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Oakville Beaver, 24 Oct 2008, p. 44

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44 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, October 24, 2008 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking ROOM in basement apartment. North Burlington. $450/mo. Laundry, kitchen, A/C, cable, bus. Nons m o k e r. 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 6 6 1 8 . Female preferred. ROOM to rent cable/ internet included Burlington close to shopping entertainment bus route & restaurants $450/mo 905639-4952 PA L M E R A r e a - L o v i n g mother with ECE training. First Aid/ Police Check complete. Nutritious meals, lots of fun indoor and outdoor activities. Call Susie 905-635-6938. BABY Furniture- Crib, d r e s s e r, c h a n g e t a b l e , pram, dress clothes etc. Excellent condition. By appointment 905-319-2706. KITCHEN cabinet doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905631-9151 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO FORT Myers Beach, Florida, ocean front, 1-brdm condo for rent. Available Nov thru May. Call 905257-5876 1030/month FOUND fat wallet, thin body. The first 20 pounds are on Herbal Magic. Sign up by November 7th and save $150. Herbalmagic.com 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! BOOKS, household, furniture, crystal, Christmas QUALITY, reliable child- decorations. The Reuse care available in my home Centre, 3335 North Ser(Upper Middle/ Trafalgar). v i c e R o a d , B u r l i n g t o n , Children over 2. Full/ part- Open Wednesdays, Thurstime, before/ after school- days, Fridays: noon-8pm. care. Smoke-free, indoor/ Saturdays 9-5pm, Sundays outdoor activities. Nutri- noon-4pm. tious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Security Clear- C A R P E T I h a v e s e v e r a l a n c e . R e c e i p t s . R e f e r - 1,000 yards of new Stain ences. 905-338-6226. Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a rd s ) S t e v e , 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 8192 BABYSITTER needed, 4 yr. old girl. Tuesday- Fri- C A S E M E N T w i n d o w s , day. Vehicle required. Bur- white vinyl, never installed. lington. 905-319-8567. 24"x48" (4), 30"x48", 30"x56". $100- $125/ea. 905-520-7761. COUCH, pull-out double, excellent condition; Ikea cabinets, good condition; sectional couch. All best offer. 905-844-8308. CRIB, 6 y.o., solid maple, $225; Truck Cap, white, w/canoe rack, 60"Wx76"L $125. Mark 905-690-0648 DINING table, 6 chairs, solid walnut, 1940's, excellent condition, $350; mahogany Duncan Phyfe dropleaf table, good condition $150 obo. 905-844-3055. DININGROOM set, French Provincial table w/leafs, 6 chairs, buffet w/hutch, $750 obo. 905-842-5045 **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop and 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End of line/ discontinued items available. 905-8472020; 905-681-9496 DISHWASHER, Frigidaire, 4 y r s . o l d $ 1 5 0 ; Tu n t u r i s t a i r c l i m b e r, p ro g r a m mable electronics, $100. Both good condition. 905690-1522. FRENCH provincial cherry wood diningroom set. Two leaves and six chairs included. Refinishing required. $300.00 OBO. Call 905-338-5808 905-639-9212 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1075/mo 4 Bdrms $1175/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management E X P E R I E N C E D Tu t o r. FOUND: Black and white Math, Physics, Chemistry. cat, Waterdown Road area. All levels. Drew Peterson Ph.D (Physics) 905-634Please call 905-689-6475. 