OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, August 25, 2006 41 OAKVILLE~ close to GO/ Downtown, available immediately. Share kitchen, l a u n d r y, p a r k i n g . N o n smoker, no pets preferred. Female preferred. $388/mo. 905-842-4036 ROOM for rent, $475/ mo, includes heat, hydro, parking, high-speed internet, telephone, laundry. Near A p p l e b y / N e w. S a s h a 905-637-1552. CHEERFUL caregiver required for two children ages 4 and 8 years. 30hours/week. Light housekeeping, accommodations. Call 416-315-9709 LIVE-IN NANNY NeededCaring for 3 kids: infant, preschool and Kindergarten age. light housekeeping, kids meal prep. Experience w/ages a must. 905815-1130 LIVE-IN/ Live-out. Experienced Nannies, elder care available. Please call 905469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca NANNY Part-time required immediately for two boys grades 4 and 5. Hours are Mon-Fri 12-5, flexibility required for additional hours on occasion. Duties include light housek e e p i n g , l a u n d r y, a n d supervision of children. Competitive wages. Please call 905-634-1257. NANNY required for 3 b o y s a g e s 6 , 4 , 1 y e a r. South East Oakville. 905849-7607. PA R T- T I M E N a n n y r e quired evenings & weekends- Flexible. Own car & references required. 2 kids 8 & 4. Please call 905-335-4296 PA R T - T I M E n a n n y r e quired for 3 children in Millcroft area Burlington, police check and CPR a must contact Tanya: 905-3326168. RELIABLE caring daycare available, 15-yrs. experience. References/ receipts available. Eighth Line/ Glenashton area, Oakville. 905-844-3146. 61" Sony High Definition television, like new, rarely used $1500. 905-3315722 66 items for sale! Kids toys, furniture, clothing & boys skates. Visit website: www.tinyurl.com/zkdt3 A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver A Student Bonanza. Great prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 North Service, Burlington. Wed., Thurs, Fri., 12-8pm, Sat. 9-5pm, Sun. 12-4pm. 905-319-0477 A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e t s , 2 0 - y e a r Wa r r a n t y, Double $240.; Queen $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Waterbed parts. Delivery Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 ANTIQUE Buffet and hutch, Dark cherry. Good condition. Best offer. 905339-0030. A N T I Q U E b u g g y, 1 0 0 years old, $1200. Lawn m o w e r, To r o , 21", $175/obo. Call 905-8275242 ANTIQUE walnut diningroom table w/leaf, 6-chairs, buffet, china cabinet, circa 1928, excellent condition. Reduced to sell $1,700 obo. 905-331-7372. BBQ Weber, nearly new, black, Genesis Silver Series, cast iron grates, natural gas hook-up, paid $750 asking $300, obo. 905632-8668. BEAUTIFUL 3-piece wall unit. Dark Pine $800 obo. 905-333-0634 BED, amazing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set, new in plastic warr a n t y. $ 2 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 5 6 7 4042 BED, twin, white metal headboard, mattress, boxspring, protective cover, only 2-yrs. old, $250. Call 905-335-9806. BEDROOM set, 3-pce., girl's: desk w/hutch, 6-drawer dresser w/mirror, night table. Have digital pics. 905-637-7989. BEDROOM set, Andrew Malcolm, 6-pces., solid wood, Queen headboard, good condition, $800 obo. Call 905-639-2705. BEDROOM set, cherry wood. Bed, chest, d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, 2 n i g h t stands. Dovetail construction. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM sets for sale. Good condition. Solid maple. Includes bookcase and desk. $400 each. 905-631-6262 BEDROOM suite~ dark brown, solid wood, 2 night tables, dresser and armoire. Excellent condition $500 o.b.o. 905-635-2896 B R I C K S , n e w. C o p p e r colour, approx. 1000. Plus some blocks, $500, obo. 905-319-2076. BUNKBEDS, single, stackable, pine w/dark stain, w/mattresses, great condition, $400/all. Call 905-842-4535. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 CHINA Cabinet, diningroom table w/4 chairs $500; 2 wing chairs $300/both, AB deluxe chair $100. 905-332-9702 COMPUTER, IBM Pentium IV, 512mb ram, 40gbhd, dvd, 17" flat monitor, webcam, new $299. 416-8459860 C O M P U T E R , n e a r n e w, 512 MB, DDR, 120 GB, 7200 hard drive, CD/ DVD burner, 17" monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, $450. 905-827-9381. COUCH and chair- and- ahalf. Must see, sandy/ taupe. Lazy Boy, non-reclining. Couch $300, chair $200, OBO. Call 905-8255823. COUCH, pull-out, $200; couch, 2 chairs, $250; pool table $250. 2"submersible pump w/100' hose $75; Teak bed, $50. Oak cabinet, $200. Fireplace utensils, $40. 905-335-2838. CREAM Sofa and Loveseat like new. Gold oversized couch and chair. TV Cabinet (27"), Crossbow like new, two gas trimmers recently tuned. Call 905635-4677 or email: kvjack son1@hotmail.com DINING room table, 6 chairs, china cabinet/ hutch, liquor cabinet $300. 905-639-8075. DININGROOM set, 9-pces. 2-tone solid wood, table w/leafs, hutch w/light, excellent condition, $1200 obo. 905-336-1252. DININGROOM suite, 1920's including table, 6 c h a i r s a n d b u ff e t , g o o d condition, $900 obo. 905469-6069. DININGROOM suite, 4light beige upholstered chairs, table complete w/extension. Lighted hutch, $200 obo. 905-3362857. DININGROOM suite~ solid oak, includes: 6 chairs, large table and buffet/ hutch. 1 yr old. $1700, 905-849-8058, 905-6178776 DININGROOM table w/leafs, 4 chairs, cherrywood, paid $2400, asking $1000; dishwasher $150; computer desk $30. 905592-9394. DININGROOM table w/leafs. 8 chairs, hutch w/light/ glass doors, china cabinet, excellent conditon, $1400. 905-849-6256. DOUBLE bedroom set, 2 dressers $150. De Boer's Scandinavian green small loveseat. $100. 905-8448160 DOWNSIZING! computer desk, childs desk (white), oak table, cradle, scrapbooking supplies, TriStar Va c c u u m , m u c h m o r e ! 905-338-2118. DOWNSIZING: antique library table; pine kitchen table; misc. items. 905333-8993. D R U M K i t , 9 p c . , We s t bury, $500. Blizzak Snow tires, 205-14, used 1 season, $300.obo; 905-8440458 DRYER- Large capacity & F r o n t l o a d w a s h e r. 6 years old. Dryer $300. Washer- best offer. 905465-1633 HEINTZMAN upright, 42" console piano. 1951-1955, tuned and regulated. Light finish, with matching bench. plays beautifully, very good condition! $1500. Call David 905901-0019. HESPELER Furniture Co. early 19th cent. 9pc Oak dining set. Call 905-3366564 for offers HOCKEY Equipment, youth large, gloves, pants, shin/ elbow/ shoulder pads, bag, $125. 905-8479264. H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/all options, including cover, 2006 model. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 1 0 9 0 0 . , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905971-1777 K AYA K f o r s a l e i n O a k ville: yellow Rascal, $400.00. Call 289-2421868 KITCHEN cabinets oak from galley style kitchen $700, Double stainless steel sink $50, Faucet $25, range hood $50. All in Great condition 905-2572373 KITCHEN cabinets- New (never used) dark maple stained w/ island, pantry, lazy Susan, P&P, bank of drawers. Call 416-5604594 KITCHEN corner nook (pine), seats 5-6, $250. Stove, cream, electric w/hood, $100. Desk, white washed-oak, $35. 