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Oakville Beaver, 30 Apr 2010, p. 45

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45 · Friday, April 30, 2010 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.oakvillebeaver.com Condos for Rent OAKVILLE UPTOWN. 2bedroom, 2-bath, corner unit with balcony, 8th floor, 6-appliances, 2-parking, 1l o c k e r, e x e rc i s e ro o m , pool, sauna, whirlpool. Overlooks pond and park. Walk to schools, college and shops. On transit route. $1550/mo. plus hydro. 905-815-0905. Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Child Care Available QUALITY LOVING daycare. 18 months and older. First Aid/ CPR. Police check. Meals/ Snacks. Excellent references. Upper Middle/ West Oak Trails. Ask about our Summer Camps. 905-847-8407. Articles for Sale MOVING- QUALITY, lightly used- (1) queen bed box spring frame. (2) elegant floral sofa, matching chair, pastel ivory/ green/ grey. (3) exotic sofa and matching love seat, wicker trim, tropical design, desk etc. Call 905-335-9459. Cheap! SUPER SPRING Sale! Love your furniture, hate your colours. Give Fields a call. Loveseats from $595 Chairs from $249 DR Seats from $19.95 Seniors Discount 9am-8pm 905-632-9090 Pets-Other FREE TO good home- Female indoor cat, 5 y.o., grey, all shots/spayed, friendly, "Lilly" 905-339-0747 CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking Cars 1986 MERCEDES- 4 door, champagne colour, leather seats, needs starter adjustment. Make an offer. Call 905-483-4144. Careers Careers Careers Careers Child Care Wanted C A R E G I V E R / HOUSEKEEPER~ PT position in SW Oakville caring for 6 year old boy and housekeeping. M-F approximately 30+ hours, 5:30am10:30am, flexible. Occasional evenings. Must drive and have references. $15/hour plus travel incentives. Julia 416-450-0316. Houses for Rent 3 B E D R O O M backsplit semi in Burlington, 1.5 baths, familyroom, gameroom, gas, A/C, $1430/ mo. plus utilities. Immediate. Bill 905-632-6260. 3 BEDROOM bungalow, July 1, Oakville, Speers & Kerr, large yard, parking, laundry, includes utilities $1275.00 main floor only (basement occupied), prefer no smokers/ pets, 905-825-3568. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ O FR 1050/month Tutoring 4-BEDROOM BEAUTIFUL house, completely renovated. Steeles/ Trafalgar, 2CALL baths, 5 appliances, $1750/ mo. inclusive. BURLINGTONlarge Won't Last! 416-565-8439. 3-bedrooms, April/May 1. BRONTE 3-BEDROOM Appliances, hardwood bungalow, 1.5 bath quiet floors, quiet park like setstreet. 5 appl. A/C Garage. t i n g . 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 0 0 7 0 . No-smoking $1400/mo + www.rentaltownhouses.ca util. 905-829-4912 GEORGIAN COURT EsB R O N T E V I L L A G E - 3 tates- 611 Surrey lane. plus bedrooms, renovated, large bright 2&3 bed townnatural gas BBQ on deck, houses w/full basement $1950/mo. plus utilities and utilities included. Park (new high-efficient furnace). like setting w/seasonal June 1st. 416-356-1798. pool, splash pad, tennis and basketball courts. BURLINGTON NEW Bran- O p e n H o u s e : M o n d a y, thaven Semi Alton Village W e d n e s d a y , F r i d a y , 3 - b e d r o o m , 2 . 5 b a t h , 10am-4pm and weekends, HDWD on main floor, 3 SS 11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 appliances, a/c, attached www.realstar.ca garage. Available May 20 $1550.00 plus utilities Pa- NEW WATERDOWN Townt r i c i a M c G u i r e house close to amenities 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 - 8 3 5 1 o r 1300/sqft, 3-bedrooms, pmcguire7@cogeco.ca 2.5 baths, fireplace, A/C, garage, large master/ enGLEN ABBEY executive 4- s u i t e , $ 1 5 0 0 / m o p l u s bdrm with loft, fireplace, no u t i l i t i e s . C a l l J o h n pets/ smoking preferred. 905-869-8743 J u n e $ 2 3 0 0 . 905-844-9022. ORCHARD NEW 3-bedroom detach 2.5 bathrooms finished basement single garage $1750/mo plus utilities. Call 905-319-8740 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway 905-639-9212 TODAY! Lost & Found FOUND: CALICO cat Guelph Line and New St. We call Misha. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: EXOTIC Pet Bird. Please call Oakville and Milton Humane Society 905-845-1551. FOUND: GREY cat Brant & Upper Middle. We call Silver. Please call 905637-7325. FOUND: GREY cat, LaSalle Park. We call Pebbles. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: ON Paisley Ave, an orange and white cat, tip of left ear missing. Call Grace at 905-637-9594. FOUND: SINGLE key on Sheldon Creek Trail. Call to identify 905-465-3042. MATH MIDTERM needs improvement? High school math teacher, 30+ years e x p e r i e n c e , w i l l t u t o r. 905-332-5490 TUTORING FOR Students i n a l l l e v e l s , B i o l o g y, French and Science. Call 905-582-8419. SUMMIT TUTORING -Individualized programs support the Ontario curriculum. -Qualified t e a c h e r s t a rg e t y o u r child's unique learning style. -Flexible scheduling and payment options with no contracts to sign. -Free academic assessment. Location: Summit Learning Centre, 760 Brant St, Suite 424, Burlington 905-631-7506 1993 HONDA ACCORD, 4-door Automatic. Only 160,000km. New exhaust/ SWIMMING POOL Items- battery. $1500. Call Chris/ 1 H P H a y w a rd p u m p ( 2 Debbie 905-336-8814. years old), 1 Hayward sand filter (3 years old) and 2001 CHRYSLER Sebring m a n y o t h e r i t e m s . LXi, Sedan 174,000km, 2.7 V6, Automatic and au905-842-2547. tostick mode, front-wheel WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- drive, cruise control, A/C, sition work-out exercise leather, CD/AM/FM, Power bench with accessories, d r i v e r s e a t / w i n d o w s / $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ locks/ mirrors, remote keyStackable exercise step- less, alarm driver/passenper, paid $130, asking g e r a i r b a g , c o m p a s s / $59. Solid stationary exer- ext.temperature/ trip comcise bike, paid $325 ask- puter display, Certified/ i n g $ 8 5 . S o l i d ro w i n g E t e s t e d , $ 3 5 0 0 . o b o exercise machine, paid 2 8 9 - 3 3 7 - 9 9 5 6 , $385, asking $90. OBO for 905-466-7589 all. 905-842-7404. 2002 CONCORDE LXI, WOMEN'S RALEIGH bicy- loaded, excellent condition, cle new condition $50, new tires, recently tuned. men's bicycle $25, Nordic W i l l c e r t i f y , c a l l Tr a c k P ro s k i m a c h i n e 905-825-3522 $100.00. Or best offers. (905)829-1962 2003 VOLKSWAGEN Jett a , W o l f s b u rg E d i t i o n , 5-speed manual transmisArticles Wanted sion, 1.8litre turbo, 97,600km Will certify $9200 905-637-8106 $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. 2005 CHEVROLET Optra. Automatic, beige, loaded, lady driven, 140,000 hwy km's. Excellent condition. $4,850. 519-647-2355. Motorcycles/ Offroad Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurot o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 Eric. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 FOUND: TABBY and white cat Upper Middle and FURNISHED QUEEN-SIZE A p p l e b y L i n e . W e c a l l room in large executive D i c k e n s . P l e a s e c a l l home, clean quiet with in- 905-637-7325. ground pool, many extras. R e s p o n s i b l e i n d i v i d u a l . FOUND: TABBY and white R E N T- 2 - O W N : 3 - B E D - Trafalgar/ Upper Middle. cat Upper Middle and ApROOM, 2 bath, A/C, park- 905-338-6444. pleby Line. We call Missy. ings, Less than per fect Please call 905-637-7325. c r e d i t O K . L o w D . P. , LARGE PRIVATE furnished $ 1 5 5 0 / m o + room in basement. Share Personals/ 416-569-6809 l a u n d r y, k i t c h e n , b a t h . Companions Smokers welcome. Townhouses for $500/mo. first/ last. ANOTHER SUMMER atWalkers/ New Street. Rent tending BBQ's, beach Par905-333-0067. ties and weddings on your O A K V I L L E , R O O M t o own? Misty River IntroducBURLINGTON share in house near Sheri- tions can help you find TOWNHOUSES Female work- someone special to change Beautifully landscaped dan College. preferred or that! ing person 3 bdrm townhouses student. $ 4 5 0 / m o . www.mistyriverintros.com 519-658-4204 905-845-8915. Rooms for Rent and Wanted Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Health & Home Care R E F L E X O L O G Y AVAILABLE in home setting. Greenway Terrace & Ridgeview Court. 