OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, October 21, 2009 · 10 $ 3995 per month o.a.c. as low as 9 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER $3300 Up to Letter to the editor ST THE BIGGE In Tax Credit & Instant Rebate T! LIM 'T MISS OU Purchase a Hi Efficiency Furnace and Receive a DON chase Financing Available * Call For Details * SALE R! OFFE ITED TIME Creek ruined by litter I thought I was going to have a beautiful autumn walk along Bronte Creek last week, but instead I was quite disgusted with what I saw. During the summer, the creek is wonderfully quiet and beautifully green. In the fall, the salmon are in and there are a lot of people fishing the river. The awful part was the amount of garbage left behind...coffee cups, cigarette butts and beer cans. It was depressing. One would think that those fishing in the river would have some respect for nature, but it was one of those people that I saw throwing his cigarette butts into the creek. If we are going to continue to enjoy the nature and fishing the creek provides, we have to respect the area. Please pick up your garbage. NATHALIE SCHINDLER TransCanada investing in pollution controls OVER 60,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Continued from page 6 *Free central air Plus: Plus NO Payment NO Interest For 6 Months O.A.C. O AC FREE CENTRAL AIR E ENTRAL A R (Installation Extra) SCRATCH Reserve now and you will receive a central air absolutely free. This is a great opportunity to replace your old inefficient furnace and air conditioner with hi efficiency and greatly reduce your utility bill. A chance to win a Call today to book an appointment with our Professional Home Comfort Advisors. furnace & central air. See store for details. LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE. As of April 1st, 2009 Government Rebate has increased by 25%. Best opportunity to get your new furnace & A/C - the prices will never be better! * & WIN * 905-849-4998 www.aireone.com 1-888-827-2665 9 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER *See dealer for details A+ Rating selected for this project represent the most efficient and highest output units currently commercially available. At this time, the facility must use a selective catalytic reduction system (SCRs) in order to meet the NOx emission limitation of 15ppm set by the OPA. (It is possible that by the time the gas turbines are implemented, dry low emission combustion systems for this turbine will be capable of reaching this emission limitation without the use of SCRs and this may be preferable to some.) As such, TransCanada plans to install a SCR which will result in NOx emissions in single digit range -- significantly lower than the OPA's limitation of 15ppm. This represents an additional project investment of $2 million. Thank you for your continued attention to our project. We look forward to taking our community consultation and environmental review to the next stage. TERRI STEEVES, PROJECT MANAGER, OAKVILLE GENERATING STATION Vision To be the most livable town in Canada NOTICE OF FILING OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Kerr Street at CNR Grade Separation Class Environmental Assessment Study The Town of Oakville carried out a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for the proposed grade separation at the Kerr Street and CNR Oakville Subdivision crossing between Speers Road and approximately 100 m north of the QEW. The study was undertaken in accordance with Schedule `C' of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2007), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Taking into consideration the problem being addressed, the assessment of alternatives and potential environmental effects, comments received at Public Information Centres (PIC) held on June 18, 2008 (PIC #1) and December 2, 2008 (PIC #2), as well as input from technical agencies, the recommended undertaking includes: realignment of Kerr Street to the west as an underpass to the CN tracks Widening of Kerr Street from two to four lanes between Shepherd Road and approximately 100 m north of the QEW southbound directions road; southbound lanes to separate opposing traffic Kerr Street will be maintained for traffic By this notice, the Environmental Study Report (ESR) is being period. Subject to comments received as a result of this notice, the town intends to proceed with the construction of Kerr Street from two to four lanes between Shepherd Road and approximately 100 m north of the QEW as outlined in the ESR. The ESR is available for review at the Town of Oakville Clerk's department starting Wednesday, October environmental assessment. Requests must be received by 20, 2009. A copy of the request must also be sent to the November 20, 2009. If no request for a Part II Order is received, the project will proceed to construction as outlined in the ESR. or Mr. Martin Scott, P. Eng, Consultant Project Manager, Interested persons may provide written comments to the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville (address above), within 30 days from the date of this notice. If concerns regarding the ESR cannot be resolved in discussion with the Town of Oakville, a person may request that the Minister of the Environment make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (this is referred to as a Part II Order), which addresses individual NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURING BY-LAW Closure of Part of a portion of Lakeshore Road West Regional Municipality of Halton. 2. This matter will be heard at the council meeting of November 2, 2009 commencing at 7 p.m. in the Council Ontario. is available for inspection at the Office of the Manager, Realty Services, at the address shown below, during normal business hours. Maynard Millman, AACI, P.App. PLE Manager, Realty Services Legal Department The Corporation of the Town of Oakville Take notice that: 1. The council of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville Municipal Act, 2001, in order to close and stop up for all purposes part of Lakeshore Road West identified as part of 3. If you wish to make representation at council with regard to this road closing, please make application to the Clerks' Department on or before noon of the day preceding the council meeting.