‘ CLASSIFIEDS TuE OAKVILLE BEAVER 7'78 ' SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1993 To place an ad please call 845-2809 [or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. “RENTALS MLEISURE LIVING “MERCHANDISE 300-385 mm. SERVICES DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 p.m. for Wednesday issue. Wed. 4 p.m. [or Friday issue. Thurs. 4 p.m. for Sunday issue . ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no ï¬nancial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publication date. PAGE 24 D EVEREALESTATE 100-165 T‘JAUIUMART 170-190 llHELPWANlED 500-570 200-265 E'JANNOUNCEMEIHSGOO'GQG 400-455 700-794 All classified ads must be pre-paid We Accept Cheque or cash III. "“593 '°" â€'9 Ii“ 3015 a. flats for rent IE“ apts. at flats for rent Ii“ apts. ll flats for rent Ina houses for rent Ina houses for rent IEI :l :gmguses I Ea $33.33 rent MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 2 a 3 Bedroom Apartments Available Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. PRIVATE SALE-3 bedroom bungalow. upgraded kitch- en and bathrooms. sun- room. finished basement. mature 60'x125' lot. Re- duced to 3178.500. 1345â€"7189. I “a townhouses for sale RIVER OAKS freehold townhouse. Three bedroom 1500 square fool and unit. backing onto parkland. Fin- ished basement. garage. family neighbourhood and new public school. Asking $167500 338-5116. E giiomcenada FLORIDA. Madeira Beach, 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo. 2 pools. security. gym. across from beach. April on. Call 336-1442 after 6pm. IE5 lots acreage LOT FOR SALE 0108 Oakville Residential 844-01 41 -m: industrial commercial space INDUSTRIAL unit with of- lice space. 1200 sq. ft. Bright and clean. Reason- able. Speers Rd. 338-1549. 847-9405. business opportunities AUTO Service Centers. Be your own boss. Reap re- wards. Proven est. turn-key system. 733-1962. SNACK route for sale. Guaranteed locations/ prot- itability. Investment re- quired. 1â€"800-368-8363 GOVERNMENT rants and loans (Fedora and Ontario). For your new or ex- isting small business (416) 588-8268 ext. 775. II .5 mortgage. loans ______._.._ LOW rate tst and 2nd mort- gages despite income and credit. Call Andrew 849â€"0842 Pace Mortgage Services Inc. 0 apts. flats for rent 0 LOVELY BACHELOR apartment. furnished. $500. "per month includes utilities and parking. 849-4782 LARGE 1 bedroom basement apartment. separate en- trance. lireplace. $600/ month. Available May lst. 849â€"6388 BRIGHT one bedroom. Oakvrlle Place.Large kitch- en. parking, laundry. sepa- rate entrance. Suit female. $550 monthly plus utilities. Available immediately. Call 845â€"6251. ONE bedroom apartment available May 1st. Har- bourview Plaza. corner of Lakeehore and Bronte Road. 825â€"1261. TWO bedroom basement. .West Oakville. separate en- trance. laundry. parking. suitable for one person. $620 inclusive. After 5p.m. 849-1380 ONE BEDROOM in beauti- fully maintained quiet build- ing in old Oakville. Walk to everything. $800. monthly. Available June lst. No lease. Call 844-6952 SIR RICHARD TOWERS 36 East St., Bronte Spacious 1 8. 2 bedroom apartments. Available immediately. 827-9169 ADMIRAL'S Walk. Bur- loak/ Lakeshore. One bed- room. 1 1/2 baths. ground floor. luxury building. Lake- : front. security. air, pool etc. $7501 month including utili- ‘ties and underground park- ing. No pets, Available now. First/ last. References. 567- 0559 evenings/ leave mes- ' sage. Quiet parkâ€"like setting . For info call: 844-7332 OAKVILLE COURT All three bedroom suites, now rented. How- ever we have large two bedroom suites available in our quiet, well cared for building in downtown Oakville. Indoor parking, pool and saunas. Reasonable leases. For appointment call: 842â€"551 8 ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE 11 Luxurlous Lakefront Apartments For Rent. Oakvllle 2 bedroom - 1346 sq.ft. 2 bedroom - 1615 sq.tt. mm the use of a Worn mmm,lm,m,ï¬w, Illlcl'l'otlul m. Avlcllc lrnmorlotoly Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On- The-Lake THE CANADIANA 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! 