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Oakville Beaver, 27 Sep 2008, p. 34

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34 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, September 27, 2008 FLORIDA, Hudson (Gulfside). Fully furnished 2bedroom clean home, $ 1 5 0 0 / m o. ( U. S . ) p l u s utilities. Jan.1- Mar.31st. 905-332-5851. B ROW N , fe m a l e t a b by cat. Found on Sarazen Drive, Burlington. We call Missy. Please call: 905637-7325. FOUND: Female, black and white cat in the Treeland area, Burlington. We c a l l M i t t y. P l e a s e c a l l : 905-637-7325. FOUND: Men's Wedding Ring, Spencer Smith's Park, Call to identify. 905634-3722 L O S T: U n i q u e ye l l ow gold Bangle style bracelet with diamonds and ruby's. Possibly lost in Mountainside area in Burlington. Reward for return. Please call 289-888-1323. EARN High School Math credits through a private school- the same exact credits you would get in regular high school. Grades 10, 11 and 12 Calculus, Advanced Functions, Data Management. E-mail: PrivateMathTutoring@ hotmail.com or 416-4592098. CAST iron soaker tub 68"x31", white porcelain, centre fill, gold claw feet, gold taps & shower 2 pedestal sinks 28"x22" matching gold tap sets $500 call John 416-3004800 DINING Set, 7-pce., French Provincial, complete with table pads, good condition, $600. Call 905-335-2325. DINING table, 6 chairs, walnut, $300; buffet $200; rattan fur niture 5-pce., $ 2 0 0 . B e s t o f f e r. 9 0 5 333-0904 FREE Piano Mason & R i s c h , a p t . s i ze, r o u g h s h a p e . To m 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 9611. WINE Fridge, Rosewood M a n u fa c t u r e r, d o u b l e door, mahogany finish, 4 ye a r s o l d , $ 1 0 0 0 ( p a i d $2100). 905-338-6255 WOODEN Apple Barrels fo r s a l e. C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 8 9 7514 after 7pm 2000 Jeep TJ Spor t w/ hard and soft top, A/C, 6-speed, upgraded star e o, t w o s e t s r i m s a n d tires and chrome accessories. 2" lift, 4L engine. $9500.obo Call Chris at 905-929-9515 2000 Mazda Protege LX Touring, Manual 5 Speed, S i l ve r / G r ay i n t . , F u l l y l o a d e d , A / C , C D, M a g Wheel, new tires, winter tires, New Disk/ Brake, Maintenance record, Excellent condition. 120,500 km. $4,850. Call JF 416706-7505 2001 Chevy Venture LS. Only 116,000km. Good condition, fully loaded, alloy wheels. $4200. Please call 905-8429346. Leave a message. VILLAGE MANOR is currently accepting applications for a mature, par ttime, weekend cook. Experience is preferred, but not required. Please fax resume to: 905-689-8210 attention Greg. ZELLERS Burlington Mall Now hiring all positions. Application available instore or visit Wednesday Oct.1st 10am-1pm or 2pm-5pm for inter view. Join a team that offers discount privileges at all HBC banners, buying clubs and incentive programs. FITNESS Depot is looking for a full-time, motivated sales associate for a fun, high paced, and rewarding atmosphere. Interested candidates please forward resume to Chris at chriscam@fitnessdepot.ca or fax 905-815-9670 AC H I E V E R S ! Fa s t e s t growing logistic company seeks talented outside corporate sales rep. Hot leads, full training, management potential. Fax: 905-901-1467 email: m o m e n t u m road@yahoo.ca CORA'S Oakville is hiring Servers, Front of House Staff and Kitchen Staff. Daytime hours only, never work past 5pm! Call 905-815-8882 or email: corasoakville @bellnet.ca EXPERIENCED Line Cooks, Cold appetizer & Dishwashers, required for Jonathan's of Oakville. Call Mike 905-8424200 HOLIDAY Inn Select @ Bronte, has the following positions available: -Banquet Por ters, -Room Attendants, -Kitchen Help,Restaurant Ser vers Fax resume w/references 905-847-0032, email whg7201adm@whg.com JC'S Hot Bagels requires Full-Time Bakers, F u l l / Pa r t - t i m