29 · OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 2, 2009 **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic F O U N D : L O N G h a i re d 20yr sets starting g re y, f e m a l e c a t n e a r $240. 30yr tight-top Warwick Cour t. We call DAYCARE AVAILABLE in sets starting $340. DeNala. Please call 637-7325 my home. Full/ part-time. luxe no-flip Pillowtop Security clearance. CPR/ &'Crown' series, EuroF O U N D : L O N G H A I R E D First Aid. Receipts. Refer- t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . neutered male orange tab- ences. Indoor/ outdoor ac- New Waterbeds, Futons, by with a microchip on Au- tivities. Homemade meals/ End-of-line/ discontingust 26 in the area of West snacks. Falgarwood area. u e d i t e m s a v a i l a b l e . Oak Trails and Fourth Line. 905-582-8055. 905-847-2020; Please call Oakville & Dis905-681-9496 t r i c t H u m a n e S o c i e t y H O M E D AY C A R E h a s (905)845-1551. spaces available for Sep- ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ tember, 2009. Flambo- pillowtops, 10-15" thick, FOUND: ORANGE tabby ro u g h / M i l l g ro v e a re a . new in plastic, Double cat Appleby Line and Cor- 905-690-1177 for more $ 2 5 0 . , Q u e e n $ 2 7 5 . , porate Dr. We call Griffin. i n f o o r v i s i t w w w . King $500. Visco MemoPlease call 905-637-7325. ry-foam mattress with expressionshomedaycare.com c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , F O U N D : P A R A K E E T, MOTHER OF three seek- King $950. Can Deliver, green & red, Bronte area, ing daycare in our home in 905-730-5849 Aug. 26, taken to Burloak Burlington. 2-3nights/week Animal Clinic. call 905-681-0333 APPLIANCES, ALMOND, Kenmore side-by-side reQUALITY LOVING child- frigerator w/ice dispenser, c a re . F - T / P - T. D o r v a l / Maytag Gemini electric Upper Middle, nutritious s t o v e , g l a s s t o p . meals, 18 months & older. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal F i r s t A i d , C P R . $ 1 0 0 0 / p a i r . 905-689-2147 it with a pardon! Need to 905-847-8407. enter the U.S.? Get a 5 APPLIANCES- SCRATCH year waiver! Call for a free N Dent and quality used brochure. Toll free 1-888-9Fridges, Stoves, Washers, PARDON or 905-459-9669 Dryers. Full/ apar tment size, 1 year warranty DISABILITY CLAIM denied? Toronto's leading WEE BEAR Daycare, North parts & labour. Delivery available. 905-458-8808. disability lawyers will fight Burlington, Educational & for your rights. We offer a F u n , c e r t i f i e d t e a c h e r, free consultation for group CPR/First Aid, Elizabeth A - Z T E C H N I C A L B l d g . & private disability claims. 9 0 5 - 2 4 8 - 6 8 2 1 ( C e l l ) , S y s t e m s I n c . P re - e n g i No fees until we settle. 905-315-7165 (Home) n e e re d s t e e l b u i l d i n g s . www.ShareDisabilityLaw. Since 1978! Stamp drawcom 1-888-777-1109 ings & leasing avail. Ask for Wally. Toll Free 1-877- 743THINKING ABOUT Adop5888; Fax416-626-5512 tion? If you're pregnant www.a-ztech.on.ca and need a nurturing home AFTER SCHOOL care refor your child, then you quired in Joshua Creek, should view our profile at: Oakville, for 9yr girl. Referwww.canadaadopts.com/ ences required. Call registry/shannonandsadiq 416-670-0508 CANOE MANUFACTURER Fiberglass and Kevlar MOTHER OF 2 looking 46lbs Up to 50% off! Just nannies/ for daycare from 4:30pm- past Burlington Lift Bridge. live in/out 6 p m , 3 d a y s / w e e k . 905-545-4745 Call 905-635-4576. BETTER LIFE Nannies CARPET 100's of styles Agency Placing nannies for ready for same week instalchildren, elderly, disabled lation. Let me give you free care. Also recruiting local measurement/ estimate. and overseas nannies. ConLaminate/ Hardwood tact 647-205-4381 available. 905-510-0589 betterlifenannies@live.ca Eric. MATURE ENGLISH Nanny CARPET I have several available, good references. 1,000 yards of new Stain Call 905-510-9911. Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 S t e v e , ALDERSHOT MOM offer- y a r d s ) BURLINGTON HEADON ing home daycare along 905-633-8192 Forest family seeks liveout with before and after personable housekeeper, school care. Near Glen- C H E R R Y W O O D B E D , parent helper, nanny. Ap- v i e w S c h o o l . L a r g e m a t c h i n g d r e s s e r p ro x . 