ONE BEDROOM basement apam'nanl. River Oaks. ser- arale entrance. availab 9 August. Air. appliances. $575 monlhiy. 257â€"0135 TWO bedroom. upper level, separate entrance. spa- cious. good condition. ac- oerssr , ï¬lo OEW. 403. BRONTE P239 bedroom mammnl , tennis, sau- na. workshop. S750 utilities included. one block lrom lake. Child and pet wel- come. 827-8767 IHJmammm LARGE one bedroom apart- ment lurnished or untur- nished. non-smoker. no pets, 825-4283. NEW in Canada. lhe Gian! clone Gumball machine. Ids 90 Crazy, teenagers compete. up to 200% mum on investment annually. Ca- nadian Co. 1'800-267-9273 LARGE 2 bedroom. Kerr and Elmwood. area Avail- able August Isl. 8830. 338â€"0491 or 827-3458 |150| OFFICE space - 150 sq.fl,, 500 sw.ft, or 129039.11. _Re- {éii épab'e'avii'lélilé élsé 350-1200 sq. ft. Q.E.W. Bimini? 'Rdi 135.7?) 36; hi; 827â€"6321 PRIVATE-150 it, lakefront lot. 300 it. deep on lovely, LOVELY Seagull Lake _on Highway 522, Arnsteln, Ont. Very quiet and private sening. 1km irom main highway on maintained sub- division road. Hydro, tele- phone and driveway are mere. _ Asking $54,000. 110 condosfnn Please Cd! 1-705 -757-2336 I105 $134,900. Exceptional and-unit condo townhouse on tread gmnbelt. 3 bed- rooms, 1-12 baths, ï¬nished basement. North east Oak- ville. Callas-7041. LUXURY two bedroom penthouse with firepIaca near Glen Abbey. John 238- 9258, or 238-9156. house, Weslside "Driie. New kitchen. $155,000. No ggenls. Call 416-391-7046, jrwo MWâ€. @9392 9'?“ 200,000 sq. ft. - 13.5 acres - free parking 'I'I‘C to the door - Weekends year-round Call Oliver at (416) 787-9999 1-800-337-1012 MARKETWORLD GIANT MARKET OPENS THIS FALL IN TORONTO Vendors Wanted First Weekend Free Ans Crafts/Farmers Market/Boutiques Totally renovated air conditioned buildings on the Golf Course Architecturally award winning T-6 model, featuring 3-bdrms, double garage, ground floor family room with gas ï¬replace, 2-1/2 baths, eat- in kitchen, ceramic tile floors. CIA. Tastefully decorated in neutral tones. Best offer over $274,000. (Agent bonus offered). To view please phone 336-9844. MILLCROFT TOWNHOUSE CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-5516 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am. - 5 pm. (Limited openings for each category) oomnngcid space ofï¬ces-business cimdosfoude townhouseofotsde ONE bedroom basement apartmeni, close to Go and shopping, $590 monthly, available immediately, 170 3:35.; DISSATISFIED? I earn $200.lday in my home- based business. You can Too‘ Call 416-761~7515. 24hrs. TWO BEDROOM. Oakville Place area, low rise build- ing, children and pets wel- come. $730. per month. Heal. hot water and parking included. 847â€"1138 TWO BEDROOM, Lakeshoro / Dorval area. Quiet building, broadloom, $565. monthly. Available im- medately, 277â€"4728. ONE BEDROOM apartment near Spears and Kerr avail- able immediately. Call 842â€"9146 TWO BEDROOM. {ur- nished basement apartment with living room, laund a_n_d garkingjnpluded Ava] - ibis kigijsfni'saaâ€"e' 7 7' 169' TWO bedroom "om $900, and one: bedroom trom 5800, in beautifully main- tained quiet building. Lots of seniors. Downtown OIde Oakville. Call 844â€"6952. "’9 35.03.09» apart.