fg D rpm 18 ELEGANCE a PRESHGE BARBARA DoMAJizb guided. ex de Over 15 years of combined real estate experience. Have recently joined sutton group - people 8: properties inc. POWERFUL EXPOSURE TO OVER 23,550 MEMBERS 247 North Service Rd. #300, Oakville, Ontario A proud Canadian company! Canada's fastest growing and second largest real estate system. Members of the Oakville/Mi ton & District and Toronto Real Estate Boards. RV 'tht't' Walter and Barbara invite all their clients and friends to call them at their new location... Kits» " 339-35» " MiWilNi' " iii 'MBililM . - ' ~35._ " ' MI t ?\\\§ Bus. 844-5000 or Res. 827-6286 N (c,', ips,; ;.\.. "gm-x Cii's'rTdr,iPe,'4s:'Cs'si'iic,iv: G. WALTER DeMARZO BARBARA DeMARZO Sales Representative Sales Representative 'iii) Tr, tt _ ' i, ' § " N t'i?'t?it't't5tii?iitii' N\\\\\\\WQ Q UNIQUE CUSTOM-BOM e WALYER DOMARZO 'ttttQt Fi"itTsttNtR; , s%' [2! An award winning husband and wife team, consistently multi-million dollar producers. 844 BARBARA DOMARZO sutton group - people & properties inc. AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER LAKEFRONY PENTHOUSE DOMARZO a} GLEN ABBEY Ishedt Service you can trust 48 hours a day... WALTER W, mm; BUYER'. $105,900 all BARBARA DOMARZO ati baths, llvln'g tobm with appliances, Great Glen an Case to all amenities. ed. Priced to sell, For