905336-3622 LANDSCAPE Trees. Blue, White, Norway Spruce, Fall planting. Discounted prices. Digging, planting, delivery available. 905-957-7344 LAZ-BOY blue lift chair. New $1500, now $500 OBO. Please call 905844-8160 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. LIVINGROOM suite. bed chesterfield and matching swivel recliner, coffee table and matching end tables, $250.00 Call 905-2577073. MAPLE Stools (4) $160.; Complete Patio Set $250.; Solid Oak Armoire $300.; Boys Maple 5D Chest, Bookcase/ Desk $200.; Girls White Bookcase/ desk, single bed, queen bed, night stand $600.OBO. 905-339-2583. PATIO set, $100, Apt. size dryer, $50, cubic freezer $100, regular sized dryer $50, solid wood & glass coffee table, $50. 905-8244133. PIANO, upright 20th cent u r y, W i l l a r d $ 7 0 0 o b o . Hot Tub, 2005 model paid $12,000, Asking $6,500. 905-827-8456 P I A N O ~ 6 f t . , e b o n y, G r a n d , l i k e n e w, p a i d $12,000, sacrifice $3900. 905-371-2446 PIANO~ antique Heintzman, circa 1900 upright grand with stool. Great tone. $1000/obo. 905-8479719 PIANO~ apartment size Mendelssohn $800 905631-0863 POOL table Used/ New, New Hardwood pool table, $1800! Buy/ Sell/ Service. Fabi Foosball. 905-6165159 www.billiardservice.com POOL Table, Professional Series, Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. N e w, S t i l l B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 QUEEN & King Memory Foam Sets. 13.5" Thick! N e w i n p l a s t i c $ 11 9 5 / $1395. Includes frame, pillows, & delivery. 905-6161700 S I N G L E b e d , d r e s s e r, desk, nightstand, $250, 5-piece kitchen set, $80. 905-510-8098. SINGLE horse wagon$600, Mason & Risch console upright piano- $1100, model 1902 oval cookstove $1800, 1909 Queen Cook $500. 1940 bedroom set 6 pcs. 3 Euro Va p o u r s t e a m c l e a n i n g system $600 each. 905464-8235 SNOW Tires, Bridgestone, 255-40R17-94H, barely used, $300/4 tires. For Performance cars 905979-1127 SOFA, loveseat, matching tables, $400; French doors, $25/ea; solid oak kitchen table, 6-chairs, $500/set. 905-849-8555. S O FA B E D , d o u b l e m a t tress, beige damask, only 1 - y r. o l d , $ 3 5 0 ; b a k e r s rack, $50. Call 905-3152581. SOLID maple table, hutch and buffet, 6 chairs, 2 leaves, $1500. Solid oak secretary, $1000, 905-8295853. SOLID oak dining table with 5 chairs, paid $1800, asking $350. 905-8259330. SOLID oak Scandinavianstyle matching living room/ dining room set. Solid oak and glass coffee/ end tables, solid oak framed sof a , l o v e s e a t & c h a i r, 3 wool area rugs, table w/leaf, 6 chairs, hutch, $3000 obo. Excellent condition. 905-681-1776. STAINLESS steel appliances (new Jan/06) $3500. email for pictures. pamdelfranco@cogeco.ca or 905-901-3373 STOVE- G.E., self cleaning, white, like new, $350. 905-469-8567 TORONTO Raptor License. Excellent platinum seats, plus season tickets. Will buy back some tickets if required. Regular license price is $20,000, plus ticke t s , o p e n t o b e s t o f f e r. 905-847-3168 ULTRAMATIC twin bed w/ remote & massage. Cost $1800 sell for $600 OBO. 905-825-8641 WALL unit, large, 3-piece, black, $75. Call 416-9535569. WHIRLPOOL washing machine with 2 year warranty, excellent condition, $275. 