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Oakville Beaver, 18 Sep 2009, p. 47

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47 · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, September 18, 2009 Employment Wanted Employment Wanted Tutoring SCIENCE TUTOR (Grades 9 to 12). Innovative, knowledgeable, passionate, and patient. Specializing in high school biology in preparation for college or university. $30 per hour. 289-895-9602; 905-6370629. Ask for Gwynne. TUTOR: CERTIFIED Teacher, 25 years exp., Math/ Language Arts, Grades 1-8; English Grades 9-12, Shakespeare, Novel Study, EQAO, Essay writing a speciality. References available. I get results! 905-815-1582. Grant Maguire, CGA 10 years experience as a Financial Controller. Full Cycle Accounting, Month End, Supervision, Budgeting, Audit, Computerized Systems grantmaguire@ymail.com Marketing Communications Manager 15+ yrs exp. in B2B, high tech, retail, distribution, etc.; CAN/USA; all tactics; results-driven; excellent organizational, project management, problem-solving and business development skills. garage sales OAKVILLE OAKVILLE To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 · Email: classified@haltonsearch.com · Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Oakville GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am - 12pm 2079 Castlefield Cres. (Trafalgar/Oakmead) Appearing every Friday April 1, 2009 thru November 1, 2009 OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday Sept 19th 9am-12pm 2304 Devon Rd Organ, beds, toys, books and more Oakville Kids toys, bikes, books etc... OAKVILLE OAKVILLE Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted APPROX 820SQ.FT. for rent with overhead door, available immediately. 3rd Line/ Speers. 905-827-6358 Days. 905-330-7078 (cell). Mrktng2day@gmail.com Restaurants/ Hospitality Carpentry 2-Family Garage Sale Sat. Sept. 19 10am-2pm 1346 & 1342 6th Line Household items OAKVILLE COOKS, SERVERS (expe- A PLUS Renos- Affordable rienced), required immedi- and available, specializing Office/ Business Space ately. Email resume to: in recs, decks, wall units for Rent/ Wanted andrewtaylor1@sympatico.ca and all odd jobs. Call 289-242-5719 or BURLINGTON OFFICE 905-337-7857. Rental- 1100sq.ft. 3 priwww.aplusrenos.com Teaching vate offices and large Opportunities l o b b y. G ro u n d f l o o r. Painting & Mainway at Walker's. SUPPLY CHAIN instructor Decorating 905-331-7625. Part time teaching position for accredited Burl College. PAINTING- BATHROOMS Min. 7 yrs. exp. in Logis- from $100, bedrooms from V E RY P R O F E S S I O N A L tics, Inventory Mgt., Pur- $ 2 0 0 . B e n j a m i n M o o re large office space for lease chasing, Distribution, plus A u r a P a i n t S p e c i a l i s t . i n l u x u r i o u s D o w n t o w n Oakville, newly renovated c o m p u t e r k n o w l e d g e . Walter 416-277-0585. building. Includes security, Training background preferred. Fax resume PA L E R M O PA I N T I N G - maintenance & cleaning 905-637-2843 Interior & exterior painting. services. Very presentable Friendly and cour teous. c u r b a p p e a l b u i l d i n g . N o j o b t o o s m a l l . F o r 2,222sq. ft of space. For Domestic Help a f r e e e s t i m a t e c a l l additional information and viewing call Wayne Paul 905-580-2474. Available 647-292-2841. ABSOLUTE PERFECTION Moving & Storage House Cleaning. Honest, fine detail oriented, reliable. 18years experience. CALL NOW! Moving/ DelivReferences. C a l l ery. Uncle Steve Moves. 905-630-8875. 905-876-6837 Oakville Rangers Minor Peewee AE 17 Family Yard Sale Sat. Sept. 19 9am-Noon Dundas & Trafalgar Canadian Tire Parking Lot Children's clothing, toys, games, sporting goods, books, camping equip, furniture, etc. OAKVILLE OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am - Noon 1118 Edgehill Place Assorted books, VHS tapes, craft supplies, hand radio parts & much more. OAKVILLE HUGE LAWN SALE At the Mariner 2311 Ontario St. Sat. Sept. 19 7:30-1:30 Antique Quilts, pictures, clocks & many many collectibles. OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 19 9am-1pm 2096 Madden Blvd. Something for Everyone S.E Oakville GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 19th 8am-11am 2130 Castlefield Cres OAKVILLE VARIOUS ITEMS GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 