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Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 1993, p. 25

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VARIOUS units In plu- nuv Oakvmc Placo. good for omen IFICO/ I',,',',',',: work. An llblo mmo~ IIN; on. month's ".0 mm In W to 1000 KL n. 50t mre sq." "tatt I. Contact Dan 3 5-5537 tttter 6pm. CHILDREN'S Fun": Franchise tor uh. nub- Ilshod 6 month. run. In local ttttytraros, nun"? 0610015. “who"! potonltl. $7.500. Plan can 257-etut2 '0' mom into Clean‘ an parking $200 qt_tttmttt was heal monthly 2600 were" Rd Unit 10 825 3815 ---"-"""" BRIGHT new apartmonl. to um onlrlnco. clove. "1%., w IN. 670:. Elm o. vlllo.$ull qu ot non smoking working Bowen $670 utilities. par In: in. eluded. Call “5-5 31, DOWNTOWN 1 bodroom horn-go building 3675 In- cludes mum.- and parking Available Immodllloly. Plum call 346-0311 GLEN ABBEY: 2 bodwom apartment Jleuzzl, hun- dry. private onl'lnco. , parking. Non-smoker Jana. 1-1. Call Dorothy 547-6321 .ONE bedroom 8620. Ground lav-I, gum and. 59.. New. Annam- Im- "My. “H056 yIGE on. bodwornl .r.e.1tP .m.1 mg, ammo; 'f,'lfalP'8lJa'll, lake. 8750 per month Jammy tqt. 845-N64 LOFT, two bedroom. walk to GO, mtwl r-tard, 5 Ippl‘nncu. Ul'g an Inclu- sM. Sum for that. pm Iggonal. non-motor. 827- SELF contain-d om" LARGE one bodtoom houu, pnvnlo onlruncm nut GO, 06W. No pots, Sun adults, Jamar? Tst $rso includes will“ tau-ow Glyn. 549-7149 SUITES available In very quiet. beautifully maintained building, downtown Old Oahvi $775 $575 buud loan MUST move Jim TWO BEDROOMS. quiet Idling. mam yard. parte lng. nicely carpeted. Avail- able January 1. '850/mo. utilities included. 335-8888. ask tor Tom or Donnh. \Large 2 bedroom apartments in a clean well main- tained building. Large balconies,‘ Variety Store on site, 5 minutes to GO station, 2 minutes to QEW.' Close to Sheridan: College and schools. Luxury two bed- room apart- ments. Air con- ditioning, pool. TONEIOAT .. One bed 3tyAt416ittertr TRAFALGAH HEIGHTS PREMIER COURT 2,000 " "out. for an 338-3342 . “MAL!!! on: waygugms new? foul . “mun-0am CEllllllMif MCI WES] m; Hm M11 Mm 8, I Ill H "of One bedroom from ' two bedroom from APPROX. on son. 1sitttf-rosro 845-0987 844-2646 . Call 844-6952. rm and mum TOTAL tXXrr $05 INCLUDES: . Lawn "For Sale" sun . Open Home Sign . Legal Advice . Fellini! Shot. . Contact Form . Home Photograph- . Urttimlted lehdon Maw-QM!!! Ititf9yntyrr, LAt9q Sende- (Sepérate Units) IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY month-Inu- my.“ chm-Man 1075 North Service Road w Oakville 825-5118 T.HE ENN lSCLARE CORPORATION bath, undev- 'klng. Asking Mon ' o 'G't#JI 1st To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 am.- 5 pm 925 FURNISHED bachelor t-ttqttt W,"'td U” madl- t Im Rd 8450 monthly. all Inclusive ”-74% BACHELOR ll Kou/ Spoon. above t..tBurlrtt, adults. $000 nll Incluuvo N45. omco epic. 847-6663. DOWNTOWN Kerr I Re. Doccu. vary Into. , but room apartment m qulol building Bro-Gloom and hardwood floors 5551 Available Immodmoly 271-4728 OAKVILLE PLACE mu. 2 Mourns. $730 How nu wuov mid Audible um- modinloly For more No:- mmon tatl847-T138 OLDE tueeiM. on. but room baumanl apanmanl. waIk to GO. 5550 Includes milillaa. cable. 