7029. FOUND: Gift Card, Corpus Christie High School Parking Lot. Call to identify APPLEBY/ N e w , 905-977-7661 Burlington~ Near GO, on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry FOUND: Ladies Mountain facilities. $475/mo. First/ Bike in Hargar Ave area. last. Non-smoker, no park- Please call 905-634-5466 to claim. ing. 905-637-7485. BEAUTIFUL Bronte/ Lakeshore. Clean large room w/living area in well maintained pleasant home. Suit working non-smoker. First/ Last required. 905-4665688. BRAND new executive townhome 2 rooms available both with ensuites. $450-$550. Also available big 1600ft. store top apartment, only $995.00. Call Steve 905339-8960. FOUND: petite gray cat, gold eyes, Oct.20th., Pomona/ Spruce area, Burlington. 905-333-3477. FOUND: Prescription glasses on bike path at New St. Call 905-637-2651 to claim. FOUND: Supercycle Bike near New St and Walkers Line. Call 905-639-9906 to claim. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. ON THE LAKE 2-Bdrm units w/4 appliances 5370 Lakeshore Rd., LOST Cat. Light brown and white/ gray tabby. Pearl B U R L I N G T O N - L a rg e S t re e t a n d L a k e s h o re . room. Bus route, separate a re a . A n s w e r s t o L u c y. entrance, share laundry. please call 905-333-8190 Female non-smoker preferred. References. Conveniently $500/mo. inclusive. Available Nov 1st. 905located across from 632-5771. Lakeside Plaza WANTED - Author for biogBURLINGTONN e w raphy for very interesting F U R N I S H E D h o m e o n home, 1 bedroom and bath lady. Phone 905-845-1167 the Beach. Backs onto on second floor, laundry. anytime ask for Marnye. l a k e a n d w a t e r f r o n t N o n s m o k e r. $ 5 5 5 / m o . trail. Upgraded top to p l u s h y d ro . I m m e d i a t e . nannies/ bottom with home thea- 905-635-9277. live in/out tre. Don't hesitate! $2600/mo. furnished. D U N D A S / B r o n t e . F u r CAREGIVER, experienced Also a v a i l a b l e nished 1-bedroom w/enpreferred, par t-time, 4 $1900/mo. unfurnished. suite, absolutely stunning/ days, approx. 1:30-7pm. Available December 1, prestigious living. Parking, Babysitting, housework & 2 0 0 8 . C a l l D a v i e s laundry inclusive. Immedicooking. W ith drivers licondos for m o r e ate. $699/mo. 416-409cence. 905-845-9231. information or to view 2003. 905-333-4347. HAPPY, Caring & Responwww.daviescondos.ca FURNISHED room on Kerr s i b l e M o t h e r ' s H e l p e r St. Available now. Shared GEORGIAN Court Estates, kitchen & bath, references Wa n t e d . M - F 2 : 3 0 ­ 6 : 3 0 King/ Plains Rd., Burling- req. $460/mth. 905-399- Pickup 6yr old (school), housework & errands. ton. Immaculate large 2 & 1961. Live-out. License/ Car 3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities in- FURNISHED room, kitchen req'd. No smoking. Vacac l u d e d . C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 9 2 - facilities, parking. Mature t i o n P a y . S W O a k v i l l e . 905.465.1435 9168. www.realstar.ca non-smoker preferred. Walkers Line/ New, BurlingL I V E - I N / O u t N a n n y re NEW Executive Free hold ton. 905-333-3540 q u i re d f o r 3 c h i l d re n i n Townhouse, 3000 sq. Oakville, 4-bedroom, 3.5 bath, O A K V I L L E - ( Q E W / 3 r d South Burlington. Call 905walk out finished lower lev- Line). Rooms available, suit 631-1019. el, 2 fireplaces, hardwood, working person/ student, all appliance, window cov- $ 5 0 0 / m o . , $ 6 5 0 / m o . LOOKING for full-time (M ering, double garage, large P a r k i n g . S h a re k i t c h e n , to F) live-out Nanny for 12 deck overlooking ravine, laundry, sauna, gym, tan- month old infant starting overlooking green belt, ning. Immediate. 