o n o r t h e Alzheimer's Society of Canada would be greatly appreciated by the family. www.smithsfh.com The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. Remember your loved ones this Holiday Season. We will be publishing a special holiday IN MEMORIAM FEATURE on Thurs. December 23rd, 2010. Size- (2" x 2-1/2"), cost- $29.99 + tax. Tributes for this feature must be received by December 20th. For verse suggestions, more information or to place your special memoriam please call 905-632-4440 . lObituaries lObituaries l In MemoriamslObituaries Book Your Fundraising Event in the Classifi ed Section 905.632.4440 community notices lLifetimes / Milestonesegal Notices lLifetimes Sales CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com

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