2 0 h o u r s w e e k l y, shaded backyard with 64"Lx18"W, Mirror Queen good pay,flexible hours. playground, beautiful mattress set $650.; Pecan Must have car, mileage re- residential location on O p e n b o o k c a s e , imbursed. 905-319-0428 quiet court. Benefit of 7 5 " H x 3 0 " W x 1 3 " D , 5 educational component. shelves and drawer, $350. N u t r i t i o u s m e a l s . 905-827-8709 after 6pm Home away from home. 905-592-0265. FIBRE GLASS shower with glass door, pressure balALDERSHOT EXPERIanced fixtures, ENCED caring teacher and 82"Hx36"Wx32"D, $290. mother has P/T openings 905-632-1173 in home daycare. Outdoor play, indoor activities, nutri- P S W / C O M P A N I O N HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand tious meals, cpr, receipts, available. Caring. Profesr e f e r e n c e s a n d m o r e . sional. I have 10 years new 2009 model w/all options, and cover. Still 905-639-8785 experience with many age- i n w r a p p e r . C o s t related conditions. First $ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e BEFORE AND after school A i d a n d C P R . $ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l care available in my home 905-333-5842. 905-971-1777 for ages 6-12. Nutritious snacks, indoor/outdoor SENIOR HOMECARE By play. Located at Trafalgar Angels. Experienced Care- HOT TUB (Spa) Covers and Upper Middle Road. givers will provide up to best price, Best quality. All 905-339-2461. 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 905-634-2400. BURLINGTON IN-HOME www.thecoverguy.ca daycare. 5 plus years professional childcare experiKITCHEN CABINET ence, loving and safe doors. Complete face-lift environment, fully fenced for the older kitchen or backyard and short walk to #1 HIGH Speed Internet bathroom. JF Restorations. park. CPR & First Aid, $18.95/mo. Absolutely no Call 905-631-9151 excellent references. Lo- ports are blocked. Unlimitcated across from Maple- ed downloading. Up to 5 MOVING: APPLIANCES view Mall (Thorpe Park). Mps download and 800 Washer, dryer, stove, also 905-580-0346. Kbps upload. Order today apartment size dryer. Exwww.allweeneedislove.com at www.acanac.ca or call cellent condition, Will sepToll Free 1-866-281-3538 arate. 289-337-1328 CHILD CARE in Glen Abbey- Pre-school program 20 YEAR old pine dining offered. Before and after table with 2 extensions, N O W O P E N B o u t i q u e school care. Will pick up 6 chairs and hutch. $500 Chez Moi. Beautiful Jewellery, Leather Jackets, Latin f r o m l o c a l s c h o o l s . obo. Call 905-319-2068. a n d B a l l ro o m D re s s e s , Fun, creative environment. H e a l t h y s n a c k s . P o l i c e 5 P I E C E s o l i d w o o d Dance Shoes, Repairs of clearance, receipts. Mon- birch with hunter green 10K, 14K, 18K jewellery, d a y - F r i d a y, 1 1 : 0 0 a m - a c c e n t t a b l e w i t h great 6:00pm. 905-469-8585. 4 c h a i r s $ 3 0 0 . O B O opening discounts, come pay us a visit at 284 905-635-4715, Church Street, Oakville DAYCARE AVAILABLE, hwiles@cogeco.ca. 10yrs experience, Full or Part-time, Indoor, outdoor A Free telephone service. R A T T A N K I T C H E N / activities. Large play area, Get first month free. Bad Sunroom Suite from Palma nutritious snacks, lunch. credit. Don't sweat it. No Brava, 45" glasstop table, References, receipts, 4th deposit. No credit checks. 4 cushioned swivel chairs, Line/West Oak Trails. Anita Call Freedom phone lines, m a t c h i n g s t o o l , $ 4 0 0 . toll free 1-866-884-7464 905-825-4239 905-332-0980. FOUND: GINGER and white cat Aldershot area near RBG. We call Dante. Please call 905-637-7325. SCHOOL AGED daycare available, 1167 Lakeshore Rd. East/ Dearcroft Mont e s s o r i S c h o o l . Tr a n s i t available. Filling quickly. 905-849-3811/ leave message. REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepper, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 aski n g $ 8 5 . We i g h t l i f t i n g multi-position work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135, obo for all. 905-842-4302. SAWMILLS FROM only $3,495. Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodsawmills.ca/ 4 0 0 t F re e i n f o 1 - 8 0 0 566-6899 STEEL BUILDING Sale. Ontario manufacturer since 1980. Easy do-it-yourself construction. Permanent, temporary or por table, 25x40 $5,990. 30x50 $9,480. 35x60 $9,990. 40x80 $15,600. 50x120 $29,900. Ends optional! 1-800-668-5422. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers TORO SNOWBLOWER8hp, 28" wide, $460. 7 cubic foot freezer, $80. New bar fridge, $60. Brass fireplace tool set, $50. Call 905-338-3585. CLEAN DRIVING record? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on your car ins u r a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Open weekends. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in ON must be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually ARE YOU laid off? Gov't in the business of selling funding avail. to obtain your AZ or Heavy Equipment stolen/ damaged vehicles. Certification. Call Ontario Truck Driving School ToSAAB 2006 9-5 Spor t- d a y . 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 9 9 - J O B S combi Wagon. 260hp with (5627) www.olds.com 7 3 L c a rg o v o l u m e . Fully loaded. 95,000km Are you on EI or have bee $13,900 Call 905-842- in the last 3 years? Would 9727. you like to learn web design online from home? Check out: www.ibde.ca Spacelimited, enrol today BEEN LAID off? Need career training? We can help. Call Everest College of Business, Technology and H e a l t h C a r e To d a y . 1-866-845-0276 www.EverestCanada.ca Everest College DO YOU Have a Disability and would love to work? We will train and place you in: Office / Medical / IT / Hospitality / Retail / Financ i a l e n v i ro n m e n t s . C a l l Business Education College today- 905-631-1206. GIRL GUIDES is the place for today's girls. Have fun, make new friends and grow through a wide variety of experiences. Call 1-800-565-8111 or visit www.girlguides.ca OVERNIGHT F/T Merc h a n d i s e r / C a s h i e r re quired from 10pm to 8am. Schedule is a rotating 4 days on&4 days off. Must be flexible. Competitive wages and benefits. Apply to Shoppers Drug Mar t, 520 Kerr Street, Oakville, Ontario or fax resume to: 905-845-3407. PART-TIME SALES Position for Oakville based carp e t c l e a n i n g c o m p a n y. Suitable for an energetic, responsible individual. Responsibilities include telemarketing, maintaining and expanding marketing routes with commercial offices, retailers, designers&developing or existing a c c o u n t s . N o p re v i o u s e x p e r i e n c e n e c e s s a r y. Email resumes to: katie@ lakeshorecarpetcleaners.com FINANCIAL SERVICE OFFICER Acton/ Georgetown/ Milton Prosperity ONE is growing! We have been serving the Halton community since 1957 with nearly 11,000 members in our Acton, Burlington, Milton and Georgetown branches. We are dedicated to meeting our member's needs and offer a full range of financial and value-added products. We pride ourselves in being a world class organization that employs a team of people who deliver quality solutions for our membership. Our expansion has created a need for additional full-time and part-time Financial Service Officer positions in Acton, Georgetown and Milton. If you are a proactive, goal-oriented and results-driven individual, please consider joining our team. In this position, you will provide breakthrough service to our members through actively marketing our products and services, employing consultative selling practices for our full range of lending and investment products and acting as a liaison between our members and other related departments. You will proactively identify and follow through with all membership growth opportunities and participate in all branch promotions and marketing campaigns. You will maintain a high profile and image with your members and any outside contacts as well as play an active role within our communities. Qualified applications require two years of personal banker experience and a solid understanding of retail credit and investment products including a Mutual Fund licence. We thank all candidates; however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted. No Phone Calls. Please apply in confidence to: CASH PAID- $100+ for any complete car or truck driven in/picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of WANT TO lose weight and QEW) MOT legal transkeep it off? Herbal Magic f e r s . 