e C o u n t e r Staff. Excellent wages. Apply with resume, Roseland Plaza, Guelph Line/ New. Jack/Joe:905-6316258 NOW Hiring! Full-Time & Par t-Time Kitchen Staff, Apply in person to The Bishop & Firkin, 1220 B r a n t S t r e e t . Fa x 9 0 5 331-3180, Phone 905331-3110; Ask for Tracy. bishop.firkin@bellnet.ca RED Chillie: Par t-Time Receptionist Required. Thursday- Sunday Evenings. Professional telephone manner is an asset. Please apply in person with resume at the store location at 3505 Upper Middle Road, Burlington. Mature students preferred. B R O A D W AY R e n o v a t i o n s . R e a s o n a bl e , r e liable home repairs & renovations. Guaranteed wor k. Same day estimates. Oakville. 905-4849099. R E N O VAT I N G ? N e e d help to understand how to go about it without being ripped off? Retired Contractor (36yrs. experience) will consult with you. Get an unbiased professional opinion before you star t. 905-6168844. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. HOME to stay, offers high quality companionship, housekeeping, errands ran, and why not join the social club? 905-8478480 hometostayseniors.ca M OT H E R ' S Helper available 2 days/ week. 15 years home daycare exper ience. Help with childcare, housewor k, laundry, meals, anything t o m a k e y o u r d ay l e s s hectic. Excellent references, CPR, first aid, Lorianne 905-336-2145 CEDAR chest, made by H e n r i Va l l i e r e s I n c . 1960's, 52" W x 18"D x 28" H. Tropian walnut finish. Asking $99 Please call 905-689-7639 BRONTE/ Third Line, Lakeshore, on Pinegrove/ St. Dominic's Bus Route. 10yrs. experienced caring mom available for daycare. 2yrs. old & up. Registered First Aid/ CPR. R e fe r e n c e s . R e c e i p t s . Also Subsidy spaces available. Ann, 905-4695676. DAY C A R E ava i l a bl e i n my very clean home, near Central Library, Burlington, healthy meals, experienced. References, 905681-3402 FUN, loving home daycare has spots available. Full/ part-time, weekends possible. Walkers Line/ Jordan. 905-334-4310. FRIDGES, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty par ts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. DININGROOM maple hutch, 4 chairs, table - 44" round with 2 leaves ex t e n d s t o 6 8 " $ 1 , 4 0 0 OBO, rocking chair $40, toybox $20, 78's records $ 1 2 5 fo r 7 0 , 9 0 5 - 3 1 9 3731. **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes incl u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t boxsprings, Or thopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop and 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $ 3 9 0 . Wa t e r b e d s , F u tons, End of line/ discontinued items available . 905-8472020; 905-681-9496 HOME daycare, Guelph/ Fa i r v i e w, E d u c a t i o n a l program for kids 3-5 y.o. (289)242-7584 ANTIQUE maple twin w w w. a l i s s a a n d f r i e n d s. beds plus mattress, excom cellent condition, $400/ set. Jewelers Bench, maQUALITY, reliable child- ple top, 4 drawers. 905c a r e a v a i l a b l e i n m y 319-1399. home (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar). Children over 2. Full/ par t-time, before/ CARPET I have several after schoolcare. Smoke- 1,000 yards of new Stain free, indoor/ outdoor ac- Master & 100% nylon cartivities. Nutritious meals/ pet. Will do livingroom & snacks. CPR/ First Aid. h a l l fo r $ 3 8 9 . I n c l u d e s Security Clearance. Re- carpet, pad & installation ceipts. References. 