905-465- J a n u a r y 2 0 0 9 . H o u r s 8:00am- 6:00pm CPR close to 407. $2600.00 1594; 905-580-4784. Trained, experienced ECE plus utility call 416-3583586 OAKVILLE- Dorval/ Rebec- p re f e r re d . C a l l P e t e r o r c a , r o o m f o r r e n t . Kristie 905-635-9738 OAKVILLE, Upper Middle/ $440/mo. + utilities, parkEighth Line. 3-bedrooms, ing included. Available im2-baths, finished basement, mediately. 905-616-5221. near schools/ shopping. $ 1 3 5 0 / m o . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - ROOM for rent in my Oak- BECAUSE your peace of ville home, available mind and a home away 2227. Nov.1 2008. $500 month- from home for your child is OAKVILLE- Attractive 3 ly, separate bathroom, en- all that matters. 20yrs exp. bedroom. Excellent loca- t r a n c e , s h a re d k i t c h e n , References. 6th Line and tion, near Trafalgar/ QEW. amenities included. Con- Dundas. 905-582-4407. Q u a l i t y c a r p e t , p r i v a t e tact 905-338-2102. Family patio, C/A, 5 appliances. has 1 medium size dog- BRONTE- Experienced A v a i l a b l e D e c e m b e r. very friendly. Home Daycare Provider. $1395/mo. plus utilities. Member of Halton Re416-413-4687 (weekdays), ROOMS for rent Oakville, gion. Receipts, Meals, 905-877-8948 (evenings/ (near Oakville Place), Bur- References. 905-847lington & Milton. $525- 8041. weekends). $600. Immediate. 416O A K V I L L E ~ 3 b e d ro o m 779-4899. EXPERIENCED caregiver, townhouses available imF r e n c h Te a c h e r b a c k mediately through Novemroom & board ground full & part-time, hot ber 1. 4 appliances, Hopeavail. & wanted meals, snacks, lots of acdale Mall Area. Lakeshore tivities, back-yard fun, refManagement 905-876- O A K V I L L E . Room and erences, police check 3336. h o m e - c o o k e d m e a l s , available. Receipts. Upper $ 1 3 5 / w k . S u i t w o r k i n g Middle/Eighth Line, OakWATERDOWN~ spotless, male/ student, non-smok- ville. Call Fifi 905-849freshly painted 3 bedroom er. Use of facilities. 905- 8119. t o w n h o m e w i t h f i n i s h e d 845-2677. basement tucked away in EXPERIENCED caregiver. quiet condo complex. InInfant/ preschooler, fullcludes appliances, c/air & time. Hot breakfast/ garage. $1400/mo + lunches. Lots of backyard utilities. Call 905-520-3683 OAKVILLE SW- Executive fun. References. Receipts. Home w/professional. Pri- 905-825-9689. vate bedroom w/fireplace/ housing bathroom. Share kitchen/ FUN, safe home daycare wanted laundry. Female, non-smok- available. Appleby/ New WANTED: Shor t-term er, no pets. $650/mo. In- area, Burlington. 10yrs exfurnished accommodation, c l u d e s c a b l e , i n t e r n e t , perience. CPR, First Aid. couple 50's, non-smoking, parking. Close to lakes, Lunches, snacks & crafts. q u i t e , To p r e f e r e n c e s , parks, bus, QEW, GO. 905- Babies welcome. 905-681469-6200. 3541. flexible 905-464-7922 Burlington 905-681-0259 270 FRIDGES, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 2 - S T E E L b o o k c a s e s , 905-458-8808. white bookcase, 2 DVD shelves, glass & aluminum GE Dryer, Heavy Duty,extable, washer/dryer and t r a l a rg e c a p a c i t y, n e w pedestal, 905-635-6417 drive belt last year, works 4 tires president (by Miche- well, white, $45.00, 905lin) 215/7OR/15. Fit dodge 330-4472 caravan others. Used for 12K. KMS. $160.00 905616-8844 GIBBARD 10 piece dining room suite, assorted side tables, blue area rugs AMANA stainless steel fridge/ 10x14 and 8x9. Please bottom