4 appluaneaa ate Suitable non-amoklng lamalo. Available January. Mia. paw 237-722! TWO bedroom upnnmom mu Kort ma Spoon. null- nblo immediately Phono 342-91‘6 TWO Moan "h"//l'l,'ll $625 monthlé nil-bl. immodmoly nllbohunn tip.m ma 69m az7-700a TWO bedroom basement apartment. class to schools bus route. washer, dryer Irv eluded. $650. monthly. all Inclusvvo, “nimble January Ist. 847-6371. ONE bedroom, wttlk-out basement apartment in Glen Abbey, Newly tin. ishod. $850. Available January 15. 547-3564. ZONED automotive, 1400 SPACIOUS one bedroom basement apartment. Newly renovated. Steps to lake. January 1st. 849- 8622 (eve. weekends.) OAKVILLE Etr.eutN. ot. "cos trom $2Sth month Ill Incluslvo‘ F100 parking 33tF3697 BACHELOR, new. luxury basement. Upper Maddie. $560. No smokxng/ pets, suit on: single pvoiessmnal 842-9815 1600, 3200 sq duslrlnl, 1350. ONE bedroom apanmem available Decembor Tat, Harbourviaw Plaza. corner of Lakeshoro and Emma Rd. tt25-126t. TWO bedroom aplnmonl Ivmlnbla immodlllol Nu! Oakvilb Plano. $758 monthly plus hydro. Call 3455537. THREE BEDROOM apart- ment. Sue! building, down- town "ville. 2 wash- rooms, mugs and "ova. heat and hydro Included $895 plus parking. January lat or February 1st. 842- 5815 TWO bedroom apanmonls uvlilablo. small apartment building. from $650 plus hydro monthly. Call Jo. Rupclch. 846-0363 Oak- domoRnlly Rune: OAKVILLE. large 1 bed- room avallablo ecamber 16. 2 bedroom available Januar Ist. Non-smoker 'll1rl'l'lthyr'l41 THREE bedrooms plus two bedroom apartment In base- ment. All appliances, Dou- ble gauge. Dorval and Lakeshore, $1,200. 644-4693 OAKVILLE. Don/all Re- becca. one bedroom In clean. quiet small building lacing park. 8550. monthly, plul hydro, immediately 499-2580 Ntltt OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 a 3 bedrooms from $875 per month. f 5 aprllances , tirarp ace . aIr conditioning - vertical blinds . broadloom . storage rooms . recreational area . parking included . security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.rn.- Sp.m, at: 825-3327 827-6625 In] houn- for an BE OAKVILLE B Map-co walk-hut lit ft. Light In. 2000 IQ. ft 420 on. ft DRONTE- 2 bedroom con do, Ink. new. parking, utit nos. 010ml“. nun]. pool etc. 8950. wan-3204 tt “Groom plus on Tho bathrooms. pool. slum. $970 monthly Padang and ulilmos inelu0od, Ava-look March t, 1994. 276-1200 gig-GIT; OAKS. BM! L119. Sui/MONTH. Shoo condo. Top tioor. u burning “replica. I kitchon. 2 baths. 5 Ell-nan. " Dal. m kitchen. 2 bum, s I plhncu. I". Dllo Am: Countrywtdo Town con Rocky Inc. 338-6550 pantry, “pirate laundry. ttinittgrttttnt, 5 appliances. 24 hr. security, Incrodiblo roe. comm. parking. Over 1300sqft.; Lakoshoro Lux- ury. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. From $1095 (indudu utili- tiets0Ca9637-1S9o PENYHOUSE LUXURY! Space, View. freedom! Bur Imgton, _Surtrtr, 2 tttttV Enjoy the convenience of downtown liv- ing in quiet, well maintained building with indoor parking, pool and saunas. Walk to shopping, library, theatre and the best restaurants. Glorious all season view of the harbour and East Oakville. Call for appointment 1 842-5518 MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 2 Bedroom Apartment. Available Close to Sheridan College & Oakville Place Quiet path-Ott s_em'Ang_o_r Ptr? call 1 a 2 Bedroom Hartman" Avail-bl. lmmodlaloly Close to Show Coilogo A Oakvule Place OutetFpm-hko setting or Info call Exceptionel one a two bedroom apert- menls. eech wlth balcony overlooking beeutlful Lake Ontario. Perfect tor someone seeklng prime |oce60n at afford. eble price. ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE ll Downtown - $775Imo. - 2-bdrm. apt. 2 appls., laundry facilities available. North - From $925/mo. - 2&3-bdrm. newly renovated townhouses, 5 appls. North - $1010lmo. - 4-bdrrn. T/H. 4 appls. Burllnqjton C. $1 ,200/mo. - 3-bdrm., 2- storey, appliances. Short term. Queen's Point - S1400/rno. - SPP- cious 3-bdrm., 2% baths, T/H. Family room, 5 appls. Glen Abbey - $2,000/mo. - Exec. 4- bdrm., 2-storey, approx. 3,400 sq. ft. TENANTS - WE CAN FIND YOU A HOME! REGISTER NOW - NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH SERVICE. OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE GN nouns tot mm Luxury 2 t 3 bedroom Garden Homes 5 appliances Broadloom Balconies or patios Security entrance Recreational area v S220 More Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! . l-Bdrm. (1100 sqft.) me $83K . 2-Bdnn. (1425 sq It.) From $965 ‘ Big 20'x2tf andInJm 'A/C 'Fradge. Stove Dishwasher "Heated Outdoor Pool “Sauna 'Recroom "Indoor/Outdoor Purim; Cull For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME 2 bodroom (don - 1830 sq." 3 bodroom . 1575 sq.” 'yqwtttuptaMttrmrNterrt-FttrNrttNevtlt' “mam-tum: mam.ammrmc Include. the we ot a iabuioua rocraation compiax, all militia. ca- bin. 5 app. underground parking. Availabia immodiamiy In Oakvllla from $905 per month WALLACE PINES ll 847-5043 MGMT. OFFICE OAKVILLE COURT BEAVER l SIR RICHARD TOWERS 1260 Marlborough Court 36 East St. Bronte THE CANADIANA Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-Tbe-Uke 84457332 827-91 ss um‘ 845-7545 338-1130 TRAFALGAR mommy mum siirttFit " my ilgrim's 'ag GLEN Abboy ““7 mm Moan. Mocha. ”m up aim. cu 270-0238 81315 t month 4 bedroom hunt Animal. Decombor 15. Comm. “mama DISO- ment Call 827-6133 LANDLORDSI We can m g'd/ vacancy mm ttuall- tSy/ff/ltd lemma Mam. Lu om. Pegg! Consultants Inc Wet ween in m Oakvnlo propomom 8429383 THREE bedvoom backs on downtown IE SPECIALIIE m Con. dour-um sun A W Una. Dav-u Ron! Bum. Lu. Flo-nor, 333430. ter-rm 2'ttt Von cal blinds Storage rooms On-slte management Parklng Ind ed TWO bedroom semi-de- tanned, 2 W, tttoo, plus hydro. Avail-bl. tm. modmoly, East of Dom! 845-2012. " houn- Ia m H Walk to sup 822-1 551 LookirGth that unique glft tor that "HARD To B F07R' son, son-in-law, parents. gl',') about a a cttrtmcattt tram Amity Clan Can. 0 can In“. Inybody's car look Ink. now. giving your car I complete donning inside and out. Ask About Our Christmas Special by tMlh'tl"' It I II -1M18p-' M., In! t FREE . RANGE ALL NATURALLY RAISED . - Taste the difference ORDER NOW . For best selection ot Chnstmas Tumeys. Canons. Ducks and Hams. GOURMET ITEMS Crown Roasts of Pork or Lamb - Boneless Comsn Hens stuffed with