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 8 0 1 5 , can help. Results guaran- 1-877-655-0755 teed. Call to get our limited t i m e o f f e r. 2 5 % O f f . C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p 1-800-926-4363. Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 270 ***A BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All Antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com WANTED: BACK2LIFE massage unit. Must be in mint condition. Call 905-220- 3336 WE BUY appliances if you are moving, upgrading or renovating. We pick-up. Call Antony at 905-339-8017 1990 CHEVY 1/2 ton Pickup with cap. Mechanically sound, rebuilt transmission, many new parts, just passed e-test, needs body work. $1500 firm. Also 1996 Margay Racing Go-Kart, 6.5 Honda, lots of extra parts, $1000 firm. Call 905-825-8527. POOLSIDE FINE Swimming Pools & SpasFax: 905-827-5453. Email: info@poolside.ca. Fall Help needed for swimming pool closings and construction. Must have clean valid drivers licence, must be willing to work long hours and Saturdays. All interested applicants please reply. *READY TO Work? Energetic? Want to get paid what your worth? Call to start your new Career today!!! Call 905-469-8444 search@prosperityone.ca 1994 MERCURY Villager, loaded, new tires, certified, e-tested, hwy miles, white, original owner, excellent condition $1900. 9 0 5 - 6 9 0 - 6 4 1 8 , 905-273-6133 1998 NISSAN Pathfinder LE, 295,000km (hwy), Fully loaded, sunroof, Gold exterior, Leather Tan interior, Well maintained. E-tested, original owner, $2,500. 905-331-9958 AUSTRALIAN LABRADOODLES F3 pups. First vaccine/ microchipped. Family raised. 905-692-5925. www.macleoddoodles.com MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Training. Learn from home or on-site! Work from home or on-site! Financing may be available. Contact CanScribe today for free information. 1-800-466-1535 SALES POSITION, PartTime, for ladies' wear or info@canscribe.com store, Downtown Oakville. Suit mature, enthuREPOSESSED PRE-FAB siastic fashion minded homes!! Save 50%++!!! Ca- p e r s o n . S a l a r y p l u s nadian Manufacturer's USA commission. Call Paul, Downturn Order Cancella- days, 905-845-2031. tions. Brand New 1260 SF Pre-Engineered Package originally $29,950.00, Fac- SECURITY GUARDS Setory Blow out liquidation. c u r i t y g u a r d s w a n t e d $14,975.00!!! Other sizes- ASAP, no exp. needed, Sacrifice prices! Green-R- training provided. Immed. Panel Building Systems: openings. $10-18/hr. All 1-800-871-7089. over GTA, 416-642-9012, www.ironhorse group.com WANTED: PART-TIME Estate Groundskeeper & A U G - S E P T O P E N I N G S H o u s e k e e p e r. G ro u n d s S t u d e n t s a n d O t h e r s keeper must be indepenFlexible schedules, $15 dent, able to operate basic base/appt., customer machinery with drivers s a l e s / s e r v i c e , n o e x p . license. Housekeeper ren e c e s s a r y, c o n d i t i o n s q u i r e s d r i v e r s l i c e n s e apply, no exp needed - will and car. Duties include train. Call: 905-632-4365 cleaning, organizing, runWorkForStudents.com ning errands, bookkeeping experience an asset. ALDERSHOT GREEN- Please call Andy at HOUSES is looking for a 905-208-0096. crew leader, maintenance personnel and general help. These are FT year WANTED: TWO Window & ro u n d e m p l o y m e n t . To Door Installers. Construcapply, please specify the tion experience preferred, p o s i t i o n a n d e m a i l : will train on windows h r @ a g l . c a o r f a x : and doors. Salary to 905-632-4022 be negotiated. West Windows and Doors Ltd. 3325-B Mainway Drive, EXPERIENCED LUBE Te c h n i c i a n n e e d e d , B u r l i n g t o n , O N . F a x : - F u l l / P a r t - t i m e , - V a l i d 905-335-6411 or Email: Drivers License required info@westwindows.on.ca -Must have some mechanical experience. Call 905-315-7757 As a third party logistics provider, Dynamic Connections is committed to superior customer service. Our partnership with our customers is the key to our success. To fuel growth in this fast paced industry we are looking to fill the following positions; SALES REPRESENTATIVE Responsibilities will be to develop new business through existing relationships and prospecting. Prior sales experience in the transportation industry is required. Must be a proven self-starter with a relentless desire for success. Excellent communication, negotiation skills & the ability to foster lasting customer relationships will be critical. Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and Customer relationship management software required. LOGISTICS COORDINATOR The primary role is to find superior transportation solutions that exceed the needs of our customers. Must have an excellent understanding of the transportation industry, and above average negotiation, organizational and time management skills. A team player and ability to work in a fast paced environment is critical. Prior transportation dispatch experience in the freight brokerage industry is a requirement. UFOS software an asset. CUSTOMER CARE ASSISTANT Primary role is to aid the operations & sales team with daily activities, incl. quotation management, order entry, invoicing, AP verification and filing. Excellent organizational, verbal, interpersonal skills, ability to prioritize, work in a fast paced environment are critical. Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Quickbooks skills necessary. Post Secondary Education required. Email resume and cover letter indicating the position of interest to: 1995 PONTIAC Grand Am- Blue, low KM 152,000, one family car. Good condition, $1700 obo. Call 905-315-9977. 1998 CHEVY Cavalier, black, 2-door, automatic, new radio/ CD, Air, MVI/ etest, 200,000/kms. Sell as is. $1500 Firm. 905-319-5999. 2000 MONTANA 215,000 kms. Seats 8. A/C. Trailer hitch. Runs well. As is, not certified. $1,000 obo. 905-3317866. M E R C E D E S M L Series Winter Tires used one winter - 18" 255/55 R18 109 rated Toyo G02Plus with M e rc e d e s R i m C h ro m e plated asking $800 for a set of 4. Contact 905-286-9666 ext 3457 or 416-845-3920. lgiles@dynamicconnections.ca COOK'S- OUTSIDE Storage, 609 Safari Rd, Entrance off Edgewood Rd., All outside storage needs 905-659-1391 CAREER OPPORTUNITY AT MATTAMY HOMES GTA DIVISION. Customer Care Coordinator Acts as on-going point of contact for homeowners from post purchase through to post warrant periods. Qualifications: University or College degree or suitable blend of education and related work experience; Strong interpersonal skills a prerequisite; Experience in service industry an asset; Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment with flexible approach to work style. 2003 HONDA Civic, Red exterior, 2 door, 5 speed, 110,000km, lady driven, A/C, Power windows, CD, good condition, e-tested, CLEAN DRIVING Record? certified. $6900. Must Sell Grey Power could save you up to $400 on your car in905-632-7833 s u r a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-ob2004 HONDA Civic SiG, ligation quote. Open weekBlue, 5 speed V-Teck, well ends maintained, 180,000kms, hwy, power windows, power sunroof w/wind deflector, alloys, heated mirrors, AM/FM/CD 6 speaker upgrade, A/C, keyless entry, cruise, leather steering wheel/ shifter, carbon fibre trim. Certified, E-tested, $8,000.obo 905-638-3838 GREAT JOBS F-T & P-T Evening Office Cleaners 6-9pm MonFri. Must have own transportation. Burlington, Oakville, Waterdown areas. 905-331-2270 ext.5 HIRING- SWIM Instructor/ Guard. Must have qualifications, $12.50/ hour and up, starting in September. 905-339-3000. LAID OFF? Unemployed? Earn up to $40/ hour after being cer tified as a Robotics Programmer. If you are now collecting E.I or have in the past 3 years you may qualify for funding. Call: 905-634-9797. www.robartraining.com Production associates needed in the MILTON area. $12 plus All shifts available To book your classified ad call HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St E. Ste. 205, Milton www.hcr.ca email: jobsgta@mattamycorp.com or mail to: 2360 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario L6H 6M5 Or fax: Customer Care Co-ordinator: (905) 829-7844 2004 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta TDI 1100km per tank HWY, fully loaded, low kilometers. Must see 905-876-2642 Mike 905.632.4440 or fax 905-632-8165