- men! available Augusi Ist, Harbourview Plaza, comer Lakeshora A Bronte Rd. 825â€"1261 l170l TWO bedroom Ius den. $779 and one edroom. $651, in very clean, quiet building, lots of seniors, downtown, sho s and lake _slapa away. 1 845â€"8254, TWO bedroom, ground levâ€" 9!. Separage entrance._ Fire; leaV'Ie meséaga place" ’Irhe'b’eecalB" ' Hanna. 3750 inclusive. September 13!. 847â€"1440 quluflaufonent gust 1st. 8500. inclusive. 822-1626. BACHELOR, Erin Mills/QEW. Basement, fur- nished, private entrance. laundry, parking. cabie. Au- OAKVILLE. one bednoom. carpeted. Augusï¬ $600. 2 bedroom August Sep- tember. Non-smokers, no pets. (416) 233â€"7441. Condo Apts. 2 3 bedrooms from $895 per month. - 5 appliances - fireplace - air conditioning - vertical blinds 0 broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included 0 security entrance Please call between 9 a.m.- 5pm. at: MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 2 Bedroom Apartments Avdlablo Close to Sheridan Colle e Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"likg sgtti_ng. or info call: o 5 appliances - Bmadloom o Balconies or patios - Secudty entrance - Recreational area with large balconies in a well maintained hi- rise building. On site Variety Store. Close to GO Station, QEW, Oakville Place Shop- ping Centre and schools. Seniors Discount 1260 Marlborough Court Bachelor 1 2 Bedroom - Apts. Avail lmmed. Starting at $550. and up Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet park- -|ike setting. Variety store on premises. Seniors welcome For info call: OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Luxu 2 3 bedroom Garden Homes In ekvllle from $905 per month SIR RICHARD TOWERS Exceptional 1 2-Bdrm. Apts. Each with balcony overlooking beautiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for those seeking prime location at an affordable price. 36 EAST STREET, BRONTE Managed by BUIIJNGTON Towns 825-3327 TRAFALGAR I WHITE OAKS Large 2 Bedroom Apartments Available 847-5043 MGMT. OFFICE WALLACE PINES H spuanatsrormt i'lnmlxflatsforml I'fllmuamtormt m 905-338-5893 Rental onioe 82 7â€"91 69 84457332 845-7545 . Vertical blinds - Storage rooms - On-sfle management On-slfe ma n - Parking' include; LOVELY two bedroom apartment. Six plianoes, log burnirg 'replace, Downtown akville loca- tion. Available August 13!. Also bachelor a anmonl available. 842â€"92 5 or 827- LUXURY 1,000+eq.ft. and bedroom basement with ï¬replace, wet bar. separaw entrance, appliances. $850. September 131. Business 828-7689. APARTMENT in 2 store house, private entrance, bedrooms, tamily room. kitchen. laundry room. a- rage. 3750/ month plus y- dm. No pets. 845â€"5300 ONE MONTH FREE rent Lakeshore/Korr 2 bedroom 8875 lus hydro. On 2 lev- els. right and spacious. Balcony, ensuite laundry, parking. Immediate. 842-5100 apartlgmr‘l‘tL Agggliahcgg DOWNTOWN Kerr 8. Re- becca, large one bedroom in quiet buildin Parquet floori . $454. mmedrate. 90 _ 1-1619. ‘ SPACIOUS 1 bedroom upaumulu, -o up "anus: ale to GO. SGZE monthl} inc udes everything. (416, 232â€"1146 0 Mins. from QEW/GO - Exceptionally well maintained highrise - Hydro included - Outdoor pool Bachelor 1 a 2 Bedrooms from 5551. 845-9502 l170l Page 20 M"?! RENTALS 170:196 His-3‘ HELPWANTED 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200265 ANNOUNCEMENTS 200-265 m MERCHANDISE 100165 m: SERVICES 100-165 DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday Issue. Wed. 4 pm. for Fï¬day Issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday Issue. ADVERTISING ERRORS AND ,OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space mpied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publication date. OAKVILLE- Tralal ar/ Upper Middle. 