26 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, August 26, 2006 S O FA B E D , d o u b l e m a t tress, beige damask, only 1 - y r. o l d , $ 3 5 0 ; b a k e r s rack, $50. Call 905-3152581. SOLID maple table, hutch and buffet, 6 chairs, 2 leaves, $1500. Solid oak secretary, $1000, 905-8295853. SOLID oak dining table with 5 chairs, paid $1800, asking $350. 905-8259330. SOLID oak Scandinavianstyle matching living room/ dining room set. Solid oak and glass coffee/ end tables, solid oak framed sof a , l o v e s e a t & c h a i r, 3 wool area rugs, table w/leaf, 6 chairs, hutch, $3000 obo. Excellent condition. 905-681-1776. STAINLESS steel appliances (new Jan/06) $3500. email for pictures. pamdelfranco@cogeco.ca or 905-901-3373 STOVE- G.E., self cleaning, white, like new, $350. 905-469-8567 TORONTO Raptor License. Excellent platinum seats, plus season tickets. Will buy back some tickets if required. Regular license price is $20,000, plus ticke t s , o p e n t o b e s t o f f e r. 905-847-3168 UPRIGHT Baldwin piano, only 34', high, a choir masters delight! $500. 9054654405. USED Queenston stone. 110 square feet. 905-6327702 WROUGHT iron dining or kitchen set, with 1/2" circular glass top, 5 upholstered chairs, like new. $700. 905-631-9895. 1993 Nissan Ultima, GXE, 251 KM, Many new parts, as is, $475. 416-605-6828 1994 Cadillac Sedan Deville- Excellent condition, fully equipped, remote entry, $4995. 905-637-7007 1 9 9 4 M e r c u r y To p a z 50,000kms., mint condition, 1 owner, safety, etested $5500. 905-8085911 1 9 9 4 Vo l k s w a g e n G o l f 4 - d o o r, 4 c y l . , a u t o . , 150,km, excellent condition, new paint, breaks, certified, E-tested. Asking $3200 o.b.o. 905-2990111 1 9 9 5 F o r d C o n t o u r, 4-door, automatic, power locks/ windows, a/c, 6cyl, lady-driven, 170,000km, $2000, obo, as-is. 905827-3564. 1995 Lumina, runs well, emissions test, tires less than 1yr. As is $1200 obo. 905-681-5424 1996 Chrysler Sebring JXI Convertible, fully loaded, l e a t h e r, A / C , 5 - C D , o n e o w n e r, 2 0 8 K . $ 4 5 0 0 . 905-469-3229 1996 Ford Contour V6 5-speed, 147K., loaded, CD, certified, e-tested, runs great! $3200 obo. 905-681-2003. 1997 Ford probe, 100K, excellent condition, a/c, very clean, E-tested and certified. $5500 905-6355064 1998 5 Series BMW, certified, e-tested, sunroof, leather seats, very nice and clean! asking $18,500. 905-847-2596. 1998 Camry grey. 4cyl., auto., 194K., new tires/ brakes, certified, e-tested, excellent condition, $7,500. 905-632-4522. 1998 Ford Windstar Ltd. fully loaded leather, a/c, 241,000km, $3000. 1992 Mazda 929, 140,000km, leather fully loaded, $3500. 1982 750 Kawasaki Ltd. $1800, excellent condition. 905-829-4015 1998 Hyundai Elantra wellmaintained, e-tested, certified, new clutch, extra tires. Great on gas! $2,500. 905-870-1753; 905-659-1755. 1999 Mercury Sable wagon 3.0L. Duratec, beige, all options, 1-owner, certified, e-tested. Must be seen! $3,900. 905-825-1472. 2 0 0 0 C h e v. C a v a l i e r , 114K kms. Excellent condition, AM/FM/CD premium factory sound, A/C, New front brakes, battery. $4900. 905-689-2350 2000 Nissan Pathfinder, fully loaded, LE, gray color, excellent condition. $9,900. Call 905-8157168. 2000 Nissian Maxima GLE, silver, automatic, 1 owner, excellent condition, 1 4 5 k m s $ 11 , 9 0 0 . 9 0 5 339-0053 2001 Dodge Neon LX, Black. 120k, automatic, A/C, excellent condition. New tires, rims. $5500/obo. 905-331-3023 2001 Ford Windstar 136,000km, 1 owner, coming off lease. $6,500 obo, as is. Call Stephen @ 905-699-1322. 2002 Grand Am GT white, loaded, 73K., certified, etested, $12,000 obo. 905336-7334 2002 Jetta GLS silver 5-speed, VW serviced, well maintained, w/ext e n d e d w a r r a n t y, 7 9 K . , $16,250 obo. 905-5101033. 2002 Toyota Corolla CE Plus 5-speed manual transmission, 118K., air, CD, certified, e-tested, 4rims/ snows, $9900. Call Rod 905-845-3364 weeknights after 7pm. 2 0 0 4 To y o t a M a t r i x , 45,000km, cosmic blue, automatic, 4door, A/C, AM/ FM stereo, Compact Disc. $16,000. 