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Oakville Beaver, 16 Apr 1993, p. 29

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BURLINGTON. STYLISH 3-bedroom iownhome eon- do. corner unit. A plethota o! extras and upgrades. Sale: 5179.000. Rom: $1.275. 523-4944 EXECUTIVE! HUGE 22.0 quL. 3 bedrooms. 5 ugh pléences. CIA. garage. tire- plece. linlshed rec.room, fenced yard. carpeted throughout. many oxlras. 31300. 333-5506. Active Management FURNISHED room [or vent. $300. month. Glen Abbey area. close to buses gng Plaza. Ask tor Velma LARGE 3 bedroom town- house, 1 1/2 baths, eat-in kitchen. finished basement garage, near lake. $1100. 825â€"2027. S__IX'[H uugla _Upper‘Mid4 dla. Large 3 bedroom town- house, 1-1/2 balhs, 4 ap- pliances. llnished base- ment. $995. plus utilities. available June lat. David 461-4680, THREEbedroom town- house. 2 store . family room, t 1/2 hat a. 4 ap- pliances. air 5900/ month plus utilities. Available May 15L. close to Go, Buttii'igtony THREE bedroom town; houses, 5 appliances, aIr conditioningIy garage: From $1090 lue dm Available immediately. K..C McCall 338-7452 LANDLORDS! We can fill {our vacancy with quali- led/screened tenants. Maple Leaf Home MaMeling Consultants Inc We special- ize in Oakville properties RWER Oaks 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. 4 appliances. air, arage. Available June 13!. 1100. 829-2554. THREE bedrooms, 5 ap- pliances. central air, close to GO and Oakville Place. May 15!. $1250. Frank 338-7059 HWY SIOEW. quiet luxury condo. backing ravine. 2 bodvooms. plus on suites. eat-in kitchen. skyiil in". gas fireplace. CIA. garage. 5 appliances. venetians. $1.300Imo.. May. 632-6023 CHURCH MINISTER rev quires 3/4 bedroom house. 1.5 bathrooms. flnlehed basement Possible option in buy. 388-8245. CLEAN furnished room, near Oakville Place. Sheri- dan College on bus route. Laundry kitchen lacilities. Non-smoker. 5325. Ken. 842â€"0789. CLARKSON- Room for rent. near G0 Slation. Pool. air. etc Very Reason- able.822-9403 after 6 pm. CLEAN furnished room. Own fridge, cable. near Sheridan. On bus route. share kilchen. bath, and laundry. $325/month. 849â€"8762 CLOSE lo Oakville Place. one room. share all lacili- lies. Parking. ”SO/month. inclusive. May lsl. 5074762. COZY furnished bedroom. East Oakville. Gentleman pmlened. Private entrance, air. cable, use of I. All utilities paid. Avai able im- mediately. SAOO/momh. 844-21 11. EXECUTIVE home with new furnished mom. many extras included. outdoor pool etc. College Park area. BRIGHT {urnished base- ment room. Separate en- trance. use of kitchen. share bathroom. $95 week. Non- smoker. Phone 338â€"9088. townhouses for rent From $875. + utilities FEATURING. *Firep lace *Fam. rm. *5 appliances *1- 1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GOI403/QEW H 143381118 Office, I Unit 541 EAC [IVEE Pall 121-1'1nr. Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 a: 4 bedroom townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities. indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000. 