19 8am-Noon 2101 Salmon Rd. Something for Everyone OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 9am-3pm 139 Third Line Something for everyone! OAKVILLE Home Renovations JOSHUA CREEK Multi-Family Garage Sale Sat Sept 19 8am-1pm 1209 Gezero Crescent Furniture, baby items and much more!! OAKPARK STREET GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am - 1pm White Lane (3rd Line & Upper Middle off Heritage Way) Something for Everyone! OAKVILLE BEST MAID In Town. G O I N G T O M o v e ? C a l l Will clean to your complete Move Right Moving. Best satisfaction- Guaranteed! If service in the area. Call SPECIALIZING IN you want the best, call the Thomas, 905-847-0178. Framing, Drywall & Taping. best. 905-617-3659. MAXX MOVERS. Profes- No job too small! 17 years sional/ Reliable. Residen- exp. Basements, Additions, C L E A N I N G L A D Y o r tial, office, piano movers. Hardwood Floor Refinishpersonal care available, Local/ long distance. From i n g , F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y, experience, references. $62/ hour. 416-823-9705 Ceramics, Decks & B u r l i n g t o n o n l y. C a l l Fences. Call 416-566-0492 M I G H T Y M O V E R S . N o (Gary). 905-637-5539. hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Fall BRICKLAYER~ STONES, EUROPEAN CLEANING specials! 905-296-1621 flagstones, interlock, Lady has 2 openings. 18 905-901-2321 bricks, plus sub-contract years experience with Oake t c . . . F re e e s t i m a t e s . ville/ Burlington residents. Drapes & Matthew 905-315-8173, Please call 905-844-6513. Upholstery 416-705-2989. ebaczynska@cogeco.ca EUROPEAN CLEANING C U S T O M D R A P E R I E S , service, 18 years experi- valance's, sheers, bed & HANDYMAN SOLUTIONS ence, good references. table coverings, color O a k v i l l e / B u r l i n g t o n consultation: 18 years exp. Small, big jobs & Peace of Mind. ·bathrooms homes/ offices. Respon- Sherry 905-630-2267. ·basements +all repairs! sible. B o n d e d . smorganinteriors ·plumbing ·electrical 416-824-4230. @cogeco.ca ·drywall 905-320-7563 4myestimate@gmail.com EUROPEAN HOUSE cleanLandscaping, Lawn ers. Professional, reliable. Care, Supplies KITCHEN, BATHROOM Services available weekly, Renovations, Home bi-weekly, monthly. OakRepairs, tiling, painting, v i l l e / B u r l i n g t o n a re a . finished carpentry, crown Sylvia, 647-889-2593. AERATION: SEPTEMBER m o u l d i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n , is the best time to Core laminate floors, sheds, EXPERIENCED CLEAN- Aerate, Fertilize and Over- cottage renovations. No ING person available to seed your lawn,preparing job too small, experienced clean your home/ office/ itfor winter andhelp pro- with references. Zenon apar tment. Satisfaction mote earlier spring green 647-226-4135. guaranteed. Great Refer- u p . P l e a s e c a l l S a r a www.bzconstruction.ca ences. Insured/ bonded. 905 466 8686 Email: Same cleaner each visit. sara.power@sympatico.ca Miscellaneous 905-220-3792. FALL CLEANUPSHOUSE CLEANING ser- (JB Landscape) Book early H Y P N O S I S T R A I N I N G vice available, fast de- and get a 10% discount. Start an exciting, lucrapendable & experienced. Call Jeff 905-220-3982. tive & fulfilling career as Excellent references. Call G A R D E N S B Y H e a r t ' s a certified hypnotheraJanina 905-272-7275. Content. Beautiful garden pist. 9 day weekend prodesigns, planting, fall clean- g r a m , O c t 3 t h ro u g h POLISH CLEANING Lady ups, stone, tree planting. N o v 8 i n O a k v i l l e . w i l l c l e a n y o u r h o u s e , Lindsay 416-258-6359, F u l l d e t a i l s a t : w w w. gracehypnosis.com/cert apartment/ office, Oakville/ lindsayr@cogeco.ca 905-827-4973 Burlington/ Georgetown. Experienced. References. Martha 905-320-9843. LAWNS, GARDENS, Turf, POLISH CLEANING Ser- L a w n C u t t i n g / M a i n t e v i c e . C l e a n i n g l a d i e s nance, Snow Removal, available for houses, apart- Household Cleaning avail. ments and offices. Excel- Seniors Discount. Good lent rates. Satisfaction Rates. 