905- ( 3 0 ya r d s ) S t eve, 9 0 5 633-8192 338-6226. Looking for affordable Day Care? WEEWATCH Can help We screen the providers for you. We conduct monthly unannounced home visits We offer the exclusive "Wee Learn" Program We offer full and part-time care We will arrange back-up service Burlington/Waterdown 905-632-0551 Oakville/Mississauga 905-823-2625 get results! to place an ad call Classifieds 905.632.4440 FRENCH Provincial Sofa and Chair White In excellent condition Used in formal living room only 450.00 OBO 905-6370280 2002 Mazda ProtegeEconomy, 4cyl, 5 speed, 4 door, very clean, runs excellent, approx 229,000 highway kilometers, silve r, c e r t i f i e d a n d e FRIDGE/FREEZER Kenmore, 18.8 cuft., white, 6 WE buy appliances if you tested. Reduced to sell, years old, good condition. are moving, upgrading or $ 3 5 0 0 o b o. P h o n e M r. $ 2 5 0 . P l e a s e c a l l 9 0 5 - renovating. We pick-up. Watt 905-829-8020 ext. C a l l A n t o n y 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 - 110 634-3679 8017 HIGH End Carver stereo 2002 Saturn L100equipment~ pre amp tunE c o n o m y, 4 c y l , a u t o , e r, C D p l ay e r, s m a l l & loaded, 4 door, original large amps. Polk audio 124,400km, clean, silver, speakers IIt's with centre DOG training in Milton. c e r t i f i e d a n d e - t e s t e d . channel s p e a k e r , Fall classes starting soon. R e a d y t o g o . $ 4 9 9 5 . $1500/obo for package R e g i s t e r b e fo r e O c t . 6 Phone Mr. Watt 905-829905-689-5613 and get 10% off regular 8020 ext. 110 rate. For more info call H OT Tu b / S p a - B r a n d 9 0 5 - 7 4 9 - 9 3 6 1 o r v i s i t 2 0 0 3 T i bu r o n S E , f u l l y new 2008 model w/all op- www. equipped, all new brakes/ tions, and cover. Still in poochesonparade.ca tires, manual transmisw r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , Sacrifice $4250. Call 905- GOLDEN Retriever pups, s i o n , c e r t i f i e d a n d e tested, 101,139km's, 971-1777 absolutely beautiful pure$7,495. Please call Charb r e d s ! F i r s t s h o t s, d e H OT Tu b ( S p a ) C ove r s wo r m e d . C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 2 8 - lie 905-580-1354 or 905844-9200 best price, Best quality. 5280. All shapes & colours. Call 2004 VW Golf, 5 speed, 1-866-585-0056 silver, heated seats, mirwww.thecoverguy.ca rors, sunroof, A/C, under KITCHEN cabinet doors. 1985 BMW 635csi good w a r r a n t y. 9 9 , 5 0 0 k m , Complete face-lift for the condition, runs well, must original owner, certified, o l d e r k i t c h e n o r b a t h - sell $4000. Call 416-452- e-tested, $10,000. 905room. JF Restorations. 0902 220-2088 Call 905-631-9151 1987 VW Cabriolet Con- 2007 VW Cabriolet, conKITCHEN Cabinets, 50% ve r t i bl e, n ew r o o f M ay ver tible, midnight blue, d i s c o u n t , c u s t o m i z e d , '08, white with black roof, 113,000km, or iginal femaple, cherry, rosewood, automatic, 147,000km, male owner, detailed, w/4 e b o ny, o t h e r f i n i s h e s, $3000.obo 905-335-9329 winter tires, no accidents, counters, decorative Certified, & Etested, wo o d h o o d , i s l a n d a n d 1 9 9 2 D o d g e S p i r i t $8,000.obo 905-526-0529 upgrades included. 905- 8 3 , 0 7 6 k m . M a n y n e w 930-9618. parts. $650 obo. 905-3368273. MOVING- Washer/ Drye r, Fr i d g e / S t ove ; a l s o 1996 Toyota Avalon LX Auto gas dryer. Excellent con- b e i g e , 4 - d o o r, 1 5 1 K . , C O O K S V I L L E dition. Will separate. 905- loaded, great condition. W r e c k e r s , s c r a p c a r s , truck removal, cash, flat 335-2059 Will certify & e-test. Asking $4500. Call 905-335- bed service, 1-800-4337359. Ownerships proP I A N O, K awa i , d i g i t a l , 2325 cessed properly only 5 years old, excellent c o n d i t i o n , $ 2 5 0 0 . C a l l 1997 Acura Integra RS. 905-854-2210. 5 speed, 2 door, black. Stock winter tires and POOL Table, Brand New, summer rims included. still in box. Solid Wood, $ 1 7 5 0 f i r m . C a l l 9 0 5 1 9 9 7 Fo r d p i ck u p, f u l l 1"Slate, All Accessories. 339-6916. size half ton, standard, Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 155K., cer tified, $3500 905-304-9994 1997 Toyota Corolla. 