81 up + utilities. Mmomsbuem (Comer of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Begrpoms â€"u‘u clan-x |loâ€" 6 WEEKS RENT FREE [CT ORIAN TOWNHO ME " " Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Wéstminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. WING“ Uni? 541 Call 333-1706 SPACIOUS condo avail- able immediately to share with responsible working fe- male or student. Close to Go and all amenities. Call 338â€"0596 alter 6 pm. CLEAN furnished room in Glen Abbey. Long/short term.’0n bus route. Non- smoker. 5300/ month. 825-4263 FURNISHED room tor rent with kitchen facilities. sepa- rale entrance. near Sheri- dan. 842-0272 after 5pm. SINGLE male has lalge townhouse to share in Glen [save "19785396” 7 I FURNISHED room. Third Line/Glen Abbey ‘area. Parking. laundry. kllchen tacilifies. $375/month. B47- B235 Abbe. all inclusive, $400 month, 844â€"8619. GLEN ABBEY. VP‘riyata 'aM'I'a'ufid’.’ Firkin . $375. sass/men .547â€"7 5 RIVER OAKS- close lo Sheridan Collpge. Large basemenlfumi ed room. Fireplace. 395 weekly. 849â€"6557 5635 H home. Nod-woken 622-0211 ask tor Michelle. 849-6952. SHARE 3 bedroom house. great location. nice rope!- ty, lull run of ouse. 847-8194. rooms and shared kitchen ROOM lor rgnl. 82‘69‘ ROOMS, one at $400 and one at $350. Kitchen. Hy.- ingroom and laundry lacull- lies. parking. close to Sher- idan College. available May ISL. call Patti, 842-8958. MATURE person to share home with owner and 2 cake. Furnished bedroom. denl otfice. bathroom. Share: Iivin room, dining room, kite en. garage space. References. 849â€"0471 evenings! wee- kends - nished se arate entrance. shared fad ities $450. Call 926-7699 (bus) 842â€"4925 (home). SHARE 3 bedroom town- house. Falgarwood 8. BTh Line. Parkin . laundry. $350 her month. ummer sublet. ay 131438â€"5966. SHARE three bedroom home, all inclusive. 61h Linal Riveroaks ama. Non- smoking female preterred. Call evenings 338-8179. SHARED accomodation in two bedroom apartment, close to Sheridan/ GO. 3325/ month. Available im- medalely. Mike 845â€"8327 TRAFALGAR- Upper Mid- dle. larie iumiahed room. use 0! ilchen. bakh and laundry, non-smoker. no parking, bus stop. $75 woekly.844-6423. 1le rooms. Hopedale Mall area. easy access ‘0 Sheridan, bus route. Call collect 416-935-9750. 416- 934-1816. HUGE townhouse north- east Oakville, all facilities, bedroom, own bath No smokers thanks. Room and board $4501month. Mag. 338â€"6031 alter 6pm. 67 - 6777 ex! 2398 9â€"5pm. QN_E b_edroom plus dgn, fur- PROFESSIONAL seeks to share luxurious town- house. Central air, fire- place privaw bath. Parking. Fuse. Inclusive. 333-3320. UPPER MIDDLE/Dorval two large bright furnished rooms on bus route $350/ea. inciuding utilities. Non-smoker 847â€"5040 FURNISHED ROOM tor rent for non-smoker. new home. Share kitchen and bath. 829â€"2072 for rent rooms for rent a wanted KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available lor weddings. anniversaries. parties elc. Call for more Information 827-1854 aflsrapm GOVERNMENT (Cana- dian/U.S.) seized vehicles trom $200. Trucks, vans. lux- ury cars. Free 24 hour in- formation. 4316-6314631. BRAND new spa, neyer in- stalled, complete With no- cessories. 842â€"2239 FRIDGES. slaves. wash- ers, dryers. Excellent con- dition. Delivery available. Call (416) 629-7377 DISNEYWORLD - Rent. dail Iweekly. Good rates. 