2400 sq bedrooms. 2-1/2 baths cen- tral air/ vacuum (905)796- LUXURY four bedroom, 2400sq." backsplit. $1,000's in upgrades, near Winston Churchill! QEW, $1375. monthly, imme- diately, bus. 823-7689, home 829-3997. GOLF Course view! 3 bed- room house, just of Q.E.W. Large rooms. 4 appliances, lawncare included. 2040 Bronte Fld‘ No children/pets preferred. Immediate. Please leave message EAST Oakville, main lloor ol 3 bedroom bungalow. Close to bus. shopping. Quiet shaded lenced yard. parking, garage. Share laundry with basement apartment. Carrieslor $925- 3950/month. Whole House may be available Septemâ€" ber1sl. Steve 827â€"2812 BRONTE: Main floor of bungalow‘ 3 bedrooms, yard. quiet area. Close to bus, shopping. schools. $1100 inclusive. 847-9841 or847â€"1915 I [E house for rent EN ISCLARE. LAKE- FR NT 3-bedroom. $2350/mo. Sept. 15‘. Call Allan McCurdy. Homeme Apple Park Realty, 681-3000 |180l BURLINGTON LUXURY completely furnished 12 bedrooms overlooking the water. indoor parking. from $1295. 632-8354; 632-6189. BRONTE Harbour Club condominium lor rant, avail- able Septembar lst. $1!200 month. penthouse unit, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. adult building. ï¬replace etc. Call QQEWPE'I 5 and a pm IWQ BEDRQOM" lglgevjew, Bronte ama. AValléEl; Se tember 15h. $950. month (:19) 941â€"8784. comodation. (6 months). Preferrably Bronte area. Bachelor or one bedroom apamnent Call 847â€"5566. Ask for Bav. WE SPECIALIZE in Con- domlnlum Sales a. Rentals. Llnda Davies Real Estate Ltd.. Realtor. 333â€"4347. 827-7728 WANTED: Shon Tenn Ac- I170] cula? staricase. Ensuite bath. 5 ap- pliances, central air, completely fenced. Walk to vil- lag e. Quietloca- tion. $1500. m0. Bronte Harbour 4 bedroom execu- tive, main floor family room with ï¬replace. Walk out to large geek. Cir- 338-1 656 As Low As $838. (905) 632-5486 Hrs: M-F. 10-Gpm/Sal. 8: sun. 11-5pm oondomlniums lot rant upu. flab wanted i .301 houses for rent Fantastic views fronting onto Lake Ontario. 1 8: 2 Bedrooms Available DON'T MISS THE BOAT rooms. 2 1/2 baths.- ï¬nished basement. $1050. Septem- ber 1. 1994. Phone 847â€" 2873. TOWNHOUSE FOR Rent / Lease. Glgn Abbey. 3 bed- THREE bedroom, close to schools, college. OEW, shopping mall. Available August 1. Call 332-1029 anerApm. THREE bedroom town- IHHEE AND FOUR BED- ROOM townhouses, Ho. pedale Mall area. Avail- able Immediately. Phone Lakeshore Management (416)253â€"9347. home. 4 ianoes. Famil building. lose to OE . GO,amenitiea $1100. ulil- ilies included. September 15!. 338â€"9255. townhome, finished base- ment. 5 â€idleness.†fenced y,ard ï¬ as trash paint- ed Available September 13!. Call David 416-361 821! days or 849-3749 evenings. RECENTLY renovated 8th line, three bedroom ï¬veap pliances. 1-1/2 baths. $995. utilities included, 844â€"9591 RIVER OAKS 3 bedroom LUXURIOUS 3 bedroom townhome. 5 a liances, 2 baths, finishe asement, garage. Central air. $1150. NEAR Sheridan and Oak- ville Place, 4 bedroom available. share lacilities, reasonable rent. Tom, (613) 549-7875. ville, $9951 mon'th'blu's omi- ties. Available September 13!. Call 827â€"0410 aeter 6pm EXECUTIVE townhouse. Ravine lot. garage. 