26 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday July 1, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Dance Oakville Recreational, Family Oriented Dance School for Girls · Ballet ·Jazz · Tap · · Ladies Tap & Jazzercise Monday & Thursday Classes! Register Early To Guarantee A Spot Registration also available on Monday, Sept. 11, 2006 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm at St. John's United Ch Contact Kim Belanger for information or reg 905-637-2758 St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St., Oakville (at Randall & Dunn) SUMMER MOVIE MODELLING CAMP Building for your child's future - today! uilding or our child' futur tod ! ilding r ur child futu lding ding ing ng g r chil fut ch chi h fu f to today t Infant, Toddler, Prescho JK/SK nfant, oddler, Presch fant, ddler, Preschool, JK/SK ant, nt, t, , dler, Pr ler, Presc er, Pres r, Pre , Preschool JK/ Preschoo JK P J AGES 10 - 16 Build Self Confidence , Improve Self Esteem. fi Have fun with TV Commercials, Improv, Develop good Poise & posture, Makeup & Skin Care. 20 years in Business member of the BBB Representing models and actors for TV, Film and Print. Call NOW! 905-542-8885 Limited enrollment email carolyn@carolynsonline.com Visit our website at www.carolynsonline.com for more info. TIC TAC TOE HERE WE GROW AGAIN 4 New Roo s ew Ro w Room Rooms R 51 New S s 1 ew Spots w Spot Sp Spo New Infant, Tod ew nfant, To w fant, Toddle ant, Toddl n Toddler nt Toddler, Todd T Preschool & JK reschool JK/SK Rooms eschool J school JK/S Room chool JK/ Roo hool ool ol l Ro R Limited spaces a imited paces ava mited pace avai ited ace availab e ted ac availa ed d c avail av availabl available We Offer: We Of fer: f fer · Music, drama, fitness & exercise, usic, rama, fitn sic, ama, fit ic, c, , ma, fi a, fitnes , fitne exercise ex exerc exerci exercis e exer exe monthly field trips, and special visitors onthly ield rips, an sp nthly eld ips, a thly ld ps, hly ly y d s, , s spe spec visito speci visitors specia visit vis visi v vi · Phonics, French & Computer classes honics, rench Compute classes onics, ench Comp nics, ics, cs, s, , nch Com ch Comput class h Compu Co C clas cla c cl · Breakfast, lunch & afternoon snack reakfast, unch af eakfast, nch a akfast, kfast, fast, ast, st, t, , ch afte h aft after afterno afternoo sn k aftern s snac sna · All staff are ECE a ll taff re CE and CPR certified l aff e ff f E an CP c C certi d ce cer cert certif certifi certifie Call Marga t all Marg ll Mar l Ma Margare Margaret Margar for more d s r ore deta re det e de detai detail details (905) 403 905) 403-9351 05) 403-9351 5) 40 ) 403-93 403-9 403Email us at: mail u at ail il l kidszone@bellnet.ca llnet e 2275 Spea k ma n D r iv e , 275 Spe m a 75 Sp 5S Mississauga O N Mississauga, ON L 5 K 1 B 1 ississauga ssissaug ssissauga sissau sissaug issau ssa ssau s sa (Minutes from QEW, 403, Win st o n C h u r ch i l l , Minutes rom QEW 40 inutes om Q nutes m QE 4 utes tes es s 403 i ns t ns c hi h Erin Mills, and C k s o n G o St at i o n ) rin ills, an Clark in lls, a Clar n ls, s, , Cl Cla S t a ti t "MY BRAIN NEEDS SOMETHING TO DO THIS SUMMER" Summertime is a great time to start your child in Kumon. That's because Kumon can help sharpen your child's math and reading skills without disrupting your family's summer plans or budget. Kumon students also build strong learning skills, disciplined study habits, and the confidence they need to succeed in school...and beyond. Just imagine where that could take your child. Nottinghill Gate & Upper Middle Rd. W. Rebecca St. & Morden Rd. 905.847.3398 Dundas & 6th Line 905.847.3398 McCraney St. E. & 6th Line 289.242.3441 Maple Grove Dr. & Cornwall Rd. 416.998.5884 Lakeshore Rd. W. & Bronte Rd. 905.901.1267 905.825.8143