905-572-0466 CADILLAC STS, 1993, pearl white, nice looking c a r, 9 6 , 0 0 0 k m , $ 6 , 6 0 0 . 905-332-3668. T O Y O TA C o r o l l a 2 0 0 1 , mint condition, records available, 60K, one owner, well maintained, automatic, a/c, power windows/doors, new Michelin winter tires/ rims, great m i l e a g e . F i r m $ 11 , 5 0 0 . 905-332-8067 after 6 $$$$ Paid Weekly!! Company needs part-time/ fulltime help processing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780 ext.121 ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant- p/t for chiropractic/ massage office in Burlington. Good interpersonal and computer skills required. Experience in a healthcare office is an asset. Please fax resume: 905-631-9473 AUTO detailer wanted, includes general clean-up for busy Burlington collis i o n s h o p . Va l i d , c l e a n drivers license required. Auto preper/ painter also required, minimum 3 years experience. 905-634-2320 after 3pm. BEFORE/ After School Staff- energetic, creative individuals needed for Glenburnie School's Before/After School Programme. Hours 7:00am to 9:00am, and/or 2:00pm to 6:00pm, weekdays. $10/hr. Resume/references: 2035 Upper Middle Rd., E., Oakville, L6H 7G6 or Fax: 905338-2654, or email: hresources@ glenburnieschool.com BUKAMARANGA Bean & Bagel requires full-time counter help, Mon.-Fri. Apply in person w/resume, 3305 Fairview Street, Burlington (beside Chapter's) BURLINGTON golf and country club now hiring F &B servers/ bartenders and house keeping staff fax resume to F&B manager 905-634-4843 CAR Rental Agent/ Admin help entry level. Full-time. Experience/ will train. Honest, punctual, driver licence. Oakville 905-3379373 CASH Daily Guaranteed $ 1 2 - $ 2 0 / h r. + b o n u s e s . Oakville/ Burlington doorto- door Fundraisers. Supporting people with special needs. Rhonda, 905-8730723 CLEANER needed for Oakville area schools, Experience not neccesary, a f t e r n o o n s h i f t 3 - 11 : 3 0 . 905-827-5697. COMPANY in Burlington looking for 3 employees for light assembly and shipping/ receiving assistant. Hours M-F 9am-5pm. Hourly wage starting at $8.50/hr email resume to davidp@aztex.com COOK Required for Burlington Daycare. Mon-Fri, 8am-2:30pm. Call 905335-3999, fax 905-3310582 CUSTOMER Service, Burlington Financial Services Company requires Customer Service Rep.Insurance or banking background an asset. Te a m o r i e n t e d . F a x resume 905-331-9977 DAYTIME cleaner required for Burlington area school full-time position, Mon-Fri. Hours to be discussed. Call Toll-free 1-877-5641170 DOGWALKER/ housesitters required immediately. Must be bondable and personable. Canine behavior knowledge needed. Own vehicle to transport animals. Opportunity for advancement. Oakville residents only. Call Barb 905464-7387 EXPERIENCED cook needed for Oakville daycare Menu planning, grocery shopping, full time. Must posses G drivers licence Excellent wages and benefits call 905-4692944 EXTRA $ From Home~ Dependable person to contact existing customers- No Selling- work own schedule- requires computer, phone plan and faxFax resume to 866-2264635 F/T Landscape construction position with Oakville based company. Must be available through completion of season. Experience an asset. Competitive wages. E-mail resume to info@aquastone landscaping.ca FULL-TIME Cash Manage r. S h o p p e r D r u g M a r t Oakville Place, Mall Hours, experience preferred. fsdm745@shoppersdrug mart.ca attn: Brian GRADE 8 & 9 students, Looking for your first job? 15-20hrs, afterschool, cleaning +stocking shelves. New St. + Walkers Line. 905-637-2202, leave message. IMPORTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver and Flamborough Review recommend you exercise good judgement when responding to employment opportunity advertisements which ask you to provide credit card information, send money or sign a contract. LANDSCAPE construction company seeks labourer. Experience an asset but not required. Must have own transportation. Can start immediately. Fax Resume to: 905-659-4852 LANDSCAPE