905-632-7968. WROUGHT iron dining or kitchen set, with 1/2" circular glass top, 5 upholstered chairs, like new. $700. 905-631-9895. ALBUMS, 45's, CD's, and music magazines. Rock, jazz, classical. Will P/U. Call Tom 905-842-5546 BRANT/ 407. Above ground basement in townhouse, walk-out to garden. $500/mo. Includes utilities. First/ Last. Suit quiet working non-smoking male. 905-315-8989. BURLINGTON north near QEW. Share large 4-bedr o o m h o m e . C / a i r, f i r e place, parking, $750/mo. inclusive. 905-510-1521; 519-422-9915. CENTRAL Burlingtonroom plus full house privileges inclusive~ all utilities cable internet phone First/ Last. Oct1st $650 905639-3627, 905-973-9087 FURNISHED room for rent in clean quite home with private kitchen and bath. Upper Middle/ 6th Line. $650/mo inclusive. 905617-3659 OAKVILLE. Pilgrims/ Nottinghill. Spacious apartment in beautiful home, separate entrance, parki n g , l a u n d r y, f i r e p l a c e , deck, shared kitchen Immediate. $1250/mo + half utilities, 905-465-0217. PROFESSIONAL person has large, very clean, nicely furnished house to share $625/mo all included. 905691-3065 ROOMS for rent Appleby/ New St. Shared accommodations. $450-$500/mo. Utilities/ Internet included. Contact 905-681-6049 leave a message. SHERIDAN/ Oakville Place area. Room in 4bedroom condo available immediately. $400/mo. inc l u s i v e . To m 4 1 6 - 9 5 3 9772; 905-847-4488. CHILDCARE Provider required in my home Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7am9am for 5-yr. old boy starting Sept.7th for school y e a r, Wa l k e r s / M a i n w a y area. Transportation required. 905-332-9871 (7am-10pm). BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Antiques, Collectibles, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 WANTED: Furniture, appliances, dressers, dinette, bedroom sets, odds/ ends. Must be reasonable. Call 905-525-9904 anytime. 1998 Ford Windstar Ltd. fully loaded leather, a/c, 241,000km, $3000. 1992 Mazda 929, 140,000km, leather fully loaded, $3500. 1982 750 Kawasaki Ltd. $1800, excellent condition. 905-829-4015 1998 Hyundai Elantra wellmaintained, e-tested, certified, new clutch, extra tires. Great on gas! $2,500. 905-870-1753; 905-659-1755. 1 9 9 8 V W P a s s a t - 1 . 8 T, black, 4-door, alarm, sunroof, cruise, A/C, certified, e-tested, 155K. $7700. 905-842-0109 1999 Mercury Sable wagon 3.0L. Duratec, beige, all options, 1-owner, certified, e-tested. Must be seen! $3,900. 905-825-1472. 2 0 0 0 C h e v. C a v a l i e r , 114K kms. Excellent condition, AM/FM/CD premium factory sound, A/C, New front brakes, battery. $4900. 905-689-2350 2000 Nissan Pathfinder, fully loaded, LE, gray color, excellent condition. $9,900. Call 905-8157168. 2000 Nissian Maxima GLE, silver, automatic, 1 owner, excellent condition, 1 4 5 k m s $ 11 , 9 0 0 . 9 0 5 339-0053 2001 Dodge Neon LX, Black. 120k, automatic, A/C, excellent condition. New tires, rims. $5500/obo. 905-331-3023 2001 Ford Windstar 136,000km, 1 owner, coming off lease. $6,500 obo, as is. Call Stephen @ 905-699-1322. 2002 Grand Am GT white, loaded, 73K., certified, etested, $12,000 obo. 905336-7334 2002 Jetta GLS silver 5-speed, VW serviced, well maintained, w/ext e n d e d w a r r a n t y, 7 9 K . , $16,250 obo. 905-5101033. 2002 Toyota Corolla CE Plus 5-speed manual transmission, 118K., air, CD, certified, e-tested, 4rims/ snows, $9900. Call Rod 905-845-3364 weeknights after 7pm. 2 0 0 4 To y o t a M a t r i x , 45,000km, cosmic blue, automatic, 4door, A/C, AM/ FM stereo, Compact Disc. $16,000. 