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Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2010, p. 38

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Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 Domestic Help Available C L E A N I N G L A D Y available to clean houses. C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 7 3 - 6 5 8 9 . 905-515-6962 EUROPEAN CLEANING lady available for houses and offices, experienced. References. Call Ursula, 905-510-9313. General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Tree/ Stump Service AESTHETIC TREE Experts Tre e / S h r u b P r u n i n g . Hazardous tree removal. Stump grinding. Friendly pricing. Free estimates. 289-244-1617. www.AestheticTreeExperts.com Special Services TV WALL Mount- Get your TV Professionally installed to the wall. Home Theatre Installations, wire conceal- ing, surveillance camera, intercom, phone, cable, ca t5 w i r i ng ( i n su red ) . Best result with min prices. Ca l l f o r f ree es t ima te 905-464-0922 George. Flooring & Carpeting HARDWOOD FLOOR In- stallation, 20 years experi- e n c e , S a t i s f a c t i o n Gua ran teed . Ca l l S tan 416-823-6422. Handy Person A P L U S R e n o s - Affordable & available, spe- cializing in recs, decks, wall units and all odd jobs. Ca l l 289 -242 -5719 o r 905-337-7857. www.aplusrenos.com DAVE 'S A Handyman . Tiling, Plumbing, Painting, Framing, Crown Moulding, Doors, Baseboards, Floor- ing etc. Specia l iz ing in Bathrooms. 905-335-8835 HONEYDOO LIST Handy man. Bathrooms, t i l ing, painting. No Job Too Small! Call Mark 905-331-7493. MEN WITH Trucks: Odd jobs, pick-up, deliveries, small moves, clean-up re- moval to dump. Local and long distance avai lable. 905-840-7745 PROFESSIONAL PAINT- ING, drywall, carpentry, misc. jobs. Reliable, Hon- est, Integrity. References & Resume available. The Odd Job Team. 905.645.4845 or 289.259.3466 V E R Y A F F O R D A B L E Renovations/ yard work. Painting, crown molding, flooring, Christmas lights, i nsu la t ion , basements . Ritchie 905-671-1088, 416-795-1814. Home Renovations ROSS' RENOS Handyman Service- Quality workman- ship, af fordably pr iced, painting, drywall/ taping, bathrooms, kitchens, base- ments, tiling, all repairs. Free Estimates. Please call 905-333-9987. Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) www.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 Email: oakville@weepiggies.com and you will receive a voucher for Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement of your babys precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: HANDYMAN MATTERS Licensed Bonded Insured, Basements, Bathrooms, Renova t i o n s , K i t c hen , C a r p e n t r y , R e p a i r s , Remodels, Tile, Painting 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 - 6 4 4 6 , 905-825-5110 ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER W ednesda y, December 1, 2010 ?3 8 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Oakville based distribution company has a position for an well-organized individual with strong accounting and analytical skills. Duties include A/P processing, account analysis and month end reconciliations. Ideal candidate should have min. 3 years experience. Working knowledge of Microsoft NAVISION is preferred. jobs@pioneerpools.com Dental Receptionist Required for fast paced Oakville environment, full-time. Experienced in Dental fi eld a must. Dentrix an asset. Email resume to: bvdhiring@ gmail.com DONT MISS OUT ON OUR FINAL HIRING AND FREE TRAINING FOR THIS YEAR For Steady Part-Time School Bus Drivers Ask about our limited time $500 HIRING INCENTIVE and additional incentives for those who already hold a school bus licence. Check out www.FirstStudentCanada.com or call 1-877-914-KIDS (We welcome diversity.) The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is offering part-time Supply Staff positions providing licensed care to children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Email your resume and cover letter to SACCjobs@ymca.ca or mail to: SACC JOBS c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2X2 or c/o Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z1 or c/o Brantford Family YMCA 143 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thank all those who applied; only qualifi ed candidates will be contacted for an interview. E H H D B G @ ? H K : < A : E E > G @ B G @ K > P : K = B G @ > F I E H R F > G M H I I H K M N G B M R 8 Level II Dental Assistant FT Required for Oakville practice. Digitally advanced. Min. 2 years exp. Forward resume to: bvdhiring@ gmail.com Part-time Commissioned Canvassing Sales Adult Sales Contractors Needed! Door to Door Residential newspaper subscription sales Door to door marketing experience an asset. Cash commissions & bonuses Evening hours Call: 905-526-3267 Leave your name and phone number This opportunity is for an Independent Subscription Sales Contractor for The Hamilton Spectator Offi ce coffee and vending ROUTE PERSON for growing Burlington company. Minimum 2 years ex- perience. Must enjoy providing fi rst class customer service and be able to read, speak and write fl uent English. Clean drivers abstract required. Please forward your resume to: reception@ ecscoffee.com No phone calls please. P/T Administrative Assistant Machinery & Equipment knowledge an asset (Auction experience will be considered priority) Must be skilled in Microsoft Offi ce, Access database and have the ability to work with other computer programs Must have a good understanding of basic accounting procedures Must have an