wild nee -Perogles . Lasagna SEAFOOD SELECTIONS Lobster Meat, Crab Meat -Shnmp "Scallops -Smoked Salmon and more DOUG AULD & SONS BUTCHERS 1109 Gunmen Rd., Mississauga Tlefrf: as TURKEYS AND CAPONS k s Th bl AF Piano 'rua,,. Would Illa to “and a I-TUZLY CLEAN, _a-r Joe and Cindy were happy as two turtle doves . . . that is, until the triplets arrived. Needing a larger house, they placed an ad for their cute, but tiny, bungalow and sold it the very next day. Um The Second Day Of Christmas Selling your dwelling? Don't for classifieds. Call 845-2809 today for results! I'll-NOTE MUSIC CENTRE Full "no at romblo keyboards. electronic p anon, gun-n. amps, and all music accomrho o'"'"'?,',',',;',','.':.?.',',".',?',',';,,',',:',,,',','"""' Sun Dee. 5,12,1 Noon- 59m Lessons availUlkfor WWW Toot Ono Stop Musk: Contra 'hsnkYou 7ar your Tam: e To have your piano lung tor the holiday. call am We also do 'tr" 825-374 gag); viz 4ryrorMusrc 'lap, Moliddy Season To A? Our Customers. ter-o_o-tl Ammmawuioerooro mwmvm 131 Ken St. the', 8454751 Page A Young Drivers of Canada Gift Certificate! , Young Drivers of Canada D Your licence to survive. (905) 845-7200 95 as; REAL ESTATE 100-165 Tai: 1lfl0NWiT 400-455 mm RENTALS 170-196 at!!! lif1l)WhNTfy) 500-570 mg LEISURE LIVING 200-265 'Er-=lihNN0ljNcliNEh"E 600-696 “MERCHANDISE 300.385 I13-SERVICFAS MON W DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon, 4 I by the ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS I: SAT.8a CLOSEDSUNJsM. 3F ll Openloxlngouy 0000!an Junction MI. Rd. (Hwy 2) and 8mm. Rd (PM/25) 025-0004 BRONTE ANTIQUE MARKET ANTIQUES FOR CHRISTMAS Shop at the area's best antique market. Free admnsston Free partung. Every Sun- day 10 mm. - 5 pm. m With everyone in town over the holidays, update your family album with generation memories. an your own home.) Available during the holiday.. English Hiding Lessons For All Ages Give a gift of Christmas Camp or Ridln? Lessons 3 Indoor R ding Arenas Gift certificates available 3445 0mm w. “my. 55) (Walnut: In! ttt 'g" , Olhlllo. uu 42 827-4678 ENGLISH RIDING SCHOOL 1H5.t)tittd"lrdlhtt.1) Ovumlom Camp Damian! (1 night) Opium” (fit a.ni.a pm.) Fn'dayi CHRISTMAS CAMPS Call 33truum mt it ue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Su BL 'l mm Annual. Pu Oat, Pu Wu! E ll m LARGE furnistur0, bed- room EastOakville Gon- llernan preferred Private entrance‘ an. came, Iaun~ dry, very quiet, '45tVrnonth, all Inclusive. 844-21 11 NEWLY furnished and decorated room In execu- tive home. Many extras all Inclusive Responsible Indi- vndual need only apply. 338-5956. FURNISHED room avail- eble ummediately, Kitchen vacuums. protessnonal gen- lleman preferred, $75 wmsklr844-9315 COMFORTABLE lumlshod room, central Oakvme, two large walk In closets, shared bathroom and kllch- an. separate entrance. TV, parking. Ladies frowned. 592. weekly. Call Heaths: WNW. CLOSE to Sheridan and Gamma Place. shun kitch- en and bath faeilltitts with one other, $350. monthly. 865-639t. PROFESSIONAL with 2 children Iookmg for home In quiet neighborhood. with havdwood Mors and/or co- mma: 844-9264, AVAILABLE Immediately with some own? facilities. turnlahod or un umishod. Winston Churehilt you. $385. monthly, Call 844-2131 TOWNHOUSE. 