905-572-0466 CADILLAC STS, 1993, pearl white, nice looking c a r, 9 6 , 0 0 0 k m , $ 6 , 6 0 0 . 905-332-3668. T O Y O TA C o r o l l a 2 0 0 1 , mint condition, records available, 60K, one owner, well maintained, automatic, a/c, power windows/doors, new Michelin winter tires/ rims, great m i l e a g e . F i r m $ 11 , 5 0 0 . 905-332-8067 after 6 PART-TIME childcare required in Bronte home starting September for 2 young children. Must be flexible for shift working parents. Must drive and have own vehicle. Excellent wages. 905-483-5302 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood, 5 cords minimum $80/ cord delivered. 519582-4628 WE require a caregiver for our two children in our Oakville home on Mondays, Wednesdays and possibly Fridays, beginn i n g i m m e d i a t e l y. 9 0 5 339-3915 or csteven1@cogeco.ca FREE~ lovely indoor cats need a new family. Boca, 7 year old male cat, likes people and always looking for attention. Mouchka, 6yr old female cat, independent, quite and affectionate. The are health, neutered, declawed on the front call 905-633-7677 H AVA N E S E p u p s , C K C reg'd, microchipped, shots, health guarantee. Ready mid Aug. $1600. 905701-4600 RUFFINS Pet Centre, Caledonia. 905-765-8022. Terri-poo's, Cocka-poo's, Pug X VEILED chameleon, male 1yr all accessories. $250obo. 905-315-9368 BABYSITTER required Tues. & Thurs. evenings, 5:30-9pm, 3 & 8-yr. olds Palmer, Burlington. Prefer w/car. 905-332-9545 A quality daycare available. F/T, P/T, before or after school. References. Guelph Line/ New Street/ St. Paul. 905-6318085. BEFORE/ After school program available. Lakeshore Woods for students attending St. Dominic's. CPR/Police check. Daniela 905-827-9653 BRONTE before/ after school childcare available, my home, students attending St. Dominic's Elementary. Also Full-time toddler spaces available. References. 905-847-8041 CHILDCARE in my home. Full or part time. Close to St. Gabriel school. Before and after school. 905-3315528 EXPERIENCED daycare provider available parttime River Oaks, Oakville. Baby/ older. Pre-planned 5-week menu/ program. 905-849-1345. FUN Daycare, New/ Appleby area. Full/ part-Time spaces. Meals, crafts, 10 years exp. School pick ups. 905-681-3541. HIGH Quality Childcare Bronte Area. Nurturing, caring, stimulating environment. Enriched learning program designed to compliment JK/SK program. Minutes from Captain R. Wilson School. Infants and up. High quality meals and snacks. CPR, first aid, police check. Competitive rates. 905582-2646 HOME childcare, Headon Forest area. Nutritious meals, crafts, story-time, CPR/ First Aid. Affordable rates. 905-331-3151. HOME Daycare Available, Lakeshore/ Dorval, ECE p r o v i d e r, p r o g r a m d e signed to promote loving environment, healthy/ nutritious meals, CPR/ First Aid. Registered w/Halton Region. 905-337-2596. HOME Daycare, Bronte woods, Burlington. Spaces available. Experienced ECE, First Aid/ CPR. Police check. Newborn to preschool. Call 905-592-9365. OAKVILLE, 8th Line/ D u n d a s , o ff N o r t h r i d g e Trail. ECE provider available. Infants & toddlers only. 905-257-5851. PA L M E R a r e a e x p e r i enced daycare provider has spaces available for school age, half day/ after school house backs on to MacMillan and Martyrs 905-336-0864 PRE-SCHOOLERS/ JK/ SK/ tutoring and babysitting, in my home, West Oak trails/ 4th line. 905469-1474. WA N T E D r e s p o n s i b l e / fun-loving student, 12 or older, to meet six-year-old son after school at West Oak Public School and walk home/ provide after school care starting Sept.2006. 