‘Sduwumo TheRealEstatePtofisinalsat f2ggttt1Stlf/st'lis1ttly" are towelakneBobMunmtoour locum 2le,iEtg,1t2iggegi','ii, Mlssisaugam . tgt,hietit1, to 'fhkvillemanbenhip, can I/lf/Ill?,'")),',','?)',';',',',,',"],'?,'?,")')',",,",') 24,0auRealEstakPtofissiuulsantitheir buytmrCallBobMunmathisnewloattkm ftxmsistauxwithallyourRealEaae BOB MUNRO* AsakmgermIrsitktpofOi*villewih Em. iskxAiag aw to mm} ftiaMsaryitilitmtti.ythisnew Oakyille, Milton and District Real Estate Board........................ 560+ Members and their Buyers LNssisisituga, Real Estate Board.-....-.---,'),")-' Members and thetr Buyers Toronto Real Estate Board..---.-.---.","" Members and their Buyers u w“ I '2'/.w.c.'rr".C?.' Tx1iiiii', 3182.900. Mulurt. wooded grccnbcll $317,000. All the cums Fantastic kuchen v . 538nm 'ttite, Upgrades and apphmacs Just mun: In' with skylights Just move m 66ffMeadirivlane, Birllngton DAVID S. MUGFORD. CAROLE ELDER-PYLYPIA K' Bob Munro native MAXIMUh4 MLS EXPOSURE IN ORKS . . DAVID S. Mt GTORD* members) H BOB Ml NRO' fl I1rvEOri7e, Mrltbii David s Mugf0rd* olmmediate exposure to over 25,000 potential purchasers q Weekly advertising . Brochure box sign TTIE , BlFFEllitlt9lMti YOU'LL BE SOLO ON THE 1 RELIABILITY TEN g: fr, ' ' lo