2 be room/2 bathroom town- house. Pool, air. tennis. 827-4020 ANTIQUE oak dining room set. 4 chairs, Mal table with leaf, 900. Call 338-7201. ATTENTION Landscapers. Tree Planters. For sale 350 pieces tree stakes, 6ft Ion , $2.00 each. For info cal 844â€"6892 FILE CABINETS. ”son“ desks, cvadonzas. chairs. and computer Iablea. Call to View. 632-5470. STOP! LOOK! Fumished room. share kitchen. bath- room. laundrr facilities. Near Oakvi le Place. saw/month. First 8. last re- quired. Non-smoker pre- [madam-3696 cherry. tradltlonal 4 pastor, 6 place. $1570. Now Irom mlhomo. 336-0786. FREE WOOD Pallets. Can be picked up at 1486 Wal- lace Rd BEDROOM OUEENVAnnO cuamss I. MORE" Loam a varloly 0! Indian dishes. One evening or mom- lnglwook. SZOIIesflon In- dudlng Ingredients. To roo- Ismeal 257-3333. New and re assessed orloasa.Ca 842-8259 CARPETS, I have several 1.000's yards new Slain- master a 100% Nylon Car- Will do livin room and all for $360, inc udes car- pet. pad installation. (30 yards). Steve 789 “2063 FAXES, COPIERS. com- ulers for home or office. e_w and_rqpossessed. Buy All sizes for privacy‘ hedges. Picked up and lanted 8. delivered. ree est. Mclsaac Landscap ping. Acton. 1-519-853-27 0 Tl'IE APPLIANCE PLACE INC A pertorming artsday club for girls 6-12 yts. offering a fun filled two weeks of dance, singin , drama. art, car- tooning, craftsnswimmingfiand rfunrnjt a sun. gm hall: a. lodges “EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT" helore April 30, 1993‘ OrThe Re-lue Centre: 1153 Pioneer knell, II-It I1 3mm (41‘) 336-1852 5 Obtain a FIE BALLOT for our Weekly Drowrfor Two Club Seats to see Our 1992 World Series Champions 0 No Purdrase Necessary “mastursale For The Finest In Quallty Wed Appliances, Vlslt Our Showroom At: 5015 Ultimate Drive, Unit fl MISSISSAIIGA (416) 621-7311 CEDAR TREES offer expires Friday, April 30th July 5-July 18 Oakville Christian School 112 Third Line For information registration Barbara Tucker 827â€" 0396 Daphne Cod 849-7053 Natalie Dann s 847-6504 333.31 3M2 <2? #3133. N TM TRADITIONAL SOFA a lovesenl. elegant French eefln. Queen Anne cherry collee 8- end tables. carved mahogany console table. Oak hall tree with mirrored back. bIeached oak d|nelle. 5-pce. New "om model home. 3364788 INFLATABLE rubber boat [or sale. 2 years old. 11 1/2 1591 long. 9.9 hp John- a_on engine. Good condi- uon. $2200/best otter. 345- 1443 Ask tor Martin. Mon. - Fri‘ LAKEFHONT LOTS. Largo frontage. maple. blrch. rock/sand shoreline. 9 lots to choose trom $49,900. 890-4900 THREE BEDROOH lake- 1ronl cottage. $74,900. South-wesier‘n oxposuve. panotamlc vlow. nlcely ueod.507o3107 LAKE HURON sale sandy beach. 2 bedroom cottage. 4 piece bathroom on la 9 10!. $400. per week Call or details 844-6033 "ROLLS’ wheeIchair. Like now. Call 827â€"9257 KING size water bed, ex- cellent condition. $125. 849-5333 aner 6pm. Eark. béautiml, 'sao. 647â€"8041 UFECALL Home unit. Pon- algle transmitter. pendant. Minor Aquatec hydraulic bath lift. All purchased 1992. Best offer. 844â€"1641 NEEDEDI lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days wilh' new herbal nutrition program'. 