3:30pm5 : 0 0 p m M o n d a y - F r i d a y. Flexibility for occasional unavailability due to vacation/ school involvement. 905-469-1410 10 cars! 2003 Jetta, 2002 S u n f i r e , 2 0 0 0 C a v a l i e r, 1977 MGB and more. www.tinyurl.com/sxudc 1 9 8 8 F o r d Te m p o 4 c y l . 4 - d o o r, a u t o , 11 0 k m s , sold as is $400 OBO 905616-9203 1990 Honda Civic DX Hatchback, Clean, Wellmaintained, Red, Automatic, A/C, 163,000kms., as is $2,500. 905-825-0193 1 9 9 2 S u b a r u L e g a c y, 4 door, 5 speed, 95,000km, fully loaded (air blows cold), moonroof, excellent condition, 1 owner. Sellers package, e/test & certified, $4,250. 905-616-7488. 1993 Eagle Talon turbo, good condition, rebuilt motor, clutch, alternator, catal y t i c c o n v e r t e r. $ 2 , 2 9 5 . 416-456-8235. 1993 Nissan Ultima, GXE, 251 KM, Many new parts, as is, $475. 416-605-6828 1 9 9 4 M e r c u r y To p a z 50,000kms., mint condition, 1 owner, safety, etested $5500. 905-8085911 1 9 9 4 Vo l k s w a g e n G o l f 4 - d o o r, 4 c y l . , a u t o . , 150,km, excellent condition, new paint, breaks, certified, E-tested. Asking $3200 o.b.o. 905-2990111 1 9 9 5 F o r d C o n t o u r, 4-door, automatic, power locks/ windows, a/c, 6cyl, lady-driven, 170,000km, $2000, obo, as-is. 905827-3564. 1995 Lumina, runs well, emissions test, tires less than 1yr. As is $1200 obo. 905-681-5424 1996 Chrysler Sebring JXI Convertible, fully loaded, l e a t h e r, A / C , 5 - C D , o n e o w n e r, 2 0 8 K . $ 4 5 0 0 . 905-469-3229 1996 Dodge Neon, certified & E-tested, mint condition, only 135K, $2800./OBO. 905-8448033. 1996 Ford Contour V6 5-speed, 147K., loaded, CD, certified, e-tested, runs great! $3200 obo. 905-681-2003. 1997 Ford probe, 100K, excellent condition, a/c, very clean, E-tested and certified. $5500 905-6355064 1998 Camry grey. 4cyl., auto., 194K., new tires/ brakes, certified, e-tested, excellent condition, $7,500. 905-632-4522. PORTS Cruising Guides is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edition May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/ retailers call 416-691-0488; email orders@portsbooks.com. BALLROOM/ Latin Dance Classes, beginners & advance, 6:30- 10:30 pm, $7.00 per class, pay as you go, no partners required, beginning Sept 5/06, the Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Jones St., Bronte. For more info call the hotline at 647-2038171. JAPANESE Lessons. Personalized, fun materials. Qualified instructor. Reasonable rates. 905-2577107 FOUND- 2-way radio at Woodhaven Park on August 22. Ask for Veronica to identify 905-333-5176 FOUND: Black cat, August 15, in 3rd Line/ Upper Middle area. 905-825-3528. FOUND: Black cat, Third Line/ Upper Middle area (Oakville) on Aug.15th. Call 905-825-3528. FOUND: Brown Tabby cat found at Fairview and Dury Lane. We call Violet. Please call: 905-637-7325. FOUND: brown tabby w/white cat, Aldershot area. We call "Sally" *microchip #982009102022501. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: grey tabby & white cat. We call Friendly. Please call: 905-6377325 Guelph Line/ UpperMiddle. FOUND: Pair of ladies rings, please call Bob at 905-484-2831. F O U N D : Yo u n g Ta b b y, Mainway & Walkers Line, we call Ben. Please cll 905-637-7325 LOST: grey cat with peach markings. Appleby Line/ Upper Middle area June 6th. Reward! 