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Oakville Beaver, 11 Sep 1994, p. 3

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Vladimir Kabelik: at home in Canada. 2nd Pair of Prescnptlon Glasses or Contacts FREE frames to choose from / Great People /Great Product / Vision Care Programs Honoured Talk of the Town ! Dan Catton President OAKVILLE Oakville Place (next to Sears) (Photo by Riziero Vertolli) * see store for details for / Great Price / Same Day Service _/ 100% Money Back Guarantee "You live through tough moments in your life," he explained, "and it gives you a sort of buffer zone around you." Born in Zlin, Czechoslovakia some 43 years ago, the documenâ€" taryâ€"maker and teacher of television production at Sheridan College escaped with his wife and children from their ‘occupied‘ homeland in 1981. It was a difficult decision to leaveâ€"and a frightening, emotional experience. But Mr. Kabelik is not a man to rush into things. "You 11y moments i1 explained, "ar of buffer zone "I don‘t like to jump to concluâ€" sions," he said recently in precise, though heavilyâ€"accented English. Documentary filmmaker has philosophical view of his life BURLINGTON Burlington Mall (Main entrance next to Robinsons) 905) 333â€"5677 He is speaking in general terms. "I am not looking for big victories. My goals are not highâ€"high. I think if one goes in the right direction, step by step in small steps, the only thing you must not do is stop. In a few years, when you look back, it is a great distance. This is my philosoâ€" phy." It took him 18 months to comâ€" plete his most recent documentary which aired this summer on Vision TV. The featureâ€"length video, "a filmmaker‘s search for reincarnaâ€" tion" is titled, "Coming Home." Through interviews, Kabelik sum veys the beliefs of various religious >Couponsâ€" â€" _ BAUSCH LOMB ! DAILY WEAR LENSES I h Offer valld to Nov.15/94 1 *Airst time wearers â€" $30 training charge 1 denominations on the issue of ‘life 3 after life.‘ He examines the practice 2 of ‘past lives regression therapy‘ 7 through hypnosis and explores the 3 nature of nearâ€"death experiences. _ 2 A fascinating topic. Still, the artist himself says, "Lots of people can‘t handle it." He is not worried. Realistically, he commented, "You are never able to satisfy everybody." (So you must satisfy yourself.) "Documentary makers are (See ‘Instructor‘ page 13) $79

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