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Oakville Beaver, 17 Jan 1993, p. 22

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LOST â€" Reward. Siamese _cat, Oxlow/Richards area. Answers to Mom. Any information call 844-3431. FOUND - ladies medium size deerskin gloves, yel- low. Automatad bank ma- ghlne, Mac's on Maurice Dr. HELP AVAILABLE tor ADOPTEE/BIRTH FAMILY searches. Call Mickl Mam-0489 EXPERIENCEDcIeaning lady avallable. will do laun- dry and ironing. insured, own transportation. Oakvllle rolerencesleave message. 338-1316. HOUSEKEEPER required immediately. Uve-in or out. Light housekeeping and cooking duties. References required. 847-9889. CLEANING lady, experl- enced, references. own transportation. Monday to Frida . Please call 832- 859 or leave mes- EXPERIENCED full/pan time Cook/Chet, required {or expandln restaurant. Please cal Anthony 825â€"9328 between 11a.m. - 5p.m. ENERGE‘I’IC empty-nester Interested In occasional overnight bah simng. Ret- erences requ red. Please call 607-6704. FULL time live-in house- kee r needed tor alert el- dery gentleman who re- quires some physbcal assis- tance‘ Located In newly renovated house north of Oakville hospital. CaII Jane EUROPEAN, experienced cleaning lady available. Ex- cellent references. Own transportation. Any week- day available. 847â€"2350. WEIGHT MONITOR-Lose up to 1 pound per da by using 100% natural he | products. Nurse 842-2500. EXTREMELY successful Foenlleman. young. lonely ooking for that special someone Must be under 30. slim. attractive. enjo finer mm 5 ln Iile Replywn letter/ p 010: Box # 4313 clo Oakville Beaver. 467 firs Rd, LSK 3S4 |Toronto, Ontailo M5W 1P9 Tru'st Investments _.0. Box 7500, _StAtlgn A All claims against the Estate of Thomas leaun Chambers, of 0/0 Life Care Centre.‘ Lyons Lane, Oakville, Ontario, who died on‘ or about December 11, 1992. must be filed with undersigned on or before January 29, 1%93égfter which date the Estate will be dis- tri ut . 521:] lost Mound _Royal :l'ljust Qorpog-atlon of Canada Not here but direct sales experience com- bined with solid closing ability will earn you a better than average income. while you work less than average hours Leads supplied. Local office. If you enjoy meeting new peo- ple and are motivated to market a superior product, let's talk Call Mr. Courtney at: 338-7352 (leave message) Select View Option Self-Directed Portfolios Flexible Membership Options When romance 6mm tfie most important part (Jyaur fife, Caram- can mak; it fiappen! Burlington (416) 335â€"0488 Ham(416)570-8783 Oakviflg (416) 852-8396 Torgntg (4719796153283 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS GET RICH QUICK ??? TersonaI {Preference [Program [flammam -salsshdpagents Kitéhen'er/Cambridge (519) '658i2134 Progressive, expandlng local _ 90mpany_needs Telemai'keters Full Part Time Friendly casual atmosphere. Hourly and_bonuses. CaHConnnaat 844â€"7601 Exclusively for unattached adults we' ” ’CAN "HELP YOU...CALL CONFIDEN- TIALLY vouns 338-7023 LOST- dark grey white tab- by. female, spayed. de- cawed. Any intormation. gllye "qu dead. Reward. 842-5782 PHE: DIVORCE/ SEPA- RATION ASSISTANCE. Alone. scared. tearing the uncenainties ahead. I offer my experience. (10 yrs.). knowledfe/ suppon. As a woman understand how stresslul emotional life becomes. 151 1/2 hr. FREE. LOST - TabbK cat. colour greyl black. w ite stomach, paws and partial face. 7 years old. 7-9 unds. Hos- pflal area. award $100 . 338â€"2678. EXPERIENCED woman available immediately to care for children, seniors. housekeeping. cooklng. Relerences. non-smoker. 842â€"9952. EUROPEAN cleaning lad available. Experlence . Own transportation. Call 844-0821. EXPERIENCED, IN- SURED cleaning lady with own transponation. Call 829-5478. leave message. PROFESSIONAL house cleaning. medical offices done by experienced Eu- ropean ady. Excellent ref- erences irom Toronto. 338-9295. EXPERIENCED cleaning lady available. Monday to Saturda . Own transporta- tion. Cal 338â€"2827 CLEANING sexvlce. Houses and apartments. References. Own transpor- mtlon. 