eye for detail, organization, proofreading, and document writing Have a valid DL and reliable vehicle for occasional travel Work from home. Flexible hours will vary. Send resumes to: jlillycrop@centuryservices.com RECESSION PROOF Leading cemetery company requires motivated individuals to help market its pre-arrangement services. If you are highly motivated and enjoy working with people give us a call. The successful candidate will service new and existing accounts. Car a must. We offer training salary with full benefits, vacation pay, great pension and more, don't prejudge. Burlington Memorial Gardens bmccallum@arbormemorial.com Sunrise of Burlington Now Hiring Room Attendant Part-Time, Housekeeping and Minor Maintenance Issues Please fax resume to: 905-333-3199 burlington.boc@sunriseseniorliving.com Come Grow with Us! Rapidly expanding Childcare Centres in Milton seeking CERTIFIED ECES ONLY Advancement oppor- tunities, paid profes- sional development. Competitive benefi ts. Apply at: www. peekabookid.com Fax: 905-814-0068 Career Development Drivers Careers SALES/ MANAGER: Wire- less DNA (Fido) Salary plus Commission. Send your resume to: info@wireless- dna.com Dental Career Development MONDAY AT 5PM for Wednesday TUESDAY AT 5PM for Thursday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM for Friday. Please call 905-632-4440 fax: 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES e-mail: classifieds@haltonsearch.com Drivers Careers Dental CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com Career Development Drivers General Help SHIPPING& WAREHOUSE Supervisor. F/T position available with a growing Burlington internet based electronics business. Order Packing; Courier/ Canada P o s t S h i p p i n g ; S t o c k Receiving; Warehouse su- pervision, etc. Prior experi- ence essen t i a l . E -Ma i l resume to: info@partsconnexion.com General Help General Help Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities INSIDE SALES Rep. for medical equipment com- pany. 5+ years sales ex- perience; good Microsoft Office, organizational, in- terpersonal & planning skills. Send resumes to: Cardon Rehabilitation & Medical Equipment, 1185 Corporate Dr. Building A, Units 6 & 7, Burlington, ON, L7L 5V5. Health Care/ Medical FOOD SERVICE Manager needed for LTC facility in Oakville area. Temporary position. CSNM required. Email resume to: cyoung@ novaservicesinc.com or fax resume to 905-669-6724 PA R T- T I M E P H Y S I O Assistant in private well e s t a b l i s h e d p h y s i o therapy c l in ic , Pre- ferred cand idate to have some knowledge /expe r i ence i n t he physio assistant pro- gram or other health related training, Approx 15 hrs.per week. E-mail R e s u m e s T o : c o m p p h y s i o @ hotmail.com Attn: Ann. P T C H I R O P R A C T I C Health Assistant. Morn- ings/ Evenings/ Saturdays. Must be f r iend ly, orga - nized, self-motivated, team player. No past applicants or students please. Con- tact The Heal ing Path 905-333-9900 Restaurants/ Hospitality DELIVERY DRIVERS want- ed part-time. Apply in per- son, Chaps Restaurant, 3419 Fairview Street. Teaching Opportunities PEEKABOO CHILD Care Centre Waterdown is hiring a full-time Registered ECE 40 hours per week and casual supply teachers 8-40 hours a week. Great working environment! Con- tact Brenda at cari@peekabookid.com or 905-690-2273 Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Health Care/ Medical Teaching Opportunities To book your classifi ed ad call 905.632.4440 SCS-0903 2 Want to learn more? The Youth Employment Preparation Program is open to youth ages 15-30 who are unemployed and out of school Contact Lise Infante, ext. 2741 Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) TTY 905-827-9833 Email lise.infante@halton.ca www.halton.caThis program is funded in part by the Government of Canada Get Paid to Find a Job www.halton.ca/YEPP Information Session Call for details and to register Burlington: Thursday, December 8, 2010 Get Results Announce it Fundraise Get Help Lost it? Find it Sell it Buy it Share it BUY IT, SELL IT, FIND IT, SHARE IT... CLASSIFIEDS IS THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR NEEDS 905-632-4440 INTERNET! Technical/Skilled Trades CNC PROGRAMMER- CNC Programmer for CNC Milling Dept. familiar with VISI 15 software. CNC Pro- grammer for CNC Lathe Dept. Manual Lathe Opera- tor. All positions must have min imum 5 yrs. exper i - ence . Adr ian Cau lcu t t : adrian@burloaktool.com EXPERIENCED AUTO- BODY Technician High vol- ume co l l i s i o n shop i s looking for an experienced autobody technician with a minimum 3-5 years experi- ence. Email resume: info@carsautocollision.ca Call 905-333-9111 MACHINE ASSEMBLER career oriented. Previ- ous experience assem- b l ing e lec t ron ic and mechanical productions. Apply by fax or email 905-637-4419 or sallen@graphic whizard.com Technical/Skilled Trades QUALITY TECHNICIAN for fast paced tool & die shop in Burlington. Must have hands-on experience in all aspects of QA. Must have programming and op- erating experience on a CMM using PC DMIS soft- ware. Send resumes to: adrian@burloaktool.com Office/ Administration F/T RECEPTIONIST/ Treatment Coordinator for a busy dental offi ce required. Two nights & every other Saturday i n c l u d e d i n h o u r s . Fluent English. ABEL e x p e r i e n c e . F a x : (905)-842 -0128 PART-TIME OFFICE Help. Tues -Thu rs 8 :30am to 5:00pm. Of f ice admin , phones, MS Offi ce 2003 +, customer service oriented. F a x r e s u m e t o 905-631-1422 OAKVILLE Beaver

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