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Oakville Beaver, 9 Oct 2009, p. 44

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OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 9, 2009 · 44 Houses for Rent $1450/MONTH TO own your own home with nothing down. Call Napoleon Wilson, Sales Rep, Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage.for details 905-332-4111 or visit www.stoprentinghalton.com Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent BURLINGTON- NORTH of Brant/ QEW. Don't Miss Out! Beautifully landscaped 1 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Bright and clean unit. Enjoy your own fenced in backyard. $830/mo. plus utilities. Please call 905319-9769 or for an appointment. Shared Accommodations COMFORTABLE LIVING i n a m a t u re B u r l i n g t o n neighbourhood. Would suit non-smoking professional person. Parking, utilities, satellite, internet, no-pets. 905-635-1864. Nannies/ Live In/ Out R E N T- A - M O M P A R TTIME, 25 hours/ week. School aged children only. Well experienced mature woman. Call 289-3376953. Articles for Sale ANTIQUE DININGROOM set, china cabinet, table, 5 chairs, small & large buffet. $1000.obo Burlington 905-632-8587 APPLIANCES- SCRATCH N Dent and quality used Fridges, Stoves, Washers, Dryers. Full/ apar tment size, 1 year warranty parts & labour. Delivery available. 905-458-8808. CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 Eric. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 Articles for Sale Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 905-634-2400. Pet Supplies/ Boarding/Service GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 1 male, 1 female, adorable, first shots, 8 w e e k s , $ 4 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 8 6 9 3 , 289-259-5728 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking CASH PAID- $100+ for any complete car or truck driven in/picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) MOT legal transfers. 905-827-8015, 1-877-655-0755 OPEN HOUSE Mon-Wed-Fri~ 10-4 & Sat-Sun~ 11-2 Ask about our Move-In Incentive GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 SurreyLane,Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs with full basements! Utilities included ALDERSHOT, upscale, Muskoka-like, 2-bedroom plus, ground floor, private entrance, yard, parking, highways, lake, golf, marina, suit professional. $1200/mo. plus hydro. 905-634-4871. BRONTE VILLAGE~ Well maintained, 3 +bedroom, woodfire places. Large yard, 2.5baths, $1950/mo + util. 416-356-1798 BURLINGTON: 3-BEDR O O M b u n g a l o w, 1 . 5 b a t h , D e n , r e c ro o m , $1195/mo; Large ranch double garage, 1.5bath, fireplace, c/a $1450/mo; Sidesplit, 3-bedroom, garage, 1.5 bath, $1395/mo.; D o w n t o w n 2 - b e d ro o m bungalow, 2-bath, recroom $1075/mo; Assumption, 4-bedroom, recroom, 2.5 bath, garage, $1230/mo. 905-632-5690 AlbertMcDonagh Ltd. RealEstate Brokerage. BURLINGTON/ OAKVILLE- 4 bedrooms executive homes. 2.5 bathrooms, main floor family laundry, double garage. Immediate 905-340- 0709. 1-888-372-1984 www.realstar.ca ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $950/mo 4 Bdrms $990/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management 3-BEDROOMS, 1.5BATHS, 4 appliances, carpet (upstairs), hardwood (ground-level). Full basement and attached garage/ driveway. Small well maintained complex, Tyandaga area. Call 905-336-0015 or 905-336-0016. G U E L P H L I N E / Wo o d ward, shared 2-bdrm apt. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $475/mo. Utilities includ- FULL TIME daycare in Q E W / G U E L P H L I N E ed. Clean, quiet building. River Oaks, educational programs, spacious play 2 - s t o r e y 4 - b e d ro o m , Burlington. 905-483-1313. areas, homemade garage. deck recroom $ 1 1 3 5 / m o ; A p p l e b y LARGE COMFORTABLE m e a l s , s n a c k s , T L C . Mall 3-bedroom condo, 2 - b d r m a p t . , f i re p l a c e , re f e re n c e s , re c e i p t s . garage, 1.5 bath, pool, jacuzzi tub, laundry, cable, Dee 905-849-6258. $1150/mo; Burlington i n t e r n e t , p a r k i n g , a l l E S TA B L I S H E D H O M E Home Depot 2-storey, 3- i n c l u s i v e . $ 5 5 0 . C a l l daycare, before/after bedroom, 1.5 bath, gar- 416-550-4125. school 1ft spot & flexible age, $1085/mo; Applehours available. Daily acb y / N e w 2 - s t o r e y, 2 - LARGE HOME, beautiful tivity report, low child/ prob e d r o o m c o n d o , r e - yard, utilities, washer and dryer included. $650/mo. v i d e r r a t i o . E x c e l l e n t croom, $1045/mo. references. Jill 905-632-5690 Alber t Call 905-635- 9129. 