4 obo. Call 519-823-9760. door, A/C, automatic, no R E E B O X ' S S t e p - U p / rust, certified, emissions Stackable exercise step- tested. $2300. Please p e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g call 905-632-7361 or 905$59. Solid stationary ex- 630-7593 e r c i s e b i ke, p a i d $ 3 2 5 asking $85. Weight lifting 1998 Silver Honda Civicbench with accessories excellent condition and 2003 Dodge Dakota 4x4, $ 1 3 5 , o b o fo r a l l . 9 0 5 - very well maintained. no V8, 4.7 litre, Silver QUAD 842-7404. rust, 412,000km (all high- cab, only 83,000km, Tow w a y ) , s t a n d a r d s h i f t , pkg, dealership serviced, SALE - Elegant and high c o m e s w i t h b r a n d n ew power locks, windows & q u a l i t y m e r c h a n d i s e . w i n t e r t i r e s . A s k i n g d o o r s, A / C, C D p l aye r, Mens wear (Hugo Boss, $1,800. Please call Ca- a s k i n g $ 1 0 , 9 9 0 . C a l l R a l p h L a u r e n ) L a d i e s thy 905-847-2577 (Oak- 905-827-0350 wear Silkiborg, Blue Willi, ville). lamps, sofabed, art etc.. Please e-mail: 1 9 9 9 V W J e t t a Wo l f s jlevy1@cogeco.ca bu rg , b l a ck o n b l a ck , 1 9 6 , 0 0 0 k m , 5 s p e e d , 1999 Chevrolet Venture, S N O W B L O W E R , 9 h p . $ 3 5 0 0 . C a l l 4 1 6 - 7 2 8 - beige, 137,000km, origiPoulin, 27" cut, electric 7217. nal owner, A/C, cr uise, star t, 5yrs. old, $800; Powe r w i n d ow s, Powe r G . E . 1 7 c u . f t . u p r i g h t 2000 BMW 528i. Silver, brakes, accident free, Efreezer, 4yrs. old, $200; fully loaded, exc. cond. tested, $2,400. 905-901solid oak pedestal table, 1 2 9 K . A s k i n g $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 . 1141(evenings) 4 chairs, $400. All excel- Call 289-260-1796 lent condition. 905-8252000 Honda Civic EXG 1 9 9 9 D o d g e C a r a v a n 9188. g o l d , 1 5 0 K . , a u t o. , a i r, P l a t i n u m g r a y, 2 3 4 , SQUARE Grand Piano, p / b r a k e s , p / w i n d o w s , 000km, rebuilt transmiscirca 1860's. Beautiful. heated mirrors, new Sony s i o n , n e w b a t t e r y a n d 905-634-5144 AM/FM/ CD, super clean, t i r e s, r u n s w e l l , n e e d s no rust, will certify/ e-test, new brakes. $1500 obo WHIRPOOL washer/dry- a l m o s t n e w To y o t i r e s A S I S . C a l l 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 er, hardwood kitchen ta- 160 rating, $6,400. Call 3622. ble/ 4 chairs/ 2 leaves, 905-633-9793; 905-466pioneer stereo, computer 8140. 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Ve n t u r e , desk/chair, shelf, odd ta194,000km, beige, A/C, ble, odd chairs, area rug, HONDA Odyssey 1997. Powe r w i n d ow s, p owe r a n t i q u e c h i l d ' s d e s k , Clean 178,000km. Rust locks, CD, E-tested, cerantique settee/chair, Pyr- p r o o f e d , c e r t i f i e d , e - tified, well maintained, no ex c o f fe e p o t s. P l e a s e t e s t e d , $ 4 5 0 0 . P l e a s e r u s t , $ 2 2 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 9 0 1 phone 905-469-2811 9470, cell 647-828-9469 call 905-842-5851 ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, A r t , C o l l e c t i bl e s , e t c . Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 DO You Have a Disability and would love to work? We will train and place you in: Office / Medical / IT / Hospitality / Retail / Financial environments. Call Business Education College today - 905-6311206 30/50 packing jobs, suit Women. G/L line work, 60 jobs. Burl. & surrounding. $9 & up. Maingate Personnel 558 Queenston Rd. Ham. C & C Lawn & Landscape requires full-time landscape maintenance personnel in Burlington. $ 1 4 / h r. C a l l ( 9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 8807 PROFESSIONAL Sales associate w/experience, required for ladies highR E TA I L s a l e s h e l p fo r end retail store, downE X P E R I E N C E D F u l l - children's/ ladies wear, town Oakville. Full & PartTime Post Office Cler k par t/ full-time, Oakville, Time. Please