2021 Sixth Lino. 3 bedrooms. Avail- able Dumbo: m. 5 - 83m ' on Mung, t 1n moans. Call Las- 845- 8624. KC. McCall. P M. THREE bodvoomt. 24/2 bum. Downtown. $1700. "' month, Call Beverly Rankin 544-2950. 827- 883 Raw F. McConde I Mace. Lid. m. 1-1/2 but". no- room. gar-go, ' applianc- u. lrnhly painted. 3995! 333-5387. Active Man- moi to: nuance. mime. THREE bodtoom. gangs. s now-mu. 1-1/2 mm. In. Stock SI. and leuhoro. Available Immodluoly $1025. month plat mum“. 24tF4t296 HEAL VALUE! Carpet“ 3 EXECUTIVE! FIESHLY palm-d 1630 all. 3 bod- rooms. 1-1/2 balm. cu- potod throughout. lamlly< room wmroplaco. doublo unmet. loncod yard, lull Mun-om. 31150. N090“- Iblo 333-5337. Acllvu MARE TRACKS! To Ell! oativlllt Spacious 3 bad- room Iownhomu wllh gl- uon. Safe ','.t,rttrltf,': untenable an _ Call San. dru 525-6101, ”glow-”L IICIISION RELIEF. 2 bedroom Iownhomu from 3900. Gm! 000! ohm. uh "lqWtrourttoott, Ian! tor Gat"" Call Sandra North '2)Wlts'g,"gg,t,t pond. cameo. I 9 m:- u. Mad yum. = out to out. titutttqtt humor". 2 Damn, $1050 AVIiIIbIO January t, Wk. 825-0012 m a pm Tull! bodvoom lawn- houu. all wit-neon. con- an m, tt . cue-na- “7m "I"!!! Tull! and iour bodvoom lownhouuu. available Im- mediately. ngodllo Mall at... 29936 THREE BEDROOM Dom LANDLORDSI W0 cln "ll you! vacancy with quan- Iodlscvunod Ion-nu. Maul. Leat Home Mark-ME Conwnunu Inc w. - In In Oukvmo pvopbrtlon 042-0333 BRONTE. 3-mroom town- house, 1-1f2 burnt. Stt lhe Ing/ dining room and Itch- on. Roe loom. pllvlto patio. 4 appliances. $920, plus utllltltts, 827-1865, BRONTE- tour bedroom. garage. private lonood yard with dock, now kitchon. 5 'pt,",',,",',';.'.:, $1150. 847- or 84W3814. FOUR BEDROOM town house. Ens! 'l/gale,',', Fully carom-d. 2 app Inc on, large Voncod Km}, walk out to dock, "rm " buo- mom, 2 buthroomn. unil- ublo Immodllloly 3910, Mike 825-0012 aim 6 pm Townhouse 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Avail- able immediately. 5 appliances, a/c, gas heating, 1-1/2 bathrooms. $1100/ month. W ll) GLEN ABBEY $1,350. 3 bed- rooms, 2 1/2 baths, main floor family room, tIre- Elace. green- ouse kltc on, 5 appllances. single garage. lliana Gonln, As- sociate Broker, ReMax Abou- towne, 338-9000. dia l/2 bathrooms, indoor poc facilities. indoor parking ment, some fireplaces. transportation. From $850 “manhunt . townhouou lownhouou - trarmnt iotnm Call Lisa 84566248.!“ K.C. Me all For Appt. to View Call: 639-0950 Brant Stmve. Burlington Now Available From $850. . 4 Weeks Rent Free . when: um BEDROOI. Sheridan Collogo hm. "rte. mun- onoma Immune. 31070. 336-1316 tlf dr O afortable living in our spacious 3 I. townhouses, available imme. Ir features include 4 appliances, b 'ms, indoor pool, sauna & shower indoor parking, on-site manage- ne fireplaces. Near shopping & lion. From $850.e utilities. estminster Place -----.-""'-'= WASHER and dryer. ll mood. good condition $309 pair 862-0876 Single boxspring, mattress. headboard, $3tr. Grey N: 9'x12', $40, Bet? rug - 1/2'xtV1/2', $20, oth with paddmg Collector Ct Snow ueen'. $20. tut!