luter-denoiminaa'onal Prayer Energy, 7 pm, Maplegrove United Church. A 45- minute liturgy of hymn singing, readings, silence and lots of prayer the night before federal election. Sponsored by St. Cuthbert’s and Maplegrove Churches for all Oakville churches with the backing of the Oakville Ministerial Association. Jade Garden, 5558 Trafalgar Rd., holds Pumpkin-carving Contest, Hatdog Sale with proceeds to Sick Children’s Hospital. 10:30 am. Information: 878-3989. New to Nostalgia Sale, Munn’s United Church (comer of Hwy 5 and Sixth Line), 10 am. to 2 pm. Christmas decorations and crafts, baked goods, knitting, old glass and china, new and old items from cloth- ing to fumiture, lunch. ‘ Bud-Oak theatre Group holds audi- dons for The Glass Menagerie, l to 4 pm. (and Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 25111 and 26th, 8 to 10 pm.) at The Studio, Wallace Rd Information: 338-8259 or 615-8837. the music of dj. Information: Joan, 849- 6747. Book Sale, 9 am. to 6 pm, Trafalgar Vlllage Mall, sponsored by Front Row Centre, the volunteer arm of the Oakville Centre. Donations of good paperback books is appreciated. For pick-up, call: 844-9318. Music for Disamament Week, featur- ing Steve Hall with positive lyrics in a roots leggae sound. Oakville Community Centre for peace, ecology and human rights, 148 Kerr St Info: 849-5501. Third annual Open Studio Sale, 10 am. and 5 pm. (tomon'ow, same hours) at 1472 Constance Dr. hosted by weavers Christel Wflle and Marie Payne. UPDATE HOWARD J OHNSONS HOTEL 590 Argus Road, Oakville (Trafalgar Rd., south of QEW) (Continued from page 8) Victorian Order of Nurses Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 to 9:30 am, 2370 Speers Rd. Cost, $5. Reservations: 847-9559. The Entertainers, Oakville’s barber- shoppers, meet at 7:45 p.m., St. Volodymyr’s Cultural Centre, Hwy. 5 and Fourth Line. Fall Orienteering at Bronte Creek Provincial Park, 11 am. to 2 pm. Hallowe’en String course for 2 to 8 years olds. $1. Voucher with park entry fee for pumpkin carving at the Vlsitor Centre. Oakville Trafalgar Toashnaslers meet Mondays, 7:15 pm, Oakville Central Library. Infonnalion: Domen, 639-5117. living with Cancer meeting, 7 pm, at Cancer Society office, 51-635 Fourth Line. Group will help provide emotional support and practical guidance to patients, family and friends. A guest speaker, video or other activity may be planned for the evening. No charge. Information: 845- 5231. Mountsberg Conservation Area’s annual Great Pumpkin Carving contest. Judging at 3 pm. Pumpkin included in gate admission. Bring carving tools and imagination. Located on Milborough Line, ï¬ve km west of Campbellville. Mohawk Gardens Public School cele- brates its 25th Anniversary. Past and pm- sent students, staï¬ and fï¬ends invited 2 to 4 pm. 5280 Spruce St, Burlington Halton Peel Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at the Chinguacousy Branch Library, lower level, 150 Central Park Dr. 2 pm. Visitors welcome. Genealogical Workshop meet- ing with information tables, booksellers, archival materials for sale. Oakville Christian Women ’s Club 312.50. Fall Fair Craft and Bake Sale, A Little Bit of Country with Michele Stewart, A Tune for Harvest, Ruth Ross, Oakville lawyer and mother of five. Reservations: 849-0281, 338-9917 or 844- Second Annual Finana'al Imlitutions of 0akv111e 80an for United “by, 7 pm, Hopedale Lanes. $25 per team of four. Ladies Neighborhood Coï¬'ee Hour, Calvary Baptist Church, 1215 Lakeshore Rd W. 9:30 to 11:30 am. Chris Proctor’s stuffed animals will win your heart. All ladies welcome. Nursery provided. The Oakville Stamp Club meets, 7 p.m., Pine Room, Oakville Arena, Rebecca Street. Special Auction Night. Fall Fair Luncheon, 1' to 3 p.m., Le Dome, 1173 North Service Rd. Tickets, AMHERST/w; 53% £4 For One-Stop S’rep in’ro (See 'Update' page 12) Conï¬rm Your Attendance 760-4372 1 -800-263-4773 2035 Upper Middle Road E. (Ford Dr./QEW 8:403) Oakville Serving Burlington, Milton, Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke We invite families considering private education to tour Our newly expanded facilities. Saturday, October 23 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Fovd DrTve Odtvillo Full size gymnasium Science Lab, French, Music Rooms Junior/ Senior Kindergarten Wing Progressive instruction including economic studies Before and After School Supervision Fa" registrations belugaccepted 'UPW ““0 CMdil OPEN HOUSE 403 Mlsslssluga For further information call: 338-6236