40 min. session for $35. For ladies only. Call Manisha 289-828-1476 VESPA 200L Granturismo - 2005, 10,476km, $4299/obo. Includes: 2 helmets (1-XL, 1-Med), windshield, rear carrier. Visit www.lw81.com/vespa200 905-923-5853 ASSOCIATE, RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Lincluden Investment Management is located in Oakville, Ontario and is currently seeking an Associate, Relationship Management. This role includes suppor ting the VP, Relationship Management in all aspects of account management. This challenging and important position involves co-ordinating and preparing investment presentations, media and direct marketing material as well as building and maintaining databases. Candidates should possess advanced oral and wr itten communication skills, analytical reporting and excellent computer proficiency. Preference will be given to those University graduates with two years industr y exper ience, a degree in business, finance, commerce or economics and either has completed or is currently enrolled in the CFA program. Bilingualism is an asset. CAREER OPPORTUNITY With new models, a solid manufacturer and sales volumes almost double last year, we are looking for two individuals to add to our proven sales team. Why not sign up for our Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking D AY C A R E AV A I L A B L E in West Burlington, 6:30am- 5:30pm. Hot ROUNDTREE meals, lovely and edu- HOT TUB (Spa) Covers MANOR cational environment. best price, Best quality. All Patty 905-632-4638. shapes & colours. Call TOWNHOMES 1-866-585-0056 Across from EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- www.thecoverguy.ca ER available. Hot meals, Burlington Mall of activities. 3 Bdrms $950/mo LARGE HOME, beautiful lots police check. Referenc- K I T C H E N C A B I N E T es, Receipts. 4 Bdrms $990/mo yard, utilities, washer and Grosvenor Street, Oakville. doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or dryer included. $800/mo. Call Fifi, 905-849-8119. 795 Dynes Road bathroom. JF Restorations. Tel: 905-639-1748 Call 905-635- 9129. EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- Call 289-837-2285 BEST Rental Value ROOM FOR rent Bronte ER. Infant/ preschooler, area. Private entrance, fulltime. Hot breakfast/ K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S IN BURLINGTON! semi-private kitchen, laun- lunches. Lots of backyard 50% discount, designers Amelin Property dry & bath. $460/mo. all fun. References. Receipts. s h o w c a s e , c u s t o m Management woodworking, all finishutilities included. On bus 905-825-9689. es, decorative wood route, parking avail. walk MOTHER OF 2 will care hoods, islands, counters 3-BDRMS -IMMEDIATE/ t o l a k e & a l l s h o p s . for your children in my Hea- included. More savings, Centennial Drive- family 905-844-8033. don Forest home. Healthy granite, tiling, wall units, complex- 1 parking meals and snacks with dai- b a r s , v a n i t i e s . $1100./mo + hydro/heat. Lost & Found ly activities. Non-smoking 905-930-9618. Mid June. Please call home, large fenced yard, 905-319-1869 police check, FT/PT, after- LANDSCAPE MULCH and FOUND: BROWN tabby school, summer. Please wood chips, $20/yard. Decat King and Plains Rd. We call Sandra 905-315-8187 livery available. Call Millcall Gemma. Please call References available upon g ro v e W o o d P ro d u c t s , 905-659-9666. 905-637-7325. request. available starting at $1100/mo. Call 905-319-9104. Also in neighbouring townhouses 1bdrm, $830/mo. & 3 bdrm $1120/mo. Call 905-319-9769. Fa m i l i e s w e l c o m e. Enjoy your own fenced i n b a ck ya r d m a i n tained by Management. Large, bright and clean units. REGISTERED NURSE will ROOM FOR Rent, Oakville, provide driving and com$500/mo. Available panion service for individuMay.1. 