Page 16, News, Tuesday, February 25, 1992 Terrace Bay skaters head to Thunder Bay Intrepid snowmobiler: trail fees and permits provide benefits to snowgoers continued from page 12 and to respect the landowner's property. Since the permission applies only to the snowmobiles of club members, other sleds and vehicles such as ATV's are trespassing aand thereby jeop- ardize the club's permission agreement with the land owner. Local OFSC wardens patrol their trails in an effort to curb these violators and to protect the land owner's rights and property. Unlike other provinces and states, the OFSC trail system is user funded. This system has the advantage of not relying on the whim of government sup- port and subsidy, but is vulner- able to the abuse of users who refuse to pay their own way. Yet the quality and survival of both our local and province- wide trail system is directly dependent on OFSC trail per-- mit sales. Fortunately, this per- mit fee is the best winter recre- ation value in the province! You can snowmobile for the entire OFSC winter for a mere $65.00 (GST included, $55.00 if purchased prior to December TERRACE BAY BOY SCOUTS BEER BOTTLE/CAN PICK-UP if anyone has beer bottles/cans that they wish to donate anytime to the Scouts, please contact one of the following: Dave Kaizer - 3689 Warren Pearen - 3547 Dan Boucher - 9661 Karen Ramsay - 9469 | he - TERRACE BAY, SCHREIBER | LIONS CLUB CANADA 1992 1992 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN MARCH 23 - APRIL 14 TARGET: $2500.00 15, 1991)! Compare that to a day of downhill skiing. What about a whole season's cost? And the permit fee allows you unlimited access not only to our local trail system, but also to virtually every other snow- mobile trail in the province. So you can go where there's snow at no extra cost. That's some deal, dollar for dollar the best around. And that's not all. You will receive the local "The permit fee allows you unlimit- ed access not only to our local trail system, but also every other snow- mobile trail in the province. So you can go where there's snow."' | 22 ae RN TR trail map and newsletters detailing club social activities and events. In addition, the OFSC trail permit includes five copies of "Ontario Snowmobil- er" ($2.50 each at the new- stand), a magazine reporting on (INCOME TAX Personal Business Rental D. Falzetta 825-9471. snowmobiling news and activi- ties. And to help plan your snowmobiling vacation, yoiu will be sent the Ontario Snow- mobile Trails Atlas ($9.95) with maps of all provincial OFSC trails. If you're keeping track, that's $22.45 of value from your $65.00 permit fee and you still haven't hit the trails! When you do, remember the priceless reason for buying an OFSC trail permit this year. Your own safety. Trail riding is he safest way to snowmobile and OFSC trails are cleared, groomed, marked, and signed. Moreover, your permit fee also includes liability insurance so that both club and member are covered during club acitivty. Exercising proper driving skills and caution, you and your fam- ily or friends can sled safely this winter, while your OFSC membership fee is contributing to the growth and safety of snowmobiling both at home and throughout Ontario. The more OFSC members there are, the less room there -- will be for the mavericks. And those old clunkers of mine will stay put. With me just tinkering The Terrace Bay Figure skating club entered 31 skaters in the Interclub Competition it hosted early last month. They took home six gold medals, seven sil- ver medals, and ten fourth place rib- bons. Twelve skaters will be participating in the Thunder Bay Open March 6-8. EDUCATION - THE KEY TO TOMORROW USC Canada sponsors high school scholarships, literacy classes for men, women and working children, and builds and repairs school classrooms. 2 Gt OO ee ee ee Se a ee oe Oe nom) = a5 |8 «4 Os 3 - Os: 2 Sad ae a yy Vo b=) oO ns 5 5 = § Oo S = og - -- a tie F 25 _ bo} : o © @ e |8 28 % o & Ss s€ eo a < = ge = = = mee) ¢ 2x : 32 es = Las = ex 3 as > Ew HRYSs 3 cz So s 26 =e nO A = sa °o es (oe -- 2 a as zQ 2 ~ ss 8 a "ASE = 20 § 3 8 8 Se * ra § > = <3 a = s£22 3 2 CLEAN OUT THE SKELETONS IN YOUR CLOSET WITH AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS "!|! Let's face its. Everybody has-something in their closets { that they'd rather forget. Like that real bargain you picked up at the rug auction only to find it was the wrong size for your living room...or that wxercise bike that hasn't seen the light of day since the automobile Saal Be * at A an 5 af ee ey eas Gi a : 4 Rather than forget them, why not turn all those "unmentionables" into instant cash with an attention- - getting ad in The Clasifieds? fin Your closet will thank you for it and your spouse " was invented! too!