2 big bedrooms, 2.5 baths, ï¬re- place. family room. Auig 1 as. $1350. Betty Phil Ips, as He resentative Cold- well Ban er Pinnacle Real Estate (905) 847-3030 pag- FOR RENT- Lovely town- home in excellent complex. walk to shopping centre, near Go station. snoso. monthly plus utilities. For more information call Phil Boccone. Coldwell Banker Hanland, 568-9888. F9UR bedroom, Noflh Oak- 3 bedrooms, 4 appliances. 1 1/2 baths, walkout patio, cable and secure under» ground parking; $1200 in- clusive. Call MI 9 or Helen, Quays-3157 or (416) LANDLONDSI WE have many screened; qualiï¬ed tenants available! Call any- time if you have a 333- 5506 Active Man- I170l bungalow with ï¬nished rec room, located close to schools in West Oakville. Available August 1st at $1050. mo. Call: Joe Rupcich, Broker 90| 3 BEDROOM Ltd. Reéltor Oakdome _ BgaItx torrent TOUGH Traveller back gack, sled, bike seat, ooster seat, skates. baby swing. fireplace screen. COFFEE table /,end tables 375. Couch. bar stools. col~ lectordoll 257â€"2851. BREAKTHROUGH WEIGHT-Loss PRO- GRAM. Lose the pounds you want to Iose. No on- rollment fee. No monthly re- quirement. Simple. con- venient and pmven. Com- plete information withom ob- ligation. Call 639-3982 desks. 'Credenias. chairs, compumr tables, board- [ng tables. To View, 632- may wish 1930 ANTIQUE dining room set. $1200 8'2x1 brown braided rug 9, $50 Two light ï¬xtums (from Old Murray House), $25. each. lawnmower. $25. 30" Bevellea glass oaR French door, brand new. never hung. Like new sin- gle mattress box spring used only 2 months. 335-6510 ASSORTED EXECUTIVE, qoupie gsdgstal. secretarial IEIjhdlsModges TREASURE Island luxury 2 bedroom condo direct on Gulf, ool. tennis, gated. $550. Sweek 847â€"1371 KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available for weddings. anniversaries. parties 91c. Call for more mlormahon 827-1854 after 3pm and a acious, rivets bick- yayd, __ Line/ ‘pper Middle 'areé. Non-smoRér please 545â€"2429, leave message. BRONTE area. 4 bedroom house to share. Kids wal- come. 847â€"8886 HOUSE to share, bright and spacious, private back- TWO rooms for rent, ante/ Lakeshore townhouse. ï¬ve appliances, air. close to all amenities. $400. each monthly, 8274598. UPPER Middle/Dowal. Large turnished room on bus route. Non-smoker. $350.00. First, last. Avail- able immediately. 847-5040 QUIET room, furnished, ideal tor student or shift worker. Available imme- dately. Near Oakville Place and Sheridan College. Laundry facilities, private entrance. $400. month. Non smokers. 8426896. NICELY furnished bedsit- ting room for non-smoking female with all amenities, Hopedale Mall, Bronte area, $275., Morning 825â€"0065. FURNISHED room with kitchen tacilities, separate entrance. Near Sheridan College 842â€" 0272 attar 5pm. FURNISHED rooms from $295. Near Oakville Place, Sheridan College and bus stop. Ken, 842â€"0789. EAST Oakville. Clean lur- nished rooms. Cable, shared modern kitchen, laundry, bath. cable, palk- Ing available, central air, quiet neighborhood. Close to all amenities Non- smoker. abslajner prelened. Pullover. References First 8: last. August 1st. Suit fe- male student or pmleasional man. 829â€"5108. FURNISHED bedroom (or uiot non-smoking female. ronua area. Clean, no pets. $250. month. 