- ent desk and chair, $26 338-0888 evanings/ was» hands VIKING range (2 years old self-cleaning oven). $500 (BVEIIEDIO December 20th) 82S-2790, TWIN bed/ trundle and headboard bookcase. do“. dresser, chest of drawms white, quartz lights, EXECUTIVE double-pedes- tal socmarial desks. Cro- donzas. Chairs. Computer tables. Fireproof file cabi- net Call to view. 832-5470 SKI Machine, Venture, ox. comm! Condition, used a tow “runs, 580. Please call 875- 3425, MUST SELL! Brass lamp cost $1500. tlt $250 Boots t skis $16 ' Am/ttr CD 5135. BZHSSB IDEAL first computer. IBM PS1 colour monitor. {printer plus educational so mars and games, 5900. or best otttm Call 825-6606. FRIDGE. stove, washdr a or. excellem condilidn 'atilllglll"'3'a1f?a"llj . FAXES, COPIERS, com- pulevs for home or office. New and twossassed. Buy or lease. Call 3428259 FOR SALE roconditionod single door glass front cook or: Halt price of new 827-7747. . LOOKING for mum. wan to find tttated accomodu- "one In Oukvlllo. Cull Puul 844-6019 BLUE JAYS . 11:39 urn/0am 23. more at great If,',?, that night in Hog- town iltt Mics Bum bond dtsprss"dl hon mighty Joe strode 'fotl'gett And yanked on... to W 236-4077 (Hand-signed CARPETS, I have sovoml 1.000': yards new Stain. mulor & 100% Nylon Car- pol. Wm do livnvoom and hall for $360. Inc udu our pot, pad & installation. (30 "yls). Stove (905) 639- DRAFTING TABLE. glo- (ass-anal Includes an ing mae1irytr_hyt1raurieAttyy1d FURM8HED two bedroom apartment bald. Sheridan College to than with Mutt. ont or working perm, mu. prororrod, Immodlntoly. 845-5602. HOUSE to shun. Mnluro person. Uu of all locum“. pool, "urut, $450. Inclu- 0M, 33845315. 847-2020. LAME bodvoom with Mt-ow ill. derlightful uhuod homo In Bionic. all convonloncu. Non-nmokin “man. 3425.. 'Alta, SNAIED ACCOIIO- DATION. Gum coun ut- ting in Burlington. Laundry 5 kitchen pnvilogu. Clo" lo public trnttgit. ”SO/Mo. Cull Tom or Dennis. 335- tilt tstio. . Cost $4,000 842-6383. PRIVATE Decanting room, sop-mo entrance. “chm bathroom, lull! furnithed, No 'rstinu,', 50/ month 8454502. vommago ROOM tor ram. shunt! noun, close to Sharla-n Collogo $325. Avalllblt Immediately. 845-2262 or 84tF8180or338-1602. ROOM In In luxury town- house. 'Ire/tcle,,',',, bath room, livinaroom with cubic Non‘smokov. $495, Inclu- sivo. 333-5249 KNIGHTS 0F Columbus Hall lvm’lnbh tar Win ' Innlvovunos. Fame: 0%. Call for more nformatlpn 327-1554 and 3pm NAPLES, FLORIDA- _ 2 bedroom condo ov.riootting lagoon In lonnlu you". Close to buck. AvalllbIo Chnumu and Jam-Ix. 849-0701 BEAVER uniform, 3le th $to Sci-fi magazines. (Aal- mov, FaSF, Analog}. tS can worth. 200. 333-0555 ovonings/ wu- km Timur.) TRAFALOARIMeCnMy area. 3 room. In bungalow, Utlllllu and laundva Mem- uoo Includod. $325. or mu- m bedroom. $300. for "we other; Non amour. 842-9031 b ORLANDO VILLA for rant. 30 rqu from Ohm, in- i',)fttg.xi) Innis. P. IVII . from 5300. U. . I not. Call am 876-1175 BILLIARD Table: dlloct from manulncluvor. But tual In lawn. Blake's Billiard Supply. 1229 Advaneo Rd. 91"-- 7, Burlington VENICE Inland, unique vu- II. one bedroom. boat dock- mg ttt back door, acron from Gull ouch. Non- "noun. Juno-rs 15m to Apnl 15th. $15 o U.S.l month “mum "ha-ttrs "arses-

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