maintenance labourer required. Experience = $$$. Driver's license & trans required. F/T position. Fax resume: Appleby Landscape 905332-4122 or call 905-3325423. Burlington. LANDSCAPING company requires general labourers immed. Burlington. Call 905-638-0790. LAWN Maintenance company requires General Labourers. Must be reliable and committed to quality. Transportation to yard a must. Call 905-690-0314 LAWN maintenance company, Oakville, requires f u l l - t i m e s t a f f A . S . A . P. Valid drivers license required. Experience preferred or will train. Glen 905-465-2215 LUBE Technician required P/T for Saturdays. Fax resume to: 905-633-8815 or apply in person: Burlington Hyundai, 2016 Plains Road east, Burlington. Attention Manager LUNCHROOM Supervisors needed for C.H Norton School & Florence Mears Public School. Immediate, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Mike Bukovan (C.H. Norton) 905-332-3897; David Purcell (Florence Mears) 905-319-9936 MAINTENANCE Person required for property management company. Fax resume to: 905-842-7463 MEADOWBROOK landscape requires landscape construction workers, and lawn maintenance workers. Call 905-335-1294 or fax 905-627-1535 or email mbl7@sympatico.ca SUMMER Work $16.25 b a s e - a p p t , F T / P T, S t u dents, Sales/ Service, No Exp Nec, Conditions apply, 905-338-6618 SUPERINTENDENT couple required for midsize high end condo in Oakville , live in. fax resume to 416-293-5904 attn Monica. TELEMARKETING Positions (w/experience). FullTime. Guaranteed Wage +Commissions. Good communication skills. Fast Paced Environment. Customer Service. Growth +Management Potential. Service Driven. Forward Thinking. Unique Opportunity to Learn the Convention +Tradeshow Industry. Build Strong Relationships w/New and Existing Clients. Email: monty97@cogeco.ca V E N U S Ta n n i n g R e s o r t r e q u i r e s P a r t - Ti m e e m ployee. Drop off resume at: 1035 Brant St., Burlington, ON. RECEPTIONIST pt required for oakville physiotherapy clinic, alternate evenings and saturdays, computer skills required. email to: info@ soulspace.ca or fax to: 905-257-5202. RECEPTIONIST required for downtown Burlington office. Mon-Fri. from 10-3 Please fax resume to: 905632-6269 or Email to chrisc@coons insurance.com R E C E P T I O N I S T, F u l l Time, Permanent. Please see www.century21 miller.com for full details. CORPORATE cafeteria in Burlington requires fulltime kitchen and general cafeteria help. Monday-Friday. Please call Julia 905633-3040 or 905-633-2382 Fax: 905-632-1332. DOWNTOWN Burlington restaurant requires dishwashers, sous chef kitchen help. Call 905-333-8889 FULL-TIME & Part-time housekeeper needed at Motel 6 in Burlington. 4345 North Service Rd. Please apply in person. 905-3311955 GATOR'S- Seeking Burlington's best servers/ kitchen managers. Busy s p o r t s b a r. G r e a t $ $ $ , Limited positions available. Contact Marianne - 905-336-3133 HIDDEN Lake Golf Club, 1137 #1 Side Road, Burlington. Now hiring service oriented people, Beer cart, lounge servers, and banquet servers. Apply in person with resume Tel: 905-336-3660 ext.28 JUDGE and Jury requires FT/PT Line Cooks. Minimum 2 year experience. All shifts~ days/ nights/ weekends. Drop resume Attention Kevin. No phone calls please. NEW Italian restaurant hiring all position please send resume to 335 Kerr St. Oakville. L6K 3B7 or deliver in person NIBLICK Pub & Greyfriars Pub (opening soon) hiring all positions. Full/ part-time available. Experienced preferred. Apply in person with resume to bartender. The Niblick Pub 8th Line/ Upper Middle, Oakville. No phone call please. NIBLICK Pub hiring parttime Line Cooks Immedia t e l y. E x p e r i e n c e p r e ferred. Apply in person w/resume to bartender. 