th olyrfgd Avenue Brenda Clark, germ. .EIOJNIIB _ 7 7 £‘-o r-IVI WodOakvm. " ' 1094 Fieldstone 3°“"'° â€Â°â€œâ€˜"°’§°3‘p'f;§; _l-n Akin-u 31 57 Bridge Road K'ifsaric-zaflm osthkVIIIO OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO 5v: I v IUVVUUIV Ullvw RivorOaksVII 24P'M' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 237] Cheverie Street â€'"°“s‘“""'â€â€˜;°;4".§i"ï¬ SouthoaflOakvlllo .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO éM VOIhOIIO Câ€. Laurlce KOSSOWSKI, “ï¬eâ€"fr; .. Oakvlllo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO madam“; ' ' r" n"- OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO ï¬guï¬nucedale Drive Gm °°'°‘°';°.'z‘p'f;:; 499 Colleen â€â€œÂ°'° °°"°°"' mm; SouihoasIOakvlllo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "23"] Rxerson Rd COfOI Murphy HGIGSS Assoc 22:???- .O...‘................ 1127 Glenridge °°'°'V“ ‘°'°“"' â€â€™33:“; GlenAbbey .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 0 Bfonfe Rd_ Monika Blewefl Assoc are“. “I... mlnlllh 24p ï¬gure to visit these $99.1.Nipigon Mbnh'oacï¬u‘o ""‘ ""' """--"' 0.0000000000000000... 1, gSJLInbrook Dr Norma Perms “23:12: Eosf Oakvl' Io ’ ' Beautiful centre hall home, separate dlnlng room, family room overlooking garden and pool. 3484 Bridge Road --I nâ€"In All- ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬eï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ 74-0[sefl mamhapier Cres. 20’X33’ HEATED INGROUND POOL $335,090. U 286361611 golï¬ng home, approxunatc . man exm4bdrÂ¥m,251§§ths,stom£.% family room, main flo_o_r lgundry. “xqa large' master. bdrm. with large 'walkâ€"in closet â€" customized Sec. system, c/v c/a Izrofeasipnany mdswped and interlocked fmnt back'ganden nightscaped. WENDY PEARSON“ 338-3737347-2710 Open OAKVILLETOWN came BRANCH 338-3737 RoyalLaPageRedEmServbeaLfljmkar ROYAL LEPAGE Saturday, April 18, 1993 ' 83% Rep. "' Assoc. Broker Houggs Evelyn McManus. solos nap. 2-4 PM. Doflana Mama, Subs Rep. 2-4 PM. Whole Netwoirk- Ian Danoch. Solos Rop. 2-4 PM. Don Smith. sum up. 2-4 PM. SPONSORED BY sq. ft. Freehold - Elegance abounds! Security, 4 baths, 3 BRs., FR, 2 FPs., CNAC.. double garage. Call SHARON WARREN.'SaIes Rep. 63945111. SAIL AWAY SOONI BRONTE HARBOUR is a hopLSKIVPFA’ER 5 jump away! 2,899 @ Stephens “OI-M" OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 PM. 48 TRADEWIND DR. - $312,500 560 Brant Street 639-5111 24 ans Real Estate “The Right Address" UNIQUE ABBEY % OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY APRIL 1778. 2 - 4 PM. ENNISCLARE For more information and viewing of this and similar properties call: Unique. Large family room Tpronto and Lake Vle'WS 1,703 sq. ft. + balcony Immediate sale $297,000 450 LINDEN GATE NGN $276,500 In Golden Mudows area. 4 bdrm. Glen Orchard home. many feaereg including A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO VIEW THE VARIOUS SUITES AVAILABLE AND TOUR Call IAN WYKES.héated Sela 3295913 [Din Bus ) or_ RUTH CHASTY* Bus. 847-3030 Res. 847-0259 ’ fHIs FABULOUS BUILDING On Hand to Answer Your Questions Are: SYLVIA CROMPTON‘ Bus. 847-3030 ANNA PAFFRATH‘ Bus. 338-2201 MARK HELLMANN‘ Bus. 847-3030 A Condo Specialist $118,000-5265,000 Iï¬es. '- pager/éaphone] Smday 11 1-5 mflwr lb 2511 LdashoreRoad, West OPB‘J HOUSE ' Sales Representatives mm-mï¬mm mmmm “mew nu. an: m £59 â€" Represented by â€" ALEG MURRAY REAL ESTATE CO. LTD., REALTOR Canisle M. 9m Com Tommn °Gorgcous 1 F\ ’â€" Storey I lans I “01 mt: Com ,RIVERWIALKi “"h’“ Fantastic 4 bdrm. famil home on Premium lot, professiona y desronod lagstgne garden walkways veranda, gleaming ceramics. CAO, upgraded oak cabrnets, plus more, walk to schools, shopping. parks. Bath Woodman my: on up!!! $239, 450 Brim Countrywide“ $325,000 DONNA LAVIN Sales Representative OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 RM. Of BY APPOINTMENT 525-2850 BETH WDDDMAI REALTY SPECIALISTS Ilc. Sales Representative 858-4222 . . VFW!“ . ThIS beaunful Ill'lk home IS Ipokmu Iqr a new owner. wmly walk-m condmon. For the qigcnmlnauno buyer. Lomted mar all amenities. SHOWS A TEIPTIE as shown $367,000 ‘COCHREN THOMAS “WEBMQK