905-331-1963 McDonagh Ltd. Real EsOAKVILLE, GLEN Abbey. tate Brokerage. Bright Spacious, Fur- F U L LT I M E / PA R T- T I M E spots available. Loving RAVINE WOODS, 3-bed- nished bedroom, Park- m o m o f t w o , p ro v i d i n g room, 1.5 bath, 2 parking, ing. $550./mo includes care, ECE/first aid, CPR gas, air, water, cable incl. utilities. Share kitchen, trained, 4years home daylaundry. $1281/mo. Immediate, Bill b a t h , care experience. Rea905-901-0019. 905-632-6260 sonable rates. Planned activities, outings. Upper SOUTH WEST Burlington~ Travel & Vacations Middle/Walkers. Nina Spacious 3-bedroom town905-639-4449 email homes w/garage, appliancblab_blah@hotmail.com es. Walking distance to all F O R T M Y E R S B e a c h , Website ninasdaycare.ca amenities, including GO. Florida, ocean front, 1-bed$1300/mo. plus utilities room condo fully furnished FUN SAFE Daycare- Open A v a i l a b l e N o v e m b e r 1 . and full kitchen with dish- 7am-6pm daily. Appleby/ 905-693-8525 ext.224. washer. Available October N e w. B re a k f a s t , l u n c h , t o J u n e C a l l snacks, crafts, outside play. 12 years experience. 905-257-5876. Rooms for Rent and G re a t r a t e s . 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 Wanted 3541. Child Care Available MOVING SALE~ High-end Canadian made solid ash contemporary furniture i.e. bedroom, dining room, wall unit. Glass end tables, a large custom made futon, dinnerware, crystal 905-336-9511 PIANO- RUDOLPH Wurlitzer, upright, with bench, excellent condition, best offer. Call 905-338-5995. SNOOKER TABLE (6' x 12") ebony inlaid, for sale. Completely refurbished, cloth, pockets and rails. Call 905-829- 5100. Firewood CUT & Dried firewood for s a l e . $ 1 0 0 f a c e c o rd , $380 bush cord. Delivered Monday-Saturday 519-861-1885 Cars Lost & Found AWESOME RENT-2-OWN 3 - b e d ro o m s , d e t a c h e d home, finished basement, large deck, private yard, Headon Forest. Move in condition, bad credit ok, 24hr message. GLEN ABBEY, 2,000sq.ft. 1-800-626-4153 x107. 3 - b e d ro o m s , 2 . 5 b a t h s , D o u b l e g a r a g e , e a t - i n BEAUTIFUL NEW townkitchen, livingroom/ dining- home, near Downtown room, plus generously Burlington, 3 bedrooms, sized Family room w/fire- $ 1 8 5 0 / m o . A v a i l a b l e place. Backs onto 60 ft. December 1. To view g re e n s p a c e a n d t r a i l s . 416-219-1980. Avail. Oct/Nov prefer 1+ year lease. $1,850/mo B U R L I N G T O N , D U N Call 1-877-898-5101, CASTER- Executive 1400 416-560-6931 sq.ft. c/air, gas fireplace, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, NEAR BRANT/ Plains. garage. $1550/mo. Semi-detached, 3-bedIncludes cable/ appliances. rooms, 1 car garage, priPrefer no pets/ non-smokvate backyard. $1250/mo ers. Immediate. 905-335includes utilities. Dec1st 6172. 905-330-3851 WORK AND live at home- Aldershot House Zoned CN2, 3-bedrooms, 3 full baths, near highways, 1900sq.ft. plus basement. Immediate. $1300/mo. plus utilities. 905-981-3246. BURLINGTON- AMHERST/ Brant. Furnished room. All inclusive. Suite quite, respectful, professional male, $460/mo. Parking 905-315-8989 BURLINGTON. LARGE room w/sitting area, priv a t e b a t h ro o m , ( f a m i l y home), microwave, fridge, parking. Cable, internet. $650/mo. Immediate. 905-802-8454 or 289-337-9867. BURLINGTON MALL/ Woodward. Quiet home, private bath, includes TV, fridge, microwave, Private entrance. On bus route. Internet available. Vacant, $450/mo. 905-632-1333. LOVING, RELIABLE Daycare, over 15 years experiFOUND A Gent's school e n c e , r e f e r e n c e s a n d ring. North Oakville, 9th re c e i p t s a v a i l a b l e , 8 t h Line area. C a l l Line/ Upper Middle. 