905-3315537 MUSIC Lessons. B.Mus.A from U. of Western Ontario, Piano, voice, saxop h o n e , g u i t a r, d r u m s , RCM, Pop, Jazz, competitions, demo. Call Alexandra at 905-257-7078. E N T E R TA I N M E N T, o a k armoire, 37"Wx24"Dx73"H, must sell $400; Sony Wega TV 32" picture-inpicture, $200. Both excellent condition. 905-3325022. EXERCISE machine, Total Gym System. Moving, must sell! $50. 905-3329465. F A N TA S T I C S u m m e r Sale- Custom upholstering, no GST or PST. We pay the taxes on sofas and matching chairs, sofas from $788. Chairs from $249, D/R Seats from $19.95. Field's Furniture and Fabrics 9am-9pm. 905-632-9090 FREE Estimates Got wobbly chairs, tired looking wood finishes? Fields Custom Weed Refinishing and Furniture Repairs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 GENUINE Lazboy Gavin Sofa & Rocker (on swivel base). Tan leather, brand new purchased April 2006 $3450. Reason for sale: too large for room. Asking $2700. 905-847-7862. GRANITE countertops, 8' sections, with 1.5" bullnosed edge on three sides. Misty brown. 4" backsplash included. $350/pc, cash and carry. 905-337-1769 or 905-3383401. HOT tub for sale. Outdoor/indoor, 6 person, new cover (2yrs.), chemicals, $750/obo. Buyer takes care of pickup/ delivery. 905-920-4454, Jeff. MATTRESSES++++ New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $455. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery. 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) themattressdiscounter.com MOVING Sale: Kitchen table, bookcase, corner desk, Natural gas fireplace, area rugs, more... Call 905-582-1448 MOVING: classic livingroom set (1 sofa, 2 chairs with Italian fabric, 1 oak round table), $599. 1 country living room set (1 sofa, 2 chairs, 1 table) $399. Coldspot freezer, $90.00, 905-825-3130. MOVING: kitchen table, 4 chairs solid wood $600; 2 loveseats $250/each, Corner TV cabinet $250; IKEA desk and chair $75. 905634-1052. MOVING: organ, Technics EN4 $1300 obo; small black pedestal table w/2 ivory leather cushioned chairs $60/set; wall plaques $25/pair. 905-3328820. MOVING: Table, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch $700.; Table, 4 chairs $300.; Chest, Computer Desk & Chair. All obo. 905-691-1697, 905-829-7306 MOVING~ white fridge/ stove $1000, Heinzman organ $500, snowblower $800 Call 905-842-1720 or 416-432-6091 PIANO for sale. Kimball, apartment sized with bench, $500. 905-8426759 WANTED Used & Abused Autos & Trucks Also scrap vehicles. Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca CASH PAID 905-690-6494 905-320-3287 1997 Chevy Venture, full size, A/C, Excellent condition, new brakes, 1 9 2 , 0 0 0 k m h w y, C e r tified. $3500. 905-8278815 2004 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, original owner, well maintained, DVD, sunroof, 3 power doors, CD, overhead consolel and much more. 98,000kms., $15,900. 905689-9698. LIVE It ! New health & wellness magazine. 250,000 copies. Cost-effective directory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the next issue. 416-4931300 ext. 288 horses & supplies, boarding H AY f o r S a l e - S q u a r e b a l e s b e h i n d t h e b a l e r. $ 2 . 0 0 . Tr e l o w e n F a r m , Flamborough. Please Call 905-689-4368 EXPERIENCED, energetic caregiver required for 2 children (3/6). Upper Middle/ Ford, Oakville. Car required. 905-337-3646 A fur coat, silver dollars .50 cent pieces, gold/silver coins and collections. Unwanted gold/ silver jewelry. 905-633-7531 1981 Honda A50 Moped, excellent condition, low kms., great on gas, $600 obo includes helmet and oil. Call Ryan, 905-2201793.