tones. FREE CALL! IT‘S FUN PROMPTED wC the directory below. SHOPPING MALLS â€" _ (Oakville: Place ... ... .mm Trafalgar Village................................ â€" WINE LINE â€" by Alex Eberspaecher................. FRAMING â€" Concept Galleries............................6231 â€" LANDSCAPING â€" 5430 â€" FREE LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE â€" KING TEIECONY,:... 221202002 0e 12 6237 â€" POOLS â€" Pioneer Family POOIS................:...... 6271 â€" RESTAURANTS â€" Robert‘s Figh 6100 Buonasera Ristorante......................... 6101 Chaps:: sls is ........ 6104 â€" TRAVEL â€" Bruce HOOG TraVel............................ 5016 Grace Lutheran...... Oakville Resurrection. Salvation AIMy....................... St. Cuthberts â€" Liberal Catholic........ 5074 SC PBULS . .. ESEA ..... 8069 Welton : 5073 â€" COMMUNITY NONâ€"PROFIT â€" Big Brothers of Halton...................... 5269 Canadian Cancer Society.... Child .ls uin 5560 Childcare Springbank Child Services........... 5364 Distit 85 LIRG.... 22 flce 5357 Fairshare Food Bank.......................... 5296 Glen Abbey Residents Association..5414 Halton Helping Handls...................... 5309 Haltonâ€"Hills Legal Clinic.................... 5558 H.E.LP. â€" Home Emerg. Lifeline Prog 5500 HUM@ME 122. .000 5184 Information O@kVvillg......................... 5329 MADD â€" (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) ..................................................... 6233 Oakville Block Parent.. ... 5356 Oakville Masons.................. ... 5397 Oakville Barbershop Chorus............. 5404 Oak. Chamber of Commerce............ 54297 Oakville Kiwanis Meals On Wheels.. 5349 Oakville Literacy Council.................. 5328 Oakville Volunteer Centre........ ..... 5398 Parent Resources, Oak. Parent Child Centre.............. 5334 RQ : eSA s Rotary Club of Oakville West.... Salvation Army.................... Donations/Pickâ€"Ups......... St. John Ambulance â€" Oakville Sweet Adelines â€" Trillium Chorus..... â€" EDITORIAL â€" Question of the Week....................... SDEAK YOUF MIAG.......... .ccscc Update Happenings in Oakville......... m Leave Update information........... WEEKIY POll:.:2,:2.22 1200500211212 â€" ENTERTAINMENT â€" Roger Eberts MOVIE un Video review.................. Top 10 Weekly Movies......... Top 10 Weekly Video Rentals........... Top 10 Weekly Cassette Singles â€" LIVE THEATRE/ENTERTAINMENT â€" Concert/Event Hotline..................... 5105 Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts..... Oakville Symphony Orchestra.......... 5410 ne call can c?cnge your life... it just h be The right coll. Sincerity Plus If you‘re not famillar with this The Distinctive w e Introduction Service 855â€"0050 Mississauga â€"OAKVILLE NIGHT LIFE â€" e n o 6104 â€" HALTON SPECIAL EVENTS â€" HaltO 5587 PEALTEE FACV .. .. 2s 5:002 c 022.( + 9@ â€" HOROSCOPES â€"â€" By Pat O‘Keefe If today is your birthday................... 5020 Nes se nsc Taurus.... Gemini.. Cancer... â€" INFOSOURCE â€" Phone Alone Directory................. Advertising Information....... Demographic Survey... Infosource Inquiries.... Suggestion Box................ Suggestion Box Answer Line............ â€" JUST FOR FUN â€" JOKE Of The in ces aveseists Quote Of The Day... TMVIE 120000 â€" LIBRARIES â€" GIN ADORY Oakville Public Library. White Oaks Library........... Woodside Branch Library................. â€" LOTTERIES â€" Happy Birthday Maria Love forever Manuel Lottario... Provincial.... â€" OAKVILLE BEAVER â€" Publishing Distributing.................. Classified advertising rates... Circulation Office Hours....... Flyer Distribution.......... HOMe 5035 Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tounament 5038 Community Policing Iroquois Ridge Area..................... 5270 Maple Grove/Clearview Areas Crime Stoppers â€" Crime of the Week.... Chileh Findl.2..:: s es n â€" RECIPES â€" 0 io in Main Course.... DesS@rts. n sn ce â€" RECREATION â€" Oakville Yacht Squadron.................. â€" SCHOOLS â€" Halton Board of Education............... Oakville Christian School.................. â€" SENIORS â€" H.E.L.P. Seniors Information Line................... â€" SPORTS â€" Daily .1l DBHY, TTIVIG :.: Minor Baseball Team Standings. MIRIOF Scoreboard â€" Minor Soccer............. Toronto Blue Jays 1993 Schedule.... KIMBERLEY SUSAN ADLIFF After four long years, Ruth Len Miller are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter, Kimberley, from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, (honours standingg. Kimberiey received the Manuel and Anne Belle Pusitz Incourse Scholarship in both second and third year, and.completed the last 3 years‘ of the prggram as one of the top ten students. She recently received the M. Jean Wilson Award for achievâ€" ing the highest academic standing in the 1993 graduatâ€" ing class. Kimberley is an Ontario scholar and a former student of Thomas A. Blakelock High School. â€" TEENLINE â€" Distfess Entertainment Poll Sports Poll........... Lifestyle Poll YOU ALWAYS HIT _ THE MARK WITH THE CLASSIFIEDS Phone: 845â€"2809 Fax: 845â€"3085 Ads to be prepaid â€" we accept: "* Visa, MasterCard, Cheque or. Cash :: > DIRECTORY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Nonâ€"Drug, Holistic Treatment of Diseases, Chronic Pain, Stress, Weight Control, Stop Smoking, Post Accident Injuries. Anna Blaszczyk, N.D. Licenced Naturopath, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Acupuncture _ Nutritional Herbal Medicine Massag: Detoxyfication Therapies Extended Insurance Coverage Call 949â€"9958â€" WINDOW FASHIONS -Vglanoes »Drapes "Blinds «Soft furnishings «Designer Fabrics. Tanya 849â€"4949 10 77. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1993 Bring in a picture of the graduate along with the wording of the announcement to our offices. The cost of placing these announcements is only $40. Prepayment is required. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 467 SPEERS RD. OAKVILLE, ONT. L6K 3S4 Please call 845â€"2809 BUSINESS DIRECTORY COMPLETE WINDOW CLEANING BEST BUILT Interior/Exterior Top quality installaâ€" Siding tions, renovations and additions. Baseâ€" Eavestroughs ments, bathrooms, Summer kitchens, decks. Dryâ€" Special wall, trim, glass l}gl(t;"rmf(rsée estimate call 849â€"9707 John: 338â€"7292 ABSOLUTE APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges stoves. Also dishâ€" Central Air Conditioning Supplied washer installations. Installed SERVICE CALL from ;1 995 , | $1399 complete Call Dave 844â€"8367 or pager r l2 1» 879â€"8802) ; » (25 yrs. Exp.) BB3322â€"0213 €661 ‘g; Ainp ‘Aepungs ‘puayaay 10n2e0g â€" Sz Â¥