UPDATE EDITOR: WILMA BLOKHUIS Update Community group for unemployed business professionals, 8 a.m., St. John's Church Hall (Anapilis), 2185 Stavebank, Mississauga. Speaker: Michael Gravelle, Know Yourself, Sell Yourself. Members $10, non-members $15. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. See Spruce Lane Farmhouse by lamplight. Tour century old farmhouse illuminated only by oil lamps, every Thursday at 8 p.m., to Aug. 27, Bronte Creek Provincial Park, day-use area, Burloak north of QEW. Call 905-8276911 or visit www.brontecreek.org. FRIDAY JULY 14 Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP) Clinic: Parents, do you have concerns regarding your child's hearing, speech, behaviour or development? Is your child under the age of five years? Free DEIPP consultation clinic at the Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 1395 Abbeywood Dr., 9 - 11 a.m. Consultations are provided on a first come first served basis, so bring your child and arrive early to register. Call 905-849-6366. Rotary Club of Oakville North Service club for local business men and women who like to have fun, work with new business contacts while giving back to the community. Meetings every Friday morning 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., Quality Inn Bronte. Limited memberships available. Email RCON@bellnet.ca. SATURDAY JULY 15 B'Nai Shalom Congregation of Halton-Peel, conservative egalitarian synagogue, monthly Shabbat service and Kiddush, 10 a.m., at hotel in Oakville. For more information, please e-mail: bnaishalom2004@yahoo.com or call Judi at: 906-469-4344. Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course, one-day course at Oakville Red Cross for youth 11 and up teaches sim- www.oakvillebeaver.com Phone 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax 905-337-5567 email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com · WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2006 15 Free Summer Camp provided by Halton Catholic District School Board, Continuing Education Services, International Languages Program, Monday to Friday,10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., to July 28. Crafts, movies, outdoor activities, baking and trips. Camp at St. John's School, 1480 Mansfield. Call Priyanka Goyal at 416-669-7749 or 416722-7994. Summer Tutoring for Children/Youth with Learning Disabilities Learning Disabilities of Halton using Orton-Gillingham Approach for Reading, Writing and Spelling, Aug. 8 24, Mondays through Thursdays. Call 905-333-1977 or see www.ldahalton.ca. WEDNESDAY JULY 12 Gardening Workshop with Gayle Jakaitis talking about caring for your garden in the summer season and keeping the bloom, 6 - 7:30 or 8 p.m., Oakville Central Library, Lakeshore and Navy, 2nd floor media room of children's library. Cost: $25. BEYOND, peer support group for those grieving the loss of a loved one, Wednesdays 7:30 p.m., Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre, 2530 Sixth Line, River Glen Mews Plaza. Contact Debbie, 905-827-5849. Polar Bears Mood Disorder Support Group welcomes sufferers of unipolar (depression) and bipolar (manic depression), supporting family and friends, Wednesdays 7 p.m., at 136 Cross Ave. Anonymous self-help group. Call 905338-2130. THURSDAY JULY 13 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton has 74 children waiting for a friend and mentor. Information session, 10 a.m., at 464 Morden. Call 905-339-2355. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities networking support A special gift RON KUZYK / OAKVILLE BEAVER KIDS HAPPY TO GIVE: Grade 5 students from St. Vincent School recently presented a $530 cheque to the Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children. Receiving the cheque is Jo de Lecq Marguerie, Executive Director, from student Chad Moore. The students raised the money from their Shrove Tuesday pancake sales. The Lighthouse Program was chosen in memory of the father of two boys who attend St. Vincent School. ple first aid, explains basic baby and child care, and emergency procedures. Participants learn about becoming a responsible and safe babysitter. Call to register at 905-845-5241. St. John Ambulance First Aid and CPR Training on July 15, two-day Standard First Aid and CPR class July 15 and 16. For adults taking care of children, there is Emergency First Aid with Infant and Child CPR on July 23. Babysitting for Kids ages 11 to 14, July 18, 23, and Aug. 10. Register by July 14. Additional dates available. Call 905-469-9325. PAK BONUSPAK %NTER TO ONE OF TO /NTARIO 0LACE 3EE INSIDE FOR DETAILS WWWONTARIOPLACECOM !N !GENCY OF THE 'OVERNMENT OF /NTARIO Congratulations to Our Winners! They each received a Family Pass from Ontario Place: Hi! My name is Lucas My favourite subjects are math and gym. Soccer, basketball and hockey are my favourite sports. I especially like the Toronto Maple Leafs. I'm on a basketball team and a soccer team. On weekends I play with my friends, ride my bike and jump on our trampoline. I love pizza, chicken fingers and hot dogs. I like to help my teacher with things in the classroom and I'm saving my points. Lucas Winning Carriers receive a large 3 topping pizza courtesy of: To join our delivery team call 905-845-9742