email rewanted in the Burlington Call 905-338-8696, fax sume gj@jensentrade.ca m a l l . A p p l y i n p e r s o n resume 905-845-8918 or email: fsdm740@ shoppersdrugmart.ca THE Added Touch retail E X P E R I E N C E D L a w n store (downtown Oakville) DENTAL ASSISTANT reMaintenance & Construc- is hiring part-time and full- quired for Oakville office. tions Person required. time Seasonal Sales Staff Send resume to: S n o w p l o w e x p e r i e n c e Oct-Dec. Must be people svdental@hotmail.com p r e f e r r e d . Ye a r r o u n d o r i e n t e d , a b l e t o w o r k f l e x i b l e h o u r s . P l e a s e D E N TA L R e c e p t i o n i s t , salary. 905-827-8158. email resume must have exper ienced addedtouchmngr@ EXPERIENCED Shipper/ gmail.com or call L.Duffy 3-4 days/ week, Downtown Toronto office. Fax R e c e i v e r & S e w e r f o r 905-338-6767 Resume 416-368-8390 high end fur niture mfg. 905-820-9448 ext. 221 FULL-TIME Level II Dental Assistant & Full-Time JOBS Available- Certified Dental Receptionist (must Forklift Operators in Milhave Dentr ix exp). ton. $14- $14.60/ hour. ASSISTANT and part- needed for Busy Oakville Rotating Shift. HCR Fax: time Receptionist re- practice. Experience nec905-876-4090, Tel: 905- quired for busy salon essary, must enjoy work876-4661, 310 Main St. in downtown Oakville. ing with children. Fax reCall 905-842-7222 East, Suite 205, Milton. sume: 905-849-1989., email LOOKING for Bilingual B U R L I N G T O N S a l o n doctorbob@on.aibn.com Customer Service Repre- presently has Aesthetic/ sentatives. Par t-time or RMT room for rent. Hair FULL-TIME Office Manfull-time for our claims S t y l i s t C h a i r R e n t a l ager for Interdisciplinary service centre. Send re- a l s o a v a i l a b l e . E m a i l : M e d i c a l C e n t r e . O H I P sume to Billing, QuickBooks, Acrevive-salon@ gigi.martin@rsagroup.ca counting and Medical Resympatico.ca ception skills required. or call 905-336-2344. M A N AG E R n e e d e d fo r Fax resume to: 905-333Santa Land in Oakville 9829. mall. Call Nancy 1-800- CHAIR available in an ex394-2440 ext 233 or fax tremely busy salon, in the F U L L - T I M E p o s i t i o n h e a r t o f B u r l i n g t o n . available. In busy mediresume 905-549-1136. Please call 905-630-3637 cal imaging office. Vari- FULL-TIME position available for new retail store in Burlington, dealing with military antiques. Some knowledge of histor y p r e fe r r e d . Wa g e s negotiable. Please submit resume online at info@emedals.ca or fax:905-639-7499 or call 905-334-1044 PART-TIME Sales Associates. Saturdays, Sundays and some weekday h o u r s ava i l a bl e . A p p l y with resume to: Marianne Svarke "To Set A Table" 182 Lakeshore Rd. E Oakville. Fax: 905-3380713. FIRST Steps in Burlington requires an ECE for our kindergar ten or toddler room. Supply staff also required. Benefits available. Send resume to Lisa at: firststepsccc@bellnet.ca or fax: 905-257-2378. M O L LY M a i d r e q u i r e s e n e r g e t i c, d e p e n d a bl e people. Full-time MonFr i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r weekends! Paid training, benefits, car provided. 905-681-7484 (Burl./ Oak) OA K V I L L E c o m p a ny seeks full-time person to operate bandsaw blade welding machine. Experie n c e p r e fe r r e d , C a n d i date will be trained. Ability to lift 70 lbs. Good command of English language, plus reading/ writing is essential. 