freezer, 36" wide, excel- call 905-639-4663 lent condition. Like new. $500 HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new Please call: 905-844-7777 2008 model w/all options, ANTIQUE four poster bed, and cover. Still in wrapper. harvest table and a chest C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e o f d r a w e r s . P l e a s e c a l l $4250. Call 905-971-1777 905-582-0605. H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s APPROX 8 year old Sears best price, Best quality. All snowblower, 9hp, electric shapes & colours. Call 1start, 2 stage, runs well. 866-585-0056 www.theco$275. 905-634-1316. verguy.ca MOVING - Couch, coffee and end tables $350. Bedroom Set (Queen), dresser, mirror, headboard, night table, mattress, box springs $990., bookcases (4) $499., roll top desk $650., patio set, 6 chairs, table, WEBKINZ! Over 150 styles in umbrella, chaise lounge stock. Bakugan also available. 2000 Saab 95SE- Silver, black leather. $7250. Low $350. 905-634-5301. Call for details 905-332-7945. km's, 140,000km, New: MOVING must sell, dining WHITE fridge, self-cleaning b r a k e s , 4 t i r e s , w a t e r room suite, pedestal table stove, 5yrs old, $550/pair. pump, battery, turbo and with 2 extra leafs, 2 arm- Costco 6' air hockey table, t u n e - u p . C a l l 9 0 5 - 3 3 0 7199. chairs, 4 side chairs, side- $150. 905-335-5257. b o a rd , s o l i d h a rd w o o d , best offer. 905-845-1547 WHITE Kenmore Stove 1 year 2001 Mazda Protege ES old, full size. excellent condi- GT- Fully loaded, 2L enM O V I N G - G a s d r y e r, tion. $250 Please call 905-320- gine, 5 speed, A/C, sunSmall chest freezer, dish4181 roof, cruise, winter tires, washer, stove and electric certified and e-tested. dryer. Will separate 289122,000km. $5300. Call 337-1328 905-847-3979. MOVING: new Allan White overstuffed chairs, French 2003 Ford Explorer, only Country motif, paid 98,000km. Good condition $1299/ea., asking t h ro u g h o u t , d e a l e r s e r $650/ea; Hooker entertain- ALL Best Ca$h$ Paid- viced, leather, sunroof, 3rd ment centre $900. 905- Coins, Jewellery, Gold, rowseat, must sell quickSilver, Diamonds, China, 681-9624. Crystal, S i l v e r, new truck arriving- make ofPIANO & huge storage re- Figurines, Royal Doul- fer! no tax $8,995 cert & frigerator for sale, prices t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l tested. call Chris 905-464negotiable. Call 905-639- antique furnishings, Art, 3891 or 905-339-1535 Collectibles, etc. Estate 1239 Specialists, Top Cash. 95 Neon $1000 OBO 905POOL Table, Brand New, C a l l J o h n / P a t t i 9 0 5 - 336-5117. Please call in still in box. Solid Wood, 331-2477 the evenings. 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. W A N T E D : A n t i q u e s o r complete or partial collec905-304-9994 tions, furniture, dinky toys, Q U E E N S i z e b e d r o o m china, glass, collectibles, suite, $350 -Headboard, 2 or what have you. Call Mike night stands, 2 dressers, cell 289-259-1788. mirror 905-632-4934 WANTED: Furniture, appliR E E B O X ' S S t e p - U p / ances, dressers, dinette, Stackable exercise step- bedroom sets, odds/ ends. p e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g Must be reasonable. Call CASH paid for Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same Day Pick $59. Solid stationary exer- 905-525-9904 anytime. Up. 905-693-5355 cise bike, paid $325 askWE buy appliances if you ing $85. Weight lifting b e n c h w i t h a c c e s s o r i e s are moving, upgrading or CASH paid- $75-500 for $ 1 3 5 , o b o f o r a l l . 