8th Line/ Upper Middle, Oakville. No phone calls please. NOW Hiring FT/PT cooks and PT servers. Call 905332-8888 or email linda11@bellnet.ca OAKVILLE fine dining requires Executive chef as well as Wait staff, Dishwasher/ Prep cook FT/PT. Must have experience. Fax resume: 905-8277151 after 2pm. PARADISO Restaurant is looking for servers and line cooks w/experience in high volume, fast paced, casual fine-dining restaurant. Must have strong food and wine knowledge. Please forward resume anita @paradisorestaurant.com or drop by in person 125 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville. SOTIRIS requires Full and part-time Servers, Cooks. and Dishwashers. Apply in person, call Mata for appointment: 905-634-8813. 437 Plains Rd. East, Burlington EUROPEAN Professional cleaning lady available Mon-Sat. New vacuum/ supplies. Reasonable price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 905-601-5656. POLISH Lady will clean your house. Experience and reference. Call Zofia. 905-320-9843. RELIABLE European Cleaning lady available Mon-Fri. Have own supplies. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed! 905-578-1597 S C R A P C a r s & Tr u c k s wanted. Free pick-up, we cover environmental disposal costs. Auto parts also sold! Highest cash prices paid. Fast pick-up. Lic e n s e d A u t o W r e c k e r. 905-827-8015 Oakville. 1997 Chevy Venture, full size, A/C, Excellent condition, new brakes, 1 9 2 , 0 0 0 k m h w y, C e r tified. $3500. 905-8278815 1997 GMC Safari 7 - p a s s e n g e r, a i r, f r o n t / rear heat, 4-snow tires/ rims, good condition, $3200 obo. 905-466-1696. 2002 Honda Odyssey~ EX-L, Beige with leather, fully loaded, new tires, 95K, $22,700 o.b.o. 416722-9685. 2004 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, original owner, well maintained, DVD, sunroof, 3 power doors, CD, overhead consolel and much more. 98,000kms., $15,900. 905689-9698. LOCAL pool company requires Service Assistants for the fall season. Training provided. Must be neat, reliable and commun i c a t e w e l l . $ 1 0 - $ 1 4 / h r, DOE. Apply by fax, 905227-7072 or email info@totaltechpools.com WANTED: Part-time Sales Assistant for Downtown Oakville Gallery. Sales experience essential. 905-8150196 1A. Complete custom renovations: kitchens, bathrooms, basements, All flooring, painting, supply and install carpets. 416878-5620. ALERT! Sunken concrete? Don't replace, we raise sunken concrete, fraction of price. www.liftec.ca or 1-866-280-7770 SEAL-PRO, Interlock, Stone & Finished Concrete, Sealing, Installation & Repair. For Free Estimate Call 905-781-2496 FLEXIBLE part-time 15-20 hrs/week, a flair for decorating at Window & Bed Covers, Mapleview Mall, Burlington. See manager with resume or fax 905333-9193 HAIRDRESSER with experience required full-time for Oakville location. Please call and ask for Manager, 905-257-8998 HAIRSTYLIST wanted immediately with experience, full or part-time. Call 905333-5038, email at: salonmatteos@ hotmail.com RAINBOW Expressions requires an experienced hair stylist, with or without clientele. Also looking for a fun & energetic p/t salon c o o r d i n a t o r. C a l l s a l o n manager for details 905847-1110. WANTED~ Friendly & talented stylist to join our growing Burlington salon. We offer a fun, relaxing and modern atmosphere. If you are an experienced, motivated stylist looking for a change, call us at 905336-2344, email revive-salon@ sympatico.ca FA C TO RY S h o e O u t l e t , Burlington, now hiring F u l l - t i m e a n d P a r t - Ti m e Retail long-term Sales Help. Good working environment. Drop off resume 2394 Fairview St., Burlington. H E A LT H Y ' S N u t r i t i o n Stores needs outgoing energetic people. Hiring fulltime manger and full-time/ part-time staff for Burlington Fax resume: 905-9150280 attn. Dale GOOD Move. Your Residential Moving Expert. Houses- Apartments- Offices. Quality, Reliable, Insured Service. 416-3125534 MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. A fur coat, silver dollars .50 cent pieces, gold/silver coins and collections. Unwanted gold/ silver jewelry. 905-633-7531 ALBUMS, 45's, CD's, and music magazines. Rock, jazz, classical. Will P/U. Call Tom 905-842-5546 1981 Honda A50 Moped, excellent condition, low kms., great on gas, $600 obo includes helmet and oil. Call Ryan, 905-2201793. 