905847-8839. OAKVILLE Moving Company requires full/ par ttime Movers. Experience an asset. Start $10-12/hr. Call 905-257-6683; Fax or email resume 905-8476690, info@saturnmovers.ca ESTHETICIANS~ Par ttime, needed immediately for Merle Norman Cosmetics. Call 905-6341154. QUALITY Stylist and/ or Great Lengths Extension Artist with clientele wanted at Art In Hair. Call Amy 905-335-1066 or 905-637-2325. ous duties, including film library and technical aid. Fa x r e s u m e 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 0018 Attention: Laura NEW Oakville Multi discip l i n a r y C e n t e r o f fe r i n g services to children with autism and general public looking for RMT's, psychotherapist, naturopath, and IBI therapists. Email resumes to: Dr. Carole Smith carole@ bagpipesforyouth.com. OAKVILLE multi-disciplinar y clinic hiring Chiropractor, Registered Massage Therapist and Osteopath. Email resume to: jenn@wellnessforthebody .com EUROPEAN cleaning lady, 12 years in residential cleaning. Good cleaning job guaranteed every time. Call 905-847-0696 after 3pm. or leave message. EUROPEAN Professional cleaning lady available Mon.-Fr i. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. HATE cleaning or have no time for it? Call me I will do it with passion. 416-786-6979. MAKE your home or office sparkle. Call My Spec i a l N a n ny t o d ay. R e a sonable rates. Nannies also available for day caring. 905-849-3811 or 905-847-8480 1 - 8 7 7 - J U N K - T WO - G O. 1-877-586-5896 Same day junk removal service Senior discount. Call & get it done! JUNK & rubbish removal. Great rates. We do all t h e h e av y l i f t i n g . 4 1 6 655-8260 1-888-8junkboys w w w. t h e j u n k boys.com ALINA'S Cleaning Services. European experience, trained ladies. Houses, apartments and ROOFING company looksmall businesses. Over ing for a Shinglers and 18 years in business. SHOWCASE Cinemas is References available. now hiring for par t-time L a b o u r e r s . C a l l D a v e 905-336-6679. Satisfaction guaranteed! positions. Working evenYo u w i l l s e e t h e d i f fe r ings and weekends. Fax ence! References 905-637-3094, drop off resume 3325 Har vester BEAUTIFUL Beccofino available. Call Alina 905689-5696 905-630-7148 Rd. Burlington, email w i t h o p e n k i t ch e n r e et073@ PART-TIME experienced q u i r e s p r e p c o o k a n d empiretheatres.com real estate secretary, no p/t dishwasher. Downdesign e v e n i n g s / w e e k e n d s , t ow n L a k e s h o r e O a k T E L E M A R K E T E R S - knowledge of Quick Of- ville , excellent salar y M a n y B o n u s O p p o r t u - fice and LoneWolf. Call 905-827-2263 GET your home ready for nities (Experienced,and C o l d w e l l B a n k e r A n e l l fall and Christmas. I speprofessional) Evenings to Francis Real Estate Bro- EXPERIENCED Servers, cialize in colour consults, set up meetings for Fi- kerage 905-849-9800 or l i n e c o o k s a n d P / T space planning and cusnancial Advisors in Oak- fax resume to 905-849- dishwasher for Burlington tomer bedding and drapville. $10/hr + $20 Bonus 0089 (confidentiality re- restaurant Fax Resume: eries. Please call Julie @ spected). Call Simon 905-399-1629 905-464-8410. 905-319-7494. ATRIUM conference centre requires line cooks, banquet servers & dishwashers for all shifts inc l u d i n g we e ke n d s. Fa x 905-319-1266, email info@atriumconference centre.com LIBRA Design and Construction is currently looking for Experienced FullTime Bathroom and Basement Renovation C o n t ra c t o r s. E x c l u s i ve contract with Home Depot Installation Services. Pay based on exper ience. Contact 905-639-3789. ENGLISH Painter/ Paperhanger available for quality interior work. Call 905-815-2121. RIVER Oaks Painting 30 years exper ience in all kinds of painting and repairs.For references and a free estimate please call Mark Durie (905)2573102 610 1# EliteMoving, 10-28ft truck available. Short notice. Reliable. Experienced. Punctual. Disassembling/ Reassembling. 416-560-2723; 1888-593-7078 www.elitemoving.net M A X X M ove r s. P r o fe s sional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-8239705. Your Community Newspaper in print 905-632-4440 call + = Your Total Recruitment Solution!

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