9 0 5 - renovating. We pick-up. any complete car or truck Call Antony 905-339-8017 842-7404. driven in (comparable prices for cars picked up) REFRIGERATOR 5 years S c r a p C a r s & Tr u c k s old. white, Whirlpool, 20.4 wanted. Free pick-up. 702 cuft. like new. $300. O.B.O. Electric stove, Al- "WHO lets your dog out?" Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) 905-827mond $50. 905-689-4861 Central/ South Burlington 8015, 1-877-655-0755 and Aldershot. References. KITCHEN Cabinets, 50% Call 905-639-8648. discount, customized, maCOOKSVILLE Auto Wreckp l e , c h e r r y, r o s e w o o d , BEAGLE (Red Tick Hound), ers, scrap cars, truck ree b o n y, o t h e r f i n i s h e s , 1.5 yrs, female, good na- moval, cash, flat bed sercounters, decorative wood t u re d , n e e d s b a c k y a rd , v i c e , 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 3 - 7 3 5 9 . hood, island and upgrades loves children. Suits family. O w n e r s h i p s p r o c e s s e d included. 905-930-9618. Adoption fee requested. properly. 905-563-6903, 905-681SOFABED, almost new, by 9496 (Beamsville) Joshua Creek furniture, red plaid, great for cottage/ ENGLISH Bulldog Cross, student, $925. 6 antique dewormed & shots, ready pressback chairs, beautiful t o g o , $ 8 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 2 5 7 $625. Brand new electric 5927. fireplace includes remote c o n t r o l , w o o d e n f r a m e FREE Female, Jack Rus$550. 905-827-7439. sell, 5 y.o., cheerful, suit TREADMILLS (2) Motor- mature family, loves walks ized (1st Treadmill asking & cuddles. 905-304-1153 TRISHA Romance ~ heart to heart $195, Walter Campbell ~ Gramma's House $120, antique gumball machine $25, cannonb a l l b e d $ 2 5 , m a p l e t a bl e / chairs, $80, pine bench $65, couch $25 905-639-3886 CERTIFIED, e-tested, 1996 Mercury Sable Executive, no rust, immaculate, only 205,000/kms, electric everything, expensive winter/ all tires, new rotors/ exhaust, transmission in full service Sept. WALLUNIT- 3 piece, oak, 2 0 0 8 . $ 2 4 0 0 . a s i s o r beautiful and in good condi- $ 2 6 0 0 . c e r t . e - t e s t e d . tion. $250. Call 905-332- OBO, call 905-582-4906 Nick. 2112. COLLEGE OF EDUCATORS CANADIAN Thinking of becoming a Teacher? Train today to become a Teacher of English as a Second Language. Teach English to newcomers to Canada or go abroad and travel the world! Now accepting applications for TESL Diploma starting F/T in January. Excellent teacher training! Recognized by TESL Ontario & TESL Canada. Request an application today! 905-896-0000 www.collegeofeducators.ca 2 0 0 3 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab. Excellent condition 4x2, SLT model. Certified and e-tested $12,900 905-630-3821 2008 GMC Canyon SL pick up regular cab, 2.9L., 4cyl., 4-speed auto., AM/FM, air, full warranty, under 1,000kms., Must Sell, great deal! No GST. $17,000 obo. 905-6462368. to place an ad call 905.632.4440 to place an ad call 905.632.4440 2002 Dodge Cargo Window Van, economy, 6cyl, auto, no winters, mint, 2 0 2 k m h w y, n o r u s t . $4995, may trade for car. BEAUTY Boutique Expert 905-464-7922 required par t-time by Shoppers Drug Mart, Oakville Place. Must be sales driven with good knowledge of prestige brands. PROSERVE Automotive of- Previous cosmetic sales f e r s C a r C a r e C l a s s e s , experience required. Fax/ (maintenance, buying, sell- Email Joa (Beauty Boutique ing, etc.) Saturday Nov.15, Manager) 905-842-5598 9am-1pm, Call 905-639- fsdm745@ shoppersdrugmart.ca 9634 for details www.proserveauto.ca C A R E E R O p p o r t u n i t y, Financial Services, Training Provided. Contact Brian Perry 905-510-4261 brp.pfs@cogeco.ca. INDOOR HEATED/ OUTDOOR STORAGE Ideal for Cars, Boats and RV's. Secure and pest controlled. Low outdoor rates! www. storesecure.ca 905-689-8610 STORAGE~ indoor, clean s e c u re f o r c a r s , b o a t s , RV's. Monthly/ seasonal/ y e a r l y. B o a t w i n t e r i z i n g available. 