279-9487 [31:13] last 5 found Tailored to Your Needs. Free Estimates. Call Pauline Housmamrs Housecleaning 336-5687 “WMP VACATIONING? Worried about your dog? Leave your pet with me for a dog's vacation away from home; Over 25 years loving and caring for dogs. Expenise With medical problems. dail $288215 lglrgeffggceg yar . a us 0 . eserve now. 38â€"1969. RESPONSIBLE teenage girl lwoman to walk 2 dogs twice a day. 1/2 hours each time. Monda to Friday. 6:30am. and :30p.m. lor 3 month period. West of Third Line near Kin s College. $20. per ay. Call 827-3348. GENERAL Carpentr . ~Home Renovallons -Ad I- tions -Basemams ~Kitchens -Bathrooms. Drywall, paint- ing. flooring. Quality work- manship. aflordable rates. Canadic 845â€"1966 REMO Carpentry, finish work. doors. baseboards. rec rooms. etc. Free esti- mates. Reasonable rates. 822â€"6086 CONTRACTOR- renova- tions and additions, wrpen- try. roofing. docks, painflng. Quality work guarantee . Free estimates. Ziggy 271- FLOOHMASTEHS Har- wood Floor installation, sanding, staining. repairs. Low Prices 10 years ex- perience. Call 271-7491 GARAGE DOOR OPEN- ERS $159.00. Sales. Serv- ice. Installation available. 257-0030. 875-8564 WINTER Special 315"". All forms of carpentry. Home improvements. painl- ing. wallpaperi ‘ 15 years experience. 84 â€"5906 CABINETmaker/designer for kitchens, bathrooms 8. turniture. |8 years experi- ence Reasonable. Call Chuck 823-5047 CHELSEY Construction. Specializing in: Finishing Basements. Bathrooms. Palnting, Home Additions. Archltactural Moulding. John Raposo, Burlington. 254-8614 GENERAL ‘_Carpe_nt_r; IT'S A GIRL CZACH â€" Margaret and Thomas are leased to announce the birth of their first chil , Caro- line Julia on January 14, 1993 at Oakville-Traâ€" falgar Memorial Hospital wehifhirg 8 lbs. 8 025. First rand child for Mr rs tanley Czech and r Mrs Adolf Szuleka. Many thanks to grilifirfize, Dr. Kunica and the obs. nurses at VATIONS Bmhrooms. Ce- ramic tllln . Drywall, Paint- ing, Woo work. Carpeting. Open Weekends. Free as- timates. Call Alex 842-9976 _ IT'S A BOY SLASOR â€" Jeremy and Janet are pleased to announce the early arrival of their son Jeffrey Scott on December 10, 1992. Proud grandpar- ents are George and Colleen Slasor and Doug and Shirley Scott, all of Oakville. A first reat- grandchild for Esme Imbusch. A special t ank- you to Dr. Brown and Dr. Amankwah of Wom- en's College Hospital and Dr. Pyle, Dr. Krejco- éarfifld the Special Care Nursery staff at ALEXANDEH'S RENO- SILVESTRI â€" Nino and Pat (nee Vanini) thank God for the safe arrival of Dana Mer- cedes born January 6, 1993, weighin 8 lbs. 10 1/2 025. Little suster for Mara and drew. Proud grandparents are Evdo and Flora Vanini and Giovanni and Antonina Silvestri. Many thanks to Dr. T. Goldenberg and the L D nurs- ing staff at O.T.M.H. OGDEN/ GALVAN â€" Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Ogden of Hartfield, Virginia announce the en- %agement of their daughter Susan Stalter gden to Joseph Anthony Galvan son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro F. Galvan of Washington, D.C. Miss Ogden attended St. Mildred's School, Middlesex High School, Saluda, Vir inia and graduated from Georgia Southern niversity. he is employed by the Globe Ticket and Label Company as area sales representative for Baltimore- Washington area. The graspecfive groom graduated from West- ern igh Schoo, Washin ton D.C. and at- tended Brevard College in orth Carolina. He is an international specialist for Thomas Cook Travel. An April 17th wedding is planned at St. Mark‘s Episcopal Church. Washington, D.C. JINKS, Mary - In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who passed away January 16, 1992. Take her in Thine arms, dear Lord, And ever let her be A messenger of love Between our hearts and Thee. Lovingly remembered by Gail, Gary and family. LII“ home improvements house petsitfing CUSTOM MADE uphol- stery. drapery. bedding, Hunter Douglas blinds ac- cessories. Free esfimates installation. 333â€"4025 tablished happy home day- care has lulHime openings lor toddlers. preschoolers. Experienced, reliable. Fle- cel ts. references. Upper Mi dIe/Sixth Line. 844â€"7729 PIANO, Guitar. Or an, Vio- lin, Vocal, Theory. armony Lessons. Teachers. Master Bachelor De ree R.C.M. exams 897-18g8 CHILCAHE WOES? Es- LEAFIN MUSIC in your own home, with experi- enced teacher of piano and theorx.