'l-Bdnn. (1100 sq.ft.) From $838. ‘ 2-Bdmt. (I425 sq.t‘t.) From $965. 1' Big 20'x26' liv./din.nn *A/C *Fridge, Stove. Dishwasher *Heatcd Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroom *Indoor/Outdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm LARGE UNITS AT REASONABLE RATES Luxury 1 2 bdrm plus dens. Air condi- tioned. sunken liv- ingrooms. fireplaces. pool, sauna, squash court securit . $750. up. Availab e immediately. Call 842-6051 days or 842-1292 or 844- 5219 evenings. PENTHOUSE. (untur- nished). Queen Mary Or. 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. 2 underground parking spots included. 5 appliances. for- mal dining room. breakfast nook. Available May 151. $1 35717. 844-9670 BRONTEILAKESHORE 6- plex 2 bedroom. balcony $750, 1 bedroom $575 lus hydro. Free parking. et- erences 277â€"0509 or 847- 5727. LARGE 1 bedroom plus den or possible second bedroom. Eat in kitchen. on ground floor. in beautifully maintained quiet building, old Oakvtlle. $850. monthly. all inclusive. No lease. Call 844-6952 FAIR RENT GOOD APARTMENTS TERRIFIC LANDLORD Burlin ton luxury 1. 2 and 3 edroom apart- ment homes. Huge in- door swimming pool. air conditioning. two balconies. lake view from some suites. Friendly staff. 639-8583 APARTMENT, basement apartment and rooms for rent in farm house. Upper Middle/9Th Line. 842â€"2854. 842-4104 APARTMENTS in sixplex. in Bronte area. one bedroom._ $630. two bedroom. $730. Available immediately. 847â€"1138. TRAFALGAR/OEW avail- able April and May. Large 2 and 3 bedroom apartments 1 1/2 baths with lakeview in- cluding pool. tennis. excer- cise room. playground. parking. utilities and tan package. 338-5622. ' mm. mm - Exceptionally1 well- maintained i hrise - Hydro include - Outdoor pool Bachelor. 1 bdrm. $551 up 845-9502 BACHELOR apartment. downtown area. $545. monthly. Utilities. parking and washing facilities in- cludred. 849â€"3691 BACHELOR APARTMENT. walk to Go. separate en- trance. utilities and parking included. May lst or June lst. $525. 338â€"9187 BACHELOR basement apanment. Kerr and Spears area. For non-smoking. workin person. First and last. 460. April 15. 338-1774. EIGHT Plex. apartments for rent. one bedroom. $630. two bedroom. $730. Heat, hot water paid. Oakville Place area. 847â€"1138. LARGE two bedroom apart- ment in 6-p‘lex. $675 plus h dro. parking. Available ay ist. Aldershot area. Burlington. Call 637-0944. ONE bedroom. Bronte Har- bour Club. $825/month. No pets. 705-429-8098 or Box 4339. old Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd. Oa‘kville, LSK 384 TWO bedroom basement, bright. high. 4 appliances. yard. parking. 10 minute walk to GO. $700. inclusive. May 1st. 842â€"1567 or 652- 0051. . KERR/Lakeshore area. 1 bedroom apartment in du- plex. Separate entrance. $623. monthly. 632-5690. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realty TWO BEDROOM apart- ment for rent. Fridge stove included. Kerr St. area. Available immediately. 746â€"0675 DOWNTOWN large 1 bed- room basement. separate entrance. parking. laundry. $475/month. 844â€"6447 SPEERS ROAD Luxury Apartments One and two bed- rooms available im- mediately. Air con- ditioning, pool. sauna. 338-3342 OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 3 bedrooms from $875 per month. - 5 ap liances - firep ace - air conditioning - vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included - security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- 5p.m. at: 825-3327 WW3 Plo'llllll uro Luxury 2 8. 