416- NIKON equipment for sale. 501 camera $700. Nikkor 20mm. 12.8 lens, mint. $525. Nikkor T6200. $150. Nikkor 300 “.5 ED 900. Viyitar 285HV flash. $95. Nikon FM2 camera with MD12. 5700, Nikon F3 camera with MD4 and Nicad batterg. 31200. Call Peter at 84 - SUPER sin la walerbed. ood con Ition. 5100. 42-5946, Lance silk (i9 greetniaAtural dmon withr bench and piano lamp. $600. 544-9054 days. weekends) 844- 165(eva.) eI.ANo..ypsi9ht-. Goqd eon,- PINBALL MACHINES, mechanical, $295. electron- ic $495. Good condition. 416-677-9875. OAK FURNITURE Sale: Wide v-rioty 0! tables a chain and much morn to woo” mm! Ponwod Fur- nfluro 0mm. Oakvlllo Town 00mm II. 240 Noah Service Road _Wost. Oakvlllo (com- or 0! new ‘a. Doml drive). OFFICE FURNITURE. Desk: 310: Chair: 810; Table $10: Files $50: Indus- Mal Shglvlng. Buy/Sol" 416~ [IE vacation pmpemes Cl] articles for sale boats supplies HANDMADE steflin silver jewglleAry 9t_l-_iowa ,. Jo_hn- 's’o'h": Cfafi 'Shbwfsiuhday. 10am- 4pm Jewellery by Renee. WINDSURFER. World Championship board, ex- cellent condition. all acces- sories 5600. 844-9054 (days, weekends) 844- 7165 (we) TELEPHONE device al- lows use of phone. lax or modern on one line. Home/ otfice. 842-8259 WANTED TWO seated bi- cxcle can suitable for small c ildran. 849â€"3281 SEASONED Firewood on SALE thie'week. Order wood {or next year now to avoid coming price in- creases. Speclala on truck- loads and bush cord orders. We are open year round. Canadian Firewood Co. 849â€"6031 WEDDING Photography - 100-115 proofs in album plus negatwqe. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 639â€"6710 W3: 1990 CHEVROLET Ce- lebrity Wagon. 65,000km. V6, 3rd seal, air. amlfm. 37,500. 416-842-1016 1989 PLYMOUTH SUN- DANCE- amlfm cassette. cruise. air, excellent condi- tion asking 54300. Call 627â€"7361 after 5pm. CHEAP! FBI/US Selzed 89 Mercedes $200. 86 VW $50. 87 Mercedes $100. 65 Mustang 350. Choose from thousands starting at $50. FREE Informafion 24 Hour Hotline. Reveals low cost listing 801-379-2935. Cop- yright #ONOIMIO. Provo The first 50 people who purchase will recelve a high quality Ball Pomt Pen. See you there for a lot of fun! Call 845-2017 for further details 0W0 1989 MERCURY Cou ar V6. 69,000 kms, V6. or interipr. lully |oaded,__lm; mawlatb. AUCTION SALE WED. APRIL 21 at AT 6:30 PM. SHARP Location: In the Agricultural Hall on Robert Street, Milton Fairgrounds, Miltona GOOD SALE of Househeld Antique items from a local home. Preview: 4.30 pm. Day of Sale. Usual Terms. Hm] cm for tie Men,Women, Children all ages needed now as TV/Movie extras and Catalogue models. Experience not necessary. Call Now. m weer training ‘ LARGE CRAFT SHOW MOVIES * T.V. MODELLING mislead! lull I. S ,5 COME TO A Howard Johnsons, Oakville SUN., APRIL 18m 10 am. to 4 pm. 897 -2323 Auctioneer: Don Colllng Phone: 878-3185 CANOE wanted. Good con- dition. for immediate pur- chase. 861â€"0368, leave message on moovder. pay for your Classlfied Ad Calls-152809. USE Visa or MasterCard to callont condition, collector: edition. only lady driven. Mainlananca records. $1600. WISH-67. BEST CASH paid for fridg- es, stoves, washers, dryers and air conditioners. Call (416) 629-7377 1991 flRE§!