‘ Call Penny Humph- ADVANCE MOVING a. Stor- age (853 Pianos). Flea- sonable rates- Seniors 5% discount. Piano specialists. Free estimates. 333-1933 Burlington or 842-8199 Oakville. ANNE'S EXPERT Wallpa- pering-painting decorat- lng. Reasonable rates. For tree estimates call. 639- 0893 LARGE truck or van, two re- liable, experienced men. SSS/hour. Movin and De- livery. Free stimates. 274â€"4523. BUDGET MOVERS. 2 men. $40/hr. Includes g_as. equipment. mileae e.in- surance. Free estmales, Local/ long distance. 829-2320. 24' and 17' trucks with two men‘. $42 /hour. 3 men 552/ hour. Insured. 847-1378. EXPERIENCED in Car- pentry and Electrical. Small Jobs welcome. Rec Room Renovations, an size. Free Estimates. Call2 9â€"4891. II] childcare available music, dance, drama instruction moving a storage upholstery cei ts, ram 82 2125 EXPERIENCED Mom of!- ers quality daycare in my smoke-tree home. Full/part time. River Oaks. Raoelpts. 844â€"1373 LOVING childcare avail- able in my home. All ages welcome. Mordan Dorval area. 845-2761 LOVING, reliable daycare in my home. 6mths plus. Sherwood Heights. re- ceipts, references if needed. EXPERIENCED and re"- able daycare. ages 2 plus. Nutritious meals. 81h Line/Upper Middle area. Close to SI Marguerite's and Sheridan. 844-3146 FULL -TIIIE space availâ€" able. 15 yrs experience. E.C.E. background. Croa- tive play program. family en- virqnmgm: kating,lib[ary. NANNYI Housekeeper. 2 boys. live-in/ out. Central Etobiooke. short bus to subâ€" wa . Driver, non-smoker. 23 -1726 garks. References Ireceipts. I. John/ Sunnin dale schools‘ McCranay I. I0- cetlon. 849â€"3918. EXPERIENCED caregiver available full/ part time. Happy and fun atmosphere for our child. Call 257â€"0 13 NANNY wanted for child- care and Ii ht housework. Mon. Tues. urs. Call after 9 pm. 338-3312 LIVE-IN nann needed for famiiy in Oakv: le. Stan Fe- brugry 1st. Previous ex- enence necessary. .lease call 842-2319 MATURE . res onsible, ex- perienced live- n Nann re- quired August 1993 or 5 gear old glrl one year old Send resume. rel- erences to Box#4312, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 §peers Rd., Oakville L6K ARE you Interested in spending your days havlng fun with two handsome males. I! you want to live with us stanlng March, are non-smoking. call our Mom 847â€"0577 THE LITTLE SGHOLAR PRESCHOOL 186 Morrison Rd. East Oakville 849-3878 has openings in its 2, 3 or 5 (half day pro- rams) a 9521051/2 ears. iso in est Oakvil e under the name Springbank Nursery School. Enrollments being accepted for children ages 2 to 5 1/2 years. Call825-3433 OR Schoolaged care - West Oakvilie. Call Barb 825-3433 Reliable, mature. loving caregiver required for busy 21/2 year old and 7 month old. Live-out position, Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm. Some light housekeeping required. Good command of the English language necessary. Will consider mom who wants to bring one child along, ideally, as a play_mate for our 2 year old.__ m nursery schools 32mm wanted “mm mm If on can fix it clean it or uild it, classxfied can advertise it! j] childam walkable Call 847-3168 after 6pm. Get customers' attention and their business with classified's For advertising information, call 845-2809 Classified Advertising Department NANNY RELIABLE person. my home. 2 boys 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 3 days/week. 2:30 - 8230 825â€"1973. EXPERIENCED Nanny. responsible. honest. pleas- ant. conscientious worker. Good English required. No evenin s/ weekends. 847â€"5 Bevenings MATURE rellable person wanted to look after 6 month old, full flme. River Oaks 257â€"1706 DAVCAHE wanted in my East Oakville home, begin- ning March. Ratarences f9- quired. 829â€"4907, or 829- NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER required Immediately live- in, experienced, references. must be ¢.aring. energetic and creative. Mississauga area. Call 6:30 pm. to 10:00 pm.. 567â€"8196. CAHEGIVER required In my home part time (days) to babysit 2 chlldnan. Location Ford Drivel Kingsway alea. Please call 829â€"4674. EXPERIENCED reliable full or pan time daycare available. River Oaks. ref- erences. 