2003 Honda CBR 600RR, 12k. Hindle Exhaust, black w i t h g r e y u n d e r b e l l y. $7000 647-444-6283 DENTAL Assistant Level II, required (P/T & F/T) for Oakville practice. Please Fax resume to: 905-8274235. FULL-TIME PDA, level 2, Mississauga West office, nice atmosphere. 5 years experience. Email: thenein @sympatico.ca HYGIENIST required for a busy North Oakville dental office part-time Tuesdays~ 4pm-8pm, Thursdays~ 8am-12pm, Fridays~ 8am1pm, Saturdays~ 10am4pm with option to increase hours. Please email resume to: riverglen dental@bellnet.ca LEVEL 2, Dental Assistant, needed for Oakville office. Must be able to work evenings and Saturdays. Please call Melissa at 905-257-4751. PHYSIO Therapy Assistant/ Kinesiologist required full-time/ part-time. Burlington. Experience an asset. Fax resume to: 905331-0730 attn: Robert. RMT opportunity in busy Oakville wellness Centre working along side busy practitioners in a relaxed comfortable atmosphere. Established client base. Come join our team! Cont a c t i n f o : w w w. n r f c . c a tel:905-845-5777 fax: 905845-9957 e-mail: nrfamily chiropractic@bellnet.ca RMTS needed, Full/ parttime for growing Oakville multi-disc. clinic. Call 905469-2973, Fax resume 905-469-8061 RN- 4days/ week. Looking for an Energetic and flexible person who has an interest in teaching, travel and clinic work. Some Saturday hours. Cosmetic nursing experience an asset. Submit resume to: info@laserit.ca FLORAL Design course (AFD), certificate beginners course. Small classes, completely hands on, all materials supplied. 1 evening a week/ 6 weeks, shop environment. Now taking registration for September. Limited space, 905-335-6623. BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Antiques, Collectibles, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 MEDICAL transcriptionists are in demand. Start your on-line career training today! At-home and on-site job placement assistance for all graduates. Act now! 1-800-466-1535 or www.canscribe.com REAL Estate Career Seminar, Tuesday, August 29. 7:00-9:00pm. For full details and to register, go to www.careersin realestate.ca H AY R i d e s , C a m p f i r e s , Horse-drawn Groups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Uncle Porky's 1/2-Hr from Burlington. 1800-203-9093 www.uncleporkys.com Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only FIREWOOD mixed hardwood, 5 cords minimum $80/ cord delivered. 519582-4628 FREE black and white cat, 1yr old, no front claws, v e r y f r i e n d l y. 6 4 7 - 2 8 0 5476 FREE to good home- one male & one female Shitzu, 5 months old. For more info please call 905-3334076 H AVA N E S E p u p s , C K C reg'd, microchipped, shots, health guarantee. Ready mid Aug. $1600. 905701-4600 VEILED chameleon, male 1yr all accessories. $250obo. 905-315-9368 ARCHITECTURAL firm located in Oakville specializing in commercial and industrial recreational projects. Has immediate openings for intermediate and senior architects. Please send your resume to agobl@gparchitect.ca OAKVILLE publishing company seeking Editors and Editorial Assistants. Must have previous editing/ writing experience. Teaching experience and computer skills an asset. Please e-mail resume to: michelle@rubiconpublish ing.com MOLLY Maid requires energetic, dependable people. Full-time, Mon. to F r i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r weekends! paid training, benefits, car provided. licence required. Not suitable for students. 905681-7484 (Burl./Oak) PAT'S Party Rentals, Oakville: Showroom Sales and event planning, F/T including some Saturdays/ overtime, $11/ hour. A multitasking job. Positive attitude, telephone manners, basic filing/ typing with p.c. knowledge. Will train. Fax: 905-681-0448, Call 905845-8301 or apply to Monika. PATHWAYS Schools are looking for full-time/ parttime Teachers in the area of Music, ECE and Monterssori. Should have a strong curriculum background. Fax resume, 905332-3345, burlington @pathwayschild.ca PRODUCTION Machine Operators required by Burlington manufacturer. 