_RD, gold. _ex- A-1S CARS and trucks wanted 85. Dead or alive, highas‘ prices paid. 855- SUBARU engine. 1..aL OHC. excellent condition. $415.1nslallation available. John. days 845-4604. even- ings 825â€"2058 pay for your Claséifibd 7A6; CB" 345-2809. 1984 YAMAHA. SECA 400. red and white only 25 000 kilometres Asking 3500.327-9589. WANTED -_gara_ge space {armai DB'wnt'own'pre- terrad. 844-7576. Please USE Visa or MasterCard to 1983 CHEVROLET MA- LIBU. V6 automatic. power ateorin lbrakea. certified, $650. A ACHE camp trail- er. sleeps six. neads work, 31001294554 leave message. _h Illll ursforsale Llll] career milling COMPUTER Training at Home! Mndowe. WPSJ. Lo- tus. Exoel, Microson Word. DBASE lrainin . One 10 one your home. 9'" suppl computer] software (if n - ed). Affordable prices! Mi- crotech Designs and Serv- ices. 842â€"7833 \WEiI ufi'ifi'iféfifirimiéhifia. \bikas, househo items. ‘ 1 279 Cambridge Drive East Oakvlllo Appliances, furni- ture and lots more. Patio set. gas bbq. Apple computer. light fixtures, x-country skis, baby items much more!!! lion'a'l 2' 'stovies. ' and much, much more. phildrgns cloth”, tumi- tune. Fay pen, crib. sec- tinna 9 sinvnn and 3224 ' Folkway Dr. (Burlington) Ans. Crafts Collect- ibles. limitededilion prinls (Laura Berry. elc.), pine table, china. Executive desk. bar stools, pool table. bed- room tumiture. kitchen table a chain . etc. etc. MOVING SALE Sat. April 17 8:30 am - 2 pm 76 BARRINGHAM DRIVE SALE Sat. Apr 17 9 am. - 1 pm. 1180 Kelsey Ct. Unit 27 Sale Sat. Apr. 17 10am - 12 noon Hopedale Presbyterian Church 156 Third Garage Sale Sat. Ap: ll 17th 9 al_n- -4 pm Sat. Ap ri|17 8am- 1p 1217 Ialilosethorne Rna. Garag SPRING SALE Sat. MM“! 10 am - 4 pm Gara e Sale SU DAY m] cues training Saturday April 17 9 am. 241 1 STOLL DR. Apr. 1 8 9 am 1464 Ambercroft lavas-l cot, etc. Torrmc bargains! Line 1 1/2 block: north 0! Lam Great Idocllon! 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE GARAGE Lane 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Raindate Sunday Dlnlngroom out. tn- bles, ell-In, Ouoboc inblc, pictures, Iron- ‘lng boards, blku, toys...loo much io Thousands 0! $53: worth 0! Gwen Machine electn’c garden cullivators. out of carton. reiurbiehed like new with warren . Salee- rnanfs sample; eny 827- (Rain or Shine) Includes Shop Vac with lea! blower, tie-humidifier, won a wedding gown, much, mob mom] Exercise equip. sofa chair. bikes. electronic toys. kitchen gadgets andmuch much more. > Collectibles. art. novel- ties, “team. etc. RENT OR SELL CLASSIFIED 845-2809 Fax: 845-3085 Cpme to at This One Sat. Apr. 17 8:_-30am 1pm HOUSE CLOSING , Everything Must Go! Sat at..Apr 17 8am-? 255 SNOWDEN RD. Garage Sale Sat. Sun. Apr. 17 18 8:30 am 2385 Wyandotte Dr. 1 452 ' Ivy Court Thomas William Sf. .sm. 691' I7 Drive Sat. April 17 9 am - 3 nm. HUGE Moving Garage Sale 1580- 38 GARAGE SALE Sat. April 17 8 am-1 pm Sun. 12-3 pm 2189 ELMHURST AVE 59%?me i Gelâ€"donflndwlo 7 ndonumtolvy) Lancaster Iii’ir’iéfi‘té'i'éfl! I GARAGE] MOVING SALE Sat. April 17 10 am - 2 pm 395 ' ‘ BARCLAY CRESCENT RU MMAGE Too "Inch lo M!!! SALE ST. JUDE'S CHURCH II M I‘

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