827â€"8069 OOZY'fumished, bedroom. East Oakville. Private en- trance, shave faciliites. air, cable, laundry, swimming pool, very quiet. $400.lmonth. 844â€"2111 CLOSEAto Oakville Place. one .mom, parkln , share all facilities. $300. uguat Isl. 50743762. I190l many screened. qualliled tonams available! Call any- time If you have a vacanw. 333-5506. Active Man- memem LANDLORDS! WE have m am“! Mr fatten! Afldassgledadsnmtbepepald. Weroept from $275., stairâ€"glides. hos- pital beds and other home care equipment. All with warranties. Phone 607.3357 USED/NEW SCOOTERS trom 73800., wheelchairé SITONIIJon'QSfllnitI Re- placement foam seat cush- ions. Custom fitled. All shapesl sizes. Commericel/ Residential. Free Esti- mates. Fields Upholstery. 9am-9pm. 7-days weekly. SNUGLI baby canierpelu (used Once) YSSO. 00. Sassy booster 9931510. Call 334- 9164 FBINTE our 24 n rinlar2 vï¬thec ads oiont ts,5 5M:- dcolours - includ #3?th boxn printer cable 1,7ro sets c m p_ular a- anan n-l ine s g- on. 7 man“6 hs 0 Id $32 905)-689â€"1 MOVING: Household items solid pine iable. 4 chairs. entertainment centre. bookshelf/hutch. coilee. and tablea 825â€"2517 Pal 15.5.; 2°199L25 KENMORE washer dry er Excellent condition. 3200 - take them away!! 827â€"2344 IIAPLE dinette set, table. two leaves, 6 chairs, $200. Queensize boxsprinEg, mal- tress trame,S40 nglish, five drawer mahogany dresser. inlay, curca 1920, $250. 5 drawer dresser mir- mr. circa 1920, needs reï¬n- ishing. $100. Pair Queen Anne and tables, cherry. 3200. 844-3252. painted pastel. $5.000. Sell: $1.999; Oriental Credenza: Bedroom Queen Anne cher- ry 6-poe.. 4 poster. $1,799. All taxes a. delivery includ~ ed. New from model home. GIVE YOURSELF A thtl Professional Custom up- holstery. Chairs tram $198. Fantastic savings on sotas. Ioveseats. sofa beds. di- ningroom/ accent chairs. Great fabric selection. Free estlmates. Field's Uphol- stery_. Sam- -9pm. 7- -days HOME STEREO, receiver, tapedeck, 2 speakers, $250.8troller, Voya er, $65. Antique wicker w its Ioveeeal, 5375. 847â€"8041 ITALIAN CURIO. Hand- sapphire in contra with 6 ba- gJelte diamonds, 3 on each side of sap hire. Appraised at $2100. est offer under $1,000. takes it! Call 842- 90300r 257-0595. DININGROOM SUITE. Beautitul antique cherry- wood. 6 chalrs, 8' table. sideboard. bubble glass china cabinet. Excellent New and la ssessed. Buy Orlease. Cal 842-8259 FRIDGE and stove $200 ggghwmgr both. 8300. phire and diamond ring for sale 1 ct pear_shap_9d_b_lue DINETTE. WASHED ash. French Country. 5-pco.. 31.1994 Bedroom. pine tra- ditional, 6-pce. incl. ar- moim. $1.639; Victorian pic- tures: English country floral Iovoseats; Queen Anne cherry coffee a and tables. All taxes doliv’ery in- cluded. New trom model GIQRGEQLES blu_e. sap- FAXES, cpPIERs, 99m- Ad'uslable Clamp Light 355 00 R only “Q‘s/set Call Stacie y842-61392. Pleasa leave message. DRAFTINGIART Table $100. Supply Side Table 550. HT Adjustable Chair I310| CAHPETS - I have several 1.000 yds. at new Staln- master 1. 100% nylon car- pet. Will do Ilvingroom a hall for $360. Includes oar- pet. pad 8 installation (30 gangs). Steve, (905)639- Cheqweorcash tutor: for horn; oi'ofliéé FACIAL personalized skin care program cus- tomized for your skin type. Dermatologist tested. Call today for a FREE consultation, LorraineJndependent Mary Kay Beauty ConsultantMB-7196 COMPUMENTARY [Holmium