Above is the Oakville Harbour view from the Colborne Street bridge that we crossed when we went from the “Westside” into town (expressed as “going over town”). The picture shows two Corvettes being converted to luxury yachts shortly after the WW II.
Note the lonely vessel moored at the Oakville Club…could that be the "Aggie"? Not so, says an e-mail from Bill Russell: "I am pretty sure that schooner tied up by the Oakville Club is the Anitra, built and sailed by Monty Macrae for many years." Thanks Bill .
From this same vantage point, several years earlier, we watched Great Lake vessels unload coal on the opposite bank below James. R. Kendall’s tannery. One year they brought in sand which was trucked up to the Lower Middle Road by Jos. Lawrence Trucking for the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Way. As a young boy, I would sometime hitch a ride with one of the drivers, Chuck Lawrence, to the Queen Elizabeth Way and back in his Diamond “T” truck, just for something to do.
Bob Hughes