849â€"7067. NANNY, live-in or out for 2 boys. age 5 school half days) and 1. ight house- keepin . Separate quar- ters. Fexible and caring family. 847â€"0658 (evan- lln‘gs)_ 243-3600 ext. 2600 FILIPINO NANNlES/ Moth- er's Helpers available Im- mediately. Call Maid In The Phllllppines, 849-0078 BOOKKEEPING and Con- sulting Services lor small and medium-sized busi: nesses. Will assist with start-up. MBA with 5 years at auditing experi- ence‘ Cali Steve after 6 p.m. 338â€"1785 or leave message. m Business il] childcare avallabla childcare wanted INDEX REAL ESTATE houses for sale .............. townhouses for sale ...... apartments/condos for sale. farms for sale. rent wante .. out-of-town properties ...... property outside Canada. housing wanted... lots acreages... investment/business properties. industrial/commercial space... office business space ....... stores for sale. rent wante . business opportunities ..... mortgage. loans ............... RENTALS apartments flats for rent ...... apartments flats wanted condomiums for rent.... houses for rent ....... townhouses for rent... housing wanted to rent. rooms for rent wanted ...... room board available wanted. shared accommodation.... retirement living halls lodges ...... LEISURE LIVING vacation properties ........... rentals outside Canada. mobile homes parks. campers. trailers. sites. campers, trailers. camping equipme sports equipment. boats supplies... snowmobiles... pools supplies. resorts. camps. travel. hobbies .. women 5 column... MERCHANDISE market basket ..... articles for sale. articles wanted. craft sales ..... garage/yard s auctions, sales... firewood ........... Christmas trees antiques art.. baby needs ...... industrial equipment. computer/video... t.v.. radio. stereo. musical instrument pets. supplies ......... horses livestock.. kennels/boarding hay feed.... photography. swap trade... tickets for events... AUTOMART cars for sale ........ cars wanted. trucks for sale.. trucks wanted. vans, 4-wheel driv sports cars ....... antique cars. motorcycles ..... auto parts supplies repairs auto leasing. rentals ..... auto care... garage st HELP WANTED career training ............................ career counselling resumes careers ............................. employment agencies... general help .................. skilled 8. technical help. computer/data processing office help ..................... sales help agents... hospital. medical, denta hotel/restaurant... teaching opportun part-time help ............. domestic help wanted domestic help available pan-time seasonal help volunteers .................. employment wanted .......... COMMUNITY NOTICES tenders ......... legal notices. public notices births .......... adoptions... engagemen s... forthcoming marriages. marriages ......... anniversaries deaths ........ obituaries... in memoriam .. cards of thanks. funeral directors. cemetery plots. announcements coming events. personals... birthdays ....... business personals. amusements. clubs. companions ......... liaison services. transportation ava . lost found ......................................... SERVICES home improvements ...... household services. handyman .................. painting decorating. moving storage... drapes. upholstery. dressmaking. tailoring flooring. carpeting .......... gardening, supplies 8. landscaping snow removal ......... catering... rentals ..... house petsttting music. dancing dramatic instruction private tuitions/schools nursery schools... childcare available. childcare wanted ........ nannies. available wanted driving schools ..... insurance.......... business services . professional directory. chartered accountants... tax financial directory. 1700 ,701 ,705 .71 0 71 5 720 725 730 .735 740 1745 750 751 755 760 765 770 775 780 785 790 791 792 793 794 650 655 660 665 870 675 680 685 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 200 205 21 0 21 5 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 300 310 315 319 320 ‘325 330 335 400 405 41 0 41 5 420 425 ‘430 435 345 350 355 360 365 370 371 372 373 375 380 385 450 455 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 500 501 505 507 510 515 520 525 530 535 550 555 560 565 570

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