905-510-8321. a l s a n d s m a l l g ro u p s . Medical appointments, soWANTED: 1-BEDROOM cial engagements, lunches, shared accommodation, or dinners, theatre, personal basement apartment, for shopping, visits to family professional person. Quiet and friends, daytrips etc. non-smoker. Prefer Brant- Please call 416-822-9054 Walkers, 905-577-2459 to book times and rates. $$ 416-318-9193 Big K Auto Recylers I will pay the SENIOR HOMECARE By most cash on the spot for Angels. Experienced Care- your vehicle running or not. givers will provide up to Environmentally friendly re2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . cyclers. 905-634-2400. ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. Paid for usable and scrap vehicles. Pet Supplies/ F r e e p i c k u p . Boarding/Service 905-320-3287 2 - 3 0 L B B O X E S A r m pedder@ Hammer Cat Litter $40 tax- rogers.blackberry.net FREE SEMINAR Learn about the car business before making a career decision. If you love dealing with people and are self-motivated, this may be for you. Excellent commission plan, car allowance and benefit package. LIMITED SEATING Kennedy Ford Oakville Shared Accommodations HWY #5/ EVANS, Waterdown, share new furnished 3-bedroom home with one other, $600/mo plus half utilities/ cable, non-smoker, bedroom furniture required, washer/dryer/AC, Immediate. Call Scott 416-786-2203 Child Care Available es delivery included GG Pet CASH PAID- $200.00+ Supply D e l i v e r y for any Complete vehi1-877-339-3213 cles driven in/ $175+ for vehicles picked up. S P R I N G P U P P I E S 2 S c r a p C a r s & Tr u c k s month old Cross Bijon- wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of DININGROOM SUITE, sol- Frise/ Shi Tzu puppies, QEW). MOT legal transid wood, 6 chairs, exten- black/ white, male/ female, fers. 905-827-8015. $450. 905-631-0297. sion, buffet, hutch, $800.obo; Oversized C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Chair (loveseat), Skylar Cars and Trucks. Same Peppler, beige $295.obo. D a y P i c k U p . 289-456-9215 905-693-5355 Think a career in the automotive industry might suit you? Please call for registration info. 905-845-1646, Ext: 210 M A R K E T I N G A S S I S TANT- Burlington Financial/ Insurance office seeking experienced F/T Marketing/Administrative. Must have min. 2 years experience in the life insurance sector or office. Forward resume/ salary expectations to: marketingassist@ rocketmail.com Please send resume to: Alanna Sinclair-Whitty Assistant Vice-President Lincluden Investment Management Suite 607 1275 North Service Road West Oakville, Ontario L6M 3G4 General Help BODY SHAPING Fitness Studio for women is seeking a RMT and Personal Tr a i n e r / K i n e s i o l o g i s t must be experienced fitness minded, well g ro o m e d , F a x re s u m e 905-849-1913. 183 Lakeshore Rd W. Oakville. mar i a @ b o d y shapingstudio.com Auto Leasing & Rentals Auto Leasing & Rentals jmichaels - Oakville Place Come Work With Us We're looking for great people to join our dynamic team! Currently looking for Dental DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, Full-Time. Looking for a confident, self-motivated, organized individual in Oakville. dentaljobs4hire@ gmail.com NOW INTERVIEWING dynamic CDA who is energetic and highly motivated. This F/T position will be of interest to an exceptional CDA with strong communication and computer skills. Email resume & cover to: oakville.dental.office@ gmail.com Store Management Position Qualified individual will possess prior experience in retail management and have a passion for Ladies fashion. You will find that we offer a competitive compensation package, an individual reward programme, a generous associate discount policy & an environment that is fun & fosters open communication. Please e-mail your resume to: pkachur@jmichaels.net or fax to: 416.674.7779 Attn: Pat Kachur CASH PAID Daily 3rd party fundraising group looking for people to help fundraise for A well k n o w n l o c a l c h a r i t y. $ 1 2 - $ 2 0 / h o u r. 905-617-8363 F/T CUSTOMER Service Rep Pleasant phone manner, good organizational skills, basic computer experience, ability to work in a fast paced environment. Bilingual an asset. Email: aniframe@yahoo.com FULL/PART-TIME LINE Cook required, breakfast experience an asset. Apply in person Russell Williams, 20 Plains Rd. E., Burlington WORK

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