905-844-3146 905-257-0744 to identify. FOUND: BLACK cat Upper Middle and Appleby L i n e . We c a l l H e n r y. Please call 905-637-7325. Townhouses for Rent 3 BEDROOMS, Southeast B u r l i n g t o n , F o re s t w o o d Crescent, near GO. Partially finished basement, 1.5 bathrooms, C/A, 4-appliances, fireplace, attached garage. Non-smoking, $1350/mo. plus utilities. November 1. Pete 905-339-9324. 3-BDRMS -DECEMBER 1 Centennial Drive- family complex - 1 parking $1100./mo + hydro/heat. Please call 905-319-1869 BURLINGTON- QUIET BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 friendly home near GO/ bedrooms, available imme- Mall. Private entrance & d i a t e l y . A l s o l a r g e 2 bathroom, fridge, microb e d ro o m , i m m e d i a t e l y. wave, TV, parking included. A p p l i a n c e s , h a r d w o o d Internet available. Vacant. f l o o r s , q u i e t p a r k l i k e $500/mo. 905-639-4489. setting. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca KNOTTY PINE room in ranch style house. B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H . $105/wk. Near Mapleview Executive 2-bedroom town- Mall. Private entrance. Fehouse condo. Gorgeous male tenant responsible d e c o r. O p e n c o n c e p t . plus one friend. All utilities, Ensuite. Attached garage parking, laundry, phone, air w i t h i n t e r i o r a c c e s s . conditioned, digital box/ $1300/mo. plus utilities. cable. Act Fast- Won't Last! A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-690-3975. 905-332-7093. OAKVILLE, SHARE KitchBURLINGTON- NORTH of en, bathroom & laundry. Brant/ QEW. Beautifully $500/mo. 905-407-1039. landscaped 2 & 3 bedroom townhouse available November 1. Large, bright ROOMS AVAILABLE near and clean unit. Families Oakville Place. $550/mo welcome, enjoy your own plus Upper Middle Rd & 6th fenced in backyard. From L i n e $ 5 7 5 / m o a n d $985/mo. plus utilities. $ 6 2 5 / m o I m m e d i a t e l y 416-779-4899 Please call 905-319-9104. SHARED ACCOMMODATION, Room for Rent, Upper Middle & Third Line. No-smoking. Available i m m e d i a t e l y . 416-606-4847 CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking Apts for RentOakville 2 BEDROOM basement apt, very spacious, separate entrance, close to Sheridan College, Upper Middle /Trafalgar area, 905-844-0901 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M FRO Shared Accommodations APPLEBY/ NEW St. Burlington. Quiet, non-smoking male house with dog to share. Parking, $460 & $520/mo. inclusive. 905-637-0414. BURLINGTON, ALDERSHOT, large bedroom plus bath in luxury condominium. Suitable for nonsmoking professional. $900/mo. inclusive. 905-616-5001 $895/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager's Special CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! Q U A L I T Y, R E L I A B L E childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar). Children over 2. Full/ part-time, before/ afFOUND: BROWN tabby ter schoolcare. Smokeand white cat Francis Rd free, indoor/ outdoor aca n d P l a i n s R d . We c a l l tivities. Nutritious meals/ Colin. Please call 905-637- snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Security Clearance. Receipts. i n w r a p p e r . C o s t 7325. References.905-338-6226. $8995., Sacrifice $ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l FOUND: BROWN tabby 905-971-1777 cat found Surrey Lane/ IKEA area. We call Totter. HOT TUB (Spa) Covers Please call 905-637-7325. best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call FOUND: FUR coat on WEE BEAR Daycare, 1-866-585-0056 road. Call 905-632-1477. North Burlington, Educawww.thecoverguy.ca tional & Fun, certified FOUND: LIGHT brown tabteacher, CPR/First Aid, I N F R A R E D S A U N A b y by cat Upper Middle and R e c e i p t s . E l i z a b e t h Saunaray, family size, male Appleby. We call Daphne. 905-315-7165 clinic health benefits adverPlease call 905-637-7325. e.ward12@hotmail.com tised, $3950. Nordictrack cross country skier,$150. FOUND: YOUTH/ADULT Articles Wanted Torso track, $15. Paintings mountain bike, Walkers, India and Thailand, North of QEW, Call to iden$200-$400 each. Thomas tify. (905)332-0264 ***A BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Train table, $80. Box of L O S T : A F R I C A N G re y Coins, Jewellery, Gold, boys clothing, 0-5 years, Parrot, Grey body, bright Silver, Diamonds, China, $ 4 0 . S w i n g s e t , $ 2 0 . red tail. Last seen Boxley/ C r y s t a l , S i l v e r , 905-854-5683 H a m p t o n H e a t h a r e a . Figurines, Royal Doul- sandrina1962@gmail.com Answers to name Finnegan. t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l I f s e e n p l e a s e c a l l Antique furnishings, Art, K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S 905-634-0924 or 905-334- Collectibles, etc. Estate 50% discount, designer 8210. Specialists, Top Cash. s h o w c a s e , c u s t o m C a l l J o h n / P a t t i woodworking, all finishes, decorative wood 905-331-2477 Personals/ hoods, islands, counters www.tjtraders.com Companions included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, Articles for Sale H I LY N N , H o p e y o u r bars, vanities. Florida vacation is a good 905-930-9618. one. ~Magic John. P.S. I think the card you 4-PIECE RATTAN, (Love- LANDSCAPE MULCH and s e l e c t e d w a s t h e 5 o f seat, captain's chair, 2-ta- wood chips, $20/yard. DeHearts. b l e s ) ; L o v e s e a t s ( 2 ) livery available. Call Millw/matching pub chairs; g ro v e W o o d P ro d u c t s , Padded queen headboard; 905-659-9666. Nannies/ Live In/ Coffee +end tables; Out 1950's Hi-fi, works great. LARGE TOP of the line Air Hockey Table, $400 obo. 905-562-6701 EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN Call 905-338-5995. N a n n y r e q u i r e d f o r 2 **A1 MATTRESS Factoc h i l d r e n , $ 1 2 / h o u r. r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y MORIJEAU LEPINE: Crib, Mandarin speaking. Call available. All sizes in- $480, high dresser, $480, 905-616-7847 Resume: c l u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t high rocker and ottoman, liu_kaiting@hotmail.com boxsprings, Orthopedic $480, bookcase, $480. 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g Natura World crib matFULL-TIME NANNY re- $ 2 4 0 . 3 0 y r t i g h t - t o p tress, $130. 3 in 1 carquired in North Burlington sets starting $340. De- seat, $75. Peg Perego (Lowville). Car, references, luxe no-flip Pillowtop velow stroller, Primo Viagpolice check required. No &'Crown' series, Euro- gio carseat, $180. Tikes weekends, excellent vaca- t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . car, $40. Changetable, tion. Call 905-331-8639. New Waterbeds, Futons, $80. 905-854-5683 End-of-line/ discontin- sandrina1962@gmail.com L I V E - I N C A R E G I V E R ued items available. needed for 7yr old boy. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; MOVING: APPLIANCES Oakville area please call 905-681-9496 Washer, dryer, fridge, also Rodell 905-827-3187 stove, apartment size dryer ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ and full size gas stove. ExLIVE-IN FULL-TIME Care- pillowtops, 10-15" thick, cellent condition, Will sepgiver, Oakville private new in plastic, Double a r a t e . B u r l i n g t o n home for 9 year old boy $ 2 5 0 . , Q u e e n $ 2 7 5 . , 289-337-1328 with allergies. Experience King $500. Visco Memoand references required. ry-foam mattress with P R I C E D T O Sell- 2 fur $10.00/hour, 48hr/week. c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , coats, sized 12-14. 1 grey Room and board provided. King $950. Can Deliver, fur swing coat, 1 black fur High school, CPR, English, 905-730-5849 wooly. Both as new. Sister Tagalog, Kapampangan. Inretired back to Philippians, cludes light housework. FURNITURE- 3 piece oak just out of storage. $3650 Contact Brian 905-399- b e d ro o m s e t . 3 s e a t e r n e w, a s k i n g $ 6 2 5 f o r 9644 or e-mail resume sofabed. Wood patio set. both, obo. Hardly worn. nanny.search@hotmail.com Call 905-827-9412. Call 905-844-7959. SUPER SALE! Custom uph o l s t e r i n g . D i n i n g ro o m seats from $19.95 Accent chairs from $195 Loveseats from $595 Great COMMERCIAL QUALITY savings on many decorator gas dryer and super ca- fabrics. Seniors discount. pacity washer for sale. Di- F i e l d ' s 9 a m - 8 p m mensions are 39in H by 905-632-9090 27in W by 25.5in depth each. Only $75 each. Call TREADMILL. ELECTRIC, Julie at 289-337-9762. tells time, speed, distance, calories, heartrate, incline. C O M P L E T E O A K b e d - $295. Also, elliptical trainro o m s u i t e - C a n n o n b a l l er, recumbent & exercise bed, dresser, mirror, 2 bike, trampoline with enclonight tables, highboy, sure. 905-814-1415 blanketbox. Bought at the Hide House, $1500 obo. TRISHA ROMANCE artist Call 905-338-5995. proof canvas "Through the eyes of a child" Framed FITNESS EQUIPMENT- $400; Two Indian wool Stairmaster, 4000PT, pro- carpets 9x11 Multi colfessional grade. Life Fit- o u r e d $400/both ness lifecycle stationary 905-335-9397 bike, excellent condition. Call 905-338-5995. WEIGHT LIFTING multi-position work-out exercise HOME OFFICE: Lateral bench with accessories, file, 5-drawer, $150 (cost $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ $700); L-shaped desk; er- Stackable exercise stepgonomic office chair; Sam- per, paid $130, asking sung colour laser printer; $59. Solid stationary exerFax/TAD; elect. portable cise bike, paid $325 asktypewriter. 905-844-8095 i n g $ 8 5 . S o l i d ro w i n g HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand exercise machine, paid new 2009 model w/all $385, asking $90. OBO for options, and cover. Still all. 905-842-4302. 2 0 0 1 . 5 P A S S AT V 6 , 5-speed manual, black with black leather, alloy wheels, AC, air bags, heated seats, power package, sunroof, H A R D W O O D , always dealer maintained. FIREWOOD, Special, Includes 4-winter tires on save $10. per cord while r i m s , e - t e s t e d & c e r t . s u p p l i e s l a s t , 1 0 c o rd $8750. 905-827-3794. $750. 5 cord $425. delivered. Mobile sandblasting 2003 TOYOTA Corollaavailable. Ben Marissink 145,000km, $6500, one owner, 5 speed, power 519-425-1036. locks, power mirrors, A/C, AM/ FM/ CD. Call SEASONED MIXED fire905-334-3298. wood. Free delivery. Call 905-896-3089, 7 days/ 2005 MUSTANG, 2 door week, 1-866-899-3089. convertible, deluxe V6, Auto, loaded, balance warranty. 92,000km. Power roof, Antiques & Excellent condition, grey, Collectibles certified. $14,995. 905-827-6343 FOR SALE: Spinning Wheel $150,00, wool wind- 2005 TOYOTA Corolla, er $75, sleigh coffee table Excellent condition, Silver, $1500. like new: A/C, AM/FM/CD, power jebal4@sympatico.ca windows, power locks, power mirrors, 135, 000km, $8,500. 905-825Computer/Internet 9289 WANTED: RELIABLE, knowledgeable and patient computer person to give private lessons i n o u r h o m e . P re f e r female student or otherwise. References req u i r e d . G o o d p a y. Please call 905-6341947. AS IS 2001 Hyundai Elantra VE, asking $3500. OBO. 4 - d o o r, a u t o , 125,000/kms, black exterior, grey interior, A/C, C/D p l a y e r, s p o i l e r, a l l o y wheels, power locks, power windows, cruise control, well maintained. Please call Denise at 905-842-7714. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, 2007 Mazda 5, champagne silver, fully loaded, practically brand new, for BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED sale or lease transfer, 6 Golden Retriever pups. Vet months remaining. 1996 checked, shot/dewormed. Toyota Corolla Sedan, mint Best family pet. Call for Ap- condition, summer driven. Both have winter tires too. pointment 905-628-5280 A n d re w 6 4 7 - 8 6 8 - 6 4 7 0 , 905-582-5793 Lakeshore, Oakville. Pet Supplies/ Boarding/Service HONDA PRELUDE 1990. Good car, good condition. $1500. 905-465-2954. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** Paid for usable and scrap vehicles. Free pick up. 905-320-3287 pedder@rogers. blackberry.net C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways Visit BurlingtonPost.com OR Visit OakvilleBeaver.com or just fill out this coupon 1. Mail to: Free Ads, 1-5040 Mainway, Burlington , ON L7L 7G5, or 2. Drop this coupon off at: The Burlington Post, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 3. Fax this coupon to: (905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY( THURSDAY) ITEMS $100 & UNDER Private party only. Ads published at first available opportunity, publication dates not guaranteed. You can only run 1 item per ad and a max. of 3 ads per client, per week. You must be over 18 to place an ad. AD COPY $ PRICE NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY HOME # this number must appear in ad. PHONE NO. PLEASE PRINT. ADS WILL BE SORTED BY ITEM.

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