905-689-0465. COMPLIMENTARY Physiotherapy hiring parttime physiotherapy assistant and exp. RMT. Send resume to compphysio@hotmail.com. or Fax: 905-331-9776. DUE to on-going growth and an internal promotion we are in need of an Automotive Par ts Person for our State of the Art New Car Dealership." Please e-mail or fax: Earl Shorthouse Fixed Operation Manager. Burlington Hyundai, eshorthouse@ burlingtonhyundai.ca, 905633-8815. We'll help you get $375 retailed $850 (2nd Treadmill, asking $695 retailed $1500 (also elliptical for sale) 905-814-1415 VIOLIN- Rare, 100 years plus. Excellent playing condition, case and bows. 905-827-0949. F R E E : t o l ov i n g h o m e. We need the perfect owners for Babs, F, spade, de-clawed, microchip, fully vaccinated and the most loving companion and best friend to Simon, blanched orange, M, neutered, declawed, microchip and fully vaccinated. 905-466-6422 HUGE Kitten & Cat Adoption Event! Saturday, October 25th; 11-4. Two Petsmart Locations: 1059 Plains Rd. Burlington and 2501 HydeParkGate, Oakville; Hosted by Abandoned Cats Rescue; www.WeRescueCats.ca 647-477-5807. MALE Pekingese puppy, 10 months, CKC registered, must find new home due to illness. 905-3090124 SCHNOODLE Puppies~ small non-shedding breed, vet certificate, shots, dewormed, tail, dewclaws done, asking $795./$895 905-8253812 ON TRACK OCTOBER CLASSIFIED SALE Call us on Fridays in October and Receive 1 Price*! 2 P On Track is a 10-week program offered free of charge. Open to all Halton residents and available throughout the year. Assistance may be available for child care and transportation. The On Track program includes: · Job search and interview skills · Creating a resumé and cover letter · Career planning · Computer training · High School credits · WHMIS training Contact Margaret Springle at: Funded in partnership with: Halton Region 905-825-6000 ext. 4626 Toll free: 1-866-442-5866 TTY: 905-827-9833 Email: margaret.springle@halton.ca www.halton.ca SCS-08014 193 RIV Y ATE PARTY ONL 1 2 PRICE WORD ADS 1 9 6 9 M e rc u r y M o n t e g o conver tible can be restored. As is. Best offer. 905-689-8028 1996 Toyota Camry DX- 4 cyl, Auto, A/C, PW, PL, PM, 188,000 km. Accident free, cer tified, excellent condition. $3699. Call 905-319-0230 after 5pm. 1998 Ford Escor t 4DR Good tires and brakes, good body 279 km, 1 owner $950 O.B.O call: 905-257-0803 1998 Ford Mercury Sable wago n 2 4 V, 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 k m ' s. N ew transmission, new compressor, new battery, good tires, good running condition. As is. $1000. Please call after 5pm 905-842-2997 2007 Sunfire GT - $1,500 obo. Too many new parts to list great condition. Call Mark 905-464-0540 or 905-635-3455. Start a New Career Est. 1982 ARTICLES, CARS, RENTALS, DAYCARE, CLEANING SERVICES... 191 *MUST BOOK FOR 1 FULL WEEK (MUST MENTION THIS SALE NOTIFICATION AT TIME OF BOOKING!) November and January Classes Success begins today 460 Brant St., Burlington FFICE ADMIN · OCCOUNTING / P.AYROLL A · MEDICAL / LEGAL ASST. · DENTAL RECEPTION · POLICE FOUNDATIONS · 905-632-4440 l 905.637.3415 l www.hbicollege.com

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