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak- ville from $895 per month. .5 appliances ~Fireplace -Broadloom -Vertical blinds Balconies or patios -Storage rooms vSecunty entrance -On-site management -Recreational area -Parking included * Ask about our bonus offer 847-5043 Mgmf. Office 'Umited time only 933993 n-o-rlrius'ir- BASEMENT apartment. Kerr street ares. prefer acn- tleman, non-smoker. ent negotiable. 1345-3299 condominiums for rent THREE bedroom condo. 1 1/2 baths. indoor parking. laundry in suite. $1.100. util- ities included. 338â€"6771. GLEN Abbey Luxury 2 bed- room. 2 baths. 2 parking. Great views. Corner suite. Built-in appliances. Marble bath. $1695. 825â€"0793 LUXURY 2 bedroom pent- house for rent with option to buy. Call John 238-9258 or 238-9156 SOVEREIGN $1125. Panoramic view. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. solarium. in- suite laundry. 5 ap- pliances. Helen Blackmore. Sales Rep. Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp 338â€"9000 TWO bedroom. fridge. stove. dishwasher and utili- ties. has lake view. $950 in- elusive, immediately. park- ing 257â€"0581. BURLINGTON. Luxurious. furnished 1 bedroom condo overtooklng the water. 5 ap- pliances. pool. rec.com- plex. Short or long-term. From $1.095/mo. 632-8354. 632-6189 Ina houses for rent BRICK, 3 bedroom bunga- low. with garage. large yard. Lees Lane, close to schools. fridge. stove. wash- er. $950 plus utilities. 827â€"9248. SMALL 4 bedroom house, 2 baths. 4 eppllenccs. ga- rage. quiet location. close to shopping and schools. Available May 1st. $1275. monthly. Sandy collect 705- 682-2889 between Bam- 4pm THREE BEDROOM 5 ap- pliances. close to schools and shopplng. $1195. monthly. Immediate. Even- ings 827-5231 THREE bedroom bunga- low. main floor. All ap- pliances. garage and park- ing. $1100. inclusive. 844â€"4693 GLEN ABBEY 4 bedrooms. 2850 sq. ft. 2 1/2 bath- rooms. family room Call 847-8364. GLEN Abbey link home. 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths. five appliances. linished base- ment. central vac. $1.300 plus utilities. 847â€"0372. LARGE 25005041. four bed- room home close to Go. minutes to QEW Frank. June 15t.338â€"7059 MCCRANEY/TRAFALGAR area. Lovely detached 2 storey. 4+1 bedrooms. ga- rage. ‘Cul-de-sac". $1200. Call to view 842â€"5383 OEW/ Winston Churchill, semi detached backsplit. 3 bedrooms. central air. 6 ap- pliances. with fully self con- tained 1 bedroom basement apanment with separate en- . trance to help with rent. Cur- rently renting basement for $545/ month. $1250/ month plus utilities. Available im- mediately. Call 631-6902. RENT To Own. Mattamy Chamberlain in prestigious Glen Abbey. 3.160 sq. ft. 4 bedroom. 2 1/2 bathrooms. family room with fireplace. large kitchen and den. 847â€"8364. SIXTH Line area. 3 bed- rooms. semi detached $1.100/monthly plus utilities. Available May |st.. or June lst. Call 844-5441 after 5 pm. townhouses for rent MAIN floor of large 3 bed- room raised ranch bunga- low. Newly linished hard- wood tloors. air condi- tioned. dishwasher. washer, dryer. fireplace. large yard. Immaculate. $l.000 plus util- ities. Double driveway. Southwest. Available May 1st. 827â€"3137. 2-BEDROOM cottage. fire- place. fridge. stove, garage, sunporch. large garden, near lake. $875/month. May 1st. 827-3164. EXECUTIVE! HUGE 3 bed- room with 1 bedroom ln-law suite. 3-1/2 baths. family- room with fireplace. formal dinlng and livlngrooms. double garage. finished rec.room. Many extras. $1800. 333â€"5506. Active Management townhouses for rent THREE bedroom town- house. 4 appliances. minutes to Go. underground parking, walk out to patio. $1.050. Nell 967-7510 days. John 791-0809 evenings. BEAUTIFULLY decorated 3 bedroom townhouse, quiet location. close to schools. shopping and steps from Bronte Harbour. 1 1/2 baths. 5 appliances. central air, vac. inished basement with wet. bar. Available May 1st.. $1.150 plus utilities. 