2 shifts. Training provided. Send resumes to: Nixon Integrated Machining Designs Ltd, 3291 Mainway, Units 5 & 6, Burlington, L7M 1A6 RONA CASHWAY, cashiers/ sales/ yard staff. Hiring part time for all shifts for fall and winter hours. Experience preferred. Reply to: Doug Wilson 2311 Royal Windsor Drive, Oakville, Ontario or Fax: 905337-1538 SEWERS Home services required for fast growing c o m p a n y. P l e a s e c a l l (905) 331-5593 and ask for Aileen BOBCAT Operator preferably with grading experience required immediately. Fax resume to 905.842.4144 or call 905.466.7841 CERTIFIED HVAC service technician wanted. G1 licence minimum, G2 preferable. Competitive salary for year round work. Call Jeff @ 905-334-9024 LICENSED Electrician on part-time basis, in Burlington/ Flamborough area. Call Riverin Wood Products 905-689-8494 ROOFER experienced in flats and shingles and Labourer for Oakville roofing company. Phone 905-8475923. A teacher's assistant required for a school aged and preschool in Oakville. Must drive. $10 hourly +kilometers. 15 to 18 hours w e e k l y. A l s o p e o p l e t o care for children in their own homes. Make a great income. 905-849-3878 or leave message. FIRST Steps in Burlington requires ECE'S, Assistants & Supply Staff. Send resume to Lisa at firststeps@sympatico.ca or fax 905-257-2378 10 cars! 2003 Jetta, 2002 S u n f i r e , 2 0 0 0 C a v a l i e r, 1977 MGB and more. www.tinyurl.com/sxudc 1 9 8 8 F o r d Te m p o 4 c y l . 4 - d o o r, a u t o , 11 0 k m s , sold as is $400 OBO 905616-9203 1990 Honda Civic DX Hatchback, Clean, Wellmaintained, Red, Automatic, A/C, 163,000kms., as is $2,500. 905-825-0193 1 9 9 2 S u b a r u L e g a c y, 4 door, 5 speed, 95,000km, fully loaded (air blows cold), moonroof, excellent condition, 1 owner. Sellers package, e/test & certified, $4,250. 905-616-7488. 1993 Eagle Talon turbo, good condition, rebuilt motor, clutch, alternator, catal y t i c c o n v e r t e r. $ 2 , 2 9 5 . 416-456-8235. PART-TIME Receptionist required. www.century21miller.com RECEPTIONIST fulltime energetic, experienced, excellent people skills and phone manner for a fast paced office to provide front desk reception with some admin. support and strong team spirit, multitasker, excellent computer skills, BV an asset. Fax 905-608-8890 APPLEJACKS restaurant, 2020 Appleby Line, Burlington. Hiring All Posit i o n s - F / T P / T. F a x r e sume 905-331-0459 or drop by. CHEF Tournant with fine dining experience, at award winning restaurant, Jonathan's of Oakville, dedication required. Contact Mike via fax 905-8429311, spudrossi@hotmail.com HOUSEKEEPER required for Burlington Home, ASAP, prefer filipino background. 905-336-7247, fax resume 905-331-6087 US AZ Drivers- for vans and flats. Clean abstracts, CVOR, & border clearance. 3years experience. C a l l 9 0 5 3 3 3 - 8 8 9 4 , Fa x 905 333-5144 CLEANING lady available. Reliable and caring. Space filling up fast. Call Trish: 905-536-8825. call 905-632-4440 SCHOOL Bus (mini-van) Drivers Wanted. Kids Limo is now hiring for new routes in Oakville and Mississauga commencing in September. Valid Class G license and clean driving and police records required. Call /Fax 416-3685437 or email resumes to info@kidslimo.com Ask Us About... AZ DRIVER required for dispatch position afternoon shift, for local trucking company in business over 30 years. must be reliable, self sufficient, have problem solving skills, and a team attitude. safety & compliance an asset. Fax resume to 905-332-9499 Burlington. JEWELLERY sales position (Experienced): Presentable, conscientious, team player. Microsoft Office an asset. Resumes to Williams Distinctive Gems. keith@wdgems.com PART-TIME Experienced agent support coordinator required immediately for b u s y r e a l e s t a t e o ff i c e . Must be able to multi-task. Contact Debbie Johnston 905-845-4267 HOUSEKEEPER live-out 10-5pm, Monday-Friday, groceries, cooking, laund r y, c l e a n i n g . 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 0415 $125.00