905-484-3412 guarantee. Jola 647-887-2154. Tree/ Stump Tool/Garage Sale Sat. Sept. 19 8am-1pm 3030 6th Line Oak Cupboards, antique Guelph Stove/Oven, Radial armsaw jointer, bandsaw, hand tools, household items, planes, saws, files... OAKVILLE Garage Sale Saturday 8am-4pm Sunday 8am-1pm 2283 Lots of new Items! SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE OAKVILLE Garage Sale Sat. Sept.19 9am - 2pm at 209 Gatwick Drive (behind the house in Laneway 120). Toys, hard and softcover books, furniture, glassware, clothes and more! OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8:30am-11am 1257 Holton Heights Dr Assorted household items, kids toys, books No Early Birds OAKVILLE (Dundas/ 3rd Line) Furniture, clothes, toys, mobility scooter, too much to mention!! OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-1pm 1447 Liverpool St Quality Merchandise Sat Sept 19 8:30am-? 418 Cairncroft Rd Clothing, furniture, art, accesories & much more DON'T MISS IT RAIN OR SHINE Oakville MOVING SALE Sat. Sept. 19 9am-Noon 1247 Lakeview Dr. Books, computer printers, ladies golf clubs & much more Rain or Shine Oakville Falling Green Drive MOVING SALE Sat Sept 19 9am - 1pm 157 Tracina Dr. Wilton bakeware, magazines, kitchenware, sofa table, cherry desk, Xmas decor. & lots more. GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8:30am-12pm 3239 Shoreline Dr Rain date Sunday Sept. 20th Something for everyone! OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-12pm 1252 Pallatine Dr SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE OAKVILLE Moving/ Garage Sale Sat Sept 19 8am - ? 2250 Grandoak Trails Furniture, bikes, strollers, pictures, stereo, CD's, games etc. 905-827-1613 GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-2pm 119 Strathcona Avenue Toys, bird and animal cages (small and large) household items, clothes Furniture, books, dishes, toys and sports equip. GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-Noon 2189 Elmhurst Avenue GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 9am-Noon 358 Briarhall Gate LT cottage/ table/ wagon/ pool, toys, kids clothes, housewares, more OAKVILLE Multi-Family Annual Garage Sale Sat. Sept 19 8:30am Adair Cres Toys, Window A/C, clothes, lamps, headboards, & much more. OAKVILLE Multi Family Sale Sat.Sept 19 8am -12pm 1411 - 1530 Litchfield Rd Baby & household goods, furniture, Xmas items, books & more OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 19 8am-Noon 1050 Unit 24 Grand Blvd. Chairs, lamps, toys, household items, and much more Oakville Estate & Office Furniture Sale Moving must sell Mon-Sat Open 10am 2857 Sherwood Heights, Oakville. Unit 3&4, back door, warehouse entrance. English Sideboard, Queen bed, Antique chairs & Chandeliers, Century dining table, China, discounted shoes, office cabinets & desks & much more 905-465-1031 OAKVILLE Oakville GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am - Noon 1473 Durham St. (Near OTHS) Hockey eqp., DVD's, High bed & more. OAKVILLE YARD SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-12:30pm Hawk Scooter, some furniture household items girls bike and more OAKVILLE HUGE MOVING SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-4pm 177 North Service Rd E (Near Oakville Place) Shelving, electric bikes, lawnmower and tools BURLINGTON GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 1313 Ashwood Terrace Various quality household furniture items for sale. 2-Family Garage Sale Saturday Sept 19 8am-Noon 493 & 495 Eliza Cres Household items, toys, books and much more!! Garage Sale Sat. Sept. 19 8am-2pm 1355 Greeneagle Dr (Fairway Hills) Great Stuff & Prices Books, furniture, home decor & nearly new ladies clothing 459 Saville Cres INTERNET! GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 19 8am-12pm 1297 Heritage Way Something for Everyone! Garage Sale Sat Sept 19 8:00am-12:00pm Service AESTHETIC TREE Experts Tr e e / S h r u b P r u n i n g . Hazardous tree removal, FALL CLEAN-UP, knowl- t r e e r e p a i r ( c a b l i n g edgeable planting, potting, & bracing). Competitive pruning, trimming, weed- pricing. Free estimates. ing, and caring for your 9 0 5 - 6 2 7 - 2 9 9 2 , c e l l # beautiful gardens. Call Mau- 289-244-1617, Mention reen at 905 467-4247 this ad and save 5%. maureen@gardenmaid.ca www.AestheticTreeExperts.com Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies (Upper Middle/Fourth Line) 2135 Glenfield Rd Tons of baby items/furniture. Also, lots of toddler toys as well as household items.

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