827â€"4491. LARGE 3 bedroom town- house. 1 1/2 baths. eat-in kitchen. finished basement. near lake. $1100. 825-2027. LOVELY 3 bedroom. luxury Glen Abbey townhouse, A ril lst. Please phone 8 5-2790 LUXURIOUS 2.000 plus sq. ft. 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 bathrooms. 5 appliances, air. fireplace. jacuzzi. cathe- dral ceilings. 6 month sub- let. $1400/month. 8455â€"8262 anytime. NEAR Oakville Place. 3 large bedrooms. finished basement. 2 parking spaces. $850.! month plus utilities. 416-875-3449. TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT LOCATED IN NORm BURLINGTON Three bedrooms. en suite. Jacuzzi. powder ' room. broadloom throughout. A/C. fireplace w/heatilator in familyroom. oak cabinetry, 4 appliances. laundry room. 2-car attached ga- rage with electric opener. Fabulous location. For further lnformatlon call Mon. - Fri" 8:30 11.11:. - 5 p.m. REIMER CONSTRUCTION LID. 336â€"8775 VICTORIAN TOWN HT) hit-EST (Comer of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Bedrooms From $875. + utilities FEATURING: *Fireplace *Famrm. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GO/403/QEW a‘ACTlVEs â€"-n-ucr-u-i \IDâ€" Leasing Ofï¬ce, Unit 541 Call 333-1706 LEIGHLAND PARK Glendor Avenue, Burlington NEW . C0-0P TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom - $850/month+ Call 639-1600 6 WEEKS RENT FREE Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 bedroom townhouses. available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- I/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities. indoor parking, . on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000. up + utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. ' Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 LAKESIDE/BURLINGTON. ON-THE-LAKE. Spacious, clean 2-storey. 2 bedrooms. 4 appliances. Starting at $807/mo. First month treat 333-0447. EXECUTIVE! SPACIOUS 2200 sq.tt.. 3 bedrooms, 2- 1/2 baths. 5 appllancos. C/A. garage. fireplace. ta- milyroom. eat-in kitchen. many extras. $1300. 333â€"5506. Active Man- agoment THREE bedroom town- houses. 5 appliances. air conditioning. garage. from $1090 plus hydro. Available immediately. K.C. McCall 338-7482 THREE bedrooms. 5 ap- pliances. central air. close to GO and Oakville Place. May 151. $1250. Frank 338â€"7059 WITH an option to pur- cha-o. will credit 6 months rent toward downpayment. Three bedroom. 1 1/2 bath- rooms. 4 appliances, walk- out to back yard. Upper Midâ€" dle Road Sixth Line area. $950.00 plus utilities. Bryan 897â€"2124 or 823-2096. LUXURY Townhome. Glen Abbey. Bright end unit. 3 bedroom. 5 appliances. air. central vac. yard. garage. Open concept. decorated. on park. school. Available May tst. $1225. plus utili- ties. Andrea 614â€"9134 rooms for rent wanted BASEMENT room with own bathroom and shower. Suitable tor non-smoking fe- male. $450. month. 847â€"6439 BRIDGE RD. Large fun- rished room. own bathroom/ kitchenette. Share TV and laundry. Separate entrance/ parking. First/last. $300. 847â€"6398 BRIGHT furnished base- ment room. Separate en- trance. use of kitchen, share bathroom. $95 week. Non- smoker. Phone 338â€"9088. CLEAN furnished room. near Oakville Place. Sheri- dan College on bus route, Laundry kitchen facilities. Non-smoker. $325. Ken. 842-0789. FOR rent one bedroom un- furnished. Close to Ho- pedale Mall and bus route. Kitchen privileges, washer. dryer. $350. monthly. Avail- able April 1st. Call 827â€"8765. COZY furnished bedroom. East Oakville. Gentleman preferred. Private entrance, air. cable. use of pool. All utilities paid. Available im- mediately. $400/month. 844â€"2111. FURNISHED room. cable. phone outlet. kitchenette. private side entrance. suit quiet working male. non- smoker. 827â€"2446 FURNISHED room. North Oakville. private entrance $290/ month. first/ last re- quired. Call after 5p.m. 338- 5626 FURNISHED, central lo- cation. close to transit. Pre- ter non-smoker. Share bath. laundry. Separate kitchen. immediate. $325/ month. 845â€"8521. LARGE furnished room. Kerr St. area. Kitchen in- cluded. no parking. 845â€"2082. NICE room . quiet, luxuri- ous home. private bath. Kitchen, laundry. parking. female student. equivalent. non-smoker, May lst. 847â€"3604. ROOM in spacious clean house. $3001 month. 5 minute walk to college. Available immediately. (705) 789â€"3688. leave mes- sage ROOM tor rent. $300. Share home. Non-smoker. 622-0211 ask for Michelle. 849â€"6962. SUPERIOR furnished room with two walk-in clos- ets. Shared bath and kitch- en. TV. parking. separate entrance. Close to GO. $90/ week. Call Heather 338- 7492 ROOM in clean basement apartment. Non-smoker. Earking. laundry. Morden oad. Prefer commuter. $250.-285. 844-0304 shared accommodation A MUST SEE! Large luxâ€" ury townhome. River Oaks. One professional person seeking another to share. Sports minded. non smoker clean. $435. inclusive. Call Gary 849â€"6593 4 pm- 9pm . LUXURY apartment. share with 2 other persons. Fe- male preferred, Includes pool. sauna. whirlpool. in- door shopping $350 month includes hydro. near Sher- idan College338â€"9514. SHARE - 4 bedroom con- do. Falgarwood 8th Line. $425/month. all inclusive. Utilities. laundry and more. 827â€"9334 SHARE 3 bedroom townâ€" house. Falgarwcod BTh Line. Parking, laundry. $380 per month. May 1st. 338â€"5966. SHARE three bedroom home. all inclusive. 6th Line/ Riveroaks area. Non- smoking female preferred. Call evenings 338-6179. SINGLE mate has large townhouse to share in Glen Negotiable. Abbey. all inclusive. $400/month, 844â€"8619. leave message SOUTHEAST OakVille. share 3 bedroom. lovely house with professional. Ocâ€" cupancy now. $410! month. both negotiable. Non-smok- ing professional preferred. 567-2683, 844-4650 SPEERS/KERR 3-bedroom luxury apartment to share. Air. sauna. pool. $400. Call or leave message. 338â€"6735. STOP! LOOK' Furnished room. share kitchen, bath- room. leundry facilities. Near Oakvi to Place. $350/month. First 8. last reâ€" quired. Non-smoker preA lerred. 842-3896 IEI: halls lodges KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available for weddings. anniversaries. parties etc. Call for more information 827-1854 alter 3pm vooltlon properties 100 ACRES, $34,000. Good road access. nicely tread + building site. Owner will finance. 507-3107 LAKEFRONT LOTS. Large frontage. maple. birch. rock/sand shoreline. 9 lots to choose from $49,900. 890-4900 rentals outside canada FLORIDAâ€" West Palm area. Private 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. Custom screened pool. $300/week (U.S.)842â€"1801 DISNEY 10 mln.. town- house in family resort. great rates. For brochures call 333-5749 0 snowmobiles fl SKI-DOC. 1988. Formula MX. $3.000. 1988 Formula Plus. $3.900. Both in excel- lent condition. Call Art 825â€"1052 articles for sale 0 "STUFF" FOR SALE Sectional couch w/queen sized pull- out. Blue with hint of pink and grey 2 1/2 years old. Asking $800. Mi- crowave oven. 650 watts. 1.3 cu. ft. of cock- ing space. Rarely used $99.95. Call 257-1166 or 257-2649. ANTIQUE oak dining room set. 4 chairs. pedestal table with leaf. $950. Call 338â€"7201. TRAFALGAR- Upper Midâ€" dle, large furnished room. use of kitchen. bath and laundry. non-smoker. no parking. bus stop. $75 weekly. 844â€"6423. UNFURNISHED bed room and basement apartâ€" ment with separate entrance near Sheridan College. all facilities $350/monthly and $600. monthly 842â€"1551 BRAND new spa. never in- stalled. complete with ac- cessories. $2.000. 842â€"2289 CANAC Kitchen cup- boards. 4 years old. upper and lower. Ideal for house or cottage. Excellent